Flag Thread III

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Well, it depends when this union took place. If it was before independence then a rattlesnake would be an odd symbol. A feild of 13 red and white stripes would be possible though to represent the colonies, though there were in fact more than 13 thinking about it if they never declared independence. I would guess it comes second after England if it were done in order of size but given that would most likely annoy the Scots I've done an alternate variation too:

If it were (somehow) after the Deceleration of Independence there are a few other options, I've put some ideas below, including your rattlesnake.

I love the third one with the Rattlesnake. Basically, I'm having Ben Franklin able to get Americans behind the rattlesnake again becuase a war occurs between Britain and France in 1770, with that Falklands Crisis going haywire. The Unite or Die cartoon was originally made in the 1750's during the French and Indian War and its not too much of a stretch to get the proto-Patriots and Proto-Loyalists to agree on the rattlesnake as a good symbol for an American Kingdom.

I also prefer the rattlesnake becuase of the prevalence in Symbols and Animals in the other three Brittanic Kingdoms. The lines make it seem a little off compared to the other three.

I dont really want to use the Grand Union flag becuase it looks way too much like the East India Company Flag, which I'm going to have evolve into the Flag for British India. Having the stripes would make it a little strange.

Any chance you can put that third one (The one with the American snake in the Second quadrant) switch the snake in the fourth quadrant and make it a larger like 1000 pixels? Basically you can put them in order based on the age of each kingdom (Egland first, Scotland second, Ireland third and America fourth). That would be amazing if you could.

Thay all look amazing! thank you so much.
In 1987, Japanese national and licensed commercial space-habitat technician Yukio Kimitake, son of ultra-nationalist writer Hiraoka Kimitake and socialite Michiko Shoda, led a successful mutiny by Japanese radicals to seize control of the European-Japanese mixed government and commercial L-5 space habitat, Renaissance Station. The mutineers declared the station to be the independent nation of Torii-Toku (literally Bird-Perch State, figuratively the Divine-Gate State, translated in the English language usually as Heaven's Gate). With the passing of the Showa Emperor on Earth, their self-proclaimed head of state, in 1989, head of government "Provisional-President" Kimitake resigned to take the newly created position of head of state under the title of "Governor-General".

It took years for a military response to be agreed upon and executed, during which time the colony was resupplied as normal and a small number of hostages were smuggled away. The attempt to resolve the scenario, however, came with an interventionist United States president taking the lead, dispatching a US Marine unit concealed in a cargo container; a failed mission that resulted in the death of the team and the near-starvation of the space station. The international response was the launching of a UN aid package via the European Space Agency, with the sympathy for the plight of the hostage space colonists resulting in the normalizing of relations with the colony by West Germany and Sweden; to be followed later by France and several other countries. The United States and Soviet Union blocked attempts by the General Assembly of the UN to admit the nation into the organization, which would have granted it international recognition as a legitimate nation-state.

Which of these flag designs are the best?


The first flag is a basic idea of reconciling the need for visibility in space, Japanese militarism, and the Torii as a symbol.


The second flag superimposes that onto the kind of European Union blue color field that might have been used, though not painted on the side of a station in space, for the station - so a modification of the original Renaissance Station flag to have the same EU blue field but with the relevant symbols of the mutineers.


The final flag abandons the Imperial Army rising sun variant badge and sticks to the Torii.
Which of these flag designs are the best?

The first flag is a basic idea of reconciling the need for visibility in space, Japanese militarism, and the Torii as a symbol.

The second flag superimposes that onto the kind of European Union blue color field that might have been used, though not painted on the side of a station in space, for the station - so a modification of the original Renaissance Station flag to have the same EU blue field but with the relevant symbols of the mutineers.

The final flag abandons the Imperial Army rising sun variant badge and sticks to the Torii.

A tip, on the first two flags, move the torii so that it's not touching the edges - try to center it in the fly.
its supposed to be like a symbol of unity. and by the time this flag is made, prosthetics technology has advanced so far that artificial body parts virtually identical to real ones are easily accessible :D and besides, humans use their hands in greeting and for, well, everything

while my flag is on the brain, does anyone have any ideas for what a flag for a nation of sentient raptors could look like? :D they're another race from the same future TL as that United Earth

actually, the species in mind is kind of designed to look like a JP raptor, at least in their build, but otherwise have few similarities; for example, they're covered in feathers and their primary colors are shades of white and red, so feathers would probably be a major theme to their flag

I made a flag for a griffon race that somewhat matches what you're looking for. The four red slashes represent stylized wounds from a griffon's four-taloned hand.

Something similar could work, modified to reflect a JP velociraptor's talon anatomy (dunno how many they use to slash with).

Griffon Banner 1.png
OK, here are another few ideas for France-England-Scotland. I know, they're not exactly uncommon...

As I said earlier, using Blue-Gold-Red works from he colours of the arms but not really as the national colours. Here are two alternate ideas using the more usual colours to represent France (blue & white) England (red & white) and Scotland (blue & white):

And here is another really common idea, the Union flag-style. This time I decided on a different design, especially as this union is French-dominated, not wanting to make the French cross just a border for the English one, similar to the Irish and Scottish flags in the OTL Union flag. For the latter case they solved it by counterchanging the two, this time I tried truncating the St Georges Cross, and I think it looks quite good.

And another one, including a simplified coat of arms.
These flags are all great. Wonderful work. :D
visualy better in truth. thanks for the advice.


OK, here are another few ideas for France-England-Scotland. I know, they're not exactly uncommon...

As I said earlier, using Blue-Gold-Red works from he colours of the arms but not really as the national colours. Here are two alternate ideas using the more usual colours to represent France (blue & white) England (red & white) and Scotland (blue & white):

And here is another really common idea, the Union flag-style. This time I decided on a different design, especially as this union is French-dominated, not wanting to make the French cross just a border for the English one, similar to the Irish and Scottish flags in the OTL Union flag. For the latter case they solved it by counterchanging the two, this time I tried truncating the St Georges Cross, and I think it looks quite good.

And another one, including a simplified coat of arms.
The first appeals to me for some reason with or without the arms.
Maybe because that's one of my old continued Protectorate flags :D
I love it!

Thank you!

How do you make those Coat of Arms?

Inkscape and the right sources.

I love the third one with the Rattlesnake. Basically, I'm having Ben Franklin able to get Americans behind the rattlesnake again becuase a war occurs between Britain and France in 1770, with that Falklands Crisis going haywire. The Unite or Die cartoon was originally made in the 1750's during the French and Indian War and its not too much of a stretch to get the proto-Patriots and Proto-Loyalists to agree on the rattlesnake as a good symbol for an American Kingdom.

I also prefer the rattlesnake becuase of the prevalence in Symbols and Animals in the other three Brittanic Kingdoms. The lines make it seem a little off compared to the other three.

I dont really want to use the Grand Union flag becuase it looks way too much like the East India Company Flag, which I'm going to have evolve into the Flag for British India. Having the stripes would make it a little strange.

Any chance you can put that third one (The one with the American snake in the Second quadrant) switch the snake in the fourth quadrant and make it a larger like 1000 pixels? Basically you can put them in order based on the age of each kingdom (Egland first, Scotland second, Ireland third and America fourth). That would be amazing if you could.

Thay all look amazing! thank you so much.

Thanks, I'll link to the new one as it is rather big, and I've filled the flag thread with enough coats of arms. I also included a separate coat of arms for the Kingdom of America, if you wanted it.

These flags are all great. Wonderful work. :D

Thanks! :)

The first appeals to me for some reason with or without the arms.
Maybe because that's one of my old continued Protectorate flags :D

Ah, fair enough. I'm sure it is a coincidence.
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Which of these flag designs are the best?

Seeing as they are ultra-nationalists, they might have chosen a shape that is more in keeping with their heritage having it being a long vertical banner instead with the torii (or maybe some more distinctive mon) centered toward the top.

In term of visibility, red on white will always trump red on blue although a fimibriation might solve your problem if you want that colour combination.
Yet another stab at the good old Franco-British Union flag. I know a lot of these have been criticised for being more obviously Union Jack-ish than Tricolour-ish, so I emphasised the Tricolour aspect a bit more. Yeah, it's not heraldically correct, but the new British Olympic kit they've just unveiled has the Union Jack in blue and green instead of blue and red and nobody seems to mind.
This gives me an idea...

Another British colonial successor: The Commonwealth of Malawi.
I often do, but as it happens this time I didn't. Oh well. The thread background is off-white, and with the new Firefox update if I link this it appears on a dark background...

Thats weird, it appear on a plain white background for me. wonder if it depend on browser version and settings. In any case, I can see what you did there by downloading it. still prefer the first one, more balanced.
I felt flaggy.

A semy-plausible take on the reasoning behind the flag of Code Geass' Holy Britannian empire. Primary difference in this are the different Irish flag (as opposed to St. Patrick's Flag, a 17th century invention) incorporating St. George's Cross, the Celtic Cross and the shield of arms and of course the addition of the North American colonies with a flag alluding to the richness of the land in green and gold. Also, there is an explicit reference to France's mediaeval flag of Azure, a Cross Argent (used during the Hundred Years' War and remembered in the flag of Quebec).

Code Geass is not mine.

Seeing as they are ultra-nationalists, they might have chosen a shape that is more in keeping with their heritage having it being a long vertical banner instead with the torii (or maybe some more distinctive mon) centered toward the top.

In term of visibility, red on white will always trump red on blue although a fimibriation might solve your problem if you want that colour combination.

Actually, the fictional ATL person leading the revolution is the son of an ATL universe Yukio Mishima/Hiraoka Kimitake who decided to marry in the 1950's after all as a cover for his homosexuality; and Kimitake/Mishima could trace his lineage back to the Matsudaira clan of the disbanded Shishido Domain, whose clan mon in the Hollyhock, same as the Tokugawa, only gold instead of black.

However working gold into a design with red and white isn't going to be super-fun, but it is an idea I can work with. I suppose whatever symbols that old samurai movement to restore the emperor and throw out the barbarians that preceded the successful overthrow of the Tokugawa could also be used by ultranationalists, or an invented mon like the Japanese corporations use, such as Mitsubishi's stylized waterchestnuts.
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