Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

In OTL Turkey mobilized 1.3 million not very well equipped soldiers and 43 divisions in 1941, a massive increase from the 22 infantry division equivalents they planned on mobilizing as late as 1937. Not very well as in the country had 730,000 rifles, 5,000 machine guns of which 3,000 lacked spares and 19,000 light machine guns in 1939 to which French deliveries added 25,000 rifles, 1,250 machine guns and 5,000 light machine guns after the start of the war to arm them. TTL it has inherited fewer arms from the Ottomans...
I guess the Germans can afford providing the same light equipment as the OTL French. Perhaps it will be missed by the third rate reserve german divisions. The Italians theoretically could provide it as well, but after the material losses in Abyssinia and SCW, saner minds could prevail.

The big question is the artillery. This is something that Germany cannot provide in great quantity, not without fatally weakening the Heer reserve divisions.

What is your current estimation on the Turks' ability on equipping their divisions with artillery?
I guess the Germans can afford providing the same light equipment as the OTL French. Perhaps it will be missed by the third rate reserve german divisions. The Italians theoretically could provide it as well, but after the material losses in Abyssinia and SCW, saner minds could prevail.

The big question is the artillery. This is something that Germany cannot provide in great quantity, not without fatally weakening the Heer reserve divisions.

What is your current estimation on the Turks' ability on equipping their divisions with artillery?

I don't think Germany could afford to do so.

This is Nazi Germany. "Erschwinglich" hat nichts zu bedeuten. ["Afford" doesn't mean anything.]
It does if it means it's own troops don't have equipment. Don't forget a lot of the German used anything they got to equip themselves first as they couldn't make enough of their own stuff.
A lot of people are assuming that the Battle for France will more or less go as OTL which I really don't see happening. Germanies original battle plan was Schlieffen Plan 2.0 and it was only after a German aircraft crashed during a storm in January 1940 in Belgium with ALL THE LUFTWAFFE"S PLANS and Manstein managing to get a private meeting with Hitler to personally convince him of the Ardennes offensive while being transferred from the Western to Eastern Front. It is a lot of low probability things happening that 20 years after the POD just wouldn't happen as they did historically anymore.

Now author fiat can still say a different aircraft on a different flight crash lands somewhere else in Belgium and Manstein meets with Hitler at a different time to more or less get OTL but if the idea is to position Greece as strongly as possible than France becoming a 6 month slog that sees large parts of the navy, air force and government evacuate to Algiers and continue to fight against a Germany that has now lost 10x the men and materiel of OTL would do the trick nicely. Now Germany doesn't have the spare men and materiel to prop up Italy and the Balkans. If Italy joins as France collapses as OTL now North Africa gets invaded from east and west simultaneously; which leads to Italy allying with Turkey to take over Greece to regain some prestige and life goes from there with a separate Mediterranean war between Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria vs France, Britain, and Greece.
A lot of people are assuming that the Battle for France will more or less go as OTL which I really don't see happening. Germanies original battle plan was Schlieffen Plan 2.0 and it was only after a German aircraft crashed during a storm in January 1940 in Belgium with ALL THE LUFTWAFFE"S PLANS and Manstein managing to get a private meeting with Hitler to personally convince him of the Ardennes offensive while being transferred from the Western to Eastern Front. It is a lot of low probability things happening that 20 years after the POD just wouldn't happen as they did historically anymore.

Now author fiat can still say a different aircraft on a different flight crash lands somewhere else in Belgium and Manstein meets with Hitler at a different time to more or less get OTL but if the idea is to position Greece as strongly as possible than France becoming a 6 month slog that sees large parts of the navy, air force and government evacuate to Algiers and continue to fight against a Germany that has now lost 10x the men and materiel of OTL would do the trick nicely. Now Germany doesn't have the spare men and materiel to prop up Italy and the Balkans. If Italy joins as France collapses as OTL now North Africa gets invaded from east and west simultaneously; which leads to Italy allying with Turkey to take over Greece to regain some prestige and life goes from there with a separate Mediterranean war between Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria vs France, Britain, and Greece.
If my memory serves me right France also fought on in lascaris other timeline
A lot of people are assuming that the Battle for France will more or less go as OTL which I really don't see happening. Germanies original battle plan was Schlieffen Plan 2.0 and it was only after a German aircraft crashed during a storm in January 1940 in Belgium with ALL THE LUFTWAFFE"S PLANS and Manstein managing to get a private meeting with Hitler to personally convince him of the Ardennes offensive while being transferred from the Western to Eastern Front. It is a lot of low probability things happening that 20 years after the POD just wouldn't happen as they did historically anymore.
It wasn't a Storm, but fogbanks and the pilot getting lost. It also wasn't "ALL THE LUFTWAFFE'S PLANS", but instead just the plans for 7. Flieger-Division (later renamed to 1st Parachute Division) carried by the Major in charge of their supply. Since they had a major role in the attack, they were damaging, but not the entire thing.

It is debated how much the Mechelen Incident really altered the plans. Hitler was already iffy on the whole thing, and had called off the invasion multiple times before (and would likely have even if the plane crash had not happened due to the weather). Mannstein could easily have convinced Hitler without it. Especially as by the that time the Germans were convinced the plans had been destroyed instead of being captured I believe.
Well could Romania and Yugoslavia hold back the axis for a long enough time to safe Greece from the worst ?
In the case of Romania, you need them first to be willing to fight in 1939-40. Which means either Carol growing a spine (not very likely) or Carol not returned to the throne and someone like Maniu being in power come 1940. Which brings us to the obvious question... why the events in question would be affected TTL?

When the Soviets and Germans are hashing out their sphere of influence for TTL's Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, the fate of the straights is likely to come up. Stalin would certainly be paranoid about Bosphorus being in Axis hands.
He is also paranoid about the Bosporus being in allied hands. Basically he is Stalin. He is paranoid about everything.

I guess the Germans can afford providing the same light equipment as the OTL French. Perhaps it will be missed by the third rate reserve german divisions. The Italians theoretically could provide it as well, but after the material losses in Abyssinia and SCW, saner minds could prevail.

The big question is the artillery. This is something that Germany cannot provide in great quantity, not without fatally weakening the Heer reserve divisions.

What is your current estimation on the Turks' ability on equipping their divisions with artillery?
ATL Turkey
210 mm K39
203mm Soviet
150mm K39
Skoda 150mm
15cm SFH 13
152mm Soviet
15cm sFHb 98
mortar 150mm
122mm Soviet
gun 120mm
howitzer 120mm
107mm Japanese
105mm SK18
100mm K14
4.5in QF
Skoda 105mm
105mm LFH98 & lFH16
Ger 105mm mtn
105mm mountain Krupp
Krupp 75mm new
Bofors 75mm
Skoda 75mm
Mtn Krupp 75mm
Krupp 75mm

No comments on Turkish artillery in 1939... or infantry equipment either.

It does if it means it's own troops don't have equipment. Don't forget a lot of the German used anything they got to equip themselves first as they couldn't make enough of their own stuff.
Turkey has an advantage when it comes to arms experts that like Romania has something of actual value to the German war industry in our case lots of chromite. That said German arms exports to Turkey or anyone else as seen in OTL are necessarily limited. At a minimum the Turks should be able to get the exports that went in OTL to Greece... if they can pay for it.

Now author fiat can still say a different aircraft on a different flight crash lands somewhere else in Belgium and Manstein meets with Hitler at a different time to more or less get OTL but if the idea is to position Greece as strongly as possible than France becoming a 6 month slog that sees large parts of the navy, air force and government evacuate to Algiers and continue to fight against a Germany that has now lost 10x the men and materiel of OTL would do the trick nicely. Now Germany doesn't have the spare men and materiel to prop up Italy and the Balkans. If Italy joins as France collapses as OTL now North Africa gets invaded from east and west simultaneously; which leads to Italy allying with Turkey to take over Greece to regain some prestige and life goes from there with a separate Mediterranean war between Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria vs France, Britain, and Greece.
The Germans were probably moving away from Schlieffen 2.0 already independent of the Mechelen incident, if anything the incident itself potentially led to the attack being launched immediately. That said differences are already showing up...

If you are speaking about the Guns of Lausanne, I remember that was a general evacuation to North Africa in the FFO vein.
There was. Of course in OOC terms the presence of FFO puts an interesting conudrum to any plans for France fighting on, without slavishly copying it...

It is debated how much the Mechelen Incident really altered the plans. Hitler was already iffy on the whole thing, and had called off the invasion multiple times before (and would likely have even if the plane crash had not happened due to the weather). Mannstein could easily have convinced Hitler without it. Especially as by the that time the Germans were convinced the plans had been destroyed instead of being captured I believe.
I'm inclined towards not considering Mechelen pivotal myself, or even Manstein pivotal, his post-war memoirs like that of every leading German general should be taken with a grain of salt the size of a mountain...
There was. Of course in OOC terms the presence of FFO puts an interesting conudrum to any plans for France fighting on, without slavishly copying it...
I personally feel there could be an interesting secondary Levantine front replacing the African front in a FFO scenario with Axis Turkey. Pressing through the Taurus would be a very visible way of providing help to the Soviet Union by threatening to cut off the Caucasus Front, something that would be more directly visible in inter-allied cooperation.
@Lascaris, thank you for the detailed reply and excellent table!

So, when it comes to medium field artillery (105-114mm), Turkey has 287 guns and when it comes to light field artillery, 419. In total, they have 706 guns. That is 32 guns per division for a 22 division army and 16 per division for a 43 division army.
A little question on architecture. I just remembered I read somewhere that the iconic blue roofs and shining white walls of many habitations across the Aegean sea were a product of Metaxas regulations era as a possible reference to the colors of the Greek flag, though it is not clear to me and that before that, colors were far diverse and went well into the various shades of ochre.
Is there any similar move ITTL?
Part 45
Lubyanka prison, Moscow, June 3rd, 1937

Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky, was shot to the back of the head and his body thrown to an unmarked grave. The previous day he had been condemned by the Soviet supreme court, for supposed treason, Trotskyism and collusion with foreign secret agents, accusations to which he had supposedly confessed, the oddity when dealing with NKVD torturers interrogators would had been not confessing to anything they might have wanted. It was just the beginning of the purges launched by Stalin to secure his absolute control of the Soviet Union against any challenge fictional or real. By the end of 1938 nearly 700,000 people would be executed. Yet more would be imprisoned, with many of them dying there, Boris Pasternak and Osip Mandelstam would become the best remember victims of the gulags but the death toll within the prison system would reach close to 200,000.

Swan Hunter shipyards, July 1937

HMS Anson the first battleship of its class was laid down. Back in January Britain had laid their first two battleships of the King George V class to be armed with 9 15in guns each. Then with international tensions keeping to increase a supplementary budget to lay down three more battleships in 1937 had been approved. That had put the admiralty into something of a conundrum as Italy, France and the United States had all laid down ships armed with 16in guns and so was also expected of Japan although preciously little detail was coming out of it. An evolution of the King George V with 9 16in guns had been actually designed and by happy coincidence a suitable gun and mount was also available thanks to the pair of mounts built for the Greek battleship Salamis a couple of years earlier. Thus while the first of the additional ships would be built as a King George V increasing the total number of ships to three, the last two battleships laid in 1937 would be instead the 16in evolutionary design. Thought was already being given into the ships of the 1938 program...

China, July 1937

On and off skirmishing between China and Japan was ongoing since the Japanese had conquered Manchuria in the fall of 1931. But Manchuria was apparently not enough for Japan as it now launched a new invasion of China. But this time the Chinese fought back. What begun as one more land grab on the Japanese part soon escalated into all out invasion of China...

Brunete, August 17th, 1937

80,000 Republican troops supported by 100 tanks and 200 aircraft attacked in hoped of relieving Madrid only to be beaten back by the Nationalists after two weeks of fighting. But Madrid still fought on.

France, August 1937

An order for 80 more Loire-Nieuport LN-161 fightesr was placed increasing total orders to 130. But while LN-161 appeared to be very promising, even more so its LN-165 evolution which was competing with Dewoitine's D.520 for France's follow up fighter French aircraft industry was still lagging behind. LN-161 was not yet into series production, while the German Bf-109B and the Soviet I-16 were already in action in Spain and the British Hawker Hurricane expected to enter service by the enf of the year. And if anything the French bomber situation was even worse...

Madrid, September 10th, 1937

Madrid fell, as the last of the 45,000 Republican soldiers defending it were forced to surrender. They had held for more than three months, far more than anyone had expected when the Nationalists had launched their second assault on the city in the aftermath of the Republican defeat in Brunete. But with the relief attempt at the second battle of Brunete failing any last hope of saving the capital had gone. The defenders had still fought on for ten more days before finally the their last remnants finally gave up. Madrid had proved a meat-grinder costing the Nationalists 44,000 casualties. It would take several months for the Nationalists to be able to resume the offensive. But Madrid was now in their hands.

Asturias, October 7th, 1937

The war in the north of Spain came to an end in full Nationalist victory. Bilbao had already fallen from June but the Republicans had still managed to hold on for four more months before the final Nationalist offensive in August had managed to finish them off.

Yugoslavia, October, 1937

Since his accession to power in December 1935 Milan Stojadinovic had followed a set of policies decidedly alarming to Yugoslavia's allies. In December 1936 he had refused the proposals initiated by France to extend the little Entente, with Romania and Czechoslovakia to foreign power instead of solely Hungary openly telling French envoys that Yugoslavia was too dependent on German trade to contemplate conflict with Germany, while at the same time continuing to increase his country's economic dependence upon Germany. Then in January he had signed a treaty of friendship with Bulgaria, threatening Greece and Romania that his country would outright leave the Balkan Entente if they failed to agree to the treaty. And while the treaty itself might sound innocuous, information had soon reached the Greek army's 2nd Bureau from contacts within the Yugoslav army that Stojadinovic had actually offered the Bulgarians splitting Greek Macedonia between the two countries, with Thessaloniki going to Yugoslavia. Then in April 1937 Stokadinovic had received count Ciano in Belgrade and signed a treaty of friendship with Italy weakening Yugoslavia's ties with her existing allies further yet. Then pursuant to the new treaty with Italy he had begun pursuing a concordat with the Vatican. But when that had been brought before parliament it had nearly caused an outright revolt among its Serb members and the Serb Orthodox church. Stojadinovic had then withdrawn it in hopes of not losing his popularity in Serbia only to lose support in both Serbia and Croatia as a result.

By now prince Paul was starting to fear about his own position in the country both from Stojadinovic himself who was giving clear signs of hoping to emulate Mussolini and from the most radical of his opponents as there had been movements within the Serb dominated army for a coup during the concordat crisis, while the tilt of Yugoslav policy towards the axis was also highly questionable to the regent who was generally pro British and pro Greek. Yet Paul was not a decisive man personally. Pressured both from within the country and from Venizelos and the British and French governments outside he avoided a direct confrontation with his prime minister. But now on his advice Aca Stanojevic brought the entirety of the Serb Radical party in the anti-government coalition being formed by the new leader of the Croatian peasant part Vladko Macek. Stojadinovic undeterred start preparing an official visit to Rome for December. After all the next election was not due till December 1939.

Agioi Saranda, Greece, November 13th, 1937

The first train of the Epirote line of the Hellenic State railways reached the little port city. Starting from Athens the train, carrying prime minister Eleutherios Venizelos for the inauguration of the line had taken nearly a day going from Athens to Larisa from there to Kalambaka, throught the Metsovon pass to Ioannina and from there the Agioi Saranda without even counting the necessary stops for speeches in Metsovo and Ioannina. For a 73 year old like Venizelos is was certainly an exhaustive ordeal but the prime minister appeared to be in good spirits throughout it.

Poland, November 1937

The prototype PZL P.53 took to the air for the first time powered by a 860hp Hispano-Suiza 12Y-31 engine. An inline engined variant of the P.50 fighter of Zygmunt Pulawski that had first flown back in August, the aircraft was the result of Pulawski's insistence on using inline engines despite the air force's preference for radials. Even though P.53 would reach 537 km/h to P.50s 500 km/h the P.50 had already been selected for production with an order for 300 aircraft, but Pulawski had enough pull to be allowed to continue developing P.53 in parallel, after all both the Greeks who were producing the earlier P.24 under licence and the Yugoslavs who were discussing the purchase of 20 PZL.37 bombers and a licence for more had already shown interest. At least P.50 had come at an opportunate moment. Unlike Dabrowski's PZL.37 which had first flown in January 1936 and had done very well, the two engined PZL.38 fighter that was originally expected to replace older fighters had been a near complete failure so far.

Teruel, December 1st, 1937

The Republican army took to the offensive in hopes of reducing the Teruel pocket and regaining the initiative in the war. There had been strong pressure within the Republican government to instead launch the attack against Madrid but in the end military necessities had prevailed as reduction of the Teruel pocket would remove the threat of cutting the remaining territory in two and significantly shorten the front. Given that by now the Nationalist side held by now numerical superiority with 553,000 men facing 395,000 this was no small consideration for the Republican side.

Soviet Union, December 11th, 1937

The Greek operation of the NKVD was set in motion. Within days over 10,000 Greeks would be arrested and either sent to the gulags or outright executed over their supposed contacts with Greek intelligence and nationalist agitators. The arrests included general Vladimir Triandafillov, who would be imprisoned but survive and Konstantin Chelpan the designer of T-34s engine who would not. The former general secretary of the Greek communist party Andronikos Haitas who had escaped to the Soviet Union to avoid charges of sedition by the Stratos government in 1931 would also disappear along several other members of the party in the Soviet Union his fate never to be determined again...

Romania December 20th, 1937

Romanian electoral politics since the end of the Great war had been at the very least convoluted and made all the worst by royal interference in them and scandals within the royal family. After the May 1920 elections fresh elections had followed in March 1922 won by Ion Bratianu's National Liberal party. The 1926 elections had been won by Alexandru Averescu's People's party only for fresh elections to follow in June 1927 won again by Bratianu only for fresh elections to follow in December 1928 won this time by Iuliu Maniu of the National Peasants party who for a change managed to form a stable government for the next four years to no small extend due to the new king Nicolae I being rather more pliable than king Ferdinard who had died back in 1927. Nicolae, normally second in the line of succession had come to the throne only due to his brother Carol having a scandal too many when in 1925 he had been forced to resign his position after he had left his wife princess Helena of Greece, the sister of the late king Alexander for his mistress Elena Lupescu. With their single daughter, born in 1921, excluded from the succession per the Romanian constitution the throne had thus passed to Nicolae who was conveniently more interested in racing cars and the navy in which he served before being forced on the throne, than intervening in politics. Nicolae had caused a scandal of his own when he had married a commoner Ioana Dumitrescu in 1931 but this had ended increasing his popularity with the common Romanian securing his position on the throne despite machinations by his brother to depose him. Maniu had won the new elections in July 1932 but his second government what survived only to December 1933 before the ongoing economic crisis had forced him to fresh elections in December 1933 which had been won by the 69 year old Bratianu.

Now the ninth election since 1918 made things if anything worse. The National Liberals had avoided electoral disaster by an extremely thin margin winning 40.4% of the vote, Romanian electoral law gave half the seats to any party winning over 40% of the vote with proportional representation used for the rest thus giving the NLP 278 seats, when at 40% they would had won 155. Maniu had won 43 seats. But the third party in the chamber had been the fascist Iron Guard of Corneliu Codreanu with 33 seats and fourth the equally fascist National Christian Party with 19 seats. If the rise of the fascists to a quarter of the overall vote was not enough, powerful forces within the NLP, most notably Bratianu's own son Gheorghe were also supportive of an alliance with Germany...
The epirote railroad is an economic and military boon..but is the railroad single tracked or double tracked? And and with the railroad network being larger that otl that would mean there is a greater need for locomotives and railcarts.. I think in otl basileiades in Piraeus was the only greek manufacturer of locomotives in greece... I would imagine that in ttl others would also make locomotives
So ITTL Boris Pastrnak is not so lucky as IOTL... No Dr Zivago ITTL !
Madrid falls to the Nationalists much earlier. I wonder, if the Spanish Civil War is shorter and less destructive, does that mean that Spain will participate in WWII ? The Nationalist government will have more time to consolidate its rule and start rebuilding (and the demands presented by Franco IOTL for Spain's participation will be lighter ITTL) . Of course no one guarantees that the war will start in September 1939 ITTL...
The epirote line is a major boost !
If Yugoslavia turns hostile or collapses early, the only way to avoid a quick Axis advance to Thessaloniki is to have a large mechanised reserve nearby (plus the extended fortifications mentioned some time ago towards the Greek - Yugoslav borders. @Lascaris , how far has the Greek Army progressed towards mechanisation? Does Greece have any tanks and armored vehicles ITTL (or does it plan to acquire some)?
So ITTL Boris Pastrnak is not so lucky as IOTL... No Dr Zivago ITTL !
Madrid falls to the Nationalists much earlier. I wonder, if the Spanish Civil War is shorter and less destructive, does that mean that Spain will participate in WWII ? The Nationalist government will have more time to consolidate its rule and start rebuilding (and the demands presented by Franco IOTL for Spain's participation will be lighter ITTL) . Of course no one guarantees that the war will start in September 1939 ITTL...
The epirote line is a major boost !
If Yugoslavia turns hostile or collapses early, the only way to avoid a quick Axis advance to Thessaloniki is to have a large mechanised reserve nearby (plus the extended fortifications mentioned some time ago towards the Greek - Yugoslav borders. @Lascaris , how far has the Greek Army progressed towards mechanisation? Does Greece have any tanks and armored vehicles ITTL (or does it plan to acquire some)?
I think lascaris mentioned that greece has 50 tanks but this was back in 1932 i believe maybe the unreliable Yugoslav government will make greece buy some tanks but i think the greek army is also secretly building some forts in the Yugoslav border as well..it will be smart to also build some anti tank trenches in the area seeing that the terrain in flat all the way to Thessaloniki....
Edit:i think those tanks were vickers 6t
Last edited:
The prototype PZL P.53 took to the air for the first time powered by a 860hp Hispano-Suiza 12Y-31 engine. An inline engined variant of the P.50 fighter of Zygmunt Pulawski that had first flown back in August, the aircraft was the result of Pulawski's insistence on using inline engines despite the air force's preference for radials. Even though P.53 would reach 537 km/h to P.50s 500 km/h the P.50 had already been selected for production with an order for 300 aircraft, but Pulawski had enough pull to be allowed to continue developing P.53 in parallel, after all both the Greeks who were producing the earlier P.24 under licence and the Yugoslavs who were discussing the purchase of 20 PZL.37 bombers and a licence for more had already shown interest. At least P.50 had come at an opportunate moment. Unlike Dabrowski's PZL.37 which had first flown in January 1936 and had done very well, the two engined PZL.38 fighter that was originally expected to replace older fighters had been a near complete failure so far.
300 modern fighters that can reach 500km/h instead of the OTL P.11s 390km/h!

Seriously, the valiant Polish pilots deserve as better aircraft as realistically possible. According to wiki, in September 1st 1939, the Polish Air Force had 175 P.11s (140 operational) and 105 P.7s (30 operational). Now the main question is: will the 300 P.50s (and any P.53s managed to be built before the war) replace both the P.11s and the P.7s or just the P.7s?

I think the Poles have enough time to expand their pilot reserve in order to accomodate 475-500 fighters. The Germans will win of course, the Luftwaffe will prevail... but the Luftwaffe will BLEED.

The arrests included general Vladimir Triandafillov, who would be imprisoned but survive and Konstantin Chelpan the designer of T-34s engine who would not
Marshal Triandafilov along with Marshal Rokossovsky? Looking forward to see his career.

The 1926 elections had been won by Alexandru Averescu's People's party only for fresh elections to follow in June 1927 won again by Bratianu only for fresh elections to follow in December 1928 won this time by Iuliu Maniu of the National Peasants party who for a change managed to form a stable government for the next four years to no small extend due to the new king Nicolae I being rather more pliable than king Ferdinard who had died back in 1927. Nicolae, normally second in the line of succession had come to the throne only due to his brother Carol having a scandal too many when in 1925 he had been forced to resign his position
I am not versed in interwar romanian politics. But even to my ignorant self, a Romania without Carol is a better Romania...

The Greek operation of the NKVD was set in motion
A more extensive pogrom may end up with many more Greeks leaving the USSR for Greece.
A little question on architecture. I just remembered I read somewhere that the iconic blue roofs and shining white walls of many habitations across the Aegean sea were a product of Metaxas regulations era as a possible reference to the colors of the Greek flag, though it is not clear to me and that before that, colors were far diverse and went well into the various shades of ochre.
Is there any similar move ITTL?
I haven't read this anywhere so no idea really. I have a few ideas on the development of Athens... by 1940 its population will be about 700,000 TTL when OTL it was 1,124,000. Thessaloniki is also smaller with 200,000 people as opposed to 284,000. Then of course TTL you also have Smyrna with about 567,000 people...

The epirote railroad is an economic and military boon..but is the railroad single tracked or double tracked? And and with the railroad network being larger that otl that would mean there is a greater need for locomotives and railcarts.. I think in otl basileiades in Piraeus was the only greek manufacturer of locomotives in greece... I would imagine that in ttl others would also make locomotives
Also Isigonis in Smyrna TTL. After all they were building steam engines from the turn of the centrury...

So ITTL Boris Pastrnak is not so lucky as IOTL... No Dr Zivago ITTL !
Pasternak... supposedly Stalin noticed his name on the proscription lists OTL and struck it out. Not very difficult to miss it out.
Madrid falls to the Nationalists much earlier. I wonder, if the Spanish Civil War is shorter and less destructive, does that mean that Spain will participate in WWII ? The Nationalist government will have more time to consolidate its rule and start rebuilding (and the demands presented by Franco IOTL for Spain's participation will be lighter ITTL) . Of course no one guarantees that the war will start in September 1939 ITTL...
The Nationalists are doing better so far TTL militarily, quite a few of Franco's military decisions were in OTL questionable. They are not doing as swimmingly politically. Or perhaps they do if seen from a different perspective. Not the thorough purging Franco was doing OTL and several of the leaders of the Nationalist junta like Ochoa and Cabanellas are themselves republican...

The epirote line is a major boost !
It is certainly very useful gor the growth of the Epirote economy. Arguably is should had gone forth post-war in OTL..

If Yugoslavia turns hostile or collapses early, the only way to avoid a quick Axis advance to Thessaloniki is to have a large mechanised reserve nearby (plus the extended fortifications mentioned some time ago towards the Greek - Yugoslav borders. @Lascaris , how far has the Greek Army progressed towards mechanisation? Does Greece have any tanks and armored vehicles ITTL (or does it plan to acquire some)?
Davakis was the main tank theorist of the Greek army OTL and he's not certainly part of the TTL army. While probably not a Venizelist I note that he got all his promotions under the Venizelists and retired from service by Metaxas...

Greece has about 100 tanks at the moment half FT-17s (Greece was supposed to receive a number from the French army in the end of 1920 OTL) the other half Vickers 6t.

300 modern fighters that can reach 500km/h instead of the OTL P.11s 390km/h!
That was the plan by early 1941 if there were no delays in PZL.50. There were. TTL it is 18 months ahead in development, in OTL it was delayed by a year due to PZL having no design team to assign to it, Dabrowski was working on PZL.37, a second development team on the PZL.44 airliner instead and Misztal on PZL.38. But with Pulawski around PZL can pursue a fourth line of development. Which accidentally gains the Poles another 6 months which were lost till landing gear for the prototypes could be imported from Britain... British industry is not under a mountain of domestic orders for immediate delivery in 1937.

For good measure the TTL P.50 is from the get go a better aircraft. Being a Pulawski design it is effectively a low wing P.24 like the Romanian IAR.80 and about as capable. PZL.53 in OTL was the variant with more powerful radial engine with PZL.56 being the inline engined version, both developed in 1939. TTL given Pulawski's support for inline engined fighters things are somewhat different. How many are in service by September 1939 is a different matter... if the war starts in September 1939.

Seriously, the valiant Polish pilots deserve as better aircraft as realistically possible. According to wiki, in September 1st 1939, the Polish Air Force had 175 P.11s (140 operational) and 105 P.7s (30 operational). Now the main question is: will the 300 P.50s (and any P.53s managed to be built before the war) replace both the P.11s and the P.7s or just the P.7s?
*P.53 in Polish service I don't know... there is an interesting question what happened before that actually. P.7 was supposed to have in inline engined variant P.8/P.9/P.10. I'd expect the same to have happened for P.24 with Pulawski around so it's a question which variant the Greeks would had bought. (the Romanians almost certainly would had gone for the radial since they were producing Mistral major under license). For comparison the comparable Yugoslav IK.2 with a 860hp inline engine was doing 435 km/h compared to the 390km/h of P.11g with a 840hp Mercury and 408-416km/h of P.24 with a a 900hp radial. P.24F nearly matched it at 430 km/h but needed a 970hp engine to do so.

Marshal Triandafilov along with Marshal Rokossovsky? Looking forward to see his career.
So far Vladimiros has merely survived in a jail. The highest irony would had been if he had been brought to Greece but unfortunately this is not plausible.

I am not versed in interwar romanian politics. But even to my ignorant self, a Romania without Carol is a better Romania...
This... depends. We shall see.
I haven't read this anywhere so no idea really.
I couldn't find proper sources on that either, but several articles on this topic mentioned these reasons, from use of white material as a mean to combat disease spread under Metaxas and a law under the Colonels junta making it mandatory, and some confusions between the two periods.
Given the topic is so visually iconic and thus a little bit of a fun curiosity, I've been quite curious to know more about it.

Here an article among several I found on that: https://historyofyesterday.com/why-buildings-in-greece-are-painted-in-white-and-blue-3816f9a631c7 .
Happy Greek Orthodox Easter !


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