Prussians win at Ligny

I've looked all over the forum for this and while Ligny comes up every once in a while, its a variation on "Napoleon wins at Waterloo" and/or "Napoleon crushes Prussia at Ligny."

So, what is the alternative I understand the Prussian army was in a sorry state by this point, but they outnumbered the French 2 to 1. Lets say Blutcher and company carry the day, either a limited victory or a total victory. What are the effects?

I can imagine Prussia and Blutcher would be in line for even more accolades, while Wellington's contributions are lessened somewhat. Is Prussia able to use this victory to extract more land during Vienna?

I seriously can't believe this POD hasn't been explored.


Gone Fishin'
Prussia gets its wishes on Saxony?

Prussia gets to keep occupied Belgium?

Prussia gets Alsace or all/part of Lorraine?