Explain the AH Quote

"If not for the social impact of violent abolitionists such as John Brown and their outsized influence on the Federal government, there might not have been a secession crisis or civil war. In truth, the White back is as fit for the lash as the Black one or any others, but regardless of which race does it, chattel slavery as generally pursued by mankind is not accordant to God's moral laws as given through Moses. (Some cultures and civilizations would go by a contract system rather than lifelong and inherited servitude, which is certainly better, but not ideal either.) Ask your Irish uncle or grandfather about indentured servitude, if you have one.

I must say for posterity that chattel slavery in the United States or Europe was not an inherently White institution, as many Colored people and Indians also had slaves as servants and engines of commerce; and this is not as well known as it should be, but some scholars have estimated that American Jews, and some very wealthy European Jews owned one fifth of enslaved Negroes, had a controlling stake in the Atlantic slave trade and the requisite shipping companies therein, as well as the domestic slave markets." - Union General, and later Senator from Virginia, Robert E. Lee, 1878, two years before his death, from a speech on the Senate floor.
rober lee’s call for war and enforced abolitionism. a few years before he shifted sides after the confedeation was planning to murder him and a loyal slave saved him.

“I hereby declare ariobignes king and xerxes leader of the western royal forces and satrap of greece. now I call you all gathered, satraps, nobles and warlords, to war against those cursed romans to avenge the king, for the achaemenid clans.” mardonius, appointed to restore order after the dead of darius I
I hereby declare ariobignes king and xerxes leader of the western royal forces and satrap of greece. now I call you all gathered, satraps, nobles and warlords, to war against those cursed romans to avenge the king, for the achaemenid clans.” mardonius, appointed to restore order after the dead of darius I
The Last words the Small city-state of Rome knew before Annihilation. After this, the Greek Kingdom was born, and invaded The Entire Illyrian and Hesperian Region. A Common AHQ is if Rome had not been destroyed.
Fiat iustitia, ne pereat Terra ~ Motto of the EPA, adopted 2034.
Fiat iustitia, ne pereat Terra ~ Motto of the EPA, adopted 2034.
The motto was adopted in June of 2034, during the beginning of the Climate Crisis and the reorganization of the Environmental Protection Agency. Under President
George Prescott Bush, the group was transformed from a small department of the Federal Government dedicated to the maintenance of wildlife and wilderness into an enormous, well-funded three-letter agency that was given the task of fighting off the existential decline of humanity. Under the control of Lawrence Starfield, the group successfully pushed to dissolve several multinational oil companies including ExxonMobil, BP, DuPont, and Shell, the immense amount of bribery those groups did to prevent their destruction notwithstanding. Despite the sweeping reforms, the dismantling of the fossil fuel industry, and the attempted shift to Nuclear Energy, the EPA is generally regarded as having done too little, too late, and in 2058 it was dissolved. Its resources were distributed among a variety of federal institutions intended to help the millions of refugees from the American southwest.

Thus we did win our first battle, the vanguard led by our beloved Lord Christ Emmanuel outmaneuvering the right arm of Caesar's hordes and cutting them in two, and at the very moment of his triumph a great booming noise could be heard, and a lance of heavenly thunder came crashing down to kill Publius where he stood.

- From the Triumphant Gospel of John, the second Gospel of Conquest and the 31st Book of the New Testament overall
Thus we did win our first battle, the vanguard led by our beloved Lord Christ Emmanuel outmaneuvering the right arm of Caesar's hordes and cutting them in two, and at the very moment of his triumph a great booming noise could be heard, and a lance of heavenly thunder came crashing down to kill Publius where he stood.

- From the Triumphant Gospel of John, the second Gospel of Conquest and the 31st Book of the New Testament overall
The battle described here, the Battle of Megiddo (February 14, 37 CE), was the beginning of the end of the First Roman Empire. The death of Publius as described here is quite obviously a bolt of lightning that struck him as he held his sword aloft in an attempt to rally his legions.

"Ours is the victory, Nyder. We have won! They talk of democracy, freedom, fairness. Those are the creeds of cowards. The ones who will listen to a thousand viewpoints and try to satisfy them all. Achievement comes through absolute power, and power through strength. They have lost!"
"Ours is the victory, Nyder. We have won! They talk of democracy, freedom, fairness. Those are the creeds of cowards. The ones who will listen to a thousand viewpoints and try to satisfy them all. Achievement comes through absolute power, and power through strength. They have lost!"
A quote from the Yilmop leader Quarth to his second-in-command Nader following the victory over the Yilmop Federation’s Provisional Government and the formation of the Yilmop Empire, as depicted in Galaxies on Ice (2007).

“The United States attempted to swallow the entirety of Mexico, and ended up choking on it.”
“The United States attempted to swallow the entirety of Mexico, and ended up choking on it.”
Line from A Different Trajectory of Failure, a work of alternate history detailing an alternate collapse of the Consensus of Nations. In the Pacific region, a nationalist United States of the Pacific forms (rather than the South Pacific Federation which formed in reality), and attempts to absorb the entire continent of French Mexico. They are successful in doing so, but by 235 ASM, the USP is in shambles thanks to Aboriginal and Tidorean rebellions in French Mexico.

"Never again will such a horrible state consume a part of our country, no matter how small."
"Never again will such a horrible state consume a part of our country, no matter how small."
Extract from a speech uttered by the Scandinavian Prime Minister following the conquest of Heligoland by Nazi Germany in 1940. This resulted in Scandinavia joining the Allies in World War Two and their annexation of Schleswig-Holstein following the defeat of Germany.

“Are you there God? It’s-a me, Mario.”
“Are you there God? It’s-a me, Mario.”

Introductory line of the famous 1970s mini series, "I am Rome", produced by the BBC, tells the story of Marius (Mario) Lepidus, first Christian emperor.
In the 5 chapters of the series, the rise to power of Marius would be analyzed, after a bloody coup d'état, how he converted to Christianity thanks to the preacher Asher of Antioch, his religious policy and how he was overthrown by Constantine Aurelian, a follower of the Undefeated Sun.
Featuring the likes of Anthony Hopkins as Constantine, Christopher Lee as Marius and Ian Mckellen as Asher, the series was hailed as an accurate representation of the era and chronicling the conflicts between the cults of the Unconquered Sun and the Christian.

For some goats? Are you telling me that a nation has dissolved into 8 new ones, that hundreds have died or fled their homes just because a peasant refused to pay a fee to enter the capital with his goats?
For some goats? Are you telling me that a nation has dissolved into 8 new ones, that hundreds have died or fled their homes just because a peasant refused to pay a fee to enter the capital with his goats?

An excerpt from a line from the book by Neil Gaiman called The Dark Kingdom of Oz where Ozma and Dorothy both criticise the rules and behaviour of the kingdom of Pan as well their king's actions being rather disproportionate which kicked off the events to begin with. Said book is about Dorothy and Ozma of Oz as well Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion herself go to the land of Pan to help a princess from said land to help her brother who has now turned evil which is soon revealed he was not only under the possession of the Wicked Witch of West's spirit but also the corrupting influence by the Nome King as well.

Said book was popular enough to spawn a a five part series of books which acts like Oz meets LOTR with Gaiman's writing dealing with Dorothy, Ozma and her friends against the forces of evil.

“You heartless she-demon in a human skin, go back to the shadows”
“You heartless she-demon in a human skin, go back to the shadows”
A famous quote by an Abruzzese farmer on the morning of January 19, 250. He, like most of his countrymen in the HEE, had been indoctrinated to believe that the Italian (Florentine) government was controlled by Novgorodians. This farmer refused to believe that the military forces advancing southward were Italians like him -- even the human troops. To the brainwashed citizens, invading humans could not really be humans.

"Good news, everyone. South America is solved."
"Good news, everyone. South America is solved."
Quote from a comedic skit parodying the Treaty of Rio in 1964, where after the Empire of Brazil proposed the idea of a pan-South American economic and political alliance two years earlier, said alliance would finally come into action with 12 member nations, among them Argentinia, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Peru, forming the South American Confederation, or SAC. Despite initial ridicule due to perceived internal divisions and past tensions, such as the aforementioned skit, the SAC has since then been a remarkable source of stability in South America, both economically and politically, leading to renewed growth on the continent.

"It might sound surprising, but my dear friend Adolf Hitler, that loud little Austrian Immigrant that knocked on my door in 1931, had as much influence on Conan and the Hyborian Age as a whole as I did, despite being 'just' a cover artist. In fact, the Bard Alric was heavily based on him, and those that knew how Adolf was will quickly figure that one out... [...] ...in any case, I hope people remember him as fondly as I do. He dragged me out of a very dark and hopeless place in my life, and deserves as much. He may have been a bit eccentric, and a temper so volatile you could use it as jet fuel, but, in the end, he was a great friend, maybe even the best." - Excerpt from Robert E. Howard, in response to a fan's question during the 1983 San Diego Comic-Con
"It might sound surprising, but my dear friend Adolf Hitler, that loud little Austrian Immigrant that knocked on my door in 1931, had as much influence on Conan and the Hyborian Age as a whole as I did, despite being 'just' a cover artist. In fact, the Bard Alric was heavily based on him, and those that knew how Adolf was will quickly figure that one out... [...] ...in any case, I hope people remember him as fondly as I do. He dragged me out of a very dark and hopeless place in my life, and deserves as much. He may have been a bit eccentric, and a temper so volatile you could use it as jet fuel, but, in the end, he was a great friend, maybe even the best." - Excerpt from Robert E. Howard, in response to a fan's question during the 1983 San Diego Comic-Con
Famous swords and sorcery author Robert E. Howard noting his odd friendship with prominent comic artist, Adolf Hitler. Having immigrated to the US shortly after World War I, Hitler would find work over working in various fields, notably in pulp works and later comics. In fact, he would introduce himself with work over to Howard, which was how they met. Adolf was also prominent in the Hyborian works thanks to his love of classic German literature, which he helped advise incorporate into some of the later Hyborian works. His time with Howard was prominent in Adolf's growth and development over the years, along with helping him have work. Adolf got some fame when he would stop Howard from committing suicide, despite getting injured in the process. He also became an increased advocate for peace and civil rights in his older years, with Adolf noting how the African-American community helped support him as a poor immigrant, which profoundly influenced his world views.

Adolf wasn't without controversy though. He was somewhat eccentric with his mannerisms and could not take criticism on his artwork too well (at least unless it was something he misinterpeted) and often butted heads with alot of others in the creative community. One infamous story was where Adolf would end up in a fight with artist Jack Kirby, with Kirby knocking him out with a punch (though Adolf himself would note that he did deserve that punch.) Despite accusations of anti-Semitism, he was no more anti-Semitic than the average person was at the time and even renounce those "unworldly views" when he got older. In fact, this was seen when he made a peace offering to Jack Kirby when he went to work for Marvel. This set off a domino effect that led to Kirby ultimately staying in Marvel and reconciling with Stan Lee, which led to Kirby's growth in fame along with the "New Gods" becoming incorporated into Marvel lore. While serving as part of the Thor lore, they grew into this own sort of arc. Jim Starlin noted how he was inspired by Darkseid and introduced Thanos into DC as a prominent opponent for Superman, especially in the comic plot "For the Man Who Has Everything." Thanos became a growing influence in DC, especially with his own supporting cast and the affiliated Infinity Gems.

Adolf's biggest contibution would be in history when he would publish what many considered to be the first modern graphic novel in "The Regime of Rusted Iron". Inspired by the rise of totalitarianism in Europe during World War II (especially in Germany) along with his encounters with the KKK during his protests and even his time in WW1, Adolf's story is an alternate history showing a ruthless and racist fascist nation in Europe, and how the regime poisons all aspects of the community, with it destorying itself as much as it is defeated by the outside world. He noted how that he got the idea from a fever dream after watching Charlie Chaplin's "The Great Dictator", which parodied the "German Imperial Republic" and its reactionary leaders. Adol f would pass away over in 1982 over from stomach cancer. Despite not having married, he would be remembered by the creative community and those in the civil rights community.

"Mexico's rise as a world power really began after their loss to the Americans in the Mexican-American War. To compensate for the loss of the land north of the Rio Grande, they would successfully invade and annex Central America along with later taking Panama. Besides setting the events for the Mexican Canal, it also set things up for Mexico's focus on the economy..."
"Mexico's rise as a world power really began after their loss to the Americans in the Mexican-American War. To compensate for the loss of the land north of the Rio Grande, they would successfully invade and annex Central America along with later taking Panama. Besides setting the events for the Mexican Canal, it also set things up for Mexico's focus on the economy..."
Line from a documentary "The Jaguar Rises" on the Second Mexican Empire, which lasted from 1856 to 1919.

"The successful impeachment of Prince Bernhard was contriversial in its day, and certainly had tremendous effects on not just the country but Europe as a whole, not the least eventually leading to the end of almost every monarchy in Northern Europe. Nowadays however, now it is seen as a magnificent example of the rule of law, refusing to let tradition and status get in the way of justice."
"The successful impeachment of Prince Bernhard was controversial in its day, and certainly had tremendous effects on not just the country but Europe as a whole, not the least eventually leading to the end of almost every monarchy in Northern Europe. Nowadays however, now it is seen as a magnificent example of the rule of law, refusing to let tradition and status get in the way of justice."
The Scandinavian Revolution in the late eighteenth century Western reached its height when the National Assembly voted to remove the monarchy from power, properly establishing a Grand Republic of Scandinavia.

Politically, the new Scandinavia was successful. It didn't last very long, though; a Franco-Spanish-Polish coalition quickly removed the revolutionaries from power. The Valois monarchy was not reinstated; local nobles received the throne.

This line is from a Danish textbook. Modern Denmark follows Revolutionary ideology, and completely rejects traditionalism. The removal of the Valois monarchy is seen as good in Scandinavia and as great in Denmark, which considers that event the start of their history.

"Everybody knows this: it is not possible to eat 40051.576 square kilometers of lemons."
"Everybody knows this: it is not possible to eat 40051.576 square kilometers of lemons."
Quotation from the House Agriculture Committee's Young Report on the ongoing Spurt soft drink scandal, responding to the claim of the company's chairman that the over 4 million pounds of missing lemons were simply "eaten".

"Nothing is certain in life, except for death, taxes, and the Democratic Party." Lyndon B. Johnson.
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"Nothing is certain in life, except for death, taxes, and the Democratic Party." Lyndon B. Johnson.
Words spoken by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson after the 1956 Election, after he and President Long were confirmed to have carried New York and thus - the Election. As a combination of poor electioneering, suspected voter fraud and a comical lack of luck, the Republican Party failed to win the Presidency in the 40 year time span between 1932 and 1972, before eventualy beating President Humphrey's Re-Election bid in 1972 and putting Spiro Agnew in the White House.

However, his administration would prove to be a massive trainwreck, with accusations of voter intimidation and corruption, ending with Agnew's impeachment in 1975 and the subsequent Republican loss in 1976.

A Stable 2 party system would only begin to emerge in the 1990's, when Economic issues reinvigorated the long broken Socialist Party. Since the 1992 Election, the US Political System has been split between the Socialists on the left, the Democrats combining Leftist Economics with Right Wing social ideas and the Republicans being the minor ,,everyone else" party, with their members ranging from Southern Conservatives to Texan Liberals to even some moderate Socialists.

Next : ,,The Guns of the South have fallen silent. The London Government has emerged victorious in the European Civil War"
Next : ,,The Guns of the South have fallen silent. The London Government has emerged victorious in the European Civil War"
Announcement of victory after the second battle of Belgrade wich see the fall and the final defeat of the Army for European Glory the last rival goverment of the European Council in london after the treaty of Lisboa after the reconciliation of Hamburg

"And that my dear students is why a city in Africa ended becoming the capital of the empire: Because the senate was full of aristocratic idiots who would rather see their city descend into anarchy than bow down to an equite, thank you for your attention, see you after the holidays."
A lecture on why the Roman senate moved the capital to Carthage after Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus tried to take power to fix the republic.

Why did we get rid of the liberum veto, we were foolish to do so, we just didn´t figure it out until the destruction of the polish state.
A lecture on why the Roman senate moved the capital to Carthage after Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus tried to take power to fix the republic.

Why did we get rid of the liberum veto, we were foolish to do so, we just didn´t figure it out until the destruction
Lecture by Professor Josef Pilsudski III at the University of Warsaw on how the abolition of the Liberum Veto led to the dominance of French kings in Poland severely weakening the commonwealth to the point it became part of France until the Revolution of 1789
"You see Nathaniel the reason I know your true name is because we share it with the Founder of the British Empire the scourge of Prague William Ewart Gladstone himself. But you were unworthy of it. I managed to equal him unlike you, John" "Yeah one problem Quentin" "What's that" " Im not Natty boy, hes safe with Ms Jones and you just revealed your name in the middle of a coup that's two for two of that name"
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