Trastamara Spain? What would happen if Fernando II of Aragon and Isabel I of Castile actually had a living son?

Chapter 38: Death and Enemies
King Juan had several anxieties going on in his life. He was having issues in New Spain, with rebellions and Cortez not doing his job in controlling the territories. He also feared the increase activity of the Turks. His sister, Queen Catherine of England, wrote her brother, scared for her daughter, Queen Joanna of Hungary, since Hungary had been at with the Sultan for years.

Also, King Juan was looking at a marriage match for his youngest daughter, thirteen year old Infanta Isabel. She was developing into a beautiful young lady and was a constant companion to her father. King Juan was tempted to let her marry domestically , so he does not have to part with his youngest daughter.

In England, on 11 February 1526, which was her 60th birthday, Dowager Queen Elizabeth of York died at her estate. She had been ill for sometime with a malady of the breast. King Arthur and the rest of her children were grief stricken at the death of their beloved mother.

The late Queen Mother was embalmed and placed in a lead- lined coffin and her coffin was taken to Whitehall Palace to lie in state for several days. Princess Catherine of York, Countess of Devon, the Queens Dowager's younger sister, acted as chief mourner.

On 23 February 1526, Dowager Queen Elizabeth was interred in Westminster Abbey, in the Lady Chapel, in the same burial vault as her husband, King Henry VII. King Arthur ordered that the Kingdom would mourn his mother for a further thirty days and ordered Masses to be said for her soul.

On 28 February 1526, Queen Isabel of Navarre announced her fourth pregnancy , much to the excitement of everyone. King Juan , loving the idea of more grandchildren, wrote to his son, expressing his happiness on the upcoming birth. He cautioned to be prudent and not to injure Queen Isabel.

On 5 April 1526, Cristina, Duchess of Florence gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The twenty-seven year old Duchess had a difficult labor, followed by a slight temperature, but she managed to recover . She wrote to her father that she was happy to have wealth and a thriving family. Her son was named Pietro.

In Portugal, on 23 May 1526, sixteen year old Infanta Joanna, the fifth daughter of the late King Manuel and Dowager Queen Joanna was married by proxy in the Palace of Ribiera, in the presence of her family and the entire Court. The kind and gentle Infanta was excited to be married and to become Queen of England some day and she heard good reports on her future husband, Henry Prince of Wales.

The proxy marriage was followed by a grand celebration and the English Ambassador was treated to a beautiful Portuguese celebration. Queen Elizabeth, who had been quietly mourning the death of her mother, Dowager Queen Elizabeth, appeared at the ceremony and was with good cheer. Infanta Joanna would depart for England within the year, once Prince Henry turned sixteen and they were able to live together, as man and wife.

On 29 August 1526, tragedy took place in the Kingdom of Hungary. King Louis II led his troops in the Battle of the Mohács, but it was a disaster. The Hungarian army was surrounded by Ottoman cavalry in a pincer movement, and in the center the Hungarian heavy knights and infantry were repulsed and suffered heavy casualties, especially from the well-positioned Ottoman cannons and well-armed and trained Janissary musketeers.

Nearly the entire Hungarian Royal army was destroyed in nearly 2 hours on the battlefield. During the retreat, the twenty-year-old king died when he fell backwards off his horse while trying to ride up a steep ravine of the Csele stream. He fell into the stream and, due to the weight of his armor, he was unable to stand up and drowned.

Queen Joanna of Hungary, received the terrible news and she was said to be consumed by grief. She dressed in all black. The Court of Hungary waited to see if Queen Joanna was carrying a potential heir, but it turned out she was not. Due to the fact that King Louis did not have an heir of his body, a new King had to be elected.

Upon hearing about the death of his brother-in-law and comforting his wife, Emperor Charles V applied to the Parliaments of Hungary and Bohemia to be elected as their new King, by right of his wife. Empress Anne supported her husband and prayed that her husband would inherit the lands.

On 15 October 1526, Queen Isabel of Navarre gave birth to a healthy baby girl. King Alfonso was happy that another daughter had been born and he and Queen Isabel were young to have more. King Juan congratulated his son on the birth of his daughter. King Juan named his daughter Juana, after her grandmother.

On 24 October 1526, the Bohemian Diet elected Charles V as the King of Bohemia. However, he had to agree to respect the traditions and he had to move the Imperial Court to Prague. This was a partial Succession, as the Council did not vote to make him the hereditary Lord of the Kingdom.

While this was going on, Queen Joanna of Poland gave birth to another daughter on 1 November 1526. This was her sixth child and the child was healthy. King Juan was happy that his eldest child made it through the birth. The new Princess was named Catherine, after the late Queen of Navarre.

On the exact same day, Queen Elizabeth of Portugal gave birth to a healthy baby boy in Lisbon. This was was her fifth child and she was only twenty-three years old. She quickly recovered and was happy to have given her husband a second son, after three consecutive daughters. The new Infante was named Manuel, after the late King.

With her husband now dead and her having no child, Joanna of England, now the Dowager Queen of Bohemia and Hungary, traveled to Spain and King Juan welcomed his niece. He was astonished at how similar she looked to his beloved youngest sister. Dowager Queen Joanna, still grieving her husband, decided to visit Toledo and she met her aunt, Infanta Isabel, Dowager Princess of Portugal. The young woman felt content with a life of prayer. She was a widow and now had more options. King Juan assured her that she was family and there would always be a home for her in his domains.
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Chapter 40: Family Troubles
King Juan was troubled, as he received letters from his daughter, Queen Catherine of France. France had been at high disputes with his nephew, Charles V. After an unsuccessful invasion of Burgundy, King Francis was captured by the Emperor's forces and was now held in Mechelen, for nearly a year.

Queen Catherine asked her father what to do with her husband, however his sister, Dowager Empress Maria, did not want a man who went against her son. King Juan suggested that there be peace, saying that war between two Christian countries was unnecessary and he reminded Dowager Empress Maria that their mother always wanted peace.

In Portugal, on 26 April 1527, Dowager Queen Joanna traveled with her daughter, Infanta Joanna, as she was preparing to board the ship to take her to England. The Dowager Queen told her daughter how much she loved her and that she was proud of her and that she would be a true legacy to her father and her grandparents, the Catholic Monarchs.

Infanta Joanna of Portugal departed from Lisbon and arrived in Plymouth on the 6 May 1527. The journey was peaceful and Infanta Joanna's household were thankful that they avoided storms. She was met by Prince Henry, Duke of York. The thirty-six year old Prince, whose marriage had cooled in recent years , was astonished at the beauty of the young Infanta, who looked remarkably like her aunt, Queen Catherine of England.

Henry, Prince of Wales and Infanta Joanna officially met one week later. They were married in Hampton Court Palace on 17 May 1527. King Arthur and Queen Catherine were present and the entire Court was happy to see their Prince of Wales finally married. The young couple consummated their marriage that night and marriage celebrations continued for five days. Infanta Joanna became close with Queen Catherine, who bore a striking resemblance to her mother. The young couple departed for Ludlow Castle on 28 May 1527.

In Prague, Empress Anne gave birth to a healthy daughter on 30 May 1527. The child was healthy and was her fifth child. This was her first child as Holy Roman Empress and she privately celebrated. King Juan congratulated his nephew and sent a gift for the birth. Emperor Charles named his daughter Maria, after the Holy Mother and his own mother.

In July 1527, Dowager Empress Maria and Louise of Savoy met in Mechelen to discuss a potential treaty, in which Francis could be set free. The two women met and were very cordial to one another. Dowager Empress Maria told Louise that her son would be released, if he ceased trying to lay claim to Burgundy and another territories. Marriages were also discussed, as as Dowager Empress Maria's youngest daughter, six year old Archduchess Joanna, was betrothed to Louise's youngest grandson, Charles, Duke of Angouleme. The condition that was not favorable, was Charles wanted reassurance that the Treaty would be respected, he wanted the two oldest sons of Francis to be sent to Burgundy. Dowager Empress Maria cautioned her son about that, saying to trust, until something happened.

King Francis was released from his prison on 1 September 1527. He had been treated well, but had a deep resentment of the Holy Roman Emperor now. He was impressed with his wife, Queen Catherine, who had ruled in his stead. She was Spanish, but she actually held his Court together and cared for his children. He made sure that he would spend more time with his Queen, especially since she was more beautiful than Claude.

In Poland, on 27 September 1527, Queen Joanna went into premature labor and gave birth to a stillborn baby boy. This was a tragedy to the Court, as the King and Queen only had 1 son. However, Queen Joanna made peace with it, as she had five surviving children and being thirty-five, she figured she could still have more children, if the will of the Lord allowed it.

In England, proving her potential fertility, Joanna, Princess of Wales, announced her first pregnancy. King Arthur and Queen Catherine were overcome with joy, as this was their first grandchild. Queen Catherine wrote to her son and daughter-in-law, saying that she was proud and to pray for a safe delivery of the next English King.

On 30 October 1527, King Alfonso of Navarre, was approached by Bishops again, hoping he would establish the Inquisition in his lands. He refused, stating it went against his late mother, Queen Catherine's, last will and testament and a Sovereign's will was law. King Alfonso, like majority of his family, were good Christians, but the Church being involved with the sovereign and their government, he did not like it, especially since he was a young King.

On the 3 November 1527, after many debates and arguments, Emperor Charles V was officially crowned King of Hungary in the Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Székesfehérvár. The ceremony was magnificent and the Bishop consecrated the young Emperor. Most of his family were present to witness the triumph. Emperor Charles still kept his promise to keep the Court in Prague and Empress Anne would be regent if need be and his mother, Dowager Empress Maria would look over his lands in the Low Countries.

In England, Queen Catherine began to become ill. King Arthur began to get worried. After finally convincing her to see a doctor, Queen Catherine received the shocking news that after a decade and at the age of 42, she was pregnant. King Juan wrote his sister and congratulated her, but cautioned her to take care, due to her age.
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@LatinThunder312 ! AMAZING Chapter! Seeing Francis Humiliated is ALWAYS a treat! Charles victorious! And is gracias Butter? Then try not to invade lands You have no right over! And Charles definitely should have kept his sons hostages. Francis is too dishonorable to trust

And btw i think this was the year Ferdinand I was elevated to King of Hungary. That would make Charles Victory Even sweeter, of have they not decides yet?
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@LatinThunder312 ! AMAZING Chapter! Seeing Francis Humiliated is ALWAYS a treat! Charles victorious! And is gracias Butter? Then try not to invade lands You have no right over! And Charles definitely should have kept his sons hostages. Francis is too dishonorable to trust

And btw i think this was the year Ferdinand I was elevated to King of Hungary. That would make Charles Victory Even sweeter, of have they not decides yet?
I actually just updated!
Very good chapter, so many ladies named Catherine and Joanna are around that I can't keep up 🤣🤣🤣. I hope Catherine of England has a safe pregnancy, keep up the good work 👍👍.
She was met by Prince Henry, Duke of York. The thirty-six year old Prince, whose marriage had cooled in recent years , was astonished at the beauty of the young Infanta, who looked remarkably like her aunt, Queen Catherine of England.
The Duke of York reappears! We need to know more about his scandalous six mistresses/daughters ITTL
Taking a poll vote here: Joanna, Dowager Queen of Hungary, now the eldest child of King Arthur and Queen Catherine of England. She's now a widow, what should be done with her? Should she be like her aunt Isabel in Spain and reside there or should she marry in Spain