What if the british had not suffered or treated better the outbreak of scurvy before the Battle of Cartagena De Indias (1741) that led to them being defeated by a vastly outnumbered spanish colonial force?
From what i remember, the british aims in the war were capturing the ports of:
-Havana (Cuba)
-Cartagena de Indias (Colombia)
-Veracruz (Mexico)
-Portobelo (Panama)
Control of these ports would give the british quite a source of revenue, like Hong Kong times four.
I wonder... what would be the effects of this on spanish America? Depending on if the colonies remain in spanish control or if they choose to become independent later.
There is almost certainly a rematch at the next opportunity Spain has, but that is huge boost for the Brits.
Perhaps we could see Spain entering the seven years' war earlier than OTL, and a bonus caribbean front in the war.
But whether or not Spain will perform better is, IMO, up in the air. We did see the disappointing spanish performance against Portugal IOTL, and, here, the british control useful ports and garrisons that could be used to attack the spanish caribbean colonies if they're not dealt with quickly.
Nevertheless, i can see Florida and Cuba under british control, even if the other ports are given back. How this could affect the american independence war after the seven years' war is interesting.
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Yeah, I think the actual result of Spain entering earlier/more aggressively would be even more British gobbling of Spanish possessions.


Yeah, I think the actual result of Spain entering earlier/more aggressively would be even more British gobbling of Spanish possessions.

Why? The British struggled with capturing Spanish colonies for decades. They seized Havana, but even that was very, very costly.
A combination of the time being right and the steamroller effect. Once Britain has grabbed a few, it makes it easier logistically to grab others and also culturally.
Yeah, I think the actual result of Spain entering earlier/more aggressively would be even more British gobbling of Spanish possessions.
How did I miss this thread? And how many months passing make this necrophilia?

Alternate ending to WOJE has butterflies: France could decide to join Spain/protect Bourbon interests (France doesn’t want Spain to get stronger, but neither do they want it getting too weak; Britain’s gains could bring them heartache/difficulties; etc

But, if we simply start up the French and Indian War/ 7YW as OTL, Spain joining earlier could have a massive effect. OTL, they joined after the war was lost everywhere else, and Britain could focus on beating Spain. TTL, 7YW is still in the balance, and Spain could swing the difference. Portugal is several years closer to the massive earthquake, and Britain doesn’t have the spare resources to help on the peninsula. Opening a Florida front BEFORE the northern front was lost makes a difference, too.
How did I miss this thread? And how many months passing make this necrophilia?

Alternate ending to WOJE has butterflies: France could decide to join Spain/protect Bourbon interests (France doesn’t want Spain to get stronger, but neither do they want it getting too weak; Britain’s gains could bring them heartache/difficulties; etc

But, if we simply start up the French and Indian War/ 7YW as OTL, Spain joining earlier could have a massive effect. OTL, they joined after the war was lost everywhere else, and Britain could focus on beating Spain. TTL, 7YW is still in the balance, and Spain could swing the difference. Portugal is several years closer to the massive earthquake, and Britain doesn’t have the spare resources to help on the peninsula. Opening a Florida front BEFORE the northern front was lost makes a difference, too.

Yeah, but a Spain made that much weaker than the British in terms of likely lost ships and ports going to be able to swing the war more?

I agree Spain might do better in the 7YW than OTL, but it will have just lost a war and will therefore be much weaker than Spain was OTL even if it takes a better opportunity to enter the war.
I am guessing that Britain wpuld have kept Florida and maybe some port in central America + some trading rights. The Spanish colonies were too big for thr British to crack them at this point in time. Spain was not ready to enter the 7YW as the previous king (Ferdinand the VI) tried to avoid wars at all costs while the next king (Charles the III) was a Francophile and in favour in restablishing the family pact. Spain entering in the 7YW depends totally on these 2 kings and not the war of Jenkings itself.
Maybe Ferdinand the VI would have even allied with Britain in exchange of returning his colonies backs as he always was playing with that idea but never really pulled the trigger as he preffered to spend his money in singers,jewelry,infrastructure and science.
So honestly I don't think much would have change unless Ferdinand the VI dies younger than in OTL.