Cyprus in a Communist Greece TL

Bsasic idea: the Communists win the Greek Civil war and the Entire Country get's shut away behind the Iron curton.

What would happen to Cyprus? Could it become the "Hong Kong of the Eastern miditeranean"?

Asuming that, with all the small islands, the Greek border will be a lot harder to control than the internal German border.

Will a country like that ever become independent from the UK?
Does it even want to become independent from the UK?
Will a very wealthy Cyprus make a relavent change to power-strruggle in the mid-east?
Well, the enosis movement would fade on Cyprus. I don't know if Greeks and Turks would get along though, they never seem to be able to pull that of.
Makarios won't become the Castro of the Mediterranean, but instead become a staunch US supporter.
Well, the enosis movement would fade on Cyprus. I don't know if Greeks and Turks would get along though, they never seem to be able to pull that of.

Actually, I think they could - it was the enosis issue that brought out the nasty in people, including the British themselves.
Actually, I think they could - it was the enosis issue that brought out the nasty in people, including the British themselves.

They should, but I am somehow sceptic. IOTL it was not in the Greek Cypriots interest (nor in the Turkish Cypriots either) to join with a much poorer and less democratic "motherland". This did not promote a higher degree of friendship between the two communities (and IOTL too a united Cyprus might have become an economic powerhouse too).
Maybe the Enosis movement is hijacked by the communist party ITTL.

On a slightly separate issue, would anyone consider it possible that the Greek civil war ends up with a divided country? I could see a kind of Mediterranean Taiwan (the king flees to Crete), or even some kind of iron curtain at the isthmus with Peloponnese.
The increased opposition to enosis would also lead to decreased attention to the interests of the Cypriot Turks. The less likely a union with Greece the more unnecessary to safeguard against the possibility by increasing their power. It's far more likely that the eventual settlement will protect their rights without giving them a veto on every political issue.

I wonder what would happen with the Dodecanese. It used to be an Italian possession and the British won't be too thrilled about it passing in the hands of communists.
simply put it if the communists won the Greek civil war then it would be with the soviets. so cyptus would be like tawian would be like exept a european version