DBWI: AHC Make France a republic like Britain.

So guys is it possible for the Kingdom of France to become a republic like Britain? Would it lead a a bloody civil war like in Britain or would it be more peacefull? Would the french still make their huge colonial empire? And what kind of flag would they have?
Why would the flag need to change? The fleurs de lys long predate the House of Bourbon. Bubt anyway, it's a tough one. France has a much longer tradition of central power than Britain. The republican revolutions of the seventeenth century are all based on local or regional opposition to royal authority, which in France wasn't around to the same extent (you had this Fronde thing, but it didnm't really take off). There was also the fact that the French (not the peripheral nationalities, which were more like colonies) strongly identified with their monarchy, much more so that either the English or the Scots could with the Stewart (or the Dutch or Catalan with the Spanish Habsburg, for that matter).

A French revolt, unless it somehow was to capture the centre of power (how?), would need to come from the provinces, and the only places I could see would be the trading towns of the north. The south is too culturally different, and Huguenot, and the periphery is not even French-speaking. But why would the mercantile and industrial elite of France oppose the king who made them rich and powerful in favour of a fickle democratic regime in which their enemies have a majority? Keep in mind, the English Republic came about largely in opposition to the arrogated power of the Lords in the Commonwealth. In France, you didn't have to be born a nobleman, you could buy nobility. The richest always had a strong stake in the status quo.
A revolution in France is not possible at all. For the same to be possible, either the rich merchants should have their power curtailed by the monarhy or there should be a lot of problems such as consecetive famines and heavy taxes on the peasents would cause a revolt. Actually it would have to be both with the French declaring bankruptcy for a revolution to occur. So in short ASB.
Maybe you could have the nation's swich fates. Becouse up until the British Revalution Britian was an absalute Monarchy while France was by that point in time a constitutinal monarchy. So maybe you have the Martel Carta happen in England instead of France it might butterfly the British into a constitutianol Monarchy and France as the Absalute Monarchy for their to be a revalution. But I doubt you can have both of them be republics. Swich fates is possible, both republics are really, really hard.