Recent content by MrHola

  1. Netherlands win the World Cup in '78 - effects on Argentina?

    The 1978 World Cup was held in Argentina who had two year previously been taken over by a military junta, when Lt. Gen. Jorge Rafael Videla seized power via a military coup. The final was played in 1978, when the host nation defeat the Netherlands. When the junta was awarded the tournament they...
  2. Kurt von Schleicher as a German "caudillo"?

    Let's say Reichspräsident Von Hindenburg dies on 10 December 1932. Not that much of a stretch since he was pretty damn old. Why December 10, specifically? Because chancellor Von Schleicher was in power for roughly a week, by then. What would happen next? I can see a "Romanian solution" defining...
  3. 9/11 WIs...

    Probably in bad taste as it is a horrible event which still lingers in a lot of peoples' heads. But I can't shake off that 9/11 seems like such a lucky masterstroke. Everything that could've gone right for the terrorists went right. there any way to make 9/11 less horrible? Pretty much a...
  4. Dutch Formosa survives

    Alright, here's the POD: Koxinga dies before attacking the island. There still will be a sizeable Han population because the Dutch needed to stimulate agriculture. In the end, the Dutch turn Formosa into one big sugar plantation - they did so with Java, why not with Formosa. Let's just assume...
  5. No Bourbon "miracle baby"

    What about the odds that the lack of an heir causes Charles X, in particular, to pursue different policies from OTL. After all, if the heir is the liberal duc d'Orléans, there seems much less reason to try to launch a pre-emptive coup against the left. What would be the point, if the liberals...
  6. No Bourbon "miracle baby"

    On February 14, 1820, Charles Ferdinand d'Artois, duc de Berry, younger son of the Comte d'Artois, the brother and heir to King Louis XVIII of France, was assassinated by a lone nut. Miraculously, Berry's widow was soon discovered to be pregnant, and on September 29 bore a son, the "miracle...
  7. Charles X of France dies earlier

    Charles X was a brother of Louis XVIII, and also Louis XVI. He was a reactionary through and through, leading the Ultra-Royalists from 1814 to his crowning, and also part of the Royalist-clique pre-revolution. He wished to erase the Revolution from history, trying to recreate an absolute...
  8. WI: UN soldiers make a Last Stand at Srebrenica?

    By the time the Serbs attacked the enclave, the Bosnian soldiers were long gone. Even they realised what a death trap the situation it was.
  9. WI: UN soldiers make a Last Stand at Srebrenica?

    Defense of Srebrenica was impossible due to an insufficient mandate, inadequate arms, and lack of UN support. They were outnumbered and lightly armed and under restricted rules of engagement. Plus, the idea that Srebrenica was an easily defendable safe haven is ridiculous – you only have to look...
  10. Earlier nationalization of the Conco Free State?

    IOTL the Congo Free State became the Belgian Congo sometime after Leopold II's death. Is there any way to make sure that the Belgian government steps in sooner? Say, the late 1890s? Would it make any difference?
  11. WI: No EU

    I consider that "no EU" = no Treaty of Maastricht. This will probably lead to a two-speed Europe, with Britain and the Scandinavians remaining in the EEC, while the Eurocore will attempt a (careful) federalisation. In any case, it's better then what we have right now. Cack-handed federalisation...
  12. AH challenge: turn the Netherlands into a medium power

    A while ago, I wrote something like this. Does this proposed scenario have any potential?
  13. AH challenge: turn the Netherlands into a medium power

    The 19th century was notoriously crap for the Netherlands. Everything that could've gone wrong went wrong. So, is there any way to fix that? Turning the Netherlands into a great power would be too much; too many ifs and hows. But how about a medium power? The same level as Italy, for example? In...
  14. William of Orange survives his assassination

    On July 1584, William of Orange was assassinated by Balthasar Gérard on a staircase at Het Prinsenhof. He was afterwards tried, convicted, and gruesomely executed. After William's assassination, the Dutch approached queen Elizabeth. In 1585, the queen send in Robert Dudley and an English...