PC: Non-American Puerto Rico before WW2

This is pretty straight-forward: how likely is it for the United States to no longer control Puerto Rico before the year 1941 with a POD after 1902 (the end of the Philippine-American War), if at all.

It doesn't matter who controls the island, as long as it isn't the United States. So be it Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Germany, Spain or an independent state in its own right, I'd just like to hear if it is remotely possible/plausible for Washington to withdraw from Puerto Rico before the 1940s.
I've always wondered why the US annexed PR in the beginning after the Spanish-American War..and not Cuba. So an obvious PoD might be the US annexing the big prize (Cuba) and letting PR go its own way
If USA somehow lose Cuba on 1902 or bit later, it probably becomes independent. USA will not accept that someone would re-colonise the island. I don't see that changing much. Probably PR would be just American puppet like OTL Cuba before Castro.


If the US adopts the policy of independence for

This is pretty straight-forward: how likely is it for the United States to no longer control Puerto Rico before the year 1941 with a POD after 1902 (the end of the Philippine-American War), if at all.

It doesn't matter who controls the island, as long as it isn't the United States. So be it Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Germany, Spain or an independent state in its own right, I'd just like to hear if it is remotely possible/plausible for Washington to withdraw from Puerto Rico before the 1940s.

If the US adopts the policy of independence for all the ex-Spanish possessions (Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the PI) that historically was adopted for Cuba (Platt Amendment, etc.) I can see a (very) small and poor Republic of Puerto Rico.

A Greater Antilles Federation is a possibility; more remote, however, because of Haiti.

Spanish departure and prevention of any other European power coming in seems pretty much to be expected, given the time and politics. It's not like any European power was going to challenge the US over Puerto Rico, of all places.

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If the US adopts the policy of independence for all the ex-Spanish possessions (Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the PI) that historically was adopted for Cuba (Platt Amendment, etc.) I can see a (very) small and poor Republic of Puerto Rico.

Why independent Puerto Rico would be poor nation? I don't think that it would be any worse than mediocre Caribbean nation.


In comparison to Cuba and the DR, fewer people and less land

Why independent Puerto Rico would be poor nation? I don't think that it would be any worse than mediocre Caribbean nation.

In comparison to Cuba and the DR, fewer people and less land for what was (at the time) largely an agricultural economy focused on exports, they would come in at number three at best, and evnen Haiti, given some stability, could probably do better.

I mean, "at least we're not Haiti" isn't exactly a clarion call...

Compared to the Lesser Antilles, sure, PR is gigantic, but compared to the Greater, PR is pretty small and thus will not be especially wealthy; certainly not in comparison.
