Hitlers visit to the CSA

What if Hitler made a visit to the CSA in 1910? Would that be how he develops his racial views then they would be furthered by a german lost in the Great War? How would his visit turn out?
ConfederateFly said:
What if Hitler made a visit to the CSA in 1910? Would that be how he develops his racial views then they would be furthered by a german lost in the Great War? How would his visit turn out?

He now wants to kill all blacks as well as Jews? That seems the most likely result.
Good Heavens, haven't heard from you in awhile. Saw your attempts to post the usual dreck on s.h.w.i. and it seems that you got the same response.

What do YOU think Hitler's visit to the CSA would be like?

I don't think he would be much impressed, exactly why he would go is questionable. Did he even speak English? Exactly how did the CSA achieve its independence? I would suspect that Hitler would wonder why the CSA had made no headway in industrialization and probably say to himself "Why did I come and visit this poor Third World country to begin with?" [And immediately being amazed that he knew exactly what 'Third World' meant when he had never heard of either a 'First World' or 'Second World']
ConfederateFly said:
What if Hitler made a visit to the CSA in 1910? Would that be how he develops his racial views then they would be furthered by a german lost in the Great War? How would his visit turn out?

Then he's obviously a Hitlergänger.

NEXT! :rolleyes:


David S Poepoe said:
Good Heavens, haven't heard from you in awhile. Saw your attempts to post the usual dreck on s.h.w.i. and it seems that you got the same response.

What do YOU think Hitler's visit to the CSA would be like?

I don't think he would be much impressed, exactly why he would go is questionable. Did he even speak English? Exactly how did the CSA achieve its independence? I would suspect that Hitler would wonder why the CSA had made no headway in industrialization and probably say to himself "Why did I come and visit this poor Third World country to begin with?" [And immediately being amazed that he knew exactly what 'Third World' meant when he had never heard of either a 'First World' or 'Second World']
I also saw his dreck on SHWI

Leo Caesius

Is this before or after Herr Schickelgruber contracts syphilis from a Viennese prostitute? If it's before, perhaps he travels to the Confederate States to engage in a little landscape painting. He may be so taken by the bucolic sights offered by a primarily agricultural South that he decides to emigrate, purchases a couple acres of land, and start a tobacco farm.

Adolf Schickelgruber ("Fritz" to his friends), died at the ripe old age of 83 in 1976. He never really mastered the finer points of the English language, nor did he ever take a wife, but is survived by a number of illegitimate children whom he sired on his servant Clytemnestra.

assuming there IS a CSA in 1910, assuming Herr Hitler somehow finds the funds to go there, and assuming he is under the same influence of Messrs. Lueger and Lanz von Liebenfels, that weill depend on what the system in the CSA actually looks like.

Sorry, but even it it was meant seriously, that question equals "prove: x+y=z". Too many variables, too little substance.

For the record, Hitler, along with many other Nazis, admired both the American Eugenics movement and segregation and tried to emulate both in Germany for a time after 1935.
ConfederateFly said:
What if Hitler made a visit to the CSA in 1910? Would that be how he develops his racial views then they would be furthered by a german lost in the Great War? How would his visit turn out?

Here's another altogether possible outcome.

In 1910 Hitler would be 21 years old. Since he's living a hand-to-mouth existence he some how scrapes together enough money to visit the Confederate States of America, travelling steerage. He makes landfall in Charleston and for the next two years he travels about the South working odd jobs.

What he sees completely horrifies him. He is sickened by the way the white upper class treats both the white middle class and the blacks. Hitler returns to Austria in 1913 and finds some fame and moderate fortune on a speaking circuit talking about the evils of segregation and racism. He leads a protest supporting minority rights in Hungary, which gets him beaten up and imprisoned by the Hungarians. However, through the success of his speaking tours he has gained allies in the Imperial Court in Vienna, namely Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The Archduke provides some support for Hitler and becomes he patron. Franz Ferdinand, recognizing that Hitler has a natural ability to speak and be heard, enlists Hitler to spread word of his future plans for the Austro-Hungarian Empire - federalization.

In August 1914 Franz Ferdinand and Hilter visit Sarajevo. At the City Hall Hitler gives an address saying that Slavs have part in the future of the Empire and that the Empire will make things better for them. Unfortunately, upon leaving the reception Serbian nationals strike assassinating Franz Ferdinand. Without the Archduke's presence Hitler is quickly forgotten by the Imperial Court, but a few friends in high places get him an commission as a lieutenant in Austro-Hungarian Army.

Well, to cut to the short --

-Hitler remains in Austria and becomes a respected speaker on human rights throughout Europe. Appointed as Austria representative in the League of Nations he is a leading figure in the enact of the boycott against the Confederate States of America over their policy of segregation. He is also instrumentive in forming the Danubian Federation (aka the Little Entente) - Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Roumania and Bulgaria - into an anti-communist alliance.

Under the influence of the international boycott the economy of the Confederate States grinds to a halt and begins to collapse by 1927. Several states finally agree to hold a constitutional convention to make life easier for blacks. With the passage and adoption of several constitutional amendments foreign capital once again flows into the Confederacy. The quality of life in general jumps significantly and the first major lasting industrialization projects take place.

The death of German President Hindenburg in 1934 unleashes a communist revolt. Hitler, now the popularly elected Chancellor of Austria, orders Danubian Federation forces to intercede and end 'the Red Revolt'. Federation Forces, along with the German Army under aging Field Marshal Ludendorff crush the communist by 1936. Stalin is unable to aid the German Communist because of pressure from Poland, France and Britain.

In 1938 Reichpresident Mackensen, having succeeded to the presidency following Ludendorff's death in 1937, signs negotiates the Anschluss with Austria with Hitler. March 1938 Germany enters in the Danubian Federation. Britain, France, Poland and Italy sign the Munich Accords in September 1938, a massive trade and common defense pact.

1939 Russia attacks Poland and Czechoslovakia beginning the Second World War.

1945 The Yalta Conference, Churchill, Roosevelt, Hitler and Daladier meet to discuss the future of a non-communist Russia. Stalin kills himself in his bunker before the fall of Moscow.

June 1945 The Danubian Federation is reorganized, under the terms of the Vienna Accords, into the European Union. The recently liberated Baltic States petition to join. Membership will later be extended to Belrus and Ukraine. Adolt Hitler is unaminously elected first President of the European Union.

1949 The European Union begins boycotting South Africa because of its policy of apartheid.

1950-1953 The Korean War. US General MacArthur leads League of Nation forces in liberating South Korea and then the entire Korean penninsula from communism.

1951 Hitler steps down from the Presidency of the European Union and retires from politics. He vacations often with his friend Winston Churchill and the two of them take up painting landscapes.

1963 Confederate States President Lydon Johnson is assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

1965 Hitler dies quietly in his sleep.

1970 Martin Luther King Jr. elected Confederate President. In his inaugeral address President King singles out Adolf Hitler for being the most influential man in the 20th Century.

2001 Time Magazine calls Adolf Hitler the most influential man of the 20th Century - narrowly beating out Albert Einstein - who (to a degree) is still vilified as the 'creator of the Atom Bomb' - the weapon that allowed permitted the Allies to finally defeat Stalin.
Hmmm Hitler was born in 1889. THe CSA ceased being a political entity in 1864. So how can he visit a place that hadn't existed for 25 years beofre he was born? I am so confused. ;)
