Stupid Luck and Happenstance, Thread III

He was supposed to be representative in the song as the name is very common and the writer made it up to fill the verse of the song by having the right number of syllables, there have been several claims of him having been a real person in different locations for that exact reason. He is here too, just of a different set of events that happened in the following years.
I was moved to research and found this article.
“If it is clear” Professor Kempf, the Project Director said. “There are times when the weather doesn’t cooperate.”
So I don't know enough about astronomy...

But I've been to Balderschwang before, and know the area around it a bit. There will be a lot of cloud cover. Prevailing winds drive clouds against the northern edge of the Alps, trapping them there and leading to in cases week long rainfall.

Quick googling shows that annual precipitation is about on par, or even higher than the average in the area. So no rain 'shadow'.

Not sure what can be done with other methods, but for visible light? Not perfect.
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Kiki (looking at the Castle in Disneyland): 'Meh. Mine's better.'
"And more functional."
Kiki is after two previous visits to the United States is popular and this visit should just add to it.
Ben is going to be compared to the title character played by Jerry Lewis in the 1960 film "Cinderfella".
The main problem on this trip is the expansion of requests for their attendance at various social events and having to say no.
Kiki should talk to both UCLA and USC Medical schools and their research institutions for help as probably Los Angeles County could be seeing more of those cases but haven't made the connection yet.
Ben at Palomar Mountain should notice how many nights of clear skies they have but should also see the start of the encroachment of light pollution as Southern California is becoming more developed and the need to find a solution for it, IOTL there was talk that if the trends of development continue the light pollution would have made the Observatory unable to continue.
Well it sure looks like USC's getting a Princess Kristina School of Medicine (in place of the hilariously-named Keck)

Marc A
Part 119, Chapter 1991
Chapter One Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-One

19th June 1970

Mitte, Berlin

Kiki was supposed to have flown out this afternoon, there had been a change of plans though and the trip to California had been pushed back by a day. Eduard Louis Viktor Joachim Ichirou, Freddy and Suga’s son, had decided to make an early appearance a couple weeks before he had been expected. Kiki had insisted that she needed to be there, this time though Suga had told her that she should probably gone to catch her flight. That was why she had been watching as Mirai and Alexandrine were introduced to their new little brother by Freddy and Suga. At the age of six, Mirai had been deemed old enough to be told what was going on in an age-appropriate manner. She still had a lot of questions though and seeing her little brother obviously wasn’t quite what she had pictured. Kiki had the impression her idea of a baby was like in cartoons she had seen. Seeing that an actual newborn was rather different must have been a disconcerting experience for her. Alex was a slightly different story. She was still a toddler and was only aware that she was no longer the center of attention. Oddly, she had found herself with Nella and Nan, who were at loose ends as well.

This had also prompted a gathering of Kiki’s extended family. Her aunts, uncles, and cousins had gathered outside Suga’s room in the Hospital. It was a reminder to Kiki that they were not an ordinary family. Her father and stepmother were at the center of all of this, which was a reminder of how Kiki’s nieces had an uncertain future in the years ahead. A generation earlier, Eduard would have automatically become the designated heir with Mirai, and Alex being pushed out of the way due to their gender. Now, things were far less clear. Regardless of one’s opinion of having a Monarchy, that couldn’t help but make things complicated. Kiki just hoped that her father and oldest brother knew what they were doing and would have this sorted long before Royal succession became an issue again in thirty years.

Kiki couldn’t help but notice how out of place Ben seemed to be. While there was nothing wrong with his appearance, just the way he carried himself revealed that he was not of the environment he had found himself in. She felt a bit of guilt over having thrust him into this. Kiki’s father said that she shouldn’t feel that way, Ben had chosen to be with her even if it came with awkward interactions like this one with her family. She couldn’t help but notice that he was spending most of his time with Michael and Birdie. Birdie didn’t mind awkward exchanges, mostly because she often had them herself. As an Ace Pilot, Raumfahrer, and Doctor of Philosophy, Ben was someone who Michael probably would have wanted to know even if he wasn’t his brother-in-law.

Turning back to her newest nephew who was the actual center of attention, Kiki was thankful that he was healthy. Suga had said that she had talked with Freddy about “shutting the factory down” as it were. Not that Kiki blamed her.

Wahlstatt, Silesia

Fencing class was no longer as much fun. It seemed that Niko’s grandfather had learned about what had happened over the Easter Holiday and had told the Headmaster that he wasn’t pleased. In turn, the Headmaster, Oberstlieutenant Gruber, had read Niko the riot act about how he expected better from his students and that he had made himself look like an arrogant ass. That had resulted in a bit of a quandary for the school as what had happened had not occurred on the campus and while Niko had been on Holiday. Eventually, things had just sort of petered out and Niko had escaped any real punishment.

The Fencing Instructor was a different story. He had taken the brunt of official wrath because of who Niko’s grandfather was. He had more than a few words to say about his students showing off and being too stupid to realize they were taking on a more skilled opponent, and a girl no less. That was how Niko had found himself doing drills until he was too tired to lift the Epee and the Instructor had then taken him to task even for that.

That had gone on for weeks and that was on top of a rigorous academic schedule and the responsibilities he still had as a Korporal and a Bay Leader in his dorm. The result was that he had gone through his days in a sort of exhausted haze, even on the weekends he had wanted to do nothing more than sleep. Of course, complaining was the last thing he wanted to do. Both Niko’s father and grandfather had advised him that complaints were how the school gauged whether or not they were doing things correctly. So, if he found himself in this sort of situation, he needed to keep his head down and get through it. It was the exact opposite of how Bas handled things if he got into trouble. Bas would loudly complain about how unfair whatever punishment he got was and inevitably make it worse for himself. Quietly enduring didn’t protect him from getting called into Staber Arbeit’s office on a Friday afternoon, something that every student in the school dreaded because nothing good ever came of it.

“I’ve watched the hard work that you’ve put in Nikolaus” Arbeit said with a smile, “And it is my opinion that is the sort of thing that ought to be rewarded.”

With that, the Staber pulled the shoulder boards for a Vize-Sergeant of Cadets out of his desk drawer. At that moment, Niko was reminded of one of the other things his father had told him. That often the reward for hard work was more work.
This mysterious ailment that Kiki is going to look at should be popping up right now amongst people with hemophilia as the clotting drug that is used has red blood cells as it's base and it take a lot of blood to make the drug.
One of the primary sources for blood is going to be blood banks that pay for donations and addicts needing a fix will go to them in order to get money to score a hit.
Gia probably with the money that was played back by American banks and corporations has created a foundation for the research and treatment of hemophilia named after her Uncle Alexi is going to get involved.
This mysterious ailment that Kiki is going to look at should be popping up right now amongst people with hemophilia as the clotting drug that is used has red blood cells as it's base and it take a lot of blood to make the drug.
One of the primary sources for blood is going to be blood banks that pay for donations and addicts needing a fix will go to them in order to get money to score a hit.
Gia probably with the money that was played back by American banks and corporations has created a foundation for the research and treatment of hemophilia named after her Uncle Alexi is going to get involved.
Hopefully ITTL it'll avoid being dismissed as 'The Gay Disease' - if Kiki's looking at it in Skid Row, odds are it'll be fairly well represented in IV drug users of all orientations...
Or it could trigger a 'war on drugs' in the US ITTL. After all, 'polite' society sees skid row as being full of degenerates, drunkards and junkies. A mysterious plague that appears to be striking down the denizens of skid row is going to trigger the so-called 'moral majority' into demanding that 'something must be done' and for others to 'think of the children'.
So we could still end up with the whole anti-drug pencil scandal.
With so many butterflies going on it would be hard to speculate accurately on the impact of illegal drugs at this point ITTL.
On one hand with no Vietnam War, no IOTL counterculture, no Baby Boom, no large migration of African-Americans from the South to Northern cities the demand may not be there.
On the other hand because of the Civil War in China, cheap heroin coming from there is apparently hitting the West Coast now and the IOTL heroin from poppies grown in Afghanistan and Turkey turned processed in Sicily and shipped from Marseille via "The French Connection" is also flooding the East Coast.
Still on another hand heroin has always been an organized crime thing (Italian, Mexican Mafia,Russian and other Slavic organizations, Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs like certain Hell's Angels chapters) and with the ITTL naming of Elliott Ness to be the head of the FBI after the Chesapeake Crab Fest with J. Edgar Hoover there was a much earlier crack down on organized crime and that may disrupt the smuggling and distribution of drugs.
And again on this hand IOTL America is on a "Down" wave with heroin and barbiturates after a "High" wave with amphetamines.


War on drugs was much a cultural thing like prohibition. And even if ITTL the USA does this stupid thing again it will not spill over to Europe. Actually in the 70s HIV was not that big risk Hepatitis was. Stopping HIV earlier will save more people from Hepatitis.
Part 119, Chapter 1992
Chapter One Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-Two

22nd June 1970

San Francisco, California

There were few expectations about exactly what California would be like, but the damp chill that they had encountered in San Francisco was not one of them. Then there was the delay in their departure from Berlin. Ben understood the reasoning for that delay, but that had taken away the time for them to get their bearings, or at least get a bit of sleep before they started the official portion of this trip. So, they had gotten off the plane and had found themselves in the car being briefed on what was expected in the following hours. The entire time, he had kept nodding off which didn’t impress the advance team who had set this whole thing up.

Somehow, coming to San Francisco felt exactly the same as any one of a dozen other cities that they had visited over the prior weeks. Shuffle in, meet with select people, make a few public appearances, and then move on to the next city. They had done that again and again in every major city in Germany, save Warsaw because of the continued security situation there. As if Ben needed to be told that Kiki’s family wasn’t particularly popular in Poland these days. Not that Slovakia proved to be much better. The recent establishment of Galicia and Ruthenia had had many unforeseen consequences, not the least of which was that the portions of Slovakia with Ruthenian majorities had decided to throw their lot with the new Kingdom. Ben had heard the phrase “Being hoisted on one’s own petard” before and that perfectly described the situation. Slovakia had been the first to recognize the Galician State’s right to be independent of Poland. Then they had recently watched as Poland had gleefully recognized portions of Slovakia as part of Galicia. The issue was still being arbitrated but no one was presently happy with the status quo.

Ben had also been given a front row seat in how Kiki handled the public as well as the part that few ever saw. For years he had heard her complain about the whole Princess thing, to actually see how it worked and how she found it totally exhausting was making him understand how she felt. For every moment she spent in the spotlight, Kiki needed to withdraw from the world for five. The only time he had seen her at ease so far had been when they had been in the home of Nancy Pelosi, nee D’Alesandro, that morning. She was an old friend of Kiki’s and the entire reason that they had actually come to San Francisco. Ben had listened as they had discussed local politics, things happening in the city, and California. Kiki had told him all about Nancy, how she was the daughter of the Senator from Maryland and they had been exchanging letters for years. Ben now had a face to go with the name.

There was also the battered waxed brown canvas shoulder bag Kiki dragged around with her everywhere. This latest trip was no exception and it had been noticed. There had been some speculation in the Press about whether or not Kiki was making an odd fashion statement with it. That was comical regarding someone as deliberately unfashionable as her. The truth was far more mundane and a bit disturbing in its implications. Ben knew that it contained her field surgical kit and he had asked if she expected a medical emergency to happen on this trip. “Do you think that an emergency is something that will be on the itinerary?” Kiki had asked in reply. Ben didn’t have an answer for that, and that did sort of reflect on how Kiki saw the world and in turn wanted to be seen even if she seldom said it out loud.

This being San Francisco, one of the things that it was insisted that Ben and Kiki do was to have a picture taken with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. The best place to take that picture had been suggested by one of Functionaries in the Consulate and Ben suspected that he had been hoping to show off his connections in San Francisco while Kiki was in the city. The details that fog would be rolling in and that the location of where they were taking the pictures would be at an active military installation had not come up until after they had left the hotel. That was how they had found themselves standing by the San Francisco Bay shoreline at Crissy Field next to what he had been told was a U.S. Coast Guard Station with the Presidio’s Public Relations Officer as well as a number of those who were curious about their visitors.

Ben could see what looked like a solid wall of fog spilling into the bay after partially engulfing the bridge. He couldn’t help but noticing an old masonry fortress that Golden Gate Bridge seemed to have been built around. Ben found that a bit odd. He had always assumed that the Americans were typically more inclined to tear something like that down unless it had undeniable historical relevance. An old fortress that few knew about outside of its immediate surroundings and was in the process of being restored if their Guides were to be believed clearly wasn’t that.

“Now a big smile for the camera” The Photographer said, before giving Kiki a dirty look.

“Kristina seldom smiles” Ben said, jokingly. He knew full well what the truth was but doubted the Photographer would understand, people like him annoyed Kiki. She didn’t gladly suffer fools and if she was in a foul mood like she was at moment, she hardly said a word to anyone. A couple hours earlier, when they had arrived at the Presidio the Commandant’s wife had assembled a welcoming committee and Kiki had graciously thanked them. Later she had told Ben that she had really wanted to flee the room.

“That cannot be true Count von Hirsch” The Photographer said, and it was Ben’s turn to be annoyed. Kiki had complained about this sort of thing in the past, people not seeing her as anything more than her title of Princess and completely ignoring what she had done with her life. Even worse, here in America most people had no idea what those titles even meant.

“Please call me Doctor Hirsch” Ben replied.

“Have it your way then” The Photographer said as he fiddled with his camera.

“No, I can perform like a good little monkey for this arrogant jackass” Kiki said in German before smiling sweetly. The tone of her voice causing the hair on the back of Ben’s neck to stand on end.

The Photographer was totally unaware of the thin ice beneath his feet as he got the photographs he wanted.
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There is a remarkable similarity between the sound made by a camera shutter and the sound created when cocking a semi-automatic pistol. :evilsmile: