Map Thread XXII


Hi all- my first Map on this site. The premise is that Napoleon's Suicide Pill works and he dies in April 1814. France avoids the Hundred Days and the Bourbon Restoration is far more stable, actively intervening in foreign affairs (especially in Spain) and participating in European Diplomacy, chiefly by playing Britain and Austria off against one another. On the death of Henri V in 1883, the crown passes to Philippe d'Orleans (Philippe VII), whose eldest male descendant holds power today.

If there is enough interest in this I might make some more maps / graphics in this series.
View attachment 894608
The former Central Powers and their former spheres of influence in 2024 AD. AKA the one where I got tired of all the maps where the CP win the war but Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans still collpase for some reason but Germany is perfectly fine, so I decided to make a map where Germany collapsed as well.

The Fate of the Central Powers
Germany: The country remained a de facto military dictatorship for several years after the war. In the early 1930s, the military government attempted to pass several pieces of legislation that would effectively end the autonomy of the constituent states and turn the country into a unitary state. The plan backfired on the government as many states broke out into open revolt. Germany's client states in Belgium and Eastern Europe took the opportunity to declare independence, and they and Germany's neighbours moves to occupy German territories that they claimed. Russia also occupied and annexed all of White Ruthenia and the eastern half of Ukraine. The States' Revolution eventually ended when the states' armies took Berlin under the leadership of Rupprecht, King of Bavaria. A new government was constituted under a Zentrum-SPD coalition who instituted many Keynesian reforms. The Empire was abolished and the state was reorganised as a federal union with a President that would be elected for life from among the Kings of Germany by all the heads of state of the constituent states of Germany. The Hohenzollerns were allowed to continue as King of Prussia, which was greatly reduced in size with the states it annexed in 1870 being liberated and its remaining eastern provinces separated and turned into federal states. Luxrmbourg also declared independence at this time. The modern German Federation is a federal union of constitutional monarchies and several free cities with a very high quality of life and a welfare state similar to the OTL Nordic countries, albeit with the traditional aristocracy and monarchies of Germany holding significant wealth and soft power in the country.

Austria-Hungary: After the war, Austria-Hungary was reorganised into a federal state but the forces of nationalism grew until the Federation of Leithania amicably broke apart. Several border regions joined neighbouring countries via referendum , while most of the territory was divided into new countries with borders based on a combination of ethnic divisions and traditional Crownlands. Fortunately for the Habsburg dynasty, the Emperor-King Karl and Crown Prince Otto were quite popular with the people, enough that all of the new countries for from the breakup voted to remain in personal union with each other under the Habsburg dynasty, along with free trade between the new states and also freedom of movement.

Bulgaria: The Central Power that probably fared the best in the post-war period. They would lose some of the border territories they annexed from Serbia to nationalist insurgencies but they managed to gain Thrace and Constantinople in 1928 after the Ottoman-Bulgarian War of 1927. Otherwise mostly peaceful during the 20th century, the Balkans have ironically been one of the more peaceful regions of the world since the Great War.

Ottoman Empire: After their humiliating defeat at the hands of Bulgaria in 1928, nationalist revolts exploded throughout the Empire, Persia moved in to reclaim lands that has been occupied by the Ottomans, and Turkish nationalist army officers attempted to depose the Padishah and establish a Turkish republic. Georgia also moved to occupy some of their claimed lands and support the Armenian Revolution. Troops loyal to the Padishah managed to put down the Turkish officer coup and defeat the Persian intervention, officialy annexing the Persian territories that had been under Ottoman occupation. They also managed to mitigate losses to the Syrian and Iraqi Revolts but both countries still managed to secure independence, as did Egypt, Armenia and the Arabian Peninsula countries. Most of Cyprus would later be ceded to Greece after a decade long insurgency on the island that resultes in referendum and partition.

Countries on the Map

  • Europe
    • German Federation
    • Kingdom of Belgium
    • Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
    • Austrian Empire
    • Kingdom of Bohemia
    • Kingdom of Hungary
    • Principality of Nitra
    • Kingdom of Croatia
    • Kingdom of Poland
    • Ruthenian People's Republic
    • Grand Duchy of Lithuania
    • Duchy of Courland
    • Republic of Livonia
    • Republic of Estonia
    • Grand Principality of Finland
    • Kingdom of Serbia
    • Kingdom of Rumania
    • Tsardom of Bulgaria
    • Kingdom of Albania
    • Kingdom of Greece
    • Kingdom of Georgia
    • Kingdom of Armenia
  • Asia
    • Sublime Ottoman State
    • Hashemite Sultanate of Syria
    • Hashemite Sultanate of Iraq
    • Republic of Lebanon
    • Emirate of Kuwait
    • Republic of al-Hasa
    • Hashemite Sultanate of Hejaz
    • Idrisid Emirate of Asir
    • Mutawakkilite Sultanate of Yemen
  • Africa
    • Sultanate of Egypt
    • Republic of Togoland
    • Republic of Kamerun
    • Kingdom of Ostafrika
  • Oceania
    • Kingdom of Neuguinea
Feel free to ask for more lore.
How does Germany lose Schleswig?

From my TL, a map of the United States of America with its Constituent Nations and Territories in the present day. I did the counties in Qgis (huge mistake on my part)
It’s said that if you stare at this map long enough,you can hear a minor keyed version of The Star-Spangled Banner in the background 🙂

From my TL, a map of the United States of America with its Constituent Nations and Territories in the present day. I did the counties in Qgis (huge mistake on my part)
The map kind of reminds me of the U.S. from the These Fair Shores TL. Given the flag of that party, is TTL’s USA a socialist state?
I mean its probably more on account that if WW1 was won by Germany they would have a more concrete control over their territory due to more of it being majority German.
AH was not healty in early '900, and the war' a conduct proved to be disastrous for the Empire.
To avoid collapse AH should had won at least in Serbia which was not the case.

Ottoman Empire was probably in a worse shape than AH, but imo the core of the empire had much more room for manouver.

You have to add that Germany was substanvially a German state with some Poles and Danes, and an economic powerhouse.

However your map is very cool.
The Japanese power on the world stage would decline after its heavy loss in the Second Sino-Japanese War, where China was able to resist the Japanese after nearly two decades of gruelling conflict.
Heck and tarnation, China must really hate Japan in this timeline
Surely Tippu Tip, acquaintance of so many famous European explorers, could never jeopardise these small, practically undefended positions deep in his own realm?
No, nothing could possibly go wrong
Hi all- my first Map on this site.
And an excellent beginning it is
Hi all- my first Map on this site. The premise is that Napoleon's Suicide Pill works and he dies in April 1814. France avoids the Hundred Days and the Bourbon Restoration is far more stable, actively intervening in foreign affairs (especially in Spain) and participating in European Diplomacy, chiefly by playing Britain and Austria off against one another. On the death of Henri V in 1883, the crown passes to Philippe d'Orleans (Philippe VII), whose eldest male descendant holds power today.

If there is enough interest in this I might make some more maps / graphics in this series.
Nice work,
Are you interested in someone correcting your mistakes in French?
I didn't look at the whole map, but you misplaced my hometown 'Nice', on your map it would be east of the border.



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Nice work,
Are you interested in someone correcting your mistakes in French?
I didn't look at the whole map, but you misplaced my hometown 'Nice', on your map it would be east of the border.

Please- I welcome any and all correction, both with the French Language (I very much 'winged it' for this project, drawing on what I remember from my High School days and the aid of online translators), and with the Geography (as I've yet to master QGIS and similar programs). Whatever you'd care to do would be greatly appreciated.
New Normandy

From Grigorapaedia, the free enkyklopaedia
(Partially Locked) (Under Moderation)
New Normandy is a state of the Antipodean Republic of Eureka. It is the most recently admitted state, having been admitted on March 13, 2009, during the Collapse of the British Empire. New Normandy consists of 137 volcanic islands that comprise the New Norman Archipelago. The uninhabited Northern Norman Islands make up most of the Randolph Churchill Marine National Preservation zone, the largest in Eureka, and the fifth largest in the world. It has the largest Indian percentage of any State of Eureka, with 30% of its population being at least partially Indian/South East Asian.
Settled by Polynesians sometime, according to records in the National Library of the Hawaiian People in Kou, Hawaii in the New Achaean League, between 1000 and 1200 CE, New Normandy was home to numerous independent chiefdoms. In 1776, British Explorer James Cook was the first known non-Polynesian to arrive at the archipelago. An influx of British explorers, traders, and whalers soon arrived, leading to diseases spreading across the formerly isolated indigenous peoples. The Kingdom of Hawaii would unite in 1820, with it being a de facto British vassal until the Cookville Massacre in 1864, where a dispute between British Settlers and the indigenous populace would lead to the death of 5 British and 20 Hawaiians. The Kingdom of Hawaii would soon be invaded, with the native people being forced into Prisoner of War camps, where an estimated 30% of all native Hawaiians would die of disease, starvation, or murder. The treaty of New Preveza would be signed in 1868, where the Achaean Government, looking to settle former California with loyal citizens, would take all remaining native Hawaiians away from the newly christianed New Norman Islands and would resettle them elsewhere, with Britain paying 30% of the cost.
The Islands would stay a part of the United Kingdom until 2009, with the Collapse of the British Empire leading to Eureka invading and occupying various British Territories, including New Normandy. The Islands would see relatively little change, with the government being allowed to stay in power, albeit heavily weakened, and a Military Governor being put in power. The New Norman Islands are, as of the 2020 census, composed of 63% White, 30% South East Asian, and 7% other. The Hawaiian Language is banned, with most cultural sites being destroyed during the war and afterwards, and there are estimated to be less than 300 native Hawaiians living in New Normandy, mainly on Brechou Island.


Gone Fishin'
New Normandy

From Grigorapaedia, the free enkyklopaedia
(Partially Locked) (Under Moderation)
New Normandy is a state of the Antipodean Republic of Eureka. It is the most recently admitted state, having been admitted on March 13, 2009, during the Collapse of the British Empire. New Normandy consists of 137 volcanic islands that comprise the New Norman Archipelago. The uninhabited Northern Norman Islands make up most of the Randolph Churchill Marine National Preservation zone, the largest in Eureka, and the fifth largest in the world. It has the largest Indian percentage of any State of Eureka, with 30% of its population being at least partially Indian/South East Asian.
Settled by Polynesians sometime, according to records in the National Library of the Hawaiian People in Kou, Hawaii in the New Achaean League, between 1000 and 1200 CE, New Normandy was home to numerous independent chiefdoms. In 1776, British Explorer James Cook was the first known non-Polynesian to arrive at the archipelago. An influx of British explorers, traders, and whalers soon arrived, leading to diseases spreading across the formerly isolated indigenous peoples. The Kingdom of Hawaii would unite in 1820, with it being a de facto British vassal until the Cookville Massacre in 1864, where a dispute between British Settlers and the indigenous populace would lead to the death of 5 British and 20 Hawaiians. The Kingdom of Hawaii would soon be invaded, with the native people being forced into Prisoner of War camps, where an estimated 30% of all native Hawaiians would die of disease, starvation, or murder. The treaty of New Preveza would be signed in 1868, where the Achaean Government, looking to settle former California with loyal citizens, would take all remaining native Hawaiians away from the newly christianed New Norman Islands and would resettle them elsewhere, with Britain paying 30% of the cost.
The Islands would stay a part of the United Kingdom until 2009, with the Collapse of the British Empire leading to Eureka invading and occupying various British Territories, including New Normandy. The Islands would see relatively little change, with the government being allowed to stay in power, albeit heavily weakened, and a Military Governor being put in power. The New Norman Islands are, as of the 2020 census, composed of 63% White, 30% South East Asian, and 7% other. The Hawaiian Language is banned, with most cultural sites being destroyed during the war and afterwards, and there are estimated to be less than 300 native Hawaiians living in New Normandy, mainly on Brechou Island.
View attachment 895038
The British Empire collapsing in 2009 combined with Fascist *Australia taking over the place?

The PoD is that in A.D. 363, Julian the Apostate manages to return victorious from his Persian campaign, leaving Sassanid Persia in a civil war. He has an eventful 30 year reign (barbarians and rebellions and more) that is notably remembered for laying the foundations for a Neoplatonic Hellenism which will become the state cult and intellectual worldview of Rome [1] and that of numerous post-roman polities even after the Empire's fall by A.D. 500. Yes, the Empire doesn't somehow last forever thanks to the success of one emperor's military campaign. The divine Fortuna decreed that Rome shall rise, and She decreed that Rome would fall.

Though Rome would fall, however, this world would not see the permanent end of Rome. Rather, ATL Rome proceeds more like OTL China - that of a Civilization that forms a Universal Empire, prospers, then stagnates, declines and falls, then later reforming into another Universal Empire. See the once mighty Han Dynasty of China, which after a Golden Age, declined and then fell into a centuries-long period of division before the Chinese reunify their Universal Empire under the Sui and Tang. This state of affairs marks much of this world's history. Not just Rome and China, but also Iran, Bharat and other High Cultures [2] will form a Universal Empire which develops then declines and falls and then later reunifies. Such is the cyclical nature of life and history.


Welcome to a Multipolar World.

It is the early 21st C. The world is divided into numerous civilizations that each develop and interact with each other. These would be the different poles of this multipolar order. By the early 21st C, there are about 20 different poles, in varying degrees of size and development. From tiny Papua to large China and everything in between. In fact, this is quite a diverse world. The people in each of these poles are proud of their cultures, histories and traditions. This is thanks to the lack of a global imperialism that would have framed, for a time at least, the entire world's worldview around the culture of a single pole. This world, by contrast, has native forms of governance and indigenous traditions and values survive and prosper. Global technological changes like industrialism no doubt impacts each of these cultures, but the people of this world adapt to these changes based on their own cultures and values. These cultures are not stagnant, but are vibrant and develop on their own terms. Anything not moving is dead as they say, and the world's cultures are very much alive.

This world sees the thriving of numerous native polities in the New World. The Norse started the contacts between Old and New Worlds and the entire world has never been the same since. These contacts first started in the Viking Age (as in OTL) but contrary to OTL, these contacts never stopped and Norse settlements in Vinland never ended. It is important to understand that these settlements were initially really small and would remain so for quite some time. These settlements, of course, served as excellent points of contact between the peoples of the New World to encounter those of the Old. Disease spread, which was deadly, no doubt, but over time, the native populations rebounded as the diseases were here to stay. Also, the Norse methods of ironworking spread to the natives. The warlike Mexica and Tarascans used these metal tools to great effect in their struggles against each other. Finally, Norse shipbuilding was enthusiastically adopted by the Taíno who formed a loose kingdom-confederacy in the Caribbean whose founder was a warrior-priest-king who worships a syncretic Sun God based on the Norse Sol and the Mayan Kukulcan.

A rising power in this world is the Grand Khaganate, also known as Russia. It's a Nestorian [3] Christian East Slavic-Turko-Mongol polity that blends the best of each of these influences. Naturally, the Russians were an expansionist realm who strove to unite the known world under the Great Blue Sky. Attempts by various dynasties to do so have not met great success, though, but the initial nomadic impulses of the Turko-Mongols were in time replaced with that of the more sedentary agricultural society of the East Slavs. As centuries pass, and after a slow start to industrialism which resulted in socialist [4] reform movements, the Grand Khaganate re-structured as dynasties collapsed and were replaced. Eventually, the Khaganate began to assert its dominance as master of the Heartland of the World Island. It is largely thanks to Russian efforts that much of Eurasia formed an Inter-Civilizational Forum called BRICS. BRICS, which consists of Bharat, Russia, Iran, China and Siam was founded to promote development, stability and safe passage of trade across Eastern Eurasia.

There is also an established power that needs mentioning. This is Bharat. The Bharatis after a prolonged period of warring states were united in a Universal Empire during the 11th C. This Bharati Empire was a large empire encompassing all of South Asia and had vassals across the Indian Ocean. Bharati influence could be seen all throughout the Silk Road and it was in Bharat where the first Industrial Revolution began. This was the closest this world had to a single pole dominating the world, but even in this case, the Bharatis were either unwilling or unable to exert their influence into the New World or in West Africa or Europe. Perhaps it was due to how the Bharatis envisioned their empire - that of a mandala which has a central core under central control, but this mandala radiates outward in ever-decreasing layers of influence. In this worldview, those distant regions were simply left alone. In any case, however, even the Bharati empire collapsed (c. A.D. 1500). Many vassalized regions would later be centres of independent Civilizations as the centuries pass. Of course, Bharat would later be re-created under a new dynasty (c. A.D. 1800).

Much of the world's technology compared to OTL really cannot be compared with OTL. It is highly divergent with some areas more or less untouched by industrialism but some areas could be said to be more advanced than OTL. Examples include public transportation networks [5] and agricultural methods. This would generally be in the developed empires of the world.

As a response to the new challenges brought by industrialisms, some of the larger polities began to engage in greater dialogue with each other which led to the creation of Inter-Civilizational Forums (ICFs) to better promote cooperation and development and to decrease inter-civilizational violence. BRICS is one, as is the Nipponese-led initiative called the Eastern Compact with the developed New World powers of Mexico, Tawantinsuyu and the Taíno.

There is an ICF where each of the world's poles are represented. It is called the "Universal Assembly" but is known by its Greek name because it's based in Alexandria [6]. The Universal Assembly was founded quite recently as the world got more integrated thanks to technological developments spreading all over the world. It is a more informal forum where different poles can discuss the world's most important issues and come up with ways to address them. What some may call "intercivilizational law" was decided upon here, though it is more a diplomatic code than a worldwide constitution.

It's not a perfect world though. War still exists among intra-civilizational polities [7] as these fight for hegemony where large Universal Empires have not yet formed. But it's a world, nonetheless, complete with both challenges and triumphs.

[1] Christianity will not die out in the Roman Empire. Rather, it would play a role similarly to Buddhism in OTL China. Neoplatonic Hellenism in turn functioning more or less as an analogue to Chinese folk religion and Confucianism.
[2] Used in the Spenglerian sense of Kultur. On a related note, the term "Universal Empire" could also be replaced with "civilization-state" and the meaning would be the same.
[3] Not technically "Nestorian" as Nestorius would never have been born. Assyrian rite Christianity would be more accurate, though it is more or less the same theologically to OTL Eastern Orthodoxy.
[4] Socialism in this world should not be confused with OTL Communism. It is more a traditional peasant-based reform movement than anything. These movements could be quite radical, though.
[5] Personal cars are more or less nonexistent due to either massive government regulation or because industrialism hasn't really spread to some areas. In more developed regions, most people get around in public transportation, use bicycles or walk. In less developed regions, animal transport is common.
[6] Alexander would be proud, knowing that the entire world gathers in the great city named after him.
[7] Meaning polities within a Civilization. For example, within Nusantara, various Malay and Sumatran kingdoms regularly fight wars with each other.

The PoD is that in A.D. 363, Julian the Apostate manages to return victorious from his Persian campaign, leaving Sassanid Persia in a civil war. He has an eventful 30 year reign (barbarians and rebellions and more) that is notably remembered for laying the foundations for a Neoplatonic Hellenism which will become the state cult and intellectual worldview of Rome [1] and that of numerous post-roman polities even after the Empire's fall by A.D. 500. Yes, the Empire doesn't somehow last forever thanks to the success of one emperor's military campaign. The divine Fortuna decreed that Rome shall rise, and She decreed that Rome would fall.

Though Rome would fall, however, this world would not see the permanent end of Rome. Rather, ATL Rome proceeds more like OTL China - that of a Civilization that forms a Universal Empire, prospers, then stagnates, declines and falls, then later reforming into another Universal Empire. See the once mighty Han Dynasty of China, which after a Golden Age, declined and then fell into a centuries-long period of division before the Chinese reunify their Universal Empire under the Sui and Tang. This state of affairs marks much of this world's history. Not just Rome and China, but also Iran, Bharat and other High Cultures [2] will form a Universal Empire which develops then declines and falls and then later reunifies. Such is the cyclical nature of life and history.


Welcome to a Multipolar World.

It is the early 21st C. The world is divided into numerous civilizations that each develop and interact with each other. These would be the different poles of this multipolar order. By the early 21st C, there are about 20 different poles, in varying degrees of size and development. From tiny Papua to large China and everything in between. In fact, this is quite a diverse world. The people in each of these poles are proud of their cultures, histories and traditions. This is thanks to the lack of a global imperialism that would have framed, for a time at least, the entire world's worldview around the culture of a single pole. This world, by contrast, has native forms of governance and indigenous traditions and values survive and prosper. Global technological changes like industrialism no doubt impacts each of these cultures, but the people of this world adapt to these changes based on their own cultures and values. These cultures are not stagnant, but are vibrant and develop on their own terms. Anything not moving is dead as they say, and the world's cultures are very much alive.

This world sees the thriving of numerous native polities in the New World. The Norse started the contacts between Old and New Worlds and the entire world has never been the same since. These contacts first started in the Viking Age (as in OTL) but contrary to OTL, these contacts never stopped and Norse settlements in Vinland never ended. It is important to understand that these settlements were initially really small and would remain so for quite some time. These settlements, of course, served as excellent points of contact between the peoples of the New World to encounter those of the Old. Disease spread, which was deadly, no doubt, but over time, the native populations rebounded as the diseases were here to stay. Also, the Norse methods of ironworking spread to the natives. The warlike Mexica and Tarascans used these metal tools to great effect in their struggles against each other. Finally, Norse shipbuilding was enthusiastically adopted by the Taíno who formed a loose kingdom-confederacy in the Caribbean whose founder was a warrior-priest-king who worships a syncretic Sun God based on the Norse Sol and the Mayan Kukulcan.

A rising power in this world is the Grand Khaganate, also known as Russia. It's a Nestorian [3] Christian East Slavic-Turko-Mongol polity that blends the best of each of these influences. Naturally, the Russians were an expansionist realm who strove to unite the known world under the Great Blue Sky. Attempts by various dynasties to do so have not met great success, though, but the initial nomadic impulses of the Turko-Mongols were in time replaced with that of the more sedentary agricultural society of the East Slavs. As centuries pass, and after a slow start to industrialism which resulted in socialist [4] reform movements, the Grand Khaganate re-structured as dynasties collapsed and were replaced. Eventually, the Khaganate began to assert its dominance as master of the Heartland of the World Island. It is largely thanks to Russian efforts that much of Eurasia formed an Inter-Civilizational Forum called BRICS. BRICS, which consists of Bharat, Russia, Iran, China and Siam was founded to promote development, stability and safe passage of trade across Eastern Eurasia.

There is also an established power that needs mentioning. This is Bharat. The Bharatis after a prolonged period of warring states were united in a Universal Empire during the 11th C. This Bharati Empire was a large empire encompassing all of South Asia and had vassals across the Indian Ocean. Bharati influence could be seen all throughout the Silk Road and it was in Bharat where the first Industrial Revolution began. This was the closest this world had to a single pole dominating the world, but even in this case, the Bharatis were either unwilling or unable to exert their influence into the New World or in West Africa or Europe. Perhaps it was due to how the Bharatis envisioned their empire - that of a mandala which has a central core under central control, but this mandala radiates outward in ever-decreasing layers of influence. In this worldview, those distant regions were simply left alone. In any case, however, even the Bharati empire collapsed (c. A.D. 1500). Many vassalized regions would later be centres of independent Civilizations as the centuries pass. Of course, Bharat would later be re-created under a new dynasty (c. A.D. 1800).

Much of the world's technology compared to OTL really cannot be compared with OTL. It is highly divergent with some areas more or less untouched by industrialism but some areas could be said to be more advanced than OTL. Examples include public transportation networks [5] and agricultural methods. This would generally be in the developed empires of the world.

As a response to the new challenges brought by industrialisms, some of the larger polities began to engage in greater dialogue with each other which led to the creation of Inter-Civilizational Forums (ICFs) to better promote cooperation and development and to decrease inter-civilizational violence. BRICS is one, as is the Nipponese-led initiative called the Eastern Compact with the developed New World powers of Mexico, Tawantinsuyu and the Taíno.

There is an ICF where each of the world's poles are represented. It is called the "Universal Assembly" but is known by its Greek name because it's based in Alexandria [6]. The Universal Assembly was founded quite recently as the world got more integrated thanks to technological developments spreading all over the world. It is a more informal forum where different poles can discuss the world's most important issues and come up with ways to address them. What some may call "intercivilizational law" was decided upon here, though it is more a diplomatic code than a worldwide constitution.

It's not a perfect world though. War still exists among intra-civilizational polities [7] as these fight for hegemony where large Universal Empires have not yet formed. But it's a world, nonetheless, complete with both challenges and triumphs.

[1] Christianity will not die out in the Roman Empire. Rather, it would play a role similarly to Buddhism in OTL China. Neoplatonic Hellenism in turn functioning more or less as an analogue to Chinese folk religion and Confucianism.
[2] Used in the Spenglerian sense of Kultur. On a related note, the term "Universal Empire" could also be replaced with "civilization-state" and the meaning would be the same.
[3] Not technically "Nestorian" as Nestorius would never have been born. Assyrian rite Christianity would be more accurate, though it is more or less the same theologically to OTL Eastern Orthodoxy.
[4] Socialism in this world should not be confused with OTL Communism. It is more a traditional peasant-based reform movement than anything. These movements could be quite radical, though.
[5] Personal cars are more or less nonexistent due to either massive government regulation or because industrialism hasn't really spread to some areas. In more developed regions, most people get around in public transportation, use bicycles or walk. In less developed regions, animal transport is common.
[6] Alexander would be proud, knowing that the entire world gathers in the great city named after him.
[7] Meaning polities within a Civilization. For example, within Nusantara, various Malay and Sumatran kingdoms regularly fight wars with each other.
Genuinely extremely impressive. So much information its pretty hard to actually make everything out. Do you have a larger version?

The PoD is that in A.D. 363, Julian the Apostate manages to return victorious from his Persian campaign, leaving Sassanid Persia in a civil war. He has an eventful 30 year reign (barbarians and rebellions and more) that is notably remembered for laying the foundations for a Neoplatonic Hellenism which will become the state cult and intellectual worldview of Rome [1] and that of numerous post-roman polities even after the Empire's fall by A.D. 500. Yes, the Empire doesn't somehow last forever thanks to the success of one emperor's military campaign. The divine Fortuna decreed that Rome shall rise, and She decreed that Rome would fall.

Though Rome would fall, however, this world would not see the permanent end of Rome. Rather, ATL Rome proceeds more like OTL China - that of a Civilization that forms a Universal Empire, prospers, then stagnates, declines and falls, then later reforming into another Universal Empire. See the once mighty Han Dynasty of China, which after a Golden Age, declined and then fell into a centuries-long period of division before the Chinese reunify their Universal Empire under the Sui and Tang. This state of affairs marks much of this world's history. Not just Rome and China, but also Iran, Bharat and other High Cultures [2] will form a Universal Empire which develops then declines and falls and then later reunifies. Such is the cyclical nature of life and history.


Welcome to a Multipolar World.

It is the early 21st C. The world is divided into numerous civilizations that each develop and interact with each other. These would be the different poles of this multipolar order. By the early 21st C, there are about 20 different poles, in varying degrees of size and development. From tiny Papua to large China and everything in between. In fact, this is quite a diverse world. The people in each of these poles are proud of their cultures, histories and traditions. This is thanks to the lack of a global imperialism that would have framed, for a time at least, the entire world's worldview around the culture of a single pole. This world, by contrast, has native forms of governance and indigenous traditions and values survive and prosper. Global technological changes like industrialism no doubt impacts each of these cultures, but the people of this world adapt to these changes based on their own cultures and values. These cultures are not stagnant, but are vibrant and develop on their own terms. Anything not moving is dead as they say, and the world's cultures are very much alive.

This world sees the thriving of numerous native polities in the New World. The Norse started the contacts between Old and New Worlds and the entire world has never been the same since. These contacts first started in the Viking Age (as in OTL) but contrary to OTL, these contacts never stopped and Norse settlements in Vinland never ended. It is important to understand that these settlements were initially really small and would remain so for quite some time. These settlements, of course, served as excellent points of contact between the peoples of the New World to encounter those of the Old. Disease spread, which was deadly, no doubt, but over time, the native populations rebounded as the diseases were here to stay. Also, the Norse methods of ironworking spread to the natives. The warlike Mexica and Tarascans used these metal tools to great effect in their struggles against each other. Finally, Norse shipbuilding was enthusiastically adopted by the Taíno who formed a loose kingdom-confederacy in the Caribbean whose founder was a warrior-priest-king who worships a syncretic Sun God based on the Norse Sol and the Mayan Kukulcan.

A rising power in this world is the Grand Khaganate, also known as Russia. It's a Nestorian [3] Christian East Slavic-Turko-Mongol polity that blends the best of each of these influences. Naturally, the Russians were an expansionist realm who strove to unite the known world under the Great Blue Sky. Attempts by various dynasties to do so have not met great success, though, but the initial nomadic impulses of the Turko-Mongols were in time replaced with that of the more sedentary agricultural society of the East Slavs. As centuries pass, and after a slow start to industrialism which resulted in socialist [4] reform movements, the Grand Khaganate re-structured as dynasties collapsed and were replaced. Eventually, the Khaganate began to assert its dominance as master of the Heartland of the World Island. It is largely thanks to Russian efforts that much of Eurasia formed an Inter-Civilizational Forum called BRICS. BRICS, which consists of Bharat, Russia, Iran, China and Siam was founded to promote development, stability and safe passage of trade across Eastern Eurasia.

There is also an established power that needs mentioning. This is Bharat. The Bharatis after a prolonged period of warring states were united in a Universal Empire during the 11th C. This Bharati Empire was a large empire encompassing all of South Asia and had vassals across the Indian Ocean. Bharati influence could be seen all throughout the Silk Road and it was in Bharat where the first Industrial Revolution began. This was the closest this world had to a single pole dominating the world, but even in this case, the Bharatis were either unwilling or unable to exert their influence into the New World or in West Africa or Europe. Perhaps it was due to how the Bharatis envisioned their empire - that of a mandala which has a central core under central control, but this mandala radiates outward in ever-decreasing layers of influence. In this worldview, those distant regions were simply left alone. In any case, however, even the Bharati empire collapsed (c. A.D. 1500). Many vassalized regions would later be centres of independent Civilizations as the centuries pass. Of course, Bharat would later be re-created under a new dynasty (c. A.D. 1800).

Much of the world's technology compared to OTL really cannot be compared with OTL. It is highly divergent with some areas more or less untouched by industrialism but some areas could be said to be more advanced than OTL. Examples include public transportation networks [5] and agricultural methods. This would generally be in the developed empires of the world.

As a response to the new challenges brought by industrialisms, some of the larger polities began to engage in greater dialogue with each other which led to the creation of Inter-Civilizational Forums (ICFs) to better promote cooperation and development and to decrease inter-civilizational violence. BRICS is one, as is the Nipponese-led initiative called the Eastern Compact with the developed New World powers of Mexico, Tawantinsuyu and the Taíno.

There is an ICF where each of the world's poles are represented. It is called the "Universal Assembly" but is known by its Greek name because it's based in Alexandria [6]. The Universal Assembly was founded quite recently as the world got more integrated thanks to technological developments spreading all over the world. It is a more informal forum where different poles can discuss the world's most important issues and come up with ways to address them. What some may call "intercivilizational law" was decided upon here, though it is more a diplomatic code than a worldwide constitution.

It's not a perfect world though. War still exists among intra-civilizational polities [7] as these fight for hegemony where large Universal Empires have not yet formed. But it's a world, nonetheless, complete with both challenges and triumphs.

[1] Christianity will not die out in the Roman Empire. Rather, it would play a role similarly to Buddhism in OTL China. Neoplatonic Hellenism in turn functioning more or less as an analogue to Chinese folk religion and Confucianism.
[2] Used in the Spenglerian sense of Kultur. On a related note, the term "Universal Empire" could also be replaced with "civilization-state" and the meaning would be the same.
[3] Not technically "Nestorian" as Nestorius would never have been born. Assyrian rite Christianity would be more accurate, though it is more or less the same theologically to OTL Eastern Orthodoxy.
[4] Socialism in this world should not be confused with OTL Communism. It is more a traditional peasant-based reform movement than anything. These movements could be quite radical, though.
[5] Personal cars are more or less nonexistent due to either massive government regulation or because industrialism hasn't really spread to some areas. In more developed regions, most people get around in public transportation, use bicycles or walk. In less developed regions, animal transport is common.
[6] Alexander would be proud, knowing that the entire world gathers in the great city named after him.
[7] Meaning polities within a Civilization. For example, within Nusantara, various Malay and Sumatran kingdoms regularly fight wars with each other.
This is really cool! Some questions
  • What is the relationship between the different Christian rites? Are they separate churches with their own particular beliefs, or is it more similar to the relationship between the different Orthodox churches of OTL?
  • What does Faustianism look like? I'm assuming it's a sort of reformed Germanic paganism, but what are some of the particularities of the religion, and why is it named after Faust?
  • How similar/different is Rahmanism from Islam?