AHC: Microsoft sticks to their guns with the Xbox One

What if Microsoft didn't backtrack on always online and DRM? Would Xbox Game Pass still happen?
More than likely, although maybe Game Pass would happen a little sooner as a way to try and make amends with consumers. It’s really a matter of having the patience to weather the PR storm and to have a willingness to completely disregard what your audience is getting pissed off over. It sadly has worked for EA after all…
Xbox would’ve have tanked even more than in our timeline. The main reason being that not every one in the us had access to high speed internet required ( or to internet at all) and the fact that the US Military also did not have access to internet all the time.( lots of 18 to 25 year old with income) … that’s not including the lack of sharing and loaning games .. even with the backtrack the percived bad faith was enough to affect its sales.