10,000 BC

Some rumours said that the culture portrayed is what would be Atlantis if it really existe (that is, 10000 years bC, as Plato pointed out). That's why it is populous and quite advanced, but still locked in a stone age level and surrounded by megafauna. Something like the way The 13th Warrior retelled Beowulf as a "plausible" story.

I think it qualifies as AH in some way, and it will be cool if they don't force too much things. But I fear the average idiot could be tempted to think that life in the Ice Age was like it is portrayed in this movie... :cool:
Looks silly, but in an entertaining way.

I agree. I also already noticed plenty of mistakes in the trailer: terror birds. In 10,000 BC, terror birds didn't exist anymore. Diatryma lived in the Eocene, and Phorusrhacus lived in the Miocene. There existed a giant bird in the Pleistocene - Teratornis, but it was a supersized vulture quite capable of flight (which may actually have served as the base for the thunderbird featured in several native american myths).
Also, mammoths living that far in southern latitudes (I infer this from the desert-like looking climate and people being lightly dressed) the emperor mammoth for example (Mammuthus columbi), was almost certainly very lightly-haired, perhaps even near-naked as modern-day elephants. Then, where is this set? Sabertooth cats did only exist in North America. Eurasia did only have boring old lions. Also, if that scene with the river is supposed to be the Nile/Egypt: the Sahara was a lush savannah 12,000 years ago... but of well, I know too much about this already. Still, it'll be probably good laugh. :rolleyes:
Europe didn't have Smilodon, but it did have it's own types of sabertooths... however, most of them didn't make it 10,000 BC. The only ones that might have were Homotherium. However, from what I saw in the trailer, the big cat is undoubtedly a Smilodon, so it's way out of place.

and the movie is definitely AH (or maybe undiscovered history), what with the megalithic culture 10,000 years ago...
yeah, the movie looks like it'll be incredibly unrealistic...

...but it also looks like it'll be fun to watch. I'll go see it.
New trailer released...

Not only mammoths, but sabretooths that look like they're wearing tribal tatoos and terrorbirds.

I am starting to suspect this movie is not 100% historically accurate. Seriously though (or not) this could be a good popcorn movie and besides, it's time the prehistoric mammals had a shot at the hearts and minds of young boys everywhere.

Edit: on further thought, this movie qualifies as definite ASB material
hmm... the new trailer is interesting... is that a dinosaur in the jungle, or the terrorbird?

And a minor quibble (among so many other errors, this one is pretty minor, but still)... the wild mammoths are shown living on bare steppes... best guess is that they lived on the edges of the taiga, and fed heavily on trees and meadow plants...

Anyone buy the DVD of this movie yet? There's an alternate ending that's actually pretty neat, with the final scene showing the abandoned 'Mountain of the Gods' being swallowed up by the desert...