America's Funniest President: Mo Udall Presidency & Beyond

Autumn 2006- Finality of Ford
  • Autumn 2006- Finality of Ford


    Ford lying in state in the Capitol rotunda

    It is now midterm season over for 2006. From the first observations, it would be looking like the Federalist Party would maintain its growth and finish cementing itself as a major party. This would especially be the case as their ideas have begun solidfying in the mainstream, becoming increasingly accepted as part of the norm and it would be a matter of seeing how it changes people and how it evolves. After all, it was the new conservative party of the US and was to show that the tenets of conservatism were still valuable yet also adaptable to the changing times, thus being timeless and necessary. Despite that, the Unizens were still maintaining a pretty good grip on the public consciousness, especially since they were still working on some pretty fascinating reforms. Indeed, one majo development is the Clinton Administration taking up the proposal for Washington DC statehood for Congress. After all, the movement was still prominent and DC deserves their own reputation. In fact, despite the plans regarding the federal district, a solution was already present in what to do, that being just shrink the federal district. It has been done before, namely with what was Alexandria retrocessing back to Virgina, if for differing reasons. This has also raised the possibility of Arlington and parts of Alexandria potentially rejoining this possible new state. While it is unknown the actual chances of this, the Clinton Administration's openness for statehood has revived interest in Puerto Rico over as a state. While the movement has been somewhat slow and sluggish, the fact the new administration has shown seriousness to it, has granted some new energy into it.

    Beyond the election, there was some fascinating tech news as well. Google would announce plans to buy YouTube, something that has surprised a few number of people. [1] The news came about since it would allow YouTube to truly grow and thrive, though there was a bit of the concerns on the rammifications. That said, it was looking like everything would go smoothly there. And already, the fact that YouTube got that attention meant that some other video sharing websites could be getting some attention. One that came out recently was Veoh and while it was modest, it was growing and had plenty of potential. A few companies were already eyeing it for potential cooperation or even to try and acquire it. As for some other technological news, this included fascinating bits such as how NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft would make its first flyby of Venus and the release of MSN Office 2007, once more further pushing the gold standard of office-related software. [2] Though speaking internet news, autumn 2006 would also be a large event for tech as many tech start-ups, famous small companies and giants would be invited over to the capital as a form of meeting ground. The idea of Vice President Gore, he saw it a way for the politicians to better understand the short and long term trends that would be developing with technology, especially its rammifications in security and the like. It also served as a place where reps from a bunch of companies would and interact with one another. Interactions included things from Artistshare/Napster with Myspace along with other interactions and companies such as Sun Microsystems, NeXTech, Microsoft and MSN Software along with various others here.

    Other news involved something interesting over regarding television, such as the creation of the new CW network, born after some differing arrangements and the like. [1] One rammification would be the end of Kids WB, with much of the programming and content instead heading for MetroKids. Though speaking of television, one news would be major regarding a famous television icon. Steve Irwin would be rushed over to the hospital after being stung by a sting-ray though miraculously he would survive. [1] Irwin was grateful for the massive amounts of support for him and his family. Steve also noted he would likely be taking some time off to recover physically and mentally with someone noted that the near-death incident likely was causing Irwin to reflect more on safety precautions. However, this would not be the only news regarding death. After Thanksgiving, it would be announced the tragic passing of former President Gerald Ford. [1] Passing away at the age of 93, Ford was the one who would be forced to handle the reigns of presidency after Watergate and ending up losing reelection to President Reagan. This has led to more than a few counterfactual writers and thinkers to ponder if Ford beat Reagan, though most have concluded Ford would not have acted too dissimilarly from Reagan. Ultimately, Ford would be mourned over in passing as another US president passes away.

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    2006 Overview
  • 2006 Overview

    2006 would be another relatively quiet year over for most nations. With most of the world having quieted down, there was a sense of focusing on domestic issues along with the broader problems that required international cooperation. As President Clinton was looking on with the latter half of his second and final term, he was perhaps feeling more compelled now to be more ambitious with his goals. Of course, with how stable everything was economically and politically, said changes would perhaps need to be more unothodox and unexpected. This push for ambition and accomplishment was a partial explanation for the Clinton Administration's push for legalizing same-sex marriage across the nation, especially as more and more states were pushing for it or have done so. Even the states with little plan to do it justified it on the basis that it would become federal law at some point, why not just wait? Regardless, it was quite a political milestone that was mostly warm-received. However, there was still the unfortunate case of certain reactionary groups or individuals who protested the developments though they were considered on the fringe for the most part. While there was some protests and the like, there was nothing majorly violent that occurred though it did serve as an unfortunate reminder that not everyone would be pleased by these developments in society and that it has to be up to everyday peple to keep helping to make things better.

    Internationally, there was still some concerning conflicts, such as the Sri Lankan Civil War though there was still plenty to be optimistic about. The Koreas, while having to push back their planned date of reunification, only did so to ensure they were being thorough about this. They still went ahead to further integrate their economies together while also working on having a unified foreign policy. This in turn influenced their neighbor as China went to work more on repairing relations over with South Korea; while Sino-American relations were positive, China would still prefer having a unified Korea in their sphere. Additionally, North Korea would also further implement their planned democratic reforms, which would see Pyong-li be reelected over into his office as North Korea's leader, now being formally called the President. All the while, other places in the world were pulling themselves out of the troubles of the past or finishing them off. All the while dealing with the massively growing world wide web and its adoption by a gowing majority of the population and the social changes that come about from such a phenomenon.

    Regarding pop culture, there was plenty of family-aimed classics along with suprising hits, though one of the big bit of news would be the acquisition of MGM by Turner Broadcasting, which intrigued more than a few folk. Regarding movies, Night At The Museum would turn out to be quite a surprisingly fun hit with various historical references and comedy. Another surprising one would be The Da Vinci Code, a rather conspiratorial story and based off the book of the same name by Dan Brown. Meanwhile, Mission Impossible III would finish with quite an enjoyable end to the trilogy though some have questioned if the series would continue. Some have noted that spy thrillers and the like would be difficult to do in the current day and age because of the near-tranquility of the world and would require more consideration in the setting. And of course, one big hit would be The Pursuit of Happyness. A biographical drama film where Will Smith plays Chris Gardner and would be considered a fairly popular and insightful film, especially given how it didn't seem like much other films were going on. Sure there were a growing number of dramedies and the like, but nothing that really caught the public, at least compared to other films. That said, superhero films were still being quite a blast to enjoy. First was Superman Begins, a more grounded but still wonderful. The film was heavily based on the comic mini-series "Superman: Birthright" by Mark Waid, with the film's purpose also being to intoduce Superman and his supporting cast over to the modern day and to provide a modern yet timeless portrayal over of the Man of Tomorrow for everyone to enjoy. And then there was X-Men: The Last Stand, which was another finishing and triumphant end to a trilogy.

    With animated films, the big hit would be The Animatrix. A collection of animated short films that served as a prequel/sidequel to The Matrix trilogy, it would gain a surprising popularity for the various artstyles and stories told that fleshed the story more. Beyond this one and a couple other sleeper hits, it was still dominated over by family-focused animation. Disney would release two films out. The first would be another project of Pixar in Cars, which would be considered a bit of a hit or miss film by some though the Americana sentiment of the film and for old school racing did have its fans. The second film would be quite a surprise over with Tam Lin. An adaptation of the legendary Scottish ballad, this was a passion project of Roy Disney and rumor had it that there was conflict between him and Eisner over the film and some general stuff before cooler heads prevailed and Eisner even apologized. Telling the story of a spirited Scottish maiden in Margaret, she must brave the forests of Karterhough in order to save her beloved Tam Lin from being a sacrifice and thus she ends up in the strange world of fairies. Managing a surprise balance between the classical spookiness of the fair folk with some glorious hand-drawn animation and Disney charm (and even CGI to render the monstrous villain), the film would become another fun hit, with the Scottish in particular being big fans of how much of the folklore contained along with a couple of more modern jokes. The films contained trailers for upcoming films, such as a third and final Atlantis film (with some noting likely being inspired by the success of trilogies) and apparently a new Disney project seemingly based off of Iranian folklore.

    Dreamworks meanwhile would release the third of their Monkey Island trilogy over with Dreamworks' The Curse of Monkey Island and still serving as a fun hand-drawn animated film and would still be plenty of fun. It would also serve to help promote the upcoming remasters of the games and would even come with a Monkey Island television series, that being Tales of Monkey Island. It would be Dreamworks' second major television show, airing over on MetroKids, following up on helping to make the Star Wars prequel television series, Star Wars: Last Days of Peace and followed up by a new show in development. This added to further rumors regarding the triple cooperation of MetroCen, Dreamworks and LucasArts (and their parent company in LucasFilms) There was also the Dragon's Lair animated film that would be released later in the year. It was over in 3D CGI though being cel-shaded to try and add a bit more charm to it. While it contained a similar level of risque humor as its source material, it was still toned down a bit for modesty along with having more serious moments too to add a level of groundedness to it. It also came with a trailer for Shrek 3, the third film in the Shrek saga. Dreamworks were continuing their successes and plans to expand and broaden their projects. In fact, they have been in growing talks with MetroCentury, leading to some growing rumors that Dreamworks Animation would be purchased over by MetroCentury for the company to be able to keep expanding. After all, they turned down to buy Blue Sky Studios, instead it being acquired by Universal Studios instead a little while back. Speaking of Blue Sky, they would also release Ice Age: The Meltdown, a sequel to their strange yet beloved popular smash hit. Though this would not be the only film of frozen fun, given also how Happy Feet would come out.

    In television, a fair number of notable shows were ending. Arrested Development and The FBI Files were some of the bigger surprises, but of course Soul Train was the biggest surprise of it. So much so that attempts to revive the show pretty much began the moment people began getting organized to figure out how to get the 35 year old show back on the air. Other major shows that ended were That '70s Show, The West Wing, Will & Grace and Alias, all of which were rather prominent shows and people were wondering what could fill them in. Regarding animated shows, there were some painful cancellations such as W.I.T.C.H. and The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius, but the big one would be Justice League Unlimited, as it would symbolize the end of the Timm-Dini shared universe that had come to define DC superheroes for the modern generation. Interestingly, Teen Titans would be spared cancellation, as they'd get one final season in the last minute though Murakami and his team were also in the works for a new show on Nick. Other shows that would be saved at the last minute would be Invader Zim and The Fairly Oddparents, though the former would take a hiatus due to the awkwardness and renegotiations. For new shows, it would be some gems such as Psych, Heroes and America's Got Talent coming out along with 30 Rock and Rob & Big along with some new branches with sports and the like. As for animation, well, the bigger names included Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Yin Yang Yo, Class of 3000 and Marvel creating a new Fantastic Four animated series that some have speculated that it would be part of Marvel trying to do their own version of what DC did with Bruce Timm and Paul Dini. Toonami would see a few new shows such asYu-Gi-Oh! GX and MÄR along with more in Disnippon, such as Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. For adult animation, the big news would be the new project worked on by Seth McFarlene, Matt Stone and Trey Parker in adult animation. While loosely inspired by Futurama, the show is a mix of the three's personal likes such as Seth's love of Ratpack music and science fiction with Stone and Parker's love of Pythonesque humor and strangeness along with the three's love of musical theater created a strange new show in American Alien. Taking place in the late 1950s, it stars a group of aliens known as the Grays (specifcially, the Grays from Roswell) trying to blend into human society and the shannigans coming as a result, especially in interacting with their human neighbors in the city. While definitely satirical in humor given its creators, it was a fair bit more serious in addressing issues and exploring themes. Stone and Parker enjoy doing all sorts of voices and the show also has more than a few musical pieces (which is considered part of the aliens' culture). Overall, the show was looking to be quite a fascinating and enjoyable hit.

    Video games would see this year be the final year for the sixth generation of video game consoles. The Nintendo Gamecube, the Sony Playstation 2 and the Microsoft Abox are all approach their twilight and despite this, the three consoles would continue to rocket on with success to stick the landing. With Nintendo, they're still riding high on the success of Legend of Hyrule: Twilight Princess along with some other successful game such as Baten Kaitos Origins, Star Fox Command, Wario World 2, Viewtiful Joe 3, Metroid Prime Hunters and a couple other exclusives. The Playstation 2 meanwhile would see a few more titles such as Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Bully, Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories and most of all, Kingdom Hearts II. A sequel to the massively popular first game, the second game sees the inclusion of more characters and worlds such as Lilo & Stitch, Treasure Planet(both the first and its sequel), A Few Good Ghosts and even Tam Lin thanks to some good work along with expanding other works, such as elements of the sequel for Atlantis. As for the Abox, would have a bit more with original titles, such as Swordquest Neo: Way of Waterworld. As for other games, some were across the consoles with some surprises such as Star Wars: Battlefront II. The biggest one would be none other than Sonic Revolution, a game that came out for the 15th anniversary of the franchise. Having scrapped a Shadow the Hedgehog game (with elements seen in Shadow's playthrough) and shelved another game, this game got plenty of attention and refinement, especially to balance out the ambitions. Playing as either Sonic, Shadow or new character Silver, the game sees you go in past, present and future with an intense story if a bit convoluted, especially as how it all balances out. It does give some further closure to Shadow's story along with seeing the three hedgehogs save the world. The game does mark a transition point given this would be the final game of Yuji Naka on the Sonic franchise. However, he is given a fond fairwell as the others move forward. Next year would see the planned release of the Nintendo Wii, Sony Playstation 3 and the Microsoft Abox 360.

    Beyond the consoles, handhelds were receiving a fair bit of attention too. The Super GamePal would still have some life in it with games like Mega Man Battle Network 6, Drill Dozer and Final Fantasy V, even with the introduction of it successor. There was also the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, which had a SGP and a GPDS version (with special conenctivity features between each). As for the GamePal DS, it would emerge over in starting out with some strong competition against the PSP. The GamePal DS would catch the attention, given its introduction of a touchscreen and stylus, along with more potency behind it. It would start out with a strong line of launch titles such as Super Mario Bros DS, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Sonic Rush, Mario Kart DS, WarioWare: Touched!, Kirby: Canvas Curse with some upcoming new games (that released in Japan) being Yoshi's Island DS, Kirby: Squeak Squad and the newest generation of Pokemon in Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver, taking place in Sinnoh and focusing on time and space, with the former having the golden sands of time inspired Dialga and the latter the silver starred Palkia as their legendaries. Another would be a sequel series to the Cyberknight Ziro series over with Cyberknight Legacy. Set centuries after the events of the Cyberknight tetralogy, it sees a world where androids and humans have practically become one thanks to nanotechnology though said peace is theatened and the plot involves the strange biometals. The PSP meanwhile would continue to grow with Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness, Mega Man Powered Up, Monster Hunter Freedom, Bomberman PSP and Power Stone Collection. As for PCs, there were Star Wars: Empire at War, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Guild Wars: Factions and perhaps most importantly of all, Garry's Mod.
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    Politico Info: The Federalist Party
  • Politico Info: The Federalist Party

    Federalist Party Icon.png

    Federalist Party icon (2001-current, bear icon from here)

    Abbreviation: The NuFeds
    Founded: 2001
    Preceded by: The Republican Party, The Federalist Party (1789)
    Governing Body: The Federalists National Committee
    Student Wing: College Federalists of America
    Youth Wing: Young Federalists of America
    Women's Wing: National Union of Federalist Women
    Overseas Wing: The Global Union of American Federalists
    Ideology: Neoclassical conservatism, Christian democracy
    Political position: Centre-right to right.
    International affiliation: International Democrat Union, Christian Democrat Organization of America (observer status)
    Colors: Noble blue

    Party Facts:
    • The Federalist Party was named and inspired by the original Federalist Party of 1789, America's first political party. As such, it's considered a modern continuation of said party. To distinguish it from its predecessor, it is often called the New Federalist Party or NuFeds.
    • The party was founded to succeed the Republican Party as the main American conservative party. The motivation of its founding is rooted in moving on the damaged brand of the GOP along with the desire to return to the fundamentals of conservatism while updating it for the 21st century for a fresh start.
    • The mascot of the UCP is a bear, specifcially the glacier bear. A sub-species of the American black bear known for its bluish hue, it was suggested by Senator Lisa Murkowski since it was from her home state of Alaska. Murkowski was one of the first senators of the NuFeds and she chose it for its strength and nobility.
    • The "noble blue" associated with the party was chosen from inspiration from said glacier bears and to invoke a sense of dignitas.
    • The party began growing throughout the 2000s as the Republican Party faded away and because of its fresh new face and modern presence, it was able to draw in conservatives of color and of other minorities since they felt excluded there compared to the GOP.
    • Considered the first political party associated with neoclassical conservatism.
    • Because of the prominent influence of Christian democracy in its development, the party is also semi-officially considered a Christian democratic one. That said, they shy away from the label, with some noting it's likely out of the humanist backgrounds of the Founding Fathers.
    • NuFeds often cite past American politicians regarding their stances and influences, most notably John Adams, especially for him never having slaves along with some of his philosophy, such as theistic rationalism along with believing that one of America's greatest danger was the rise of plutocratic oligarchs and thus political institutions, including a strong executive branch, would be needed to reign them in.
    • They tend to have someone protectionist economic stances, though their focus is more on checking the power of big companies. They cite Theodore Roosevelt as another large inspiration for this and the need to deal with companies when they become a concern.
    • Certain Republicans such as Arlen Specter, Colin Powell and John B. Anderson are considered honorary members of the party, despite their retirement from politics. The two have given their praises and blessings over to the party.
    • They are relatively liberal socially, though the situation is more complicated. With neoclassical conservative thought, they see societal progress and advancement of civil rights not as a bad thing, but as part of the natural progress and growth, just needed to be tempered with moderation and order.
    • In fact, they cite the GOP's downfall due to a failure to maintain this pace of progress adequately and even in leaning to reactionary sentiment. To the neotrads, society needs to be nurtured, regulated and maintained like any stucture to remain viable at what they see is a reasonable pace.
    • They are growing increasingly popular with immigrants from nations with long histories of conservative-leaning tradition such as the Middle East. Being aware of this allows them to focus on them and help built a network of new voters. This also means they have a moderate stance on immigration.
    • The party targets primarily the upper middle class and old money along with the aforementioned immigrants as well as some in the rural and working classes. Its voter base are those who value order, moderation, tradition and patriotism (not the same as jingoism.) They also have been appealing more to white collar folk.
    • Foreign policy is mixed though many of them have expessed a bit of hawkishness to them. That said, they note they are more than happy to enjoy the global peace and not rock the boat, though would respond if them and their allies are in danger.
    • When it comes to international economics, they're more even-handed since it is more difficult to deal international companies not rooted in the USA though that said, a wing of them are bigger proponents of involvement, believing that America needs to set a proper example.
    • Despite being a conservative party, they have various views that sometimes align them with their more leftist colleagues. Their agrarian focus means they can often work with the Green Party on environmental issues and have done so on local levels. They are also staunch proponents of public media such as PBS and NPR, viewing them as impotant counterweights to corporate media and thus plan to increase budgets with them, something that those on the left agree with.
    • On other issues, they are rather nuanced. While supportive of gun rights, they also view it as a responsability that the culture needs to be shaped to handle it properly. As such, they approach gun ownership with modest regulation though one major exception is regarding the illegal exportation of firearms. They view illegal firearm trafficking as a concern for violence regarding their neighors.
    • Culturally, regarding matters such as same-sex marriage and general LGBTQ+ matters, they have a general view of acceptance. At the same time, they hope to also combine with conservative sentiment through expressions such as traditional courtship and the like.
    • Prominent politicians in the party include: Lisa Murkowski, Olympia Snowe, Bill Weld, Christine Temple Whitman, Lincoln Chafee.
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    Culture Reflection: 2004-2006
  • Culture Reflection: 2004-2006

    The mid 2000s was a combination of easy-going progress, but also social change going on. The economy was still humming along pretty well and people still enjoying their lives all in all. It was looking like some sort of "end of history" would be arriving over at some point or another. The death of former Presidents Reagan and Ford further symbolized the end of the old ways of doing things, especially for American conservatives. For China, the death of Zhao Ziyang would also be the beginning of another transition as the guiding light of China post-Cold War and its driving force for political reform would be gone, and his torch would be carried on various successors. From the student protestors from decades ago now becoming politicians to the new wave of thinkers and even a couple of his proteges, they would be the ones to carry and finish his dream of a China fully democatized. The Koreas continue on their path of reunification; while they had to extend the tranistion period, they added additional integration steps and time to ensure that the process would work and showing they truly believed in a future as one nation. While there was some trouble as seen in places like Sri Lanka, there was plenty of hope that these troubles would be resolved. And there was still the hope for change as President Clinton was becoming a little more ambitious.

    General Trends
    The reelection of the Clinton Administration would show that alot of things would likely be going similarly like how they were going back in the past few years. And to be fair, alot of the similar trends were going on. The decline of the automobile for example was still going on. While the rate of decline has slowed down, it was still quite a notice from how things were 5 years ago and especially 10 years ago. To where there was a growing generation of young people for whom this decline in automobiles would be a norm for them, that of the Millenial generation (born 1992-2006). Some were the youngest childen of the younger Boomers (born 1946-1961), but mainly they were the children of the generation of the Brightbangers (born 1962-1976). Coming up after the Freeborn Generation (born 1977-1991), they would be those born and raised in the 1990s and the 2000s. Those who were born without knowing the Cold War and in an era of a new status quo, such as the new voting methods of the United States, the Sovereign Union's birth and the rise of the European Union would be the norm for them. For those born and raised in surburbs, many of them would see the growing expansions of public transportation into their neighborhoods. From examples such as bus routes connecting neighborhoods and shopping squares together to entire cities being connected as part of a growing urban area, these new introductions would entice them and bring them on board, letting them see more and more of their town, city and region. Others who lived in larger areas would rely on more affordable means like motorbikes or motorscooters, which would allow them further autonomy.

    Despite this, the automobile industry was not dead yet. After all, there would still need to be a need for automobiles, but the question of fuel needs to be answered. Overall, it was looking to be neck and neck between hydogen fuel cell and electric cars. While battery tech growing gave an advantage to the latter, the concern of rare materials was brought up. Both also required power still though the growing presence of renewable energy mitigated that. Indeed, to alot of data, they were just a short years from reaching a threshold of sorts with solar and wind power. With this being reached, renewable energy helping vehicles would make it alot easier, such as "green hydrogen". The major governments were keeping a close eye on it as it would decide the future of infrastructure. But even now, there was still some fascinating advantages. Biofuels from scraps and leftovers were helping to aid things. One example would be the growing number of buses running on biogas or their purer form in biomethane. And of course, there was some places over with electric rail and the like. Things were growing more interconnected and in more ways than one. Widespread adoption of the Internet kept growing at an unstoppable rate. Brand new websites were appearing like ConnectU, a competitor to Myspace in social media, new ways to do social media over with Twitter and Reddit, or video websharing websites over like YouTube and Veoh were providing massively new opportunities for people of all ages to share and communicate with one another. YouTube and Veoh especially as the former has been bought by Google and there is a growing surge of content being uploaded. Other companies have now been looking into Veoh, with the big name being MSN Software and Akashica. Outside of websites, there was brand new software like the internet browser Firefox, which may be looking to be the successor to Netscape and in communication software, there was the P2P tech powered Skype.

    Speaking of computer, MP3 players were becoming more complex and prominent with the NeXTech NexPlei and the Microsoft Zune being the big names there. NeXTech and Microsoft also were competing still over in the computer battlefield though Sun Microsystems were also making a surprise presence. Meanwhile, there was also the growing presence in some areas. Sun Microsystems kept their popularity in Japan and began expanding to other pats of Asia and even Brazil while NeXTech were making inlands over in Europe and all of them also outreaching in Latin America and expanding. While Microsoft may still be setting the gold standard, the other companies' focus on growing internationally was paying off for them. Othe trends were also being noted over across the world. Fashion was entering a strange place as there was more clothes being made than could be bought and the concerns over resource usage was looming over them. That said, some trends did survive over thanks to niche apparel aimed at subcultures or groups. After all, malls may have been grown more localized by their communities, but they still shares various stores across the board such as Hot Topic, Spencer's and various others, with them managing to appeal to subgroups to remain in business. It helped that outside of fashion, the stores' appeal to brand allowed them to focus on a variety of items besides clothing over time. However, it was a noticeable trend as various businesses were having to think on how to sustain themselves long-term, especially with how the tastes of people have changed over the last 25 years or so thanks to a variety of factors. People were more willing to purchase experiences and services over objects and the value of objects lasting longer has returned, forcing how people think on shopping. There would still be subgroups and niches that would be reliable enough to sustain these businesses, though the future would lay in trying to be consistent and versatile.

    From a cultural standpoint, it was a period of slowdown and relaxation. It really seemed like it would be some upcoming peaceful times. After all, the economy was still going strong and there was not much conflict in the world. For some, it was a period of building up or reconstruction though. At the same time, there was also some thought over if all of these good times would last. The growing rise of computers and the internet would be exceeding what some thought and it was changing into something different. Meanwhile, the economy continue to change and evolve, especially as the internet was becoming more important in the lives of people. Companies requiring better websites, the communication more through email and the like, it was becoming clear these changes would be unavoidable. As for social changes, it was still a bit complicated. While SATMIN+ acceptance has become more and more the norm, there still remain troubled teens from bad homes and the like that need to be taken in, though by organizations to help or by friends, as the upcoming generation show more tolerance and compassion than their predecessors. Another would be the increasing popularity of mainline Protestant churches. While their returning significance has been occuring since around arguably the early 1990s, the impact here has become much more notable, partially thanks to the growing prominence of neoclassical conservatism.

    Films of around the time would be rather varied, but there would be a few fascinating trends. One would be the continued competition over between Dreamworks and Disney regarding their animated films, with both of them releasing plenty of classics. Dreamworks would release Shrek 2, the sequel to the original Shrek, which manages to top the original by exploring the ramifications of the previous film. They would also make their first successful trilogy in their adaptations of the Monkey Island computer game series. Being distinguished from their source material with a combination of streamlining the plot and some fresh writing, it would bring plenty of popularity to the series as a whole. Many were citing Don Bluth's continued presence over at Dreamworks for their continued success with hand drawn animation though he would also branch out into mixing handdrawn and CGI, such as with Dragon's Lair the Movie, showing a further willingness to push the envelope along with being experimental. Disney would also be going more into some experimental aspects along with a couple of surprsing decisions. A Few Good Ghosts would be a fun musical with an animation style combining stop motion and 2D computer animation with Dolly Patron as a prominent musical presence and a second samgen couple in a Disney film. Tam Lin would be a long-awaited passion project of Scottish folklore with hand-drawn animation taking inspiration from impressionist paintings and wood carvings along with CGI in the villain. And moreover would be the sequels for Treasure Planet and Atlantis: The Lost Empire, showing a suprising interest to do sequels, at least theatrical ones as opposed to the direct-to-video ones that Disney occasionally did. And of course, there was also what Pixar is doing under Disney such as with The Incredibles and Cars, which is considered to be the first mixed-receptive film made by Pixar.

    Beyond that, there would be some other animated surprises such as a sequel to Ice Age, Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit and a trippy animated version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. And moreover would be the increase in Japanese animated films getting similar theatrical releases, likely thanks to what has been established with Miyazaki films and other works like Akira. One would be the Animatrix, which was a cooperation between American and Japanese teams that served as a prequel-sidequel anthology to The Matrix trilogy. Miyazaki would also release another big hit over with Howl's Moving Castle that continued to dazzle and delight. One big news was hearing Katsuhiro Otomo, the director of Akira, having directed a new film over in Steamboy. Thanks to some good marketing, the film would be able to make back its budget and then some, getting the same sort of effect on the youth while steampunk afficionados would also adore the film. The dark horse popular one would be a new film that managed to get dubbed in time before the end of 2006 in The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. Not as bombastic or dazzling as some of the other films, it would still become popular because of its charm and also standing out for how different it was compared to others. It was a show case that Japanese animation had more to provide than action and had a whimsy and charm of its own, further bewitching the audience, especially the youth.

    Of course, there were still plenty of live action films with pop culture, traditional Hollywood, and more. The two new Star Wars trilogy was reviving the franchise and showing it had plenty of life in it. The Matrix trilogy would wrap up over in this time and its embracement of gnostic themes would continue to lead to questions and thoughts on the film over time. Some new trends would be seemingly appearing over in Hollywood here. One would be something called the "YA trend", a phenomenon of adopting novels aimed at young adults and capturing the youth audience. Ironically though, the film series that would kick this off would be none other than the Chronicles of Narnia, which is not an example of YA work, but would still capture a sort of spark. Meanwhile, superhero films were definitely returning in vogue. The X-Men trilogy would wrap up over at this time while DC would release two new standout films of their own with Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins and the new Superman Returns, a loose adaptation of the "Sueprman: Birthright" miniseries. Of course, the more traditional projects would still have their presence. The Passion of the Christ would show that contoversial films would still have their place. Shaun of the Dead and Napoleon Dynamite would show that odd humor would still have a strong following. Brokeback Mountain would be a bit of a callback to the days of "queersploitation" films, but here done better, with some considering it a bit of a reconstruction of it and showing the growing mainstream presence of SATMIN+ people. Perhaps the surprise hit over would be the documentary Sugar High by Morgan Spurlock. While the dangers of consuming too much sugar was well-known, what got attention from people would be the widespread practice of companies incorporating sugar into products, the dark side of the "fat-free" movement there and the general duplicitious nature of it. As such, it was less an attack on sugar, and more on the corporate practices behind it.

    The era of television would be defined with various transitions. The end of Friends seemed like a pretty good cultural milestone of the time and other big shows would end here such as Arrested Development, That '70s Show, The West Wing, Will & Grace, Alias and The FBI Files, but most notably would be Soul Train. To where attempts at reviving the last one would be planned to be attempted by a growing group of dedicated fans and individuals. Of course, there would still be all sorts of new television shows coming on. Regarding trends, nothing really significant has appeared yet though some have noticed a few of the shows would be ending some of their highlighted classics. Within animation, a fair number of these shows came out at around the same time as part of a generation and would be approaching their end soon. But at the same time, new trends would be coming over. From medical dramas like Grey's Anatomy and House MD to crime investigation shows like NUMB3RS and Psych and science fiction over with Battlestar Galactica and Stargate Atlantis. And then there were new comedies over like The Office, which explored the comedic troubles of dysfunctional corporate culture along with the lives of the people of the company along with a bit of the economic truths behind it. There was a growing variety of television shows to appeal a wider audience of people, with differing niche appeals. There was also the growing variety and acceptance of minorities, especially SATMIN+ folk over on television. As supporting characters and a couple protagonists over... slowly but surely, there is a growing variety of these sort of characters appearing on screen.

    Another trend would be the rise of superhero media, outside of just DC and Marvel. Beyond Heroes over in live acton, there were some new shows. Cartoon Network would get a strong new franchise with Ben 10, starring Ben Tennyson, a biracial boy who would get the mysterious Omnitrix on summer vacation with his cousin Gwen and his paternal grandfather Max. White on his father's side and black on his mother's, he was quite a refreshing face to see and would become an inspiration for quite a growing number of kids growing up. Another show of the superhero trend would be Bobby Phantom over on Disney's Jetix, a reimagining of the Bob Phantom comic property they had. Other examples would be more different, like MetroKids' American Dragon Jake Long and so on. Nick would also bring anothe gamechanger with Avatar: The Last Airbender, as showing how anime was having an influence over in US artists. Beyond this, there was also the growing new franchises, such as the new Star Wars cartoons appearing over on television. Anime would continue growing over on television. Toonami was becoming more and more prominent with how many ratings it was getting for Cartoon Network and Disney would try and capture some of that over with Disnippon, their own anime bloc over on the weekend, though with a focus on anime for younger audiences along with shoujo and slice of life. Shows aired on Disnippon included: Hamtaro, Cardcaptor Sakura, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Princess Nine, Slam Dunk, Azumanga Daioh and Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Adult animation would continue on thanks to Futurama and a new show over with American Alien, though they still followed the conventions associated with Western Adult Animation, namely crude humor, swearing and various references to older pieces of work. Which, while enjoyable, would begin reflecting on a potential trend of the lack of diverse genre and the like for animation aimed at older audiences.

    Video Games
    This period of time would be the latter half of the sixth generation of video game consoles. The experimentation and refinement that defined this generation after their 'Devonian Leap' from 2D to 3D in the previous one was still going strong as old franchises would get revived, current ones got new additions or just some new ones being born over. There would also be the growing changes and cooperation over between the companies. SEGA would begin to formally leave the console market, focusing over on their game properties and creating games over for the other consoles. As for some of the big games created at the time, it included, but was not limited to Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Metrioid Prime 2: Echoes, Krion Quest II, Halo 2, Half-Life 2, Kameo: Elements of Power, Legend of Hyrule: Twilight Princess and most notably Sonic Revolution, which celeberated 15 years over of Sonic the Hedgehog, but would also be the last game worked on by Yuji Naka before he would depart from SEGA and go his own way. All the while, there would be the upcoming new consoles previewed. While the Playstation 3 and the Abox 360 would be looking to be more of the same, albeit with greater power and capabilities, the Nintendo Wii would be looking to futher change the game with the introduction over of motion control.

    As for handheld videogames, it would still be dominated by Nintendo's Super GamePal. There was the remake of the Gen 1 Pokemon Games with Neo Red, Neo Green and later Neo Yellow, along with Metroid: Zero Mission regarding Nintendo releasing remakes. After all, it helped introduce new fans to older games of the franchise and lay future groundwork for what would come ahead. Other games of note would be Legend of Hyrule: The Minish Cap, Kirby & The Amazing Mirror, Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time and the Cyberknight Ziro and Megaman Battle Network series. Sony would also begin entering here with its own handheld console with the Playstation Portable and near the end, Nintendo would bring about the successor of the Super GamePal with the GamePal DS (DS standing for Dual Screen). Beyond having better hardware behind it, it would be notable for having a second screen, over on the bottom as a touch-screen, along with a stylus. This would present alot for future games, as seen with launch titles like s Super Mario Bros DS, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Sonic Rush, Mario Kart DS, WarioWare: Touched! and Kirby: Canvas Curse. Computer games would also grow in prominence as computers would become even more powerful and Internet access more widespread for people. This would be beginning the rise of MMORPGs, especially World of Warcraft while a bigger boom would be coming over with the release of Cave Story, which many would say would be the quintessential indie game for the development team of one man and showing what could be done just by themelves.

    Music would keep on growing with new stars and new talent. Rap and hip hop would reach the mainstream despite sticking to their roots and growing ties of doing things different. While names like Tupac and the Notorious B.I.G. would still be around, they would be joined by a growing number of new talented folk such as Usher, Beyoncé and Kanye West. Beyond being influenced by the times, they would also be influenced by the Old Guard, especially with some of the directions of their music and careers. After all, with the Napster-ArtistShare connection, there was almost a new growing music underground that would allow for fame, but also the chance to remain grounded and in control of your music. While some of the trends earlier on like the riot grrl movement was becoming less dormant, there would also be new things like riot grrl rap and of course the traditional growing trends such as with pop music and the like. Punk and the like would still be around, dealing with the disaffection of the young and existenial themes along with more traditional themes.

    Some new things affecting the world of music would be the growing rise of social media. Websites like MySpace, ConnectU and Twitter were becoming more and more important for artists to connect with fans and to manage their reputation, especally as it was looking to be a permanant facet. The introduction to so many over on the growing megapublic forum would be introducing and influencing artists with groups they wouldn't picture. Another influence, albeit one that would not be noted at this time would be YouTube. As for songs, there would be "We Belong Together" by Mariah Carey as a popular one along with others such as "You and Me" by Lifehouse, "Since U Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson, "Dani California" by Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Move Along" by the All-American Rejects and "Saving Me" by Nickelback among many various others that were formed of the time. Music right now was focused on all sorts of direction, especially with the relative calm of the world though pushing the envelope remained an aspect for many of the musicians. This along with the independent musician ideal and the alternate provided by ArtistShare and potential other services were becoming more famous and notable.

    Comics continued to grow and develop here. Disney's comic magazine format was becoming more and more successful, as it could promote new comic books across multiple fronts thanks to it. Meanwhile, Akashica would keep growing and grow, becoming a prominent powerhouse in the publishing industry while it would diversify by also selling music and videos over time. This would be putting pressure on DC and Marvel to try and do it. Image Comics would actually be in talks to try and do a similar format, even with the potential complications on how their creator-owned comics would be with advertising, but it certainly could not hurt once they get the funding. This would be the same also for IDW publishing or even Dark Horse. The growing diversity in genre and in characters would continue to happen. While other genres were doing pretty well, superhero comics were beginning to get a bit stale, at least in the direction that could be going with them. It didn't help that people were split on what needed to be done. Some believed that moving on to the next generation and further moving on with time could help, though others were also worried on how that could be done given past continuity and how some isses aged oddly. One prominent news would be on the end of Cerebus the Aardvark after 300 issues. The story would be marred by the controversy and opinions of its artist Dave Sim.

    Over in graphic novels, the Bone series would finally be coming to an end, with the series becoming quite a highlight for readers of all ages and for many young people, their first graphic novels series that would introduce them to many others. Another trend would be the rise of classic works of literature becoming turned into graphic novels, allowing for a new dimension of appreciation for these works to be had. Though speaking of books, literature would see the aforementioned rise of YA novels, being aimed at teens and pre-teens, taking advantage of a brand new audience. Perhaps the gold example would be the Percy Jackson series. According to the author Rick Riordin , he got the idea from making bedtime stories with his son. Given how his son was inspired over by the Lord of the Rings craze, Riordin started there, but would built up for it to be in a modern setting, thus becoming a foundation for 21st century urban fantasy. Before long, this would become a novel series. Starring the titular teenage protagonist Percy Jackson, it would see the character awaken to his magical abilities due to the seeming return of magic over in the world along with all the wonders and dangers from it. Combining some of the adventuring tropes of fantasy works with the modern time, it would quickly grow to start being a smash hit with no doubt more books on the way. Fellow writers and the like would see the growing wave thanks to this growing popularity, spread through the Internet. Older writers would see their works return to prominence as a result of this urban fantasy boom. Notably, Percy has dyslexia and ADHD due to Riordin's son having it as well and he wanted to inspire kids. Riordin noted he had help from his child's psychologist regarding respectful portrayal.

    Meanwhile with the Internet, there was a thriving subculture with more additions. Beyond the aforementioned social media pages, older forms of communication and art were there. Forums of all kinds were presented and maintained. This would be the days of things such as sprite comics and sprite animations, artworks that used the pixel images from video games known as sprites to reinterpret or reimagine or make their own works. While some did trail on the banal or crude as would be for the generation, others would grow and expand, becoming surprisingly well done works such as Kid Radd. While viewed as something of a fad, it would still be fascinating view of something rather unique and wholesale born over by those of the generation here and showing the growth of internet communities, especially as more people would be drawn to it. Minorities especially would be welcomed in thanks to the ongoing rush and bonded over the sense of esoteric tastes and the desire to create something of their own. Beyond the traditiona hobbyists, the niche of Internet folk were coming together, bound in eccentic tastes and a sense of feeling few others understood them. Complicated yet somehow compassionate at the same time, if without its hiccups and the usual troubles that come. And there was of course the beginnings over of meme culture...

    Leisure continued to be the name of the game for people. People were wanting to spend their money over on experiences and thus catering to that would be the main goal for some of the entertainment companies. One major example would be Disney. After Jim Henson had helped save Chicago's DisneyQuest (their attempt at an in-door amusement park/mega arcade), the concern was present on how to try and keep the facilities profitable. After visits across various sights by different team members (including a new one in Georgia that was of particular inspiration), they would go to expand DisneyQuest. One would be to provide activities suitable for all ages and not just kids. The bottom floors would be redesigned to have a large bowling alley along with something else for the grown-ups such as seperate room for billards and the like. The hope was that with this it would encourage parents to stay around longer and get to have fun too over in their own right. This would become quite successful and the promise of opening up more DisneyQuests would be back on the agenda, with plans also on how to maintain the facilities regarding activites and the like. While some of the tech would need to be maintained with new innovations, others could be done by focusing on priceless ideas such as cultivating imagination and expressing creativity in ways they may not be able to traditionally have access to. Hobbies would continue to be a prominent influence on people, including things like card games such as Magic: The Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters or of course the classic tabletop games, which have seen further growth. Dungeons and Dragons continued to remain popular among its contemporaries, especially some of the spin-offs it did based on licensed settngs. However, the growing insular nature of the community has been of some concern, leading to rumors of potential 4th edition being in the works to further stream-line the game for simplicity while figuring out how to expand their audience. The Xtreme Sports Craze would end up dying out, but would live on its own way. Overall, it would be a pretty fascinating time with the growing presence of online personas and how it may affect future trends.
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    Winter 2007- An Upcoming State
  • Winter 2007- An Upcoming State


    Washington DC planned state flag

    As the new Congress would be coming in, many noted that it would be the last years of the Clinton Administration and many wondered what his plan would. President Clinton seemed to have grown more ambitious, which some attributed due to being the home stretch. As such, when he came in, he brought forth over a proposal that would surprise quite a fair bit of everyone: legislation to go and make DC into a state. While discussed back last year, the mainstream focus of it in this new session was showing he was being serious about this. After all, they had figured out how to deal with the federal district issue by just shrinking it to the core essentials. Meanwhile, the 29th Amendment, which overhauled the voting system of the United States, also repealed the 23rd Amendment since there was no Electoral College anymore. As such, that was another potential issue that was removed. The exciting possibility of this grew over across the media. Lingering questions had remained, mainly if Arlington and Alexandria would want to join this new potential state given their past ties with it. Virginia was uncertain about this, but the special circumstances would have them permit a referendum in the community Alexandria was an independent city after all while Arlington County was an unincorporated community, so both would be able to fit back in with little problem. Beyond this, it would not be known if any of the local areas would be joining though the only confirmed interested party was the independent city of Falls Church.

    Currently, the Washington, D.C., Admission Act would be finished up developed in Congress to be put forth in Spring. Should it pass and create the first American city-state, they would then vote if they would be willing to accept Arlington County and Alexandria into them. If so, the two polities would have their own referendum to dictate if they desire to join the new state. Voting for yes will lead to them joining the new state. Of course, there was a lot to discuss, especially since how Arlington County and Alexandria would be incorporated into the political system if accepted. One plan proposed would be inspired over by New York City and its borough system, resulting in the potential Washington DC city-state be divided into three boroughs. Of course, with all these talks of statehood, this raised the question of if the Clinton Administration and Congress would be open for other opportunities of statehood. President Clinton agreed on doing so, even namedropping Puerto Rico as an example of a political entity who could be granted statehood should the people there decide on it. Congress was generally open for it, if for numerous reasons, whether it be ideology, opportunity or pragmatism, so it was not a partisan issue. Puerto Rico, who had been dragging their feet on the issue, would see a sharp increase in the support for statehood. What had been merely been wishful thinking is now clearly in grasp for them to take if they so desired it. And it would also force the Puerto Ricans to confront what they actually wanted to be and how to proceed with it.

    Beyond these fascinating developments over in the United States, it was still pretty quiet over in the world. Ongoing elections were mainly peaceful and it seemed like the tranquility would continue. There was some news over in the technological sector. After the last of the talks, it would be confirmed that Veoh would be acquired over by Akashica. According to Akaschia CEO Jeff Bezos, he viewed it as a long-term investment as more and more people would be watching videos on the Internet and on the possibilities that this would have. He would also note the challenges with Veoh competing against a prominent opponent over like YouTube, but he was confident over in what he was able to do. Rumors had it that Bezos would already be discussing with the owners and software folk on potential changes. Another change would be NeXTech announcing its selling of Macromedia over to Adobe. Creator of such programs such as Director, Dreamwaver, Fireworks, Flash and Shockwave, NeXTech Inc originally kept the core team to keep working on the line. However, with NeXTech going back harder into operating systems along with personal decisions of Steve Jobs, the company would make its own counterpart to the Macromedia software line known as NeXTech Mediamaker. Some believe this was out of the difficulty of making differing versions of the same software for multiple operating systems as Macromedia kept making its line for Windows and other major OSes under NeXTech. As such, Macromedia would be acquired over by Adobe to ease the process and allow NeXTech to better focus on its own products. Another bit of NeXTech news would be the release of the Nexton. Considered a successor over to the Apple Newton PDAs, the Nexton would be revolutionary over for its usage of a prominent touchscreen. Rumors even had it that Jobs was working on incorporating phone technology into it, but little has been noted there. In other news, Windows' next operating system would be delayed due to concerns over functionality while a new website would appear that would attract the youth: Tumblr. [1]

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:

    Spring 2007- The 51st State
  • Spring 2007- The 51st State


    Supeme Court Justice picks Leah Ward Sears and Ann Claire Williams

    After weeks of debate, the bill would pass: Washington DC would become the 51st state of the Union, being signed proudly over by President Clinton. There would be plenty of work that needed be done though in preparation and subsequent elections to be had. First would be the proposal on whether to accept Arlington County and Alexandria if they do decide to join. Given how close the places were to one another due to being part of a greater metro area, it would be passed pretty easily. The formal invitation was sent over to Arlington and Alexandria on if they wanting to join the 51st state. This one would be a closer race on the subject matter given it would mean no longer being Virginians. On the other hand, given the odd circumstances both the county and city were on their own, perhaps that led to the incentive to go and become part of something grand. At around a 65% more or less, both Arlington County and the city of Alexandria would join the new city-state of Washington DC. Of course, this proposed the question of if they wanted to rename themselves. After all, it would be a way to formalize themselves over into an official new polity. Plans were being name to survey for names and hold a referendum on the subject soon, along with implementing the new system of boroughs and of course, the governor and the like, all planned over during the latter half of the year. And all the while, the nation would be abuzz by the news here and the subsequent aftershocks it would have.

    The big one being of course Puerto Rico. Statehood returned over as a topic of discussion and now more serious than ever. And it raised all sorts of questions such as if being a state or remaining as a territory were the only options. After all, there were others such as true independence or becoming an associated state of the United States, joining the likes of Palau, Micronesia or the Marshall Islands, where the Americans provided defense, funding grants, and access to U.S. social services for the citizens as part of the Compact of Free Association. Of course, there were distinct challenges. True independence would leave Puerto Rico in a much more vulnerable spot and even they could get some assistance from the Americans there, after that, they were on their own. They would even lose the benefits they would be granted, such as acces to the The associated state would be difficult as they had a much larger population than the three current associated states and thus, could be a bigger problem to meet up the criteria there, and thus be rejected. Plus, neither of those options were being proposed. Right now, it was like it would be voting between whether they want to be admitted as a state and be kept in the status quo. The statehood movement has gotten a shot in the arm as they realize it was practical now to achieve this. This would especially be the case as the Clinton administration announced the Puerto Rico Statehood Choice Act. The bill being signed into place, it stated that gave Puerto Rico several months to hold a referendum if they desired to admited into the Union as a state and if the referendum is yes, then the bill kicks in, admitting them in. With such a choice ready now, the people of Puerto Rico entered into a frenzy. The plans for a referendum would be in place over by the summer of 2007, with the decision being between statehood or remaining as such. Those that desired other options were being targeted by those who wished to keep the status quo while the statehood movement began focusing on growing more their numbers, viewing it as their time.

    In other news, the big movement would be unsurprising on the Supreme Court, with two upcoming retirements. Janie L. Shores and Laurence Tribe, both who were there since 1995. This left the Supreme Court being Chief Justice Gilbert Stroud Merritt Jr (since 1998) with José Alberto Cabranes(since 1999), Sonia Sotomayor (since 2003), David S. Tatel (since 2003), Micheal Sandel (since 2005), Mario Cuomo (since 2005) and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (since 2003). Clinton himself noted a bit of the difficulty of having go through and making so many of these Supreme Court choices, though he would be able to narrow it down. It would be noted that these choices were actually both suggested to him by rising political star, Senator Barack Obama. These would be Ann Claire Williams and Leah Ward Sears, both of whom would be flattered by the option and both would accept. Beyond this, 2007 remained a surprising calm year outside of the concern of a modest recession coming in though people were not really concerned. Some were still noting a bit of worry over in economic trends regarding the while collar sector as the classic idea of cubicle farms and the like was being changed with the growing prevelance of the Internet and its usage. People would need to keep adapting or be swept behind though there was a growing concern if the system would be the problem.
    Summer 2007- El Estado De Puerto Rico

  • By early summer, the paperwork was finished and the ink was dry. Washington DC would finally be the 51st state, containing the US Capital District. Meanwhile, DC would finally get its new name as the State of Washington, Douglass Commonwealth. It would maintain the DC usage and the name was chosen in honor of Frederick Douglass, which would become popular as a choice among the citizenry of the area. The city-state would be divided over into three buroughs, that of Washington, Arlington and Alexandria, to help maintain a balance over with incorporating the new polities into the city-state. DC would end up also with some interim Senators and Representatives chosen, with proper ones to be elected over in 2008. Meanwhile, the Puerto Rico Statehood Choice Act would pass over through Congress with supporters from the three major parties and thus, the path would be cleared over for Puerto Rico to choose its destiny. The statehood movement swelled massively as the opportunity was right there in front of them for the taking. There would be little room for hesitation anymore. This would be their chance. The other movements, though advocating against statehood for a number of reasons (status quo, free association, independence) would be having to struggle to remain unify. Status quo still held onto a prominent influence and while they would be trying to keep the other factions in line. However, when the day would come, the votes were casting and the turnout was rather large to say the least. Winning around 60% of the vote more or less, Puerto Rico would vote for statehood and thus become the 52nd state of the United States.

    Across the nation, people were celeberating and enjoying the rather peaceful times over that were continuing thus far. At the same time, this did mean that smaller events would be emphasized more on the news. One would be the massive and sudden infrastucture work over in New York City, specifcially over in Manhatten. [1] This is due to the concerns of a major steam pipe, especially as examiners would note that it could potentially crack or even burst due to leaks or other issues. As such, sudden work would have to be done in order to avoid potential issues. It was a reminder of the importance of repairing and modernizing modern infrastructure and another example would occur over in the I-35W Mississippi River bridge. [1] Repairs scheduled for later in the year would be moved up much sooner due to sudden problems occurring that would lead to concerns that the bridge may crack or suffer increasing serious damage over from rush hour. Indeed, traffic would become limited and the results revealed that a new bridge would be needed. While there were plans for a replacement bridge, the time table would be moved up considering to faster development. Though speaking of bridge development, over in Tacoma, Washington, the second Tacoma Narrows Bridge would finally be open for people to begin usins and with this second span, it would be the longest twin suspension bridge in the world. [1] It also reminded the importance of engineering and construction.

    Internationally, there was not much news going on though there was still some events of note. Over in Russia, a massive mudflow would damage the "Valley of Geysers". [2] Located over in the Kamchatka Peninsula, it would be the site of the second largest concentration of geysers in the world. Despite the shock and concern on whether the Valley could be restored, the Sovereign Union sent people in to survey the damage and see what would could be done though there was hope, especially with the receding waters and the potential of trying to deal with the naturally formed dam in the area. [3] Over west in Europe though, an intense heat wave would serve as a reminder of the concerns regarding climate change, especially with Greece dealing with a bunch of wildfires and even the electrial systems being pushed to their breaking points. [2] The good news would be the assistance of the European Union though this also reminded people of potentially harvesting light and heat with solar energy, especially as the technology was approaching greater levels of practicality, enough to where widespread implementation could begin being feasible in a couple short years. Meanwhile, some things would be cooling down as Operation Banner comes to an end. The longest continuous deployment in military history of the British would be over as the forces would go and leave Northern Ireland behind. [2] And lastly, Peru would see aid being granted to it after an intense 8.0 earthquake strikes it, resulting in hundeds dead, thousands injured and the concerns of tsunamis over in the Pacific Ocean. [2]


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [3]- Information and phrasing from here:
    Fall 2007: New State Politics

  • As fall was rolling in, it was quite a surprise to see just how much had changed. By the end of the year, the United States would have gained an additional two states, with them getting ready to vote for their first congressional officials next year. The political parties have been campaigning over there and the local Puerto Rican parties have been forced to deal with the aftermath, especially when the federal parties came in to see what they could to help and to influence regarding the groups. While DC would be a leftist stronghold, Puerto Rico was more open and the Unizens were competing over with the NuFeds regarding voter influence. The House and the Senate buildings were being adjusted over for the newcoming Reps and Senators in the next year. And all the while, it would be the political season. By this point, many were wondering who would be winning. Al Gore would announce his candidancy over for the Unizens nomination, with some of his competition being Senator Barack Obama along with Joe Biden among others. Over for the Federalist Party, Bill Weld was running over, but would be facing stiff competition over from Senator Olympia Snowe along with Blanche Lincoln serving as pretty strong competition for him. And over for the Democrats, they were still at a loss for direction, at least for the time being. That said, there were still some people who would be trying to run and get some attention, such as Dennis John Kucinich, Peter Anthony DeFazio and Barbara Jean Lee. And these were just the Big 3 major parties. No doubt the Green Party was gonna keep growing and even the Libretarians had grown in enough of a new direction for people to go and be interested in.

    Across the world, politics continued to grow and become more varied. Over in the United Nations, the General Assembly would go forward and adopt the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which would see virtually each state go and vote in support it (some absent due to various issues), including the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. [1] While there was a bit of concern over with technical wording, they still went and voted in support for it. Efforts would start for all the nations to go and abide by the new rules set about. Elections kept on growing and changing kept on coming. Global problems were still needing to be addressed and preparations to be made. The State of Arabia would be planning for its first federal elections for next year and signifying the end of the interim government. This included on voters deciding on whether to go and become a republic or go the route of the constitutional monarchy. The latter was becoming a viable choice thanks to the growing influence of some of the members of the House of Hashemite over from Jordan, not to mention the history the Hashemites in being the custodians and rulers of Mecca. This added an element of prestige over to them. Overall though, things were surprisingly peaceful and calm regarding this, with the major issues being the growing heat waves and the subsequent wildfires that came about as a result of this.

    Beyond this, there were some fascinating developments going on over back in the US besides the election season. One would be the Writers Guild of America going over on strike. [2] This would be motivated over by the desire for increased funding for the writers in comparison to the profits of the larger studios. For many, it would be a bit of an inconvienence given the disruption of their programming though it also served as an important reminder of the role of unions. Meanwhile, the more traditional and well-known unions began taking a closer look over at not just Hollywood, but the whole of the entertainment industry. After all, they had their fair share of unions and they saw possibility in working with them down the line, especially those in more creative fields. After all, unions needed to stand together and reaching out across different fields of work would enable them to maintain their strength down the line. There were varying levels of support of course and all the writers were more or less on board for the most part. All of the major studios were feeling the pinch to a degree except for Disney, mainly as one of the last acts of Jim Henson and Micheal Eisner, with them having granted what their writers had wanted prior to the start of the strike, though most did whatever they could to show solidarity. A last act of charity before both Micheal Eisner and Jim Henson would retire over from the Disney company.


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    2007: A Hippie Leaving The House of Mouse
  • 2007: A Hippie Leaving The House of Mouse

    2007 would receive quite the shockwave of news over in not just the world of animation, but also in media and entertainment in general. Disney CEO Michael Eisner would be stepping down and leaving the company alongside with Chief Creative Officer Jim Henson. To those within the business, this was not entirely surprising. After all, both men were entering in their twilight years. Eisner would have quite a large birthday bash in celeberating 65 years and Henson had turned 70 just a year prior. Both were rather large milestones in birthdays, especially as it would be the age where alot of folk would embrace retirement. That said, both men were individuals who thrived in their work and pursued with intense and utter conviction. They even surrounded themselves with such men, such as Jim's longtime partner in Bernie Brillstein (also leaving at the same time as Jim) or Eisner's cooler half over in Disney President Frank Wells (who retired a couple years earlier in 2005), having formed a form of "Disney Justice League" over along with other long-timers in the company. As such, the mid-2000s would be viewed as quite a powerful moment of transition, especially as new talent and younger folk would need to go and take over from the reigns of these giants.

    Jim Henson's entry into the company had been through stock buyout during the rough times of the late 1970s. Disney was struggling and Muppets were one of the hottest things there. Thanks to encouragement from Brillstein, Henson went for it and soon enough, he found himself on the top brass of the Disney company itself. Henson had been taking his time settling in and helped bring about fresh life over into the company. In a way, it seemed to mirror the politics of the United States, given the rise of President Udall and his progressive policies. Henson's years over in Disney were focused on helping to bring about solutions and enjoying himself with projects, but things would really pick up with the new CEO: Michael Eisner. Henson and Eisner had a pretty cordial relationship, even if Eisner was the one who originally declined Henson's Dark Crystal film years prior. That said, Eisner would also help prove instrumental in the film's success here at Disney as he suggested the film's release in October to capitalize on the spooky imagery and let the audiences know what they're expecting. Since then, the two have become a power duo over on Disney, with the two pushing and influencing the other, especially as they got to know the other. Eisner figured that it was a matter of letting Henson do what he wanted and reigning him in when practicality needed to be. This included ensuring Henson took his time off, something the other heads helped him on or the time he gave Henson some needed relationship advice that helped Henson maintain good ties with his wife. Henson meanwhile was able to utilize Eisner's ambition to spur him on to do benevolent acts in the company, especially with the civil and social changes, with one major instance being the first Disney animated film samgen couple in Story Of Seadogs in 2000. The two how to work off one another and other folk, such as Henson with Brillstein.

    Over at Disney, Henson enjoyed in being able to go and make a fair bit more Muppet films and works over there, including his own show with The Jim Henson Hour. Beyond that, he had plenty of creative endeavors he wished to pursue and did so. Over in 1993 for example, there would be the release for the sequel over for The Dark Crystal, which would grow to expand to a bit of a small franchise with novel tie-ins and other possibilities. Another would be released through Touchstone Pictures in The Tale of Sand, a rewrite of Jim's first screenplay all the way back from the mid-1950s and working with Jerry Juhl. Released over in 1996, it would be quite a surreal piece that would become a cult classic. Work began on it over back in 1993 with the main character Mac being played by then rising talent Brad Pitt (prior to his work on Seven and Twelve Monkeys), a man being hunted down by mysterious individual Patch through a surrealist desert. The film would also be directed by David Lynch, who managed to work well with Jim. The film became a cult classic for its strange and existential feel, with some relating it spoke to some on the post-Cold War surrealness of the world. Indirectly, Henson would help foster creatvity and drive for the brand, along with leading to some decisions. Some speculated it was Henson who suggested the push to acquire Harvey Comics along with some of the superheroes from Archie. This would not be his only influence in comics as he would be inspied by his time in Japan to push for Japanese animation and subsequently manga over for Disney to take inspiration from. Starting from the partnership with Studio Ghibli, it would grow further and more diverse. One famous development would be Disney borowing the Shonen Jump model of comics and creating their own magazine with comic chapters in it, with said magazines published in all sorts of stores. With it, they could tantalize readers with new IPs, guage what's popular and make long term plans through purchasing collections and eventual omnibuses. This model worked quite well, especially in a time where comics felt a bit stagnant regarding buying the issues and enough for DC and Marvel to become introspective. He also pushed for the maintaining of practical effects, being combined over with the growth of CGI.

    Moreover, Henson helped Disney ride the wave regarding third wave feminism and working with Eisner and the others, helped deal some of the various toxic work troubles and issues over in the company. It became a growing trend that seriously disappointing Jim was a pretty good way to get yourself screwed in the industry. Of course, the political atmosphere helped these reformatory efforts. Beyond this, it would be Jim and his growing circle that would lead to better working conditions for child actors, especially as alot of the scandals were breaking out. Indeed, those on the fence quickly sided with Jim as they realized his proactive response to deal with the problems meant it would save them alot of trouble later. And thus would be born the Young Entertainers' Support Group, a group for various child actors to deal woth their struggles and support one another, along with functioning almost as a sort of special union. And this would have some prominent influence down the line, especially with the growing rise of the Internet and social media. It would lead to a growing awareness of being cautious and trying to handle your online presence, something that would have an impact with the rise of internet stars and young talent on there. And of course, efforts regarding contract renewals and making sure everyone has their fair-share when it comes to pay, benefits and respect.

    Henson's whimsicial touch could often be subtle, but still be seen alot all over the various aspects of Disney, including the parks. One would of course be his pushing to keep alive DisneyQuest, having been able to come up with a way to salvage it. The focus would be to embrace the arcadey angle and add a bowling alley and a lounge, even if had to replace some of the animatronic stuff on the bottom floor. This would work as it would make it more open to everyone. However, this would be the tip of the iceburg. One of the biggest works was when he along with Eisner worked together over for the third park over for Walt Disney World in 1991, Fantasia Studios. Originally known as "Project Hollywood", the idea was for the theme park to draw inspiration over from the Golden Age of Hollywood. It would be an homage over to show business and be a sort of giant multi-purpose operating production studio. However, during the planning, of course Jim was brought in who had mixed feelings. On the one hand, he brought up some concerns. These were things such as the long-term plans of the park (namely on how popular the idea of the "Golden Age of Hollywood" would be for younger folk and newer generations) and on how many people would be enjoying it. At the same time, he seemed delighted at the idea of inspiration to artistic endeavors and would begin making extensive modifications to the idea. Still serving as a production studio, it would also transcend Hollywood and be this massive homage to artists and the folks behind it. Dedicated to all the arts: film, television, theatre, music, animation and more. With the bugs ironed out, thus would be created Fantasia Studios, inspired by the film of the same name.

    The Fantasia Studios park would be roughly inspired by a studio, divided into major pavilions with each one focused over on a major medium. Tinseltown would be focused over on ol' Hollywood with films and included a small sort of film theater, usually airing various classics and having some homages to film making and its genres, being a glittering palace. The Silly Symphony Theatre would be dedicated over to the classical theater, being the sight over of plays, musicals, dance, and of course, Jim Henson's beloved muppets. Jim chose the name, as while he liked the original name of Muppet Theater, he didn't want anyone to feel leftout. Animation Avenue would of course be the focus over on animation, both traditional and CGI, becoming a favorite spot for all of those who enjoyed cartoons, both on the silver screen and on TV. Musicland would be an instrument themed studio over dedicated to singers, songwriters and musicians of all kinds. Expanding on the music making attractions in DisneyQuest, it would enable for people to find their voice and song. The Awesome Amphitheatre would be an open courtyard where sometimes live performances are seen along with more impromptu perfomances and connecting most of the other places along with a good portion of the shops and eateries. And then of course, the Silverscreen Tower, which would be a more laidback place that served as an impromptu history of various mediums along with serving as an homage to the pencil-pushers and suits that keep the dreams alive, including a tradition where all the new CEOs and presidents introduce themselves. Interestingly enough, two new additions would be added over time. One would be a bit of a last-minute one before actual opening, the Library of Dreams. Located on the periphery of the park, it was created as an homage to novelists and writers, though would also serve as a sort of resting place from the noisy place outside. It would become a favorite for those wanting to unwind and relax, especially for those a bit overwhelmed, either children or adult, and a bit of a fun underground. It would also have a large coffeehouse and bakery. Another addition would be added over in the last year of Henson and Eisner being at the Park, Virtual Visions. While the idea of a video game section was always in talks, it was not high on the list of priorities. It wasn't until Disney began getting more seriously into video games did they consider it, with the expansion greenlighted thanks to the success of the Kingdom Hearts franchise. Inspired by Y2K styled cyber aesthetics, it would be a fun tech wonderland with a cybercafe showing the work and effort into making video games, along with becoming a showcase for new tech and ideas used in it. All with Mickey's Sorcerer hat greeting visitors over to the park.

    Henson also helped oversee the development of the Wildscape (originally named the Animal Kingdom), especially with the concerns from various groups. After all, Disney did not have the best track effort over with zoological affairs. After all, Discovery Island was still relatively fresh in the memories. However, alot of people believed in the efforts here and alot of caution and effort went into here. Beyond that, making the park as eco-friendly would be seen as an ambitious endeavor over by the Imagineers. It helped that alot of the new developments in eco-friendly urban design gave them alot to work with and everything would be clever planning and usage, along with getting people to follow the rules and the like. It was a lot of effort and before the end of the millenium, the Wildscape would be ready as the fourth park of Walt Disney World. Rumors of a fifth park would be active throughout all the 2000s before it would be confirmed to be in development. It would be Eisner and Henson's last major project with the parks before their retirement. One reason why it took so long was because well, what would be the park be on? And Henson's last gift would be that: a park dedicated to the core characters of Disney itself. Jim Henson had often discussed to Eisner how popular the characters were in comic books abroad along with how little they were really utilized over in television. Shouldn't the Sensational Six get more attention? Alot of folk seem to agree and Eisner, being the ambitious man, decided to go forth as the poject would go in design. The designs and details would be finalized by the time Eisner and Henson would've left.

    This would be the fifth Disney park: Toonopolis. One massive park dedicated to Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy, Pluto and all of their beloved extended casts. It would be a celeberation of Disney's beginnings in animation and the untapped potential of the various toons and their stories. The decision was also a practical one. One of the plans for Magic Kingdom was to expand Fantasyland and that Mickey's Toontown would need to be torn down. However, this new plan would enable it to survive in a whole new park and the concept expanded upon. The basic outline included major sections dedicated to grouping of the toons; Mickey Mouse Avenue would be focusing on Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and some of the lesser-known characters associated with his comics. Little Duckburg would be a massive homage over to the Donald Duck comics, wth Donald, Daisy, his nephews along with extended family, including elements from "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck". Goofy Park would be a sports-themed place based on some of the Goofy cartoons along with Max Goof and some of Goofy's family from the comics. Ink Blot Spot would become the place especially catered for black and white cartoons and the home for the returning Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, an old-timely black, gray and white wonderland. Toonpolis TV Station would be focused more on the animated shows of the Disney family and resmebling the House of Mouse building from the show. From the Saturday morning cartoons started by Eisner to the ones now over on air, it would be a fun place to celeberate the milestones over on the television. And of course, there would be the Funny Food Court, a very large and diverse food court to enjoy all sorts of wacky and fun-themed food that also served as an impromptu playground to go and lounge around. Overall, while not completed until 2010 or so, it would certainly be quite a glorious occasion for the toon fans to come and enjoy.

    But alas, all good things must come to an end. It was around after Henson convinced Eisner to go and greenlight Tam Lin and the two supposedly walked across the hall. They ended up in the men's bathroom and there, one said to the other. "When did we become old men?". Now, the question of retirement lingered there before, but now, it was something to take more serious. Having reconnected with his wife, Jim wanted to spend even more time with her and with his children (now all grown up) as he was slowing down (which Eisner joked was Jim's work ethic now focused on his relationships). Michael Eisner himself was becoming tired with some of the conflicts with some of the other major players. Wells' departure would further convince Eisner that it would be his time to go and head out as well. The two worked to go and find some suitable replacements and finish up some last-minute things. Henson still has his stake in the Muppets though he'd likely be focusing over on smaller scale stuff while Eisner still had The Tornante Company as an investment firm. Perhaps the two could work again at some point. Their departure would be quite a bittersweet one as the company would have to bid farewell to the artist and the businessman who helped save Disney in a dark hour. No one knows what really laid for Disney moving forward, but it was quite in a solid position. It was doing good over with films and television and decided to keep going more with video games as well. Their parks were becoming an increasing standout with plans to open more DisneyQuests across over in the United States, especially as they consider further additions to the complex. Overall, Disney was in quite a good place and left in good hands. Eisner would stick around a bit longer to finalize transition, but for now, many would see a hippie leaving the House of Mouse, riding into the sunset.


    And a big mega thank you to @Geekhis Khan and his epic timeline. I was happy and proud to be there at the beginning and I appreciate your support of my own timeline here.
    Last edited:
    2007 Overview
  • 2007 Overview

    2007 would become a hallmark over for the United States with the admission of two new states into the union for the first time in decades. Washington DC would be admitted in as Douglass Commonwealth as the 51st state and the first city-state of the United States. This would be followed up over by Puerto Rico becoming the 52nd second state jsut a few months later. This would no doubt have an influence on upcoming elections, especially with Puerto Rico. After all, there would be 4 new Senators joining and even more members over into the House of Representatives along with some new governors. This would seem to further cement the legacy and plans over by President Clinton and his administration. After all, Vice President Al Gore has announced his candidacy over for presidency for the United Central Party and the hope was to continue on. However, the other parties were having their own growing candidates in their primary races. All the while, local elections and state elections were becoming increasingly diverse with the people running for office over for 2008 as the new system had time to settle and people becoming used to it. Beyond this, it was rather peaceful over in the United States with little to no major events going on, at last that would be of concern.

    Internationally, things were also relatively calm. Various nations would be having their elections or preparing theirs. For some, it would like it'd be a continuation of the sort of centralist politics that have come to dominate the eras while others would be going a little bit more conservative. Of course, some elections would be getting more attention over than others. One major one would be the upcoming elections over in the State of Arabia. Many nations were curious to see what the former domain of the Sauds would do for their leaders. Heck, whether to be a republic or a constitutional monarchy was on the table here. Politically, the Neo-Baathists would be having a pretty good following, but many of the old guard of critics toward the House of Saud would be going to push themselves over into the election, such as Muhammad Saeed Tayeb. The political atmosphere was mainly on continuing the economic reforms that would see the oil money go to the people though there was also the mixed view of the culture. After all, the secular order put upon by the Neo-Baathists would be here to stay. After all, most of the violent reactionary elements would be crushed by the interim regime and the economic reforms given would help appease and pacify the populace to where many would go and accept the new status quo with only some complaints of the social change. Overall, eyes would be over on the Arab nation and its neighbors, especially as other parts of the world keep patching themselves together.

    Regarding cinema, it'd be a bit more low-key. Spider-Man 2 would come out early this year after various delays, contract negotiations, script rewrites and the like. The film would become quite a standout success, especially Alfred Molina's more sympathetic and nuanced portrayal of Doctor Octopus, which revived interest in the character and hope for some new directions. Action continued on with The Bourne Ultimatum along with thrillers like Ocean's Thirteen, No Country For Old Men, and Zodiac. Bridge to Terebithia was a pretty impactful story over for the young folk to watch, especially with what it was based on. There was even a bit of fantasy over with Stardust. However, comedies would also get some pretty impactful hits over with Hot Fuzz, forming the second of a trilogy and the charming and comical coming of age story in Superbad. Starring a power trio in Jonah Hill, Micheal Cera and Elliot Page, it focuses on the trials of growing up and becoming one of the hallmark films defining the Millenial Generation. Of prominent note would be this film would be the major introduction over to Elliot Page, a rising transmale actor, in which the film would serve as a big break for along with developing a bond with Cera and Hill on stage. As for other films, National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets proved to be a fun time while Gone Baby Gone would prove to be quite successful and showing there was alot of promise in neo-noir, especially in adaptations. That said, one change to the novel was the setting being the 1980s; Ben Affleck, in his directorial debut, would note that in today's society, the downer ending would be extemely unlikely given the advancements of social reforms and welfare reforms in the past 20 years or so.

    For animated cinema, there were plenty of successful hits over as well. Disney would surprise people with two animated films. The first would be the long-awaited Atlantis III: Tides of Destiny. Taking place years after the events of the second film and the animated series, the group reunites with the end of the second World War, but also when Atlantis should go and reveal itself to the world. However, one man would propose even further that Atlantis showcase its power to the world. The head of the guard, a man named Meshkiangasher (or Meshki for short), he would attempt to persuade Kida and Milo into war, but when that fails, he would attempt a coup. He was armed not only with new tech, made from the remains of old tech of the second film, but also mercenaries from the surface, former WW2 soldiers. Said soldiers were gathered by none other than the guard's partner (and confirmed lover): Helga Sinclair from the first film. She reveals that she survived her incident and was taken by the guard out of sympathy, who nursed her back to health. After she healed, she went to the surface world, but the interwar years had jaded her and she returned to Meshki. He persuaded her to his side as he himself knew the troubles of the surface world (revealing he was the mythic Sumerian king of the same name). Despite this, the two antagonists are portrayed with sympathy and the confrontation ends with the two standing down, but Atlantis revealing itself over to the world. The film would be surprisingly rather intense for a Disney film, but it would still be lauded for managing to tackle serious matters well. It also managed to keep a couple songs in. One was an Atlantean song celeberating the world near the beginning of the film. The second was quite surprising; it would be Helga singing a portion of Wagner's Götterdämmerung in Atlantean (with subtitles and musical cues allowing those who knew to realize it), symbolizng Helga's view of what Atlantis plans to do the world. The film would do quite well, along with having a trailer for an upcoming film... Disney's Samak The Ayyar, an adaptation of the Persian myth of the same name.

    However, the film was delayed due to the plots changing, which allowed for another Disney film to be completed over ahead of schedule: Meet The Robinsons. The last Disney film that would be worked on by Jim Henson, the film was a loose adaptation of a book. The film was a glorious celeberation of an optimistic future and to keep moving forward while acknowledging the tragedies of the past with main character Lewis. It also was the importance of dealing with failure, emotions and the like, as seen with Lewis' best friend and reluctant lab rat in Goob. The film served as a whimsicial and creative work, with the extra Henson touch and a happy ending, including a last-minute seen of an adult Lewis and his family going to see Goob, now a professional and happy baseball player. And of course, Pixar would go ahead with a film of their own over with Ratatouille, a story of a rat long to be a chef. Dreamworks would also keep move forward with their own projects and a similar theme would be seen over in Shrek 3. The film tackles the idea of fatherhood and legacy; Shrek learns he's gonna be a father a bit after the death of Fiona's own father King Harold and having to deal with what lies ahead in his future. Meanwhile, Prince Charming meets a man who is none other than his own father, the legendary Jack (said to be the source of the various Jack tales). The film series continues in tackling the nuances of what happens after Happily Ever After and what it means. We learn the surprising tragic and complicated reason for Jack and Fairy Godmother's rather sad seperation (which made Godmother look more of a tragic villain, done in by her own folly) along with Jack trying to be a dad to Charming, all with the themes of rulership running parallel to parenthood. Ultimately, Fiona's mom Queen Lillan takes reign and plans to transition to a more democratic means while Charming decides to go with his father to find new purpose, parting amicably with Shrek and Fiona, all while Shrek and Fiona find inner peace to go and become parents. This also seemed to be Dreamworks' way of saying good bye to the Shrek franchise, at least for now. Rumors circulated of a potential spin-off series involving Reynard the Fox. For now though, it was looking the studio would be heading to a new direction, especially with the confirmed plans for MetroCentury to acquire DreamWorks Animation due to their close ties and working together well. This would also provide more franchises and content over for MetroCentury going forward, including for MetroKids, which rumor has will be be rebranded soon. One sign of a potential new direction would be with DreamWorks' other animated film, The Nomes or also called Truckers, Diggers & Wings. The film would be an adaptation of the Bromeliad Trilogy written by Terry Prachett. The film would be an adaptation of all three books into one film with the adaptation itself being hand-drawn animation led over by Don Bluth. The films meanwhile would have trailers for some new DreamWorks' films, that of Kung Fu Panda and a sequel to Madagascar.

    As for television, a few prominent shows would be ending here. The Sopranos would go out with a rather infamous ending of a sudden cut to black afte the tense events of the episode. Stargate SG-1 would also end over after a decade of being on the air with other prominent shows ending being Reba, 7th Heaven, That's So Raven and Punk'd in terms of live action. For animation, Kim Possible ending would be the big news there. The show after all had become beloved for its efforts in treating romance as a serious subject within animated television along with Monique's impact as a samgen woman of color (which her voice actress Raven-Symone became a queer icon for and appreciate how many she would help.) As for new shows, one of the first big hit would be the period piece in Mad Men. Period pieces were becoming increasingly common, with some joking it's the best way to get realistic drama nowadays. Other shows included Chuck and Burn Notice. As for animation, a few more shows appeared. Mainly on MetroKids, it would be Skunk Fu and Stormhawks while Disney would have an interesting new show with Out Of Wally's Head. The show is a sequel to the made-for-tv film from the previous year in Re-Animated. The premise was based on an idea of a Who Framed Roger Rabbit-esque show, but with a young artist who can see and interact with cartoons. While initially considered for Cartoon Network, it would be picked up by Disney soon after they reacquired Oswald and decided to combine the concepts. Animation fan Wally Henderson faints while visiting an animation museum and realizes he can see cartoon characters such as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and now has to deal with this miracle. The show is considered a bit of a cult classic, with Wally serving as a straight man for his cartoony pals, while also exploring the exploits of cartoon physics against the real world. Cartoon Network meanwhile would have Chowder, a zany cartoon show focused on a young apprentice chef, though would gain a bit of a following when a massive fan theory would speculate Chowder is samgen (due to his disinterest in bunny girl Panini). Nick meanwhile would go forward with El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera, following the titular character as he struggled on whether to be a hero or a villain with his powers while celeberating Mexican culture. The big surprise would be the announcement of The Dresden Files animated series over on Adult Swim. While planned as a live action show, it would shift to animation as it would provide more freedom with lighting, mood and magical effects without being as big a hit on the budget.

    Over for video games, the seventh generation of video game consoles has begun, with the Nintendo Wii, the Playstation 3 and the Microsoft-Atari Abox 360. The Nintendo Wii would become a surprise victor so far, as its approach to casual gaming and its' clever usage of motion control would capture the delight and attention of many people such as with Wii Sports, Wii Play, Mario Party 8 or Wario Ware: Smooth Moves. Even with more traditional games, Nintendo's new controls here would work pretty well as seen with Super Paper Mario, Mario Strikers Charged, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Krion Conquest II: Lost Magic , the Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night and Super Mario Galaxy. Besides greater Mario games, Metroid would wrap up what looked to be a prominent trilogy while Krion Conquest II would go back to the first game and move former from there. And of course, some games really wouldn't be affected, such as Pokemon Stadium Wii. For the Playstation 3, there would be some new games such as The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Tekken 5. However, the PS2 would still have some games left for it that could be played on the PS3, most notably, Persona 3 FES, which would take the SMT spin-off and evolve it into a franchise of it its own. The Abox 360 would stand out ove with Halo 3, Mass Effect and Guitar Hero 2. It would also share some games with Windows computers such as Portal, Team Fortress 2 and the Orange Box along with Half-Life 2 Episode Two. As for computer games themselves, the standouts would be Europa Universalis III, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, Sam & Max Season One, Crysis, The Witcher and for MMOs, the first expansion pack to World of Warcraft with The Burning Crusade, which added a new race to each side (the draenai for the Alliance and the tauren for the Horde). Meanwhile the GamePal DS would be going strong with the North American releases of Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver. There would also be some new additions such as The Legend of Hyrule: The Phantom Hourglass and Donkey Kong Country DS along wth some new franchises such as Etrian Odyssey anThe World Ends With You while the PSP would see a growing number of games over on it as well such as Monster Hunter Freedom 2.
    Winter 2008: The Rise of Hacktivism
  • 2008 would start of rather interestingly as the major parties would be narrowing down their list of candidates. Soon enough, the people will vote in the primaries for their favored politician to represent the party before moving on over in the general election. For the most part, things would be rather quiet when it came to what people were wanting. They were wanting the good times to continue and for things to remain steady for the most part. Economists were predicting a moderate recession to be coming due to a bit of trouble in the housing market though it wasn't expected to be too much trouble. That said, people have not lost any confidence. After all, they have weathered worse back in the late 1970s so this would be something that would pass over. Beyond this, the issues that were being discussed were some mild concerns about inflation and the like. Over all, the current election cycle would be looking to be pretty peaceful, with the focus being more on the local community and state level. Alot of the long term plans set in the past were paying off well and it further proved the wisdom of long term rational thinking. At the same time, there was some excitement. After all, mainstream news was reporting more and more on solar power breakthroughs coming, namely in practical pricing. Once it cleared a certain hurdle, it would become more practical to begin adopting it over the remaining fossil fuels and then it was a matter of pricing. The political candidates, especially Al Gore, were having their thoughts over on the subject matter. Bill Clinton meanwhile would go and follow in a tradition of increasing the federal minimum wage over to $9.00 the hour, though months sooner than expected. Some joked this was done to give VP Gore a boost in the election. Some of the affulent states and even cities meanwhile would go further with their minimum wages, such as in New York City or Los Angeles, to go and keep up with living costs. They would also try and attract young people as a growing generation of Millenials would become more interested in traveling and even settling in more inexpensive states, uitilizing AmTrak and extended public transporation to trek across the states of the nation.

    However, a disruption would come in the form in what contemporary historians would end up referring to as 'hacktivism.' Coming from the terms 'Hack' (referring to computer hacking) and 'Activism', it referred to the act of computer hacking and related activites for activist purposes, usually such as exposing corruption and the like. While such phenomena would not be unheard of, if rare, the beginning of 2008 would see some pretty big cases of it. The first would be through a mysterious online group known as 'Anonymous.' This was prompted when a a leaked interview of Kirstie Louise Alley by the Church of Scientology would be published on YouTube and the Church responded with a "copyright infringement" claim. In response, Anonymous sympathizers took to the streets to protest outside the church, while the church's websites and centres were getting DoS attacks, phone line nukes, and black faxes. [1] This would be the first time Anonymous would be heard on mainstream media, symbolized by a mysteriou figure with a question mark for a head and its activists on the streets wearing mirrored visors covering most or their whole faces, usually with ski masks under it (a visual representation of a phrase associated with them "we have no face, for we are all you.") This would be followed up by another, more formal, organization launched into the mainstream, 'WikiLeaks.' The website would release allegations of illegal activities carried out by the Cayman Islands branch of Swiss banking corporation Julius Baer. While a subsequent lawsuit against WikiLeaks would prompt a temporary suspension of the website, a mass uproar about violations of freedom of speech causes WikiLeaks to be brought back online. [1] Pundits and prominent figures would weigh in on these growing phenomenon, and for many young people, these groups would inspire them, serving as a potential outlet for their voices.

    Meanwhile, smaller events continued on. The Writers' Strike would finally end over late winter, namely thanks to pressure from outside groups, including other unions in the entertainment industry. While they would get pay raises, some suspected that this could potentially happen again. [2] Over in Europe, Cyprus and Maltawould adopt the euro currency. [1] The Food and Drug Administration declares that food from cloned cattle, swine, goats, and their progeny as being safe to eat. [2] Meanwhile, a close call for Heath Ledger would be noted. Having reached further fame for starring as the infamous Batman villan, the Joker, over in The Dark Knight, he would enter a coma as a result of misused medical drugs though it was noted that circumstances allowed for prompt medical response and many were praying for a full recover for Heath. [2]

    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    Spring 2008: Heat and Politics
  • Spring 2008: Heat and Politics


    Newseum — Pennsylvania Ave. facade and entrance

    The 2008 US Presidential Election was the main thing over on zeitgeist of America. After all, the primaries were wrapping up and the political parties were getting their folk ready to run in the general election while the independents were growing their support. Unsurprisingly, Al Gore would become the winner of the United Central Party primary, with his running mate being the up and coming senator Barack Obama. For the Democrats, Dennis Kucinich would end up winning the primary with House Rep Barbara Jean Lee becoming his running mate. However, the big surprise would come over from the Federalist Party. After a close competition, the victor would be none other than Senator Olympia Snowe, with her running mate being Bill Weld . It would come off as more than a bit of a surprise on her becoming the first serious female candidate, enough to win her primary, and it coming from the new conservative party no less. That said, Snowe did have a very positive reputation regarding multi-partisan collaboration and her moderate stances from the beginning meant she would be able to win support. As such, many would take this as a positive sign that the lingering troubles of bias within the American political sphere was beginning to disappear. At the same time, with these new candidates chosen, they were launched into the frey of various issues and changes they could bring to America. Overall, given the peace time, the issues were a fair bit more diverse and specific, with the more political active if periphery folk getting their chance to ask some questions. One topic was on the topic of renewable energy tied with infrastructure. After all, the topics of solar and wind becoming more viable meant that the promise of futher phasing out fossil fuels was becoming in grasp. On a more contemporary note, the issue regarding Anonymous vs Scientology would come up once, namely on the distrubing allegations that would be coming on the latter.

    Another topic related over would be on automobiles. This would come out over from how General Motors announced that it will cut production of pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles in various locations, such as plants in Michigan and Ontario. This naturally came with the need to negotiate layoffs with the various unions, such as the United Auto Workers and Canadian Auto Workers. [1] This was raising questions on infrastucture, the future of fuel for automobiles and so on, bringing more attention to renewables and the ongoing debate between hydrogen fuel cell vs electric. Both had positives and negatives, especially since renewable sources of energy meant both could produce what was needed with less issue. Hydrogen fuel cell was barely winning, if mainly because batteries were not up to the task, for now anyway. Some believed electric would clinch the race when battery tech developed enough. The talks in government were in regard to infrasturcture development to fully secure either one of them to replace fossil fuel in cars. It served as a reminder regarding federal and state governments playing major roles to come when it came to these issues along with the voters to remember on their own importance regarding their communities.

    Beyond that, there were various other bits of news going on in the world. The Newseum would open up over an Arlington, that of a museum dedicated to and celeberating free spech and journalism over in the United States. [1] Meanwhile, Pope Benedict XVI would pay a visit over to the United States with his main destination being the White House, the Catholic University of America, the United Nations General Assembly among other locations. Over across the world, other developments were being observed. The first European Space Agency Automated Transfer Vehicle, a cargo spacecraft for the International Space Station, launches from Guiana Space Centre in French Guiana [2]. Politically, a major development would be occurring over in the east. Bhutan holds its first general elections following the adoption of a new Constitution that had the nation transition into a constitutional monarchy. [2] Weeks later, their neighbor over in Nepal would vote overwhelmingly to abolish the monarchy. 240 years of rule by the crown ending and Nepal would be reborn over as a republic. [2] These political developments would also seem to draw attention back over to the State of Arabia, as the elections were coming on the fate of the nation. The nation would be ruled through a parliament and its new leaders voted on, but furthermore, how would the nation lead itself? Would it choose to fully embrace parliamentary republicanism? Or would they welcome back in a member of the House of Hashim, serving as the inspirational beacon in a constitutional monarchy? Both sides had tempting points, from the calls for democracy and self-rule in the former to the latter's appeal on tradition and legacy given the House of Hashim's role in the Arab Revolts and to help guide the nation.


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing from here:
    Summer 2008: New Kingdom of Arabia

  • Summer 2008 would gather the attention of the world because of electoral involvement. All eyes would lay over on the State of Arabia as the interim government would go and fulfill their agreement. Full-scale elections would be held over in the nation. The Neo-Baathists were still running though were not truly campaigning, mainly letting their results speak for themselves. And of course, some other parties were rising. One of them would be the Sacred Democracy Party. A somewhat conservative political party, it was inspired by the success of "Christian democracy" parties over in Europe, to where the various thinkers went and talked with these party groups for advice and ideals to form the party. However, the name Sacred Democracy was chosen both to reflect a commitment to the ideals of democracy, but also because of the concerns of calling it "Islamic" would fare given what had happened. Another major party would be a centralist party known as the Arabian Reform Party. Made from some of the moderate liberals and the old guard from past movements. Besides these three, there would be others, such as a Communist Party and the Arab People's Union Party, a successor to the Arabian Peninsula People's Union and a potential rival to the Neo-Baathists. Overall, it would be a parliamentary vote with men and women permitted to vote, including by mail. It would be the Arabian Reform Party who would win and the first Prime Minister would be Muhammad Saeed Taib, a prominent lawyer and political activist.

    And there there was the question of whether Arabia should embrace republicanism or welcome in a new king. The candidate in question would be Hassan bin Talal. The younger brother of the deceased king, he was the former Crown Prince prior to being replaced by his nephew. Despite this, Hassan maintained a fair bit of prestige over his participation in Jordanian and international civil society with various organization. This along with being of the House of Hashim meant he had plenty of influence, especially when he began parlaying that into assisting the State of Arabia during the interm years. Of course, it would be left for the people to decide and most parties were influenced to take officially neutral stances on the matter (barring the APUP and the Communists, who were both pretty open on their support for republicanism.) Jordan itself remained on the fence for this, but ultimately Abdullah II gave his uncle his blessing to go and extend the House of Hashim to return there as a sign of repairing relations. Ultimately, the people leaned more conservatively and would ultimately select Yes for Arabia becoming a constitutional monarchy. The newly crowned Hassan bin Tabal symbolized the return of the House of Hashim as the custodians of Mecca and Medina as they have done for centuries. King Hassan promised to help the nation however he could and looked forward to aiding the new Prime Minister Muhammad Taib. Taib would begin rolling back some of the harsher punishments put in by the Neo-Baathists, but maintained the secular rule along with its commitment to it. Liberals were happy with one of their own in power while conservatives felt they no longer were in danger and would be quite happy to embrace Taib compared to the Neo-Baathists, though the latter remained popular among younger voters.

    People were breathing a sigh of relief with the peaceful transition of power and the start of a new era in the region. And just in time over for the 2008 Olympics held in Toronto. The newly designated Kingdom of Arabia would finish its elections and the new leadership able to witness the games coming in, sending over their finest athletes over for good-mannered competition to be had. Toronto enjoyed their time over in the spotlight though also shed the surprising light of just how many people lived in the area and how dense it was. Beyond the Olympics of 2008 and the elections over in Arabia, it was somewhat quiet. The world continued on over with its developments and it was a rather peaceful time for the most part. The great powers over with the US, the SUSR, the EU and China would get together among various others to discuss the ongoing global developments, mainly the continued progress of switching to renewable energy along with dealing with other environmental problems. There would also be future issues to consider on how to be proactive with such matters, especially with the economy becoming more and more focuses on services rather than manufacturing. The "Global South" would also be seeing further growth in development, though also becoming a testing ground for alternate approaches to meet the high living standards elsewhere over in the world. All in all, things seemed to be pretty peaceful.
    New Country Profile: Hashemite Kingdom of Arabia
  • New Country Profile: Hashemite Kingdom of Arabia
    المملكة العربية الهاشمية [Al-Mamlaka al-ʿArabīyah l-Hāšimiyya]

    New Hashemite Flag.png

    Flag of Hashemite Kingdom of Arabia

    Motto: الله ، الوطن ، السلام "Allāh, al-Waṭan, al-Salam" (God, Country, Peace)
    Anthem: The Royal Anthem of Arabia
    Capital: Jeddah
    Largest City: Riyadh
    Official Language: Arabic
    Ethnic Groups: Arab, Non-Arab
    Religion: Secular; Islam (majority)
    Demonym: Hashemite Arabian
    Government: Unitary constitutional monarchy
    Legislature: Parliament [Upper House- Senate, Lower House- House of Representatives]
    Currency: Hashemite riyal

    National Facts:
    • Jeddah was chosen to be the nation's new capital as a sign of its rebirth over into a new nation. However, many speculate it was also done as a sort of influence given the city also served as the capital of the Kingdom of Hejaz decades prior. A new if modest palace was built for the royal family, which many have called a "Muslim styled White House".
    • Riyadh remains Arabia's largest city and the former palace of the Sauds is being coverted over into a museum, being opened over for the sake of tourism.
    • The nation is usually just called the Kingdom of Arabia informally.
    • The King serves as the head of state while the head of government is the Prime Minister.
    • The voting system used in the nation is Party-list proportional representation.
    • The position of King is not completely ceremonial; they do have some if modest executive duties along with prominent input.
    • While Islam is the majority religion, the nation is secular first and foremost. As such, religious discrimination is explicitly forbidden and during the interim period, often carried rather harsh punishments.
    • The flag was designed with the classic colors associated with the Muslim faith. The red seven-pointed star in the center meanwhile symbolizes the Hashemite ruling family, as both the color and star have been historically associated with them in the region.
    • Has become focused on transitioning away from dependency on oil, with massive focuses over on solar energy. Additionally, the economy has been diversifying to account for tourism as well as technology.
    • Many members of the House of Saud remain wanted for questioning in the nation and as such, many of them are living in hiding abroad.
    • One of the new nation's first is allies is Qatar, with many speculated that Qatar may end up being annexed by Arabia within the next couple of decades. Said rumor came about from the various Neo-Baathist parties expressing unification of the Arab peninsula.
    • On close relations over with Jordan unsurprisingly due to the shared familial line.
    • Improved relations over with Iran, the latter enjoying the peace and both working to avoid sectarian fighting of faiths.
    • The economy is a mixed economy, with the government investing alot of money to grow and stabilize the nation.
    • During the interim years, much of the modern welfare system was updated and creating, such as a national healthcare system and the like.
    • They have been improving relations with their neighbors, who are mainly relieved that the region can finally calm down and experience some real peace and growth.
    • A good portion of the confiscated assets of the House of Saud have also gone into state-companies as part of the nation's attempts to enter the tech sector, with the hopes of becoming prominent in terms of e-commerce and the like.
    • The nation has addressed the issues regarding the foreign workers, including benefits and pay raises.
    • A major trend in the Hashemite Kingdom is regreening the nation. The purposes is to help with employment along with increase tourism for natural beauty and to improve the environment.
    • Another growing trend in the nation is the rising interest in genetics. Many have attributed this to the nation's growing interest of using gene-editing to try and 'green' the nation through hardier and more potent plants.
    • Culturally, the nation is settling down from the 5-Year interim ruling period and there are growing class and generational clashes due to the growing exposure of the outside world and its politics to the people within.
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    Autumn 2008: Banks and Ballots

  • Autumn would be rolling out and the American people would be excited to head to the polls. It was a rather reflectful time as well. After all, this would be the third president decided through the new electoral system chosen and after more than a decade of usage, people were getting more used to it. While there was still the line between 2 or 3 major parties and the others, that would be closing over time, especially as smaller parties on state level would be influencing things. Gore was seen as the favorite to win, given he was the vice president at the time and he was running a good campaign. A continuation of prosperity along with a further emphasis on cultivating the technology sector. At the same time, his competitors were also racing neck in neck with him. Dennis Kucinich and Olympia Snowe were bothing quite well, with the former trying to go and appeal to progressive sensibilities while the latter promoting the positives of neoclassical conservatism over on the federal level. Both of them were underdog here. After all, times were peaceful and prosperous for the most part. That said, there were still plenty of underlying issues to deal with. An upcoming modest recession tied to housing prices was serving as a reminder over the concern of home costs, even if urban planning and development have improved since the 1980s, going away from the old suburb model. Other economic issues was seeing a contraction within white collar corporate jobs, especially with the rise of the digitization and e-commerce over into the mainstream. While there was some mercies, such as the failures of "mass consolidation", it was still an era of economic transition that created a sort of haunting anxiety over the babyboomers and the brightbangers, both were responding over in different ways. Social issues were not discussed much as more and more of the unpleasant elements were fading away though some newer complications remained.

    One example of this were growing investigations over into the Lehman Brothers investment bank. This was due to the concerns of "accounting gimmicks" done to make the financial issues appear less shaky, though it instead lead to concerns of potential violations. Despite the lax nature of the Clinton Administration on the economy (at least, compared to some of his predecessors), this was enough to start getting them to investigate for potential issues. This in turn was causing some concerns regarding the market, at least being fueled by speculation fever. At the same time, things were still holding out due to the newer regulations put in place by the Udall and Askew Administrations years prior. Some noted that without these regulations, the issues could've compounded into an economic crisis by now. Others were noting how some of the issues were being made worse by the panic of investors and speculation, with some of the older folk recalling how the oil crisis in 1979 with Iran was caused by such panic. While many experts think it is unlikely for the bank to fail, some believe that speculators may cause a self-fulfilling prophecy by their own anxieties. This also became a topic for the election, as both Snowe and Kucinich would use this as part of a need for potential reforms in the systems.

    Of couse, there were all sorts of other things going on. The Shepherd 1 would become the world's first privately developed space launch vehicle to successfully make orbit. [1] The spacecraft was designed over by SpaceX, financed over by Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. Bezos chose the name in homage to Alan Shepard, the first American astronaut in space, with Musk agreeing to it. Further space news would see on the space shuttle Endeavour using the MPLM Leonardo to deliver special racks for storage and experimentation to the International Space Station. [1] In other tech news, there was a growing trend of the youth using featurephones, specifcially inspired by Japanese design, alongside with increasingly advanced PDAs to check emails, sync with computers and the like. Steve Jobs meanwhile was wanting to push over for a unity of these devices, an all-in-one phone, though some were concerned on economic viability and popularity of such devices. As for PDAs, the bigger news there would be the release of the Linux-based Android OS, which in theory could run on any of the PDAs offered by various other companies. The tech sector remained booming and playing an increasing role in the lives of others, especially the youth. The Millenials were becoming the most adept with these devices due being raised with them though some of the Freeborn were also leading the charge as the older innovators.


    [1]- Information and phrasing from here:
    2008- US Elections
  • 2008- US Elections

    2008 would be an interesting time for politics. After all, the 2000s were a peaceful and prosperous time for many nations. There was not many military conflicts and the economies were doing well for the most part. While 2008 would see the beginnings of a recession, it wouldn't be anything to drastic or concerning. At the same time, it still highlighted issues that the voter may be concerned about. The housing market was still a bit of an odd duck and while more tightly regulated, had a weird tendency of going up and down. It didn't help either with some wondering if they need to relax loaning standards while others believed that it was an issue of home costs potentially becoming too expensive. On the other hand, this was mainly with single family homes as duoplexes, triplexes and similar homes were becoming increasingly popular, especially among the young. Regarding the economy, there was a growing dominance of people using computers and furthermore, how they were being used in conjunction with the internet. More and more companies were having websites and creating features to enable services being utilized on there. Overall, the economy was beginning to change faster than some people can keep up and some were having to be left behind. Furthermore, various tech companies were trying to navigate the new system and new management would be shaking things up in trying to maintain long-term profitability and stability. These newcomers maintained the lessons of the older guard and while more ambitious in what they were seaching, would still be rather cautious. This would especially be the case as they would witness some overly ambitious colleagues be taken down by either regulations or their own hubris in trying to make a quick buck and instead cause damage to the brand.

    Socially and culturally, it was a mixed bag. The young embarked on journeys of self-discovery and exposed to many varied viewpoints and perspectives on the Internet, becoming the growing masters of this world wide wild web west. This would be reflected in the mass general concensus of things such as solidarity for SATMIN+ folk as more and more of the young got to know them and normalize bonds with them. Culturally though, people were looking to remain content and enjoy the current good times. And this would be reflected in the media, including with some bits of escapism in reinforcing good times. All of these elements would be reflected over in the upcoming election. Who would become the next President of the United States? Gore would find his lead shrinking in the last few months, which some attributed due to the growing economic concerns and on if he would be willing to address them, especially since it seemed they were partially enabled by the Clinton Administration's relative lax approach to enforcement of said regulation. Additionally, when it came to campaigning, alot of the older folk were looking for a sense of stability and certainty. Someone who could reassure them that they would do what they say they will and maintain a sense of order to help people. The younger folk were looking for change and someone fresh to come in more or less. However, because of the new electoral system, peoples' tastes and approaches were becoming increasingly diverse and complicated. As such, older strategies were becoming even less relevant. And it would come down to the records of the party and the individual themselves.

    The United Central Party felt pretty strongly over about their chances, even if they were nervous with Gore. After all, would people be wanting the same or perhaps go and choose someone else? Their policies were good for the most part though there was some growing conflicts in the party regarding the level of economic intervention they should have been doing alongside with their own potential concerns regarding their image. They were no longer the new kid on the block anymore and they couldn't rely on that sort of novel energy to keep it up. Regardless, they still focused over on where they could. After all, they are a successful third party and even if they lost now, they wouldn't have to be worried about what would come next.

    Meanwhile, the Federalist Party was feeling pretty confident. Olympia Snowe after all is a fairly popular candidate. She was a very moderate candidate and promoted such views over not just in her party and in general. She developed an ability to go and reach across the party line to get support for bills. At the same time, she knew how to stand firm and assert herself if need be. The fact that she won her primary over for her party gave a surge of inspiration for women in terms of becoming President. As for the party itself, it was beginning to consolidate itself. Not just as the party for the American conservative, but also for the values regarding order and the rule of law. At the same time, their commitment to aspects such as agrarianism and equity meant they would be willing to go and use their power to maintain peace and prosperity. Their focus on practical reasoning and social ties would also win over voters. Most of all, they would also focus on countering the ugliness of the past; they proclaimed racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry as the haunting ghosts that needed to be exorcised from the nation. It would also further prove their point as such viewpoints would be viewed as antithetical to practical reasoning and that they would lead to decline of social order. And this viewpoint would be increasingly common among the American conservative, especially as there would be pressure to go and do so.

    As for the Democrats, they remain in a state of transition. While there is still the prominence of progressive politics and decisions to be made, there is a lack of true direction within the party. While they have been working for smaller victories such as expanding workers' rights and the like, many of them feel unsure as to what more they could actually do. At the same time, there has also been a growing generation gap in the meanwhile and some have even attributed the decline to the rising prominence of the Green Party. That said, Dennis Kucinich would still be doing good in maintaing a fair interest in the party among progressive voters and would still be looking to raise awareness on potentially troubling concerns. This included the rising costs of university compared to what people were earning (especially with the questions on where the money was going) along with greater cannabis reform. After, the substance was decriminalized and was getting growing acceptance in states, so why not go and just legalize the whole thing now? He also proposed lowering the voting age over to 16, believing that this will help further promote a healthy democracy.

    In 2008, the voters would go and choose. After all, alot of progress have been made and more people were feeling comfortable with the candidates. With what could be done and how they could do it. They were looking for someone who could build bridges, but also help maintain a face of order and stability. This would especially be the case as more political parties were appearing and taking the focus out of what was already present, leading to a growing varied field. But ultimately, the people would speak. They were looking for someone to keep things orderly and tidy. They were also believing it was time for a woman to go and assert herself.

    Olympia Snowe would become the 44th President of the United States.


    44th President Olympia Snowe & 46th Vice President Bill Weld.

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    2008 Overview
  • 2008 Overview

    The election of Olympia Snowe was marking on a sort of transition over in the United States. It was a sign that more people were coming into the Federalist Party and that this new brand of conservatism was here to stay. This would also be reflected over as the Federalist Party had gotten a good share of Congress' seats. In fact, the one of the first two senators coming from Puerto Rico would be from the Federalist Party, with the other from the UCP. DC meanwhile would come in over with two new Democrat senators and there was a growing variety of politicians over in the House of Reps. The Green Party and the Libretarians even got some Reps over in the House of Reps with the Green Party even manging to get one Senator over into power. It would be quite a fasincating sign of how much has the United States has been changing. Politically, not much else has been happening here though some have wondered what would be the upcoming President Snowe's legacy. President Clinton along with Vice President Gore congratulated Snowe over on her victory. While some saw this as a sign of how far Americans have come, others believe that there is obviously more work to be done. Meanwhile, people were reflecting over on all that had happened. After all, thanks to the 30th Amendment, the term limits of Senators and House Reps meant that all parties had a vested interest in cultivating new politicians and leaders.

    After all, the rise of "hacktivism" would prove that the Millenials and the younger Freeborn possessed the natural rebellious power of youth And said fighting spirit was being organized online to go and fight for what they would see as important causes. From the rise of Anonymous in their war against Scientology to the revelations created by Wikileaks, it would seem the Internet would also start becoming a battleground for people to go and rebel what could be seen as unjust systems. Meanwhile, 2008 would be marking a turning point regarding renewables as all of the funding in solar and wind energy was beginning to pay off. They have crossed or at least very close to reaching the point where it would be practical for many people to afford it. As such, questions were now rising on how cheaper the energy could be, its implementation and the many rammifications of this. This would also be affecting what would be called the "ecocar" question. Electric battery tech was becoming more viable and starting to close the gap between it and hydrogen fuel cell for what would vehicles run in the future. That said, it was still up in the air and it would be little doubt that the upcoming rise of practical renewable energy would become a large factor in deciding the direction of this. Beyond this, things seem to be fine for the most part.

    Pop culture would be rewarded with a growing boom of cinematic works and blockbusters. The first would be none other than The Dark Knight. Nolan's sequel over to Batman Begins, it sees Batman facing off against the Joker, here portrayed as a cynical and unhinged madman, more like a force of nature. If Batman Begins served to build up Batman dealing with ordinary crime, both as Bruce Wayne and as the Caped Crusader, The Dark Knight shows just how unusually and larger than life a supervillain could really be. Ledger would win an award for this and it would be to many's relief he would be making a recovery. Many wondered what Nolan would do next; after all, if Batman Begins did well with Crane as Scarecrow and here with the Joker, what could top it? Another major film release would be the final installment of the so-called prequel trilogy in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Here, all of the elements of Anakin's downfall would be present, both from the previous films and from the two cartoons that filled in the blanks. Here also would be the big reveal that Jar Jar was working with Palpatine, who was Darth Sidious the entire time. However, the other twist would be on Jar Jar's own heterodoxical approach to the dark side. Lacking the lust for power like his colleague, he was likened instead to be some sort of dangerous trickster from folklore and storytelling. One who sowed chaos for his own ends. Ironically here though, the reveal would also be that despite his damning action, he legitimately viewed Anakin, Obi-Wan and the others as friends. Though Jar Jar would be sidelined by Palpatine (but not killed), it would leave a mark. All while Sidious would orchestrate the tragedy of Anakin's converson to Darth Vader. However, the fun would continue on with the long-awaited trailer for another upcoming Star Wars film, Star Wars Episode IX: Broken Fates. Many have been wondering if the final villain would be none other than Jar Jar, as he wasn't killed in Episode III.

    The revelations for the delayed film was likely due to a new Indiana Jones film of all things coming out. And to great success would be the release of Indiana Jones and the Frozen City. Taking place in the mid-1950s, it would see Indiana Jones be surprised by a student over at his university; none other than Wan Li, better known as Shortround. He is now all grown up and studying in the university. Wan Li would not be the only returning character as Marion too would be making a welcome return. It would be a return of form for the franchise as Jones would need to combat the Nazis once more. He would learn some were behind the kidnapping of a beloved colleague and in working with the US government, tracking them to Argentina, where he learned they were looking for a mythical lost city in Anarctica... that of Agartha. Said colleague believed that the story of Atlantis may have been alluding to Agartha, a very ancient civilization. The film would do very well and be the return of Ke Huy Quan over into acting, where he was given a very warm welcome. He would actually be brought in the middle of shooting when he was encountered by Shia LeBeouf, who was cast in a supporting role and this led to Quan reuniting with Ford and his inclusion into the film. Another major film would be the second Narnia film over in Prince Caspian, showing that the people behind it were indeed determined to try and get more of the films made, especially with how they were appealing to the YA novel readers and tween audience. Marvel would go and attempt to throw their hat into the ring of making films over with an Iron Man film, starting Robert Downey Jr as the titular Tony Stark. A brilliant engineer and inventor, he must deal with corporate espionage from Justin Hammer, who many have described as a sort of "comic book take on a James Bond villain". After surviving an attack by creating a makeshift suit of armor, it inspires him to go further, using the armor to become a superhero. The film would be viewed as entertaining along with some surprising insight on the nuances of misusing technology. Other films include Hancock, a deconstruction of the super hero along with a commentary on poverty and homelessness, Milk, a biographical film of SATMIN+ activist Harvey Milk, Forbidden Kingdom, a martial arts film with Jet Li and Jackie Chan that's an homage to "Journey to the West" and many other films such as The Secret Life of Bees, Tropic Thunder and even the X-Files film.

    As for animated fiilms, there were all sorts of successes coming out as well. First would be Disney's Samak The Ayyar, an adaptation of the Iranian epic of the same name done in a mix of traditional hand drawn animation and CGI (usually for the magic and some of the monsters and environments). A fun story of swashbuckling romance, it pays tribute to the tropes and Iranian folklore as Samak goes to assist his best friend, Prince Khorshid, in trying to go and unite with his beloved in a faraway land. Consisting of some beautiful scenary and cameos from other Iranian folkheroes along with some inspirational songs, Samak The Ayyar proved to be a smash hit, especially over in Iran. The tale was chosen to celeberate decades of friendship between the US and Iran, along with the revelation Iran would be getting its own pavilion in the EPCOT World Showcase, becoming the 13th pavilion and the newest one since the Netherlands were added a few years back. The film also had a trailer for The Princess & the Frog, an adaptation of the Frog Prince, though set in the bayous of New Orleans. While Meet the Robinsons was the last film Jim Henson worked on, he did help approve of both the Iran pavilion to support Samak, but also to convert Splash Montain's theme to match the film (also likely to deal with the Brer Rabbit legacy.) That said, it has been noted the ride will remain mostly the same in terms of performance. Another Disney film would be from Pixar, this time in the form of WALL-E. A charming love story between robots, it was also a surprising delve into natural disaster as Earth had been left behind after a freak disaster and people being convinced to return home. Dreamworks would also come in swinging as they would be acquired by MetroCentury fully. Through this, they would release a new film over with Kung Fu Panda. A dramedy martial arts story, it focuses on Po the Panda being chosen as the Dragon Warrior. Many were impressed by the loving detail over with China of old, with the Chinese themselves impressed by how well the Americans were able to produce an homage to them. Another Dreamworks film would be Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa. A sequel to the first Madagascar film, it would see the four animals arrive over in Africa from a crash landing. They all wrestle with their ancestral homeland and the realization if they really belong there along with some hidden truths of themselves. An entertaining film in its own right and the trailers would showcase future projects. First, there would be the adaptation of the novel Interworld by Neil Gaiman and Micheal Reeves. While originally pitched as an idea in the 1990s to Dreamworks, the success of the novel got them interested once more, especially with some support from Terry Prachett, who worked with Gaiman on the novel Good Omens. Another would be a Renoir the Fox film serving as a sort of spin-off over to the Shrek film series, serving as an origin story for the musketeer-like fox.

    Television would also see quite a shift. MetroKids would rebrand itself MetroToons, likely as part of a shift for animation aimed at older audiences as well as younger. After all, the network was being able to match up with the Big 3 in Cartoon Network, Disney Channel & Nickelodeon along with their subsidiaries. Regarding live action television shows that ended, the most prominent that ended would be The Wire, a critically acclaimed historical crime drama. Regarding some new shows coming to take its place, the big one would be a form of successor over in Breaking Even. The show has Bryan Cranston as a struggling office worker who ends up in white collar crime and violence, which looks to make ends meet. Described as The Office meeting The Wire, showrunner Vince Gilligan said it would be a transformation of hero to villain. Other shows, albeit not as prominent, would be The Mentalist (following a similar premise to the show Psych, albeit with a more serious tone) and Wipeout, a quasi-gameshow that has its contestants run through a large obstacle course to try and get a prize.

    As for animated series, several of them would be ending this year such as Codename Kids Next Door, Chalkzone, All Grown Up and My Gym Partner's a Monkey. Camp Lazlo in particular would end on a surreal note (unsurprising, given the creator's previous work). The show had gained a cult following for some of its queer-coded characters (such as Lazlo being multi or the gender-conflicted Edward), something Joe Murray said was intentional. However, the big endings included Nick's Avatar: The Last Airbender, which became quite a large phenomenon, though the team would be working on a new project. And the other would be Ben 10, with both shows having proven that action animation was viable. And this would be seen with all sorts of new shows coming, with one being a sequel to Ben 10 in Ben 10: Alien Force. Taking place with Ben, now 13, the show aims to be a bit darker and more serious, with Coop from the previous show (a mutant with technopathy) joining Ben and Gwen. Interestingly enough, a similar show would also appear with The Secret Saturdays. Focusing more on cryptozoology with elements of occultism, it starts the titular Saturdays with Doc and Daika Saturday with their son Zak on adventures involving cryptids and occultism. Yet another show would be Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, here headed by Glenn Murakami and being the third animated series based on the turtles (with a two season run in the late 1980s and the more well known show in the 1990s headed by the team who did Swat KATS). Here, the turtles have a bit more focus on them being teenagers, with members who worked both on Avatar: The Last Airbender and Teen Titans (which ended last year) working on the show here. There would also be an increased focus over on Japanese culture and influence. Yet another exciting show would be coming on Nick would be The Spectacular Spider-Man, over my Greg Weisman. An animated adaptation based on the webslinging hero, it would be a return to form and looking at what changed and what remained the same since Marvel's reboot over in the 1990s. Over regarding anime, it was a bit slower though a big appearance would be the dub of the anime adaptation of Fullmetal Alchemist over on Toonami. While the anime boom was still ongoing, it was a bit of reruns or ongoing series for both Toonami and Disnippon so far. That said, despite the rumors of potentially being removed, they would remain on the air for right now.

    Video games would also the battle really unfolding with the seventh generation of consoles. Nintendo would help push the Nintendo Wii up with some new games, with one of the big names being Mario Kart Wii, which came with a motion control addition for driving (which Nintendo plan to use for a few more games with some third-party developers having a couple of ideas). Another would be Pokemon Stadium Wii, which would follow more in the vein of the Pokemon Stadium games from the Nintendo Ultra 64. That said, some elements of Pokemon Colosseum would make it into Pokemon Stadium Wii such as a story mode, albeit here done through the tournaments and cups. There is also greater connectivity and interface with the DS games, including transfering various items between games. The mini games would also make a comeback, here having not only games from the two previous games, but also some new ones involving motion controls. Rare games would also make their appearance here with Dinosaur Planet II (which began focusing more on Krystal than her brother and expanding what she could do with her staff) and Kameo II: The Mystic's Rise would be a surprise sequel that includes changing up the gameplay along with smoothing out some of the issues of the first. While Kameo maintains her powers, they are modified so she doesn't transform due to story purposes (partial transformations as it's called). Some more would include Animal Crossing: City Folk and Wario Land: Shake It, or Wario Land 5 as it was called in other places, would see Wario return to form, though with a greater focus on grappling through motion controls. This would be reflected in what would be one of the most long-awaited titles in Super Smash Champs Brawl, the third in the popular franchise of fighting games. Over with Microsoft-Atari, the Abox 360 would go and have some of its own standout title though many would be shared over with the Playstation 2 and Playstation 3. One would be Left 4 Dead, a sort of zombie survival game and one would be Fallout 3, a surprising return for the franchise albeit in a wildly new way in terms of gameplay and expanded story. Another horror game would be set in the stars over with Dead Space. Another one over for the Abox 360 would be Crystal Castle Chronicles III: Shining World, which takes the Fallout 3 approach to try and reinvent and expand the game once more with Bently Bear. Other games included would be Tales of Vesperia and Devil May Cry 4. One growing trend is basically trying to make the games make more palapable for the Western audience, due to the differences between Japan and the western world. One notable example of this would be in Persona 4, where some of the dialogue when dubbed would be changed due to the concerns of some of the humor or the like. That said, Persona 4 would popularize the franchise over in the West and the dialogue changes made would get Japan's attention to a degree. Regarding handheld devices, the Nintendo GamePal DS would release a third Pokemon game of the 4th generation with Pokemon Platinum, focusing on Giratina, completing the trio of Gold's Dialga and Silver's Palkia. Another popular game would be Kirby Super Star Ultra, a remake of Kirby Super Star. Another prominent game would be The World Ends With You, released outside of Japan this year. Indie games would see a boost with Braid and a nice surprise would be Megaman 9, coming out and shocking everyone. Though it would not get a physical release, but instead be on the downloadable networks. Many were happy to play through a retro-styled game, albeit it was in 16-bit like Megaman 7. As for the computer, various games would come out such as Rail Simulator would be seen and World of Warcraft would grow with the new expansion known as Wrath of the Lich King. The game introduced the first "hero" class with Death Knight and continued the popularity of the franchise.
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    Memories of Another Me II
  • Memories of Another Me II

    I'm now 15, finishing up my sophomore year of high school. If I was a girl, I'd be having a quinceañera right about now. But instead, I'm just looking back at what changed over from the past 5 years. I still kept up going to see my therapist. It became really important as middle school became the era of pre-teen awkwardness. That was especally the case because it was when I began struggling with some subjects. Well, mainly algebra and that was more I had to begin putting a bit more effort in it. But having that support system and so on helped alot. Beyond that, it was also letting me handle things of my emotions: the frustration of trying to get people and make friends and of course my own envy of my younger brother who was able to make friends well. But, having counsceling really helped me out there. And I got through middle school with few troubles. And things got better entering high school. I was able to start finding people I got along with and figuring out interests. I was still into Nintendo stuff. Still had my Nintendo Ulta 64 and the GameCube and then recently the Nintendo Wii. Stayed with franchises I mainly liked there, but also tried to experiment more with some other titles there. After all, there were recommendations like Nintendo Power and so on that recommended things. I also stayed with handhelds like with the GamePal DS. I still played Pokemon of course, but I began building out more with Super Smash Champs, Kirby, Animal Crossing, Mario, Legend of Hyrule, and so on. I preferred a bit more the RPs mainly though also some of the more actiony games. My younger brother meanwhile would go more toward the Abox 360 and I got to look at a couple games there. Besides video games, I began getting into anime and manga more. Well, as in more than the average kid. It was still the South so the most people would know was Dragonball Z or Sailor Moon or a couple other stuff. The school was also having more clubs and some of them I would consider joining, because it did seem rather neat.

    One other interest was me growing on the Internet. It started with computer class and seeing the sort of websites the other students got in. This is what introduced me to things like sprite comics, flash animation, and internet forums with sites like Newgrounds and so on. It was a weird but fun time. I don't think alot of folks my age got the internet humor. I don't know if I shared much of this with my therapist, probably because I figure he wouldn't get it. But yeah, I would eventually get my own computer and go on my own on the Internet. I knew what I liked so I began exploring more and more, growing my field of interest. I began learning about more types of anime and manga, especially on the wild days of YouTube with clips and so on. I looked for Pokemon and found some forums there along with sprites and so on. There was alot of things competing for my attention over on the Internet. I began meeting with all sorts of people on forums and exposed to myself to all sorts of perspectives. I did my best not to take things seriously and would keep track of things as I would look through. I think there were times where my parents were becoming a bit worried if I was spending too much time online. Now, to be fair, it wasn't unwarranted. I still did my normal hobbies, but they were wanting me to do more and it'd be healthy for me. Of course, what helped mainly was the public transporation. By the time I left middle school, more and more towns and cities had bushes and were connected to such. I could now go across my town by bus if I wanted to and my dad would make my brother and I practice tasks, such as picking some things up from the various stores or bussing back. I began using it more as my town grew and I found some things to actually go and visit. One major thing would be a new outdoor mall area that was a bit further off, but given its size and influence, it would get some bus routes to it. With it, I was able to go a bit further out and become a bit more independent in how I was doing things. And I think affected something over when I entered high school. There was a chance for me to take a trip to Europe and that was something I think I wouldn't have been able to conside doing without the support I got from my folks and the therapy and the so on.

    Of course, I still had a cell phone and everything to let my folks know where I was and I got more confident as I did it more. Sure I was a teenager now, but you can't be too careful. It did feel nice being to go where I wanted without having to use a car though and do things. It was a nice sense of freedom. And of course, there was also going to visit other places I initially wasn't aware of, which further expanded my horizons. All in my hometown. At the same time, I was still me. I still watched my cartoons and some other shows, played games and was on the web. But I felt like all of this stuff helped me out in feeling better and more confident in myself. I guess it also gave me a bit of a taste of wanting to travel more. Like, what else was out there? And of course, figuring out all the stuff about being a teenager. I wasn't one for peer pressure and so on. Also, I wasn't too confident to go and work at a job at one of these places. That said, I did do some volunteering. Middle school and high school helped really push that and even had that as a requirement. For me, I ended up volunteering at the library. I liked books, even though I wasn't a super big reader (I still liked to read.) It did make me wonder if being a librarian wouldn't be too bad of a job. It was pretty nice. And speaking of jobs, I guess figuring out what I want to do is a challenge. Some of my classmates would be more wanting to go to technical college and do blue collar work, working with your hands and all. That wasn't for me. I wasn't much for handiwork, but I really didn't know what else to do. Though some of the stuff in school was helping out there, especially with pointing in the direction. That said, I knew that work wasn't everything. My dad leaving HP after working there for like 20 years or something due to the change in management was something that made me realize the nature of work. That being said, the fact that the schools were doing more to help the students looking for jobs was something I appreciated. Especially since this wasn't done as well in the old ways apparently.

    Looking around, not much is going, at least major. Not as many cars on the road. People could bus more and some of them would take stops to bigger buses that went further out.The lunches and breakfasts at school got even better and some of the stuff grown in like school gardens. Better from a few years back. For me and my fellow students, it was just the normal teen stuff for the most part. The 2000s was pretty peaceful. For us, it was about the second rise of hip-hop and rap combined with some of the punk stuff over in music. Fashion wasn't as big as it used to be and from what the talk was, it was mainly because of the wastefulness. I wasn't into sports so I couldn't contribute much on that front, nor for cars. Games were a bit complicated because some of my peers were liking more of the more mature looking shooting games, HALO and everything descended over from it. I think as more clubs are being born, there more stuff there is to do and I think they like encouraging students to join and give things a try. Both to try and keep us out of trouble and have us try new things.

    It's a pretty good time for growing up though. Alot of stuff is good though I can't help but wonder if it could be better. And there was stuff in the future to think about like what I wanted to do and what made me happy. I liked drawing, but I wasn't sure how good I was at it, and if it'd be stable. And I was being exposed to more things that were making an impact on me. One would be hearing about a convention over in Atlanta known as DragonCon that occurred on Labor Day weekend. Would really like to go to that. And I think it's more about figuring out more of myself, ya know? Right now, being 15 is pretty okay for me. And there's lots of new things coming out. More YouTube videos, wondering how big MySpace is gonna grow and the similar websites, and so on.
    Winter 2009- Madam President
  • Winter 2009- Madam President


    Third Circuit City logo (2001 - 2009)

    And thus over in the early months of 2009, Olympia Snowe would be sworn in as the first female President of the United States. She would also be the first president of the Eastern Orthodox branch of Christianity. The religion would gain some mainstream attention and focus there as for many common folk in the United States, they really didn't know about Eastern Orthodoxy or its prominence in history until recently. Beyond this, new President Snowe would be speaking with former President Clinton and Vice President Gore about some projects that were left behind along with recommendations to move forward. Things were pretty stable politically and the economy, while in a recession, was not in any major trouble. So instead, the focus was on more specific issues. Things like the infrastructure choice regarding renewable fuels for transportation as it would need to be something potentially addressed. Another would of course be the growing usage and diversity of the Internet, something Al Gore was increasingly focused on. After all, newer regulations would need to be made to address more specific concerns. As such, this would be something to be added to the agenda within the next couple of years or so. After all, questions on the economic viability and so on of some of these websites were still floating and there were concerns that things like gathering the data of users without explicit permission or other ssues are being noted.

    Economically, a recession has begun entering though it has not been enough to cause too much of a concern for people. That said, others were noting how this was starting to highlight some potential patterns. One would be how some of the older stores and the like were beginning to slow down or decline in sales. While this has been part of a bigger trend of people going more toward services than goods when it comes to purchasing, it was still suprising as big names were feeling the pinch. One example would be the electronics retailing company in Circuit City. [1] While having nearly avoided bankrupcy, the prominent store chain was finding itself somewhat struggling against Best Buy, especially with the changing buying habits of people. To that end, this would lead to them making a prominent move and merging over with Radio Shack, another company that was stuggling. The hope was that with Radio Shack focusing more on DIY and fixing electronics, it could help with Circuit City and vice versa. Some were viewing this as the beginning of a pattern of some stores consolidating with one another to deal with a changing market caused by the growth of the Internet. Akashica's growth regarding selling literature and later music and DVDs have been putting a bit of a pinch on bookstores for example. Another example was on the growth of Netflix, a service based on mailing out DVD rentals would begin growing with video-on-demand, especially thanks to the growing access to the Internet people were having, leading to some concerning speculations with Blockbuster's future.

    Over across the world, the recession was somewhat felt though in other places, such as the Sovereign Union or China, there was not much, if any effect. Though speaking of the SUSR, news would arrive over when a Russian military satellite would crash with a private American one over Siberia and thus lead to an increase in space debris. [1] This would lead to the first formal meeting between President Snowe and Sovereign Union Chief Director Viktor Tyulkin who would be running for reelecton once more at this year. The meeting would start out as intoductions, but expand both into this specific incident and the growing concern of space debris that may endanger other satellites along with future places for space travel. As such, plans were in place for a venture between them as well as China, to propose a body associated with the United Nations to try and regulate space debris, including looking for solutions to remove them from orbit and back to Earth. This would also lead to some further meetings about the general global state of affairs. While the global initiatives to address climate change and fossil fuel reliance were going well, it was clear more would be needing to be done. This would be the case for some prominent other nations that would have the potential to become prominent powers such as India and Brazil.


    [1]- Information and phrasing:
    Spring 2009- Eruptions and Libraries
  • Spring 2009- Eruptions and Libraries


    The World Digital Library logo

    Spring was turning out to be relatively quiet for the most part as people were settled in over for a Snowe presidency. For the most part, President Snowe's outline would be to go and maintain the economic stability the nation had been experiencing. At the same time, there was also looking what could be improved or adjusted right now. For right now, President Snowe was indulging in being America's first woman president in with some plans to aid women in various fields of politics. While harassment and similar ill behavior have gone down significantly over the year, there was still work to be done and putting in systems of accountability would be of great help. Beyond this and the usual aspects, there was looking over what were the previous administration's goals regarding further interactions with the growing online world. Given former Vice President Al Gore's enthusiasm for the Internet, it would be unsurprising after all. For the most part, things were still pretty quiet and the Snowe administration was focusing on working with Congress and the Supreme Court over for the usual. One bit of news regarding regulation would be some further regulations over regarding on the credit card industry over in late Spring, targeted at curbing fees and interest hikes along with further transparency in terms and conditions. [1]

    Space would remain a prominent fascination for the public and private sectors. NASA would go and launch the Kepler Mission, a space photometer. Its objective is to search for planets in the Milky Way that could be similar to Earth and habitable by humans. [1] Another bit of space-related news would be the Space Shuttle Atlantis being launched to refurbish the Hubble Space Telescope over in May and landing at Edwards Air Force Base a couple weeks later. [2] Space exploration and the stars remained a bit of a prominent fad in pop culture though it also remained a heavy topic of discussion. The discussions focused on financial practicality, sustainability, and so on; topics like getting the materials in space and dealing with the effects that current rocketry had over on the atmosphere. Though speaking of of large fiery plumes, Alaska's Mount Redoubt would erupt explosively for the first time in 20 years after emitting steam and volcanic ash for weeks. [1]

    Across the world, things were mostly peaceful though there remained conflict. It was looking like things were beginning to calm there in those regions too. The International Criminal Court would issue an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur, becoming the first sitting head of state to be indicted by the ICC since its establishment in 2002. [2] Various international groups maintained their eye on the situation along with the neighboring countries. Ethiopia in particular as they were becoming more recognized as a regional power. As such, the desire to flex their muscles and further assert their influence was an enticing opportunity. Meanwhile, Albania and Croatia would end up joining CETO after years of hard work and dedication. CETO maintained its purpose in allowing Central and Eastern Europe to defend itself and other nations like Ukraine were hard at work at fulfilling the requirements. Of course, the question remained on if whether or not they would go and also join NATO. While not a requirement (and the purpose was as a form of compromise), the two organizations sharing standards and traditions means that it would be very easy and quick for any CETO member to join NATO. In more news regarding conflict, after nearly a quarter-century of fighting, the Sri Lankan Civil War would end with the total military defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. [2] With it dying down, the various powers around would try and provide aid to go and deal with rebuilding. And over in more optimistic news, UNESCO would launch The World Digital Library.

    [1]- Information and phrasing fom here:
    [2]- Information and phrasing fom here: