World in Conflict! The Cold War Goes Hot.

it had some good moments... but I think the absolute best scenario (in fact, my favorite scenario in any RTS game), was the Allied one set in Seattle... hey, you have nukes, Yuri clones, snipers, a weather control machine, limited resources, that counterpart of Microsoft you have to rescue, and you have to capture power stations PDQ to keep those nukes from blowing up the whole town... what's not to love?

The graphics.
Bad news, guys. I've been running through the forums, and it seems that there isn't going to be a single-player campaign for the Soviets.

Man, first War Front, and now this. All I want to do is crush the happiest, most prosperous nations on Earth beneath my tank treads and inflict horrific miseries on their populations. Is that so wrong?

There's always skirmish mode to do that.:p
Big difference there. The Consortium is a terrorist organization using a mixture of high-tech (Akula stealth tanks come into mind) and third-world military equipment. The Soviet Union (of 1989) is entirely using third-world military equipment.:p

Don't let the stripped down stuff Saddam bought fool you. Actual Russian equipment is actually just as good as American Equipment and more numerous.
Don't let the stripped down stuff Saddam bought fool you. Actual Russian equipment is actually just as good as American Equipment and more numerous.

I never said the Sovs' stuff totally tanked. Speaking of which, watching a company of Tunguskas firing at hostile aircraft in the sky is awesome.


World in Conflict is semi-realistic. The plot isn't that realistic, but the things used are based on RL. Whereas, Red Alert just throws realism completely out of the window.:p

Very true, the nukes were crap, you needed to shoot 4 of them to destroy a building. I like the chrono-shift thing though, that was awesome if you used 'the Iron curtain' thing with it.

Teleporting, invicible mammoth tanks. :D

What we need is some sort of game where the MAIN campaign, is the bad guy campaign. Like in Dungeon Keeper, only less demons, more guns.
Teleporting, invicible mammoth tanks. :D

Pure overkill. I like it, but the opponent might not.:D

What we need is some sort of game where the MAIN campaign, is the bad guy campaign. Like in Dungeon Keeper, only less demons, more guns.

Speaking of Dungeon Keeper-styled games, there's a new PC game recently released called Overlord. Looks fun to me.
Played the beta. And WOW!:eek: I'm definitely getting this one!
Does this beta have a single-player component in it? The whole damn thing's about 1.7 gigs, so I'd like to figure out if it's worth my while to spend a day figuring out how to download it.
Does this beta have a single-player component in it? The whole damn thing's about 1.7 gigs, so I'd like to figure out if it's worth my while to spend a day figuring out how to download it.

Thank god for cable internet. :D

How did I ever survive without it? :confused:

33 minutes left till it is downloaded.!!! 80% complete...
First impressions of the beta were lacklustre, but once you've watched a nuke go off... Hell, once you've watched 8 nukes go off in one battle you realise just how fun it is.
First impressions of the beta were lacklustre, but once you've watched a nuke go off... Hell, once you've watched 8 nukes go off in one battle you realise just how fun it is.

How do ye get that much points to use that amount of nukes?
How do ye get that much points to use that amount of nukes?

Capturing points gives you a crapload and killing an entire armoured battalion is also good for them. Basically only lose cheap units while killing your enemies most expensive things.