Battle Cry of Freedom

Happy Leap Day! I'm two months late in starting this thread, but as they say, better late than never. Battle Cry of Freedom is my newest endeavor, and I hope to make it my sole allohistorical focus over the remainder of 2024. I'm not much of one for New Year's resolutions, but upon realizing that I've been creating timelines for 4 years with almost nothing to show for it (due to my habit of abandoning projects whenever my interest in them even begins to wane), I resolved that this would be the year I see a timeline to "completion." Completion can never truly be achieved in this arena, of course, but I believe a finished world map by December 31 will give me the required satisfaction. As I'm currently at work, this thread is going to remain unpolished for a couple days more. I simply wanted to get my foot in the door so the lovely people of had a way to interface with the timeline.

With all that said, I'd like to wish you all a hearty welcome to Battle Cry of Freedom!
January Map of the Month - the Eleven Colonies, 1775

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Is this a single-POD or multi POD thing?
Battle Cry of Freedom isn't necessarily "hard" alternate history. While I do have a single POD at the 1650 Treaty of Hartford, and while everything prior to the POD does remain the same as IOTL, I don't plan on having this timeline be a painstaking natural progression from the Treaty of Hartford alone.
Battle Cry of Freedom isn't necessarily "hard" alternate history. While I do have a single POD at the 1650 Treaty of Hartford, and while everything prior to the POD does remain the same as IOTL, I don't plan on having this timeline be a painstaking natural progression from the Treaty of Hartford alone.
Fair fair. There’s definitely a place for soft AH. So far you’ve got a cool world going, so I’m eager to see how it develops going forward .
Would y’all happen to know of any modern-day political world maps that you’d like me to emulate in style? The only OTL maps of this sort that I know of are the CIA style (used by These Fair Shores by @CosmicAsh and Hail Britannia by @LeinadB93) and the Nat Geo style (used by upvoteanthology and theaidanman)

I’d like to do something unique but I don’t yet have any ideas, so I figured I’d put it to the public– suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Would y’all happen to know of any modern-day political world maps that you’d like me to emulate in style? The only OTL maps of this sort that I know of are the CIA style (used by These Fair Shores by @CosmicAsh and Hail Britannia by @LeinadB93) and the Nat Geo style (used by upvoteanthology and theaidanman)

I’d like to do something unique but I don’t yet have any ideas, so I figured I’d put it to the public– suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I think maybe you should take a crack at textbook style. I haven't seen that many maps that sort of emulate that sort of rough, slightly-inaccurate-ness :p
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Something like this (It's Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
Not a bad idea, I figured my niche could be achieved through a combination of styles (after all, BCF began as a synthesis of some of my prior works)
Here's a little something I whipped up using some of the polygons from my 1783 map
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Forgive the low-quality screenshot, but how do y'all feel about something like this for the style (not the content)? Do the colors work well? Should I restore the hillshade?
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Forgive the low-quality screenshot, but how do y'all feel about something like this for the style (not the content)? Do the colors work well? Should I restore the hillshade?

I say hillshade would be good on this, or add cities, something to give it a bit more detail. If you have the energy perhaps try both and see if you like it but either is already nice. The borders being such a similar colour to the unmapped areas if there’s gonna be lots of unmapped areas feels off to me personally but that’s definitely very subjective.

Generally though, a good looking map.
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I say hillshade would be good on this, or add cities, something to give it a bit more detail. If you have the energy perhaps try both and see if you like it but either is already nice. The borders being such a similar colour to the unmapped areas if there’s gonna be lots of unmapped areas feels off to me personally but that’s definitely very subjective.

Generally though, a good looking map.
Cities will definitely be added to the final product but I don't have any handy at the moment. That's a fair point on the borders, but the final map will have no unmapped areas. Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it!