joseph stalin

  1. TheDoofusUser

    Side Effects of a Longer Lived Stalin with this scenario in mind

    So I'm planning to write a TL where the PoD is simply FDR picks Richard Russell Jr. over Truman, Wallace, and Byrnes as his VP in 1944 due to all the early benefits of Russell being on the ticket (Deep Southerner (from Georgia), well connected, relatively pro-Labor, pro-New Deal, Conservative...
  2. Hitler,Lenin,Trotsky,Stalin,Mussolini killed before WW1

    In 1913 Hitler,Trotsky and Stalin were in Vienna. They visited the same cafe. What if Lenin and Mussolini also went there while got blown up a revolutionary ? I guess the October revolution fails. So Russia remains in WW1 preventing the Spring Offensive. No CCP either. While communism remains a...
  3. Stalin places Khrushchev in charge of the NKVD.

    Stalin during the final days of Nikolai Yezhov's downfall as NKVD chief gets a brain haemorrhage and is out of action for a week, after said week in which a doctors assessment states that no further medical conditions are present, is physically fine, and is in full control of his mental...
  4. Stalin's survives his haemorrhage and purges his inner circle of everyone except for Khrushchev and makes a new inner circle.

    During Stalin's funeral as his inner circle is making their speeches, Stalin suddenly wakes up, in full view of everyone. So after being driven to the nearest hospital after which a doctors assessment states that his health problems are all gone and he seems to be in full control of his mental...
  5. Stalin survives his hemmoragic stroke and starts pushing for reforms

    As Stalin lie's unconscious from his hemmoragic stroke, Stalin's inner circle decides it is a great idea to announce to the entirety of the USSR and have it be shown on live television, as they are outlining what's going to be happening in the interim period, Joseph Stalin, on national...
  6. TheDoofusUser

    WI : Mao dies in the 1950s but Stalin survives another Decade, what happens to China and the USSR

    so I've been reading a few threads on what if Mao died and if Stalin lived another decade and so, I've come to ask everyone here this question - What if it was Mao, not Stalin, who died on that day in 1953. Who is his immediate successor? Is there a possible way for China to leap slowly but...
  7. The Century of the Common Man
    Threadmarks: The War Ends

    The War Ends Henry Wallace was, for the First American Republic an unusual President, a progressive New Dealer he was to the left of much of the political establishment and easily the second most popular politician in the country, second only to his President; Franklin Roosevelt. When Roosevelt...
  8. TheDoofusUser

    What would a 1953-1961 Disney administration actually look like?

    As I'm sure you all know, A World of Laughter, A World of Tears painted a Walt Disney Presidency in its worst case scenario. Here, I'd like to stay away from the hyperbole and the potential worst case scenario of a two term Disney with some things added for extra flavoring on this question...
  9. CountofDooku

    Our Soviet Union (USSR)
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: Death of Lenin

    Chapter One: Death of Lenin Born out of the ashes of the Russian Civil War in 1922, the Soviet Union was shaken by the Death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924 that ended the federal Leninist one-party socialist republic under Lenin’s totalitarian dictatorship and left many to wonder, what would come...
  10. What if Stalin got it together during Operation Barbarossa more quickly?

    Stalin's initial response to Operation Barbarossa was far from good. At first, he refused to believe an attack was happening. When it became clear that it was, he assumed it was being carried out by rogue Wehrmacht elements against Hitler's orders. Once he could no longer deny that Hitler had...
  11. No De-Stalinization: Effects in the Warsaw Pact?

    Suppose that the USSR, rather than exposing and condemning Stalin's monstrous deeds wholesale, instead only undoes the worst parts of the terror (shutting down the gulags, for example) and shifts most of the blame to someone else (such as Beria) while the late dictator gets the Mao treatment...
  12. WI: Stalin arrested or killed in 1941

    (Got the idea from this thread) When it became clear to Stalin that the Germans were invading the Soviet Union, his response was... less than admirable. He lashed out in anger and fear, then shut himself up in his dacha for three days refusing all outside contact. Once Molotov and some others...
  13. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI USSR splits in two after Lenin’s death – one Stalinist and the other Trotskyist

    What if the succession of Lenin had led to a Trotsky/Stalin split that became much more entrenched in the intelligentsia. In OTL Trotsky had little opposition but Stalin successfully maneuvered to become leader of the USSR. However instead of the USSR maintaining its territorial unity what if...

    DBWI: No Fascist Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin was the supreme Vozhd of the Russian National Republic from 1926 to 1947 and was able to lead Russia after the civil war of 1917 to 1923 led by the All-Russian Government under Alexander Kolchak, After Kolchak's death in 26, Stalin staged a coup and took control of russia, Most...
  15. AHC: Communist Hitler, Fascist Stalin

    Your challenge is to have Hitler become a communist and Stalin become a fascist, rather than the other way around. They don't necessarily have to end up in positions of power, just hold those ideologies. Just in case anyone asks, I put this in Before 1900 because Stalin at the very least...
  16. Plausibility Check: USSR and Weimar Germany partition Poland in 1920

    Like it says on the tin. Assuming the USSR wins the Battle of Warsaw and basically conquers Poland, would they partition it with the Weimar Republic in exchange for diplomatic recognition or something similar? Let's say the latter gets bits of Silesia, the Corridor and Posen, basically restoring...
  17. WI: Stalin became an American gangster?

    I was reading the first chapter of Simon Montifore's Young Stalin, and it gives a pretty good layout of how Stalin ran his criminal gang in the 1910s. I got thinking with a friend of mine on a little scenario that struck me... (mostly for fun, but I think there's a pretty interesting story...
  18. DBWI: Ioseb Djugashvili the Marxist?

    Ioseb Djugashvili stands as one of the most famous religious leaders in history. But the seminary he attended was notorious for producing radicals - especially Marxists. What if he had become a Marxist?
  19. AHC: Soviets liberate France in ww2

    How could you make it that the Soviets beat the Nazi’s fast enough to liberate France in ww2
  20. Better Five Year Plans for Soviet Union?

    If you were stalin how would you go about your five year plans in a realistic way? Would you change anything or would you keep it how it was. And how would you prepare for the impending ww2 with those five year plans