Axis Victory Concept Map

Here's a concept map that I did which postulates an Axis victory in the Second World War. It's rather rough looking right now, but feedback would be greatly appreciated. :)


The Wehrmacht has triumphed at Stalingrad; the Greater German Reich has expanded all across the former Soviet Union and rules everything directly west of the Urals. The eastern Siberian portions of the USSR have fallen to Japan. The Soviet state is no more.

Italy, with the assistance of the brilliant Field Marshal Erich Von Manstein, has succeeding in capturing the Suez Canal and advancing into the Middle East up through Palestine. Cut off from her empire, the United Kingdom swiftly loses her southeast Asian colonies to Japan. Germany's U-boats have starved the British Empire into submission; the cost of defeat is an embarrassing peace treaty which awards parts of Africa to the Third Reich.

Italy rules the Mediterranean from Cyprus to Malta and Libya, effectively recreating a new Roman Empire.

Japan has triumphed at Midway, forcing the United States to agree to a stalemate. No longer distracted by the United States, Japan goes onto complete the conquest of China, with Siberia and India joining the East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere.

The United States has retreated into isolationism one again, with successive presidents seeking to maintain the equilibrium between the Axis and the remaining Allied states of Britain and free France.

The year is now 1960. The upcoming U.S. presidential elections will either end in the public choosing another isolationist Republican president or a Democratic president committed to pursuing a more internationalist stance in opposition to Axis encroachments in the Atlantic as in the Pacific. The fate of Europe, and the world, hinges on the U.S.'s ultimate decision.

Now, what side will you take?
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Edit: Had trouble uploading the file (too big). It should show up on the link, though.
Siberia? Impossible. The Soviets would've curbstomped the Japanese or let them come into Siberia and them freeze/starve themselves to death.

Unless you mean that the Far East Army was moved westward to stall the Wehrmacht.
Japan wouldn't be taking China, let alone India. They were already having trouble fighting the Chinese before the Americans were dragged in. India is way out.
So I'm guessing everyone has decided to scream ASB just because Japan triumphs in the Pacific Theater.

To be honest, this concept map is for a possible darkest hour/hearts of iron II mod.

Otherwise, what does everyone think how Europe looks?
Some borders are incorrect. Hungary should have parts of Serbia and Transylvania, and part of Slovenia should be German. Also, the German-Polish border should be further east - it looks like you had given parts of Silesia to Poland! Also, "Ostland" and Ukraine should be bigger, and "Caucasia" should be split off rest-Russia.
Some borders are incorrect. Hungary should have parts of Serbia and Transylvania, and part of Slovenia should be German. Also, the German-Polish border should be further east - it looks like you had given parts of Silesia to Poland! Also, "Ostland" and Ukraine should be bigger, and "Caucasia" should be split off rest-Russia.

As I have said, it was rough and unfinished. Hungary wasn't finished yet, while the German Polish border was hard to make accurate.

A lot of the borders that I worked on were a pain to make look even close to the real thing - hence the flaws with Ostland, the German-Polish border, etc.

Thanks for the feedback.
So I'm guessing everyone has decided to scream ASB just because Japan triumphs in the Pacific Theater.

To be honest, this concept map is for a possible darkest hour/hearts of iron II mod.

Otherwise, what does everyone think how Europe looks?

It's not so much a triumph as an impossible Japan wank. Japan can't hold all of China, India and Siberia. It's beyond what they are capable of. It's not that it is unlikely, or improbable or requiring a lot of luck, it is impossible. It's like trying to build something with pieces that aren't there.


In saying that, if you are planning this for a game then you can get away with the Rule of Cool. Gameplay > historical plausibility. If you want to try and have both, I would recommend an alternative? Perhaps Japanese Taiwan, Hainan, South East Asia, Japanese East Indies and maybe lil bits of China and puppet Manchuria/Manchukuo. Again, very wanked Japan, but a bit easier to swallow and probably still fun to play.