America's Funniest President: Mo Udall Presidency & Beyond

But yeah, alot definitely happening and me needing to keep track of it all XD

Yup, Jerusalem is on track to becoming an independent city. Obviously not everyone is happy with the compromise, but being close to finally putting the chaos behind them, alot of people pretty much wanna move on from it.
With the dawn of the 90s, what many consider to be the golden age of Nickelodeon is right around the corner. How is TTL's Nickelodeon going to compare to OTL's?
With the dawn of the 90s, what many consider to be the golden age of Nickelodeon is right around the corner. How is TTL's Nickelodeon going to compare to OTL's?
Well, there's a couple differences already.
1- John K is not going to be as big a mess here as OTL.

ITTL, when working on New Adventures of Mighty Mouse, after some issues, he pretty got forced to see a therpaist who would refer him to a psychiatrist. Here, his bipolar disorder and other issues would be discovered alot earlier, leading to be medicated as well as likely getting his alcoholism acknowledged and go to be handled properly. He may still have problems, but well, he's got a much better shot of maintaining stability.

Will need help on being reminded on which media folk and so on dealing with stuff since that would be alerted ITTL. Micheal Jackson is also one that will have things be a bit different.

2- Nickelodeon will in the long term have one advantage that OTL didn't have; Marvel cartoons. Nickelodeon will definitely be able to push the envelope more ITTL than what they already did in OTL because of the changing culture and so on, especially with SATMIN+ folk. However, because Nick's parent company also has the Marvel franchise, it will allow them to diversify content and have something to fall back on down the line.
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Spring 1990- Baltics Breaking Out
Spring 1990- Baltics Breaking Out

Steve Jackson Games logo

The oncoming of Spring seemed to really signify well how relationships between the various powers in the world were coming. A period of unthawing tensions and the embracement of a new era, a warmer time. The United States and Soviet Union would The efforts of the "Jerusalem-Gaza Agreement" seemed to finally put to rest the issues of the Holy Land for the most part. While various extremist groups on both ends were very unhappy with the events and would likely try and instigate violence, the general public was relieved and looking forward to a new tomorrow while politicians and security worked to ensure peace and stabiltiy while preparing for sabotage or attacks from said fringe groups. Soviet soldiers begin leaving the various former Warsaw Pact nations such as Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia and even East Germany would be having its first free elections. After several weeks, a coalition would be established with the Prime Minister pushing forward for reunification, with plans establihed that the two Germanies would merge economies and currency over in the summer. This would also spur further investment plans over into East Germany in particular by some outside problems, including the United States. Additionally, some have wondered of the possibility of a reunited Korea though concerns laid over the starker differences and even more prominent effort needed. Presidenr Askew would plan talks with China on the matter, noting that despite North Korea's Juche policy, China still had prominent sway and influence. [1]

However, not everything was hunky-dory. The tension from some of the constinuent nations of the USSR was being released by the people rejecting the rule of Moscow and go to become independent nations once more. Over with the glorious Singing Revolution, the Baltic nations were becoming stronger and more defiant of Moscow's rule. The Lithuanian SSR would declare independence from the Soviet Union with the "Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania", and weeks later, the USSR would declare this act to be invalid. They could not stop the ball rolling however as the Estonian SSR would have their first free elections in the middle of March and would declare that the Soviet rule to have been illegal since 1940. As such, a transition over to full independence would be the next logical step. In May, the Latvians would follow suit and declare their independence from the Soviet Union. Furthermore, the Estonians begin restoring much of their original emblems and even stop some pro-Soviet groups from attempting to take power. Over, the Singing Revolution continues to keep going and plans are being made by the Nordic powers on opening relations over with them. [1]

Beyond that, other events occur of somewhat oddity. A Secret Service raid over on Steve Jackson Games proves to be a bit of an embarassing moment over for said Secret Service. As would be revealed, the Secret Service believed that Blankenship had illegally accessed Bell South systems (as Bell had been the one to report a concern) and uploaded a document possibly affecting 9-1-1 systems onto Steve Jackson Games's public bulletin board system and, furthermore, that GURPS Cyberpunk would help others commit computer crimes. In response, SJGames would successfully sue the Secret Service and the whole situation would have various rammifications. While Steve Jackson Games began organizing, the ordeal highlighted the lack of understanding regarding computers as well as would lead to the revelation of Operation Sundevil. [2] Meanwhile, still within the United States, the census is being taken once more, with many curious on the results, especially given how it would help shape further politics given the prior reforms over to the House as well as gerrymandering. Though this would not be the only fascinating bit of American politic going on right now.

[1]- Information and phrasing:
[2]- Information and phrasing:
Yup! Alot of stuff going on like OTL though anyone knowledgable on thinks like Yugoslavic Wars or whatnot? That, Korea and Ethiopia are being pains to iron out the details in
With the former Warsaw Pact bloc freeing itself from Soviet control, could we see Western investors express interest in Skoda? It could be turned into a Czech VW.
What’s going on with the Clintons and Gores ITTL? How about the Bushes and Romneys too?
I'm trying to figure something out with regarding Clinton. He's likely still the Governor of Arkansas, but trying to figure out something with him, depending.
Gore is still likely a Senator right now.
Hmmm... well, George Jr may not be going into politics though Jeb may here.
Mitt Romney likely still in business right now.
Has For A Gore Prosperous Tomorrow been placed in the Finished Timelines Forum? I'm hoping to be able to nominate it for the Best Finished Timeline but I thought it would be best to ask for sure before I nominate it.
Not yet. Need to do that at some point. I'll probably do that sometime in the upcoming week hopefully
Not yet. Need to do that at some point. I'll probably do that sometime in the upcoming week hopefully
Alright, please make sure to mention it the second you do as I would love to nominate your timeline for that Turtledove as it is one of my all-time favourites that I've read on this site.
Alright, please make sure to mention it the second you do as I would love to nominate your timeline for that Turtledove as it is one of my all-time favourites that I've read on this site.
I'll try though m unsure. Mainly because don't wanna proofread everything or deal with any past mistakes or so on.
1990- A Third Party Rises?
1990- A Third Party Rises?

United Citizens' Party.png

United Citizens' Party Disc Logo (1990-2000) (made with this)

With 1990 coming over in Spring, the midterms were coming up since the election of President Reubin Askew and Vice President Shirley Chisholm back in 1988. So far, Askew has maintained a strong presence and reputation, helping that he was the VP beforehand. His personal integrity and quest to apply that over to Washington was admired even by many on the political right and even with some controversy over in choosing Shirley Chisholm as his running mate (including a bit of concern if this may hurt his chances), he remained strong and used his weaknesses into strengths, all while Chisholm was a very active Vice President, often assisting in overseeing domestic affairs to give Askew some breathing room and also deal with the increase foreign affairs that needed to be taken care of. The Democrats remained pretty strong over in the elections, along with focusing on getting some new blood into the new party, especially with the rising Progressive wave. At the same time, they did begin leading to some friction over with some of the more centralist Democrats, especially some newer ones though for the most part, they still followed the party on the basic issues. The Republican Party meanwhile was finally beginning to get its act together with the liberal Republican faction managing to finally secure enough of a hold on the party to get the others to comply if barely. Despite this and actually having a decent line up for politicians, the lingering problems remained and actually grew bigger. One was reputation. After their losses and the issues prior to, there has been concern if the Republican Party was actually viable in this day and age, especially to the younger generation. The babyboomers and silent generation and lost their faith over in the GOP back in the 1970s. The brightbangers grew up in that time and generally seemed opposed to them and even the new generation, those born in the late 1970s to early 1990s, born in the Udall and Askew eras, would no doubt find them outdated, especially with the change of progress remaining in such an accelerated notion. However, the idea of a third party remained something of a pipe dream. Namely because of the "first past the post" electoral system within the US.

That was not gonna stop certian people however... and one of those was none other than Ross Perot.

Ross Perot was invovled with politics in various forms or fashions since the 1960s and he really didn't stop since. The 1980s had been a fascinating time for him though. While he did respect much of the Udall administration, he did have some concerns on business matters as well as believing Vietnam was still holding US prisoners of war. One commonality known was the support of term limits though Udall did not show much interest or at least priority. Askew seemed to show more interest though Perot remained concerned, especially with how much of the old guard remained in power. Additionally, other issues like national debt and balancing the budget remained in his mind even with the successes. On a more conceptional level, it was just how unbalanced the electoral system had become. Republicans had been gradually getting some wins, but were an unpopular shell of itself and while the Dems were growing strong, they were not being challenged. They had no real viable alternate. Perot remembered on how matters went down over with John B. Anderson, a prominent Republican turned independent who did quite well. This would give him an idea.

Weeks after Anderson lost, he would meet Perot, the latter wanting to discuss matters with him. It would evolve from from political strategies to the planning and creation of a brand new political party. With the financial backing of himself along with the support of a few interested politicians on both sides, a new political party would be born over on late 1989: The United Citizens Party*

Proposed as an alternate between the Democrats and Republicans, the UCP and their supporters, the "Unizens" would be attractive to liberal Republicans who felt their party was no longer good enough and to certain Democrats who feel their party has gone too much to the left for their tastes. While Anderson was not an official member, he did help provide aid and contacts to Perot. Instead, Anderson woud go and establish the organization FairVote, focusing ong athering support to advocate for electoral reforms. Despite a bit of trouble, some candidates were being drawn over to the United Citizens Party with Perot gathering a fait bit of interest all around. Some have speculated that Perot would be trying to go and gather support for a potential presidental run.

The other parties were not sure what to make of this. The Republicans believed that even with the troubles, they were not in any real danger though made of the more liberal Republicans and so on did eye the party with intrigue, especially since it had some of Anderson's influence on it. At the same time, the Democrats were intrigued, even if less threatened. President Askew did see it as a fascinating opportunity since he and Perot did share the desires for electoral reform and hopes that the party could assist in helping to deliver that.

Regardless, 1990 would see a third prominent option there for voters to notice... to become a Unizen instead of a Republican or Democrat.

*=TTL's verson of Reform Party. Still has purple as their color. Due to their symbol (stylized C and U) resembling a goat political cartoons would represent the party and the Unizens as goats, which they would embrace as their mascot.

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