The Official Project X Graphics, Etc. Thread!

Hi there, ladies and gentlemen. I recently completed another semester of college so, I figured I might be able to start working on more of my timelines.

So, I'm sure some of y'all may be wondering....."Just what is Project X, CaliBoy?". Project X was my very-first ever serious attempt at an experimental AH work and it's roots actually go back a few years. In a nutshell, it's a world that on its surface, may seem familiar enough to us, but is actually a fair bit different after all once you really delve into the details. And as this TL doesn't focus so much on linearity I do feel more comfortable with spoilers and the like than I would have with a more traditional ATL story, and I do eventually plan on adding quite a few things here.

I don't have any graphics ready for you just yet, but hopefully I'll be able to get some up soon. In the meantime, here's a link to the story itself, if you'd like to read it.....Project X: An Experimental Free-Form Alternate History Work
And here's the first small batch of graphics! I thought I'd give you a neat little overview of the two major political parties in the U.S., the Liberal Party, and the National Party*:
Project X National Party Wiki.png
Project X Liberal Party Wiki.png

*Please note that both are very much in a WIP stage and some details are subject to change.

So yeah, I'll have to admit this I'm only a beginner at this whole graphic design thing, and I'll probably need quite a bit of help in order to be able to make better Wikiboxes-and Wikibox screenshots-as this story is written down and expanded upon further.

But in the meantime, I do hope you like this little preview of what's to come and I'll try to get more out as soon as I can.
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