PC: Colonial Restoration as Part of Appeasement

After doing a bit of research about (opposition to) Neville Chamberlain, I've read that Sir Appeasement considered to restore some of its lost colonies back to Germany in order to calm down Berlin. Now I'd like to know how at least one of the German colonies could be "brought back into the Reich", with a POD after 1933 (of course) and before 1939. Is it even remotely possible? And if so, which are the most likely? Personally I'd say Togo and Kamerun are the best candidates, though then France would be a problem...
I honestly doubt Britain or France would agree to give back any of German colonies taken by them after WWI. The appeasement policy was easy to defend in public opinion's eyes, since they ceded to Hitler someone else's lands (like Sudetenland). I do not think said public opinion would be happy about giving back their own territories, even if only colonies.