AHC/WI: Western European country between the Rhine and Seine.

As it says on the label.....can you find a way to plausibly create a fairly sizeable nation between the Rhine and the Seine(that isn't Belgium)? POD can be at anytime after 1000 CE, but preferably at some point between 1600 and 1775.

Bonus points are awarded if the nation's borders end before they actually reach the Seine, and/or the Rhine themselves(but also no less than, say, half way to the riverbanks), as well as if the Netherlands still exists, and Paris remains part of France.
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That would be hard to get without a massive geopolitical implosion, if you consider the entierty of Seine and Rhine.

It could, maybe, work with a border around Upper Seine tough.
I think the best candidate may be the Duchy of Lorraine, then, but it would be a complex situation : let's say Bourbons suffer important defeat against Hapsburgs (or maybe no Bourbon France at all, at the end of Wars of Religion).

You certainly remove the French presence in Lorraine (Three Bishopries) and maybe have an expension of the duchy in Champagne up to Langres : that's not exactly Seine, but it's roughly on the drainage basin borders of Seine and it might include some part of Upper Seine basin).

Would that work?


My recommendation?

Rebellion of the Occitan & Aquitaine in France that wins, and takes control of France south of the Loire. -> Aquitaine.

The rebellion is so exhausting for the French that the King loses control, eventually causing the HRE to step in, bringing the various rebellious lords under his rule, and the now-Parisian King himself.

Over time, the culture in N.France, OTL Belgium and the Netherlands becomes separate from Germany, and Aquitaine. This leads to the later formation of a Alt-United Provinces, that eventually divides alone the Rhine in the 1900s.
Communard France in Reydan's ongoing TL "Spectre of Europe" is roughly this, although it includes Paris and extends a bit west of the Seine for most of the course of the river. It also does not reach the Rhine at any point. The Netherlands do exist in the TL, as does Belgium for a while.
However, that TL now appears to be shaping into a reunification of France under the Commune, so that may not be a lasting situation.