It's the other way around - Hindu nationalism was very much a reaction to Muslim nationalism.
Yeah sorry misremembering. But in either case you know "divide and rule" will happen and even if the leaders of the Congress don't get locked up for a few years its likely things will still badly fragment.

About the best that can be hoped for is that there isn't a cut and run this time and we at least try to ensure partition occurs as peacefully as possible (if that is possible) before leaving the subcontinent to its own devices.
What's the flag of the Rhenish Free State?
I'm guessing it's something like this, though the flag in the background could be replaced by the German (either republican or imperial) tricolors.
View attachment 895311
Also I whipped up a flag for the Free State of the Rhineland. At the moment it does not have a proper flag with crest because they do not want to make a full version until it is united, so it is just the green-and-white, but this is the planned crest if Adenauer succeeds:


The lions of Berg and the Palatinate opposite one-another, with Trier in the bottom-right and Jülich in the top-left. Cologne holds the centre as the (planned) capital
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Yeah sorry misremembering. But in either case you know "divide and rule" will happen and even if the leaders of the Congress don't get locked up for a few years its likely things will still badly fragment.

About the best that can be hoped for is that there isn't a cut and run this time and we at least try to ensure partition occurs as peacefully as possible (if that is possible) before leaving the subcontinent to its own devices.
Another idea in Britain was to create 3 Dominions--Princestan, Hindustan, and Pakistan. The first for the Princes, the second for the Hindus, the third for Muslims. Terrible names and terrible idea
Another idea in Britain was to create 3 Dominions--Princestan, Hindustan, and Pakistan. The first for the Princes, the second for the Hindus, the third for Muslims. Terrible names and terrible idea
Yeah. It isn't viable, especially as the Princely states are seen (probably rightly) as collaborators and will probably be jumped on by a Congress led India no matter what happens. The only way they survive is if there isn't any kind of united India when Britain departs. Given that was a main goal of the independence movement even if India was divided at independence it probably wouldn't be for long (at cost of many, many lives).
The DNVP will feature a few names you might know and I have a few lined up. Hans Frank, IRL head of the Generalgouverment in Poland, will be a prominent member. It won't just be "the leftover Nazis", though, because the Nazi party still exists, albeit not quite as you know.

Foreign policy is coming up in a few chapters in detail (once he is actually in power) but on the topic of Poland specifically: Von Lettow-Vorbeck believes strongly in the idea of defeat in WW1 being the result of subversive elements. One of those supposedly-subversive elements is Poland, who, in the minds of many, repaid German generosity (liberating them from Russia) with betrayal when they seized Posen and took West Prussia and Upper Silesia. So, on the one hand, von Lettow-Vorbeck believes very strongly that much, if not all of the German land ceded to Poland is under illegitimate ownership and that the solution must be rectified before further action can be taken.

On the other hand (and this is based on how I have chosen to portray him rather than any information I could find on his politics), von Lettow-Vorbeck is a big believer in Realpolitik, due to a combination of when he grew up and how he fought in East Africa. In other words, he has big dreams but doesn't let them override his pragmatism. He might WANT to retake the 1914 borders, but he won't endanger everything Germany has rebuilt for it, and he understands that there are longer and bigger goals than cities and regions. He, like Bismarck, wants to rig the game before he plays it.

(Not that he is above a bit of spontaneous action if the situation presents itself. No risk, no reward is not an entirely illogical concept.)

Watched, liked and now binging (and actually wished I'd started earlier but this way you have time to write more before I 'get' there :) ) and waiting for more.

Specific "funny" aside towards the issue with Germany/Poland areas. I have a job that requires a security recertification about every 5 years or so, (coming soon again I think) and the last couple of times have had the aforementioned "funny" as part of the process.
See, my wife's parents came to the states after WWII, so in the process above I have to give background on their lives. Specifically her father. Who was born in small town in Germany. IMPERIAL Germany. Which after WWI became a part of Poland. Then went back to Germany. Then went back to Poland.

Seems the computer doing the background check has no idea how to deal with "normal" human locational issues so I get a handy visit by a (human) processor to resolve the computers issues :)

Keep up the great work.

It's the other way around - Hindu nationalism was very much a reaction to Muslim nationalism.

And yes, at this stage, undivided India is just not very feasible - the proponents of Pakistan were too vehement, and the British too were only happy to satisfy said vehemence, when they knew that they would have to leave India. They figured that it was a useful way to weaken Independent India, and gain a grateful ally in the region.
Anything to avoid that? I believe that a polity as large as British Raj can avoid so much bloodshed by embracing civic nationalism instead of whatever the heck is that kind of right-wing nationalism its successor states embraces right now.

Maybe have someone playing like Ernest Douwes Dekker of Dutch Indies and founding a purely leftist Indian nationalist movement which would tie the disparate ethnic and religious groups under a shared anti-colonialist/anti-Empire and pro-homeland identity? Even better if the movement managed to found a Soekarno (a Bumiputera who retooled his mentor's ideology with amazing charisma) and managed to entice the masses to rally behind a United Homeland idea and disregard their previously religious/ethnocentric ideals. Have the new nation called Bharat and reappropriate the term as a pan-British Raj civic nationalist identity?

Or in parallel, have someone being the Van Mook, someone 'foreign' who was born in the colony who advocating for a home-rule too but within the context of remaining in the Commonwealth in general and defer to the Empire regarding foreign policy, while also have the government respecting the socio-cultural differences between all the nations under the Colony and reworking it into a proper federal and united multinational country.
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pls don't ban me

Monthly Donor
i'm just gonna say this:
Boris III of bulgaria focused on regaining the territories in the most peaceful way possible. OTL he joined the axis cause the alternative was to end like Yugoslavia. He knew that Bulgaria was in no way ready to throw punches like in the Balkan wars and ww1 especially. BUT, should some gains be made, a minor-average war erupts and is not encircled there sure will be some " i am vengeance" in the air.
i'm just gonna say this:
Boris III of bulgaria focused on regaining the territories in the most peaceful way possible. OTL he joined the axis cause the alternative was to end like Yugoslavia. He knew that Bulgaria was in no way ready to throw punches like in the Balkan wars and ww1 especially. BUT, should some gains be made, a minor-average war erupts and is not encircled there sure will be some " i am vengeance" in the air.
Yeah Boris is trying to play all sides for maximum gains here. The issue is that he isn't against an idiot like Ribbentrop, but a more competent regime which likes Bulgaria but not enough to hand them random territories if it alienates everyone else. Italy is their best bet in that regard, but Italy also hasn't done much to show themselves as a useful or powerful ally.
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Anything to avoid that? I believe that a polity as large as British Raj can avoid so much bloodshed by embracing civic nationalism instead of whatever the heck is that kind of right-wing nationalism its successor states embraces right now.

Maybe have someone playing like Ernest Douwes Dekker of Dutch Indies and founding a purely leftist Indian nationalist movement which would tie the disparate ethnic and religious groups under a shared anti-colonialist/anti-Empire and pro-homeland identity? Even better if the movement managed to found a Soekarno (a Bumiputera who retooled his mentor's ideology with amazing charisma) and managed to entice the masses to rally behind a United Homeland idea and disregard their previously religious/ethnocentric ideals. Have the new nation called Bharat and reappropriate the term as a pan-British Raj civic nationalist identity?

Or in parallel, have someone being the Van Mook, someone 'foreign' who was born in the colony who advocating for a home-rule too but within the context of remaining in the Commonwealth in general and defer to the Empire regarding foreign policy, while also have the government respecting the socio-cultural differences between all the nations under the Colony and reworking it into a proper federal and united multinational

Right wing? Nehru was about as leftist as one could get - short of an outright communist.

Even Pakistan's initial leaders of Jinnah and Liaquat Ali Khan were fairly left - leaning left, at the very least.

This also avoids the crux of the issue at the heart of the Partition - whatever form the government in Delhi took, Muslim leaders would not accept it, short of Muslims having an outsized influence or say in it, relative to their population (and can you imagine the resentment that would foster among Hindus? Accepting this proposal would create a Lebanon style civil war, and given the sizes involved here it would be such a war x100. Thankfully, India's leaders at the time, though prone to appeasement, were wise enough to reject this proposal), because they had an irrational fear of being outnumbered, something they thought would make India favour Hindus more, and after centuries of Muslim and British rule, could not countenance a Hindu ruling over them.

And any form of being under Imperial auspices, with the King of England being head of state, was not acceptable to India's leaders, and understandably so - they had a vehement hatred of colonialism, or any vestige of colonialism left.

Also, its funny that you propose a left wing government, and then suggest a very right wing name for the nation x'D.

Doing so was a recent political controversy here - and it's main proponents are the current right wing BJP government, who want to change the 'India, that is Bharat..' in the constitution to 'Bharat, that is India...'
It was a nothing burger anyway, in the end, it turned out to simply be rumour.

pls don't ban me

Monthly Donor
Yeah Boris is trying to play all sides for maximum gains here. The issue is that he isn't against an idiot like Ribbentrop, but a more competent regime which likes Bulgaria but not enough to hand them random territories if it alienates everyone else. Italy is their best bet in that regard, but Italy also hasn't done much to show themselves as a useful or powerful ally.
Did Boris marry Giovanna of Savoy in 1930 like OTL?
Right wing? Nehru was about as leftist as one could get - short of an outright communist.

Even Pakistan's initial leaders of Jinnah and Liaquat Ali Khan were fairly left - leaning left, at the very least.
I said "right now", not "back then".

Also, its funny that you propose a left wing government, and then suggest a very right wing name for the nation x'D.

Doing so was a recent political controversy here - and it's main proponents are the current right wing BJP government, who want to change the 'India, that is Bharat..' in the constitution to 'Bharat, that is India...'
It was a nothing burger anyway, in the end, it turned out to simply be rumour.
Yes, precisely it's my intention. A bit of delicious irony to turning a recently-made slogan of Hindutva into an ITTL-Raj leftists symbol of civic nationalism, which literally going against everything the RSS and other Hindutva groups stands for.
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If Boris by some divine reason( and at this point i think it's made for meme) does not die like in 99% TL's i can see him stay with Italy first and then do a swticheroo to Germany
Is that something that tends to happen? I didn't know that was a trend.

I mean, Boris WILL die in my story, but as for whether it will be natural causes or not is another thing

pls don't ban me

Monthly Donor
Is that something that tends to happen? I didn't know that was a trend.
usually in every ww2 TL Boris always dies.
the one where he lived if i'm not mistaken is " footprint of mussolini" by Sorairo.
i think it happens cause he died kinda mysteriously less then a week later after returning from a meeting with Hitler and refusing (again) to join the war against the soviet union. while it seemed a natural death,(copied from Wikipedia cause i'm lazy ->) the two German doctors who attended the King – Sajitz and Hans Eppinger – both believed that he had died from the same poison that Dr. Eppinger had allegedly found two years earlier in the postmortem examination of the Greek Prime Minister, Ioannis Metaxas.

it was never proved because of several reasons ( one for example the communist stealing his corpse from his tomb, dividing in pieces and hiding them in several places, to this day only the heart has been recovered).

at this point i'll be happy if i find a TL were the poor man dies peacefully in his sleep after ww2

I mean, Boris WILL die in my story, but as for whether it will be natural causes or not is another thing
Technically we all die at some point. 🤣
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… I’m guessing Greece is f**ked?
Greece is going to do well, too, actually. With a more sane Germany, there is no longer the dangerous Anglo-German pull in government, plus a better chance for economic aid in exchange for contributing to the German sphere. And I don't see this Germany supporting Greece getting swallowed by Italy and Bulgaria.

A point which I am still working out is the possibility of a Greco-Turkish War in the mid-to-late 40's, perhaps based on a Cyprus crisis. If it happens, this will get much more interesting, but I am as of yet unsure of the realistic possibility of this without a massively decaying British Empire