world war i

  1. ETGalaxy

    What if Sweden joined the Central Powers?

    After doing some research for one of my TLs, I stumbled across some pretty interesting history about how Sweden had some pretty strong pro-German sentiments upon the outbreak of World War One, particularly amongst its monarchy. On multiple occasions prior to the outbreak of hostilities, Sweden...
  2. Bolsheviks take initial Brest-Litovsk: what next for the CPs?

    So let's say Lenin succeeds in convincing his government and Trotsky to agree to the initial terms of Brest-Litovsk because they're the best terms they're gonna get, instead of the opposing idea of stalling in the hopes a revolution will kick off in Germany. As a result, Russia only loses...
  3. AHC: Central Victory Israel

    If we assume a late victory where a central-aligned Greece aids the Ottomans in Gallipoli but they suffer from British-backed Arab raids causing them instability in their Arabian territories, how can a Jewish state in the levant exist by the end of the century? I'm only able to think of two...
  4. durante

    AHC: Austria-Hungary side-steps WWI

    Welcome to the AH Challenge where everything is made up and the points don't matter. I'm imagining a conflagration more or less along the lines of OTL but with Austria-Hungary not involved (presumably because FF is alive and calling the shots, but this is not necessary). My rules are (the...
  5. AHC:Wilhelm II conquers the world

    your challenge is to have Wilhelm II conquer the whole world
  6. What if the Red Baron survived?

    What would have happened had Manfred von Ricthofen, aka the Red Baron, had survived World War I? Let's say he gets captured instead of killed and is released after the war, or maybe he never gets shot down in the first place. What would he have done in post-revolution Germany? How might German...
  7. Italo-Turkish War: What If the Ottomans retained the Dodecanese Islands

    I'm wondering about the ramifications for World War I and beyond where the Ottoman Empire still lost The Italo-Turkish War between 1911-1912 and lost their territory in Libya but still managed to retain their holdings in the Dodecanese Islands. What are the effects of this on the Balkan War...
  8. The_Persian_Cat

    WWI: was German defeat inevitable after the US entered the war?

    Hello all, So, the US entering the First World War in 1917 on the side of Britain and France is often considered the deciding factor in Central Powers' defeat. However, after the US had entered the war, Russia would surrender and collapse into civil war. In the West, Germany would launch a...
  9. Russo-French Victory in WWI: Germany Partition Schemes?

    Early in World War I, it seemed possible that an Entente victory would result in a balkanization of Germany. Russian Tsar Nicholas II and French President Raymond Poincaire both supported the idea, various civilian and military leaders proposed such schemes, and in both countries the media...
  10. What if the Russian Revolution (1917-1923) had failed?

    On 1917, the Bolsheviks rose up against the Russian Empire and its government. They wanted Russia to end their involvement in World War I. The revolution ended with the Bolsheviks winning. A provisional government was created, which was then overthrown by the Bolsheviks because the new...
  11. Original Entente Plans for Middle East

    From what I've read, the Sykes-Picot agreement really wasn't at all like the ultimate outcome in the Middle East post-WWI. The basic spheres of influence largely aligned (with some exceptions, ie. France getting Mosul) but at this point there were no plans regarding mandates and establishing...
  12. WI: Greece, the Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden join the Central powers

    If Greece, the Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden all joined the Central powers, how much sooner would WW! end, what concessions would they demand, and what does postwar Europe look like?
  13. Petike

    Petike's photogalleries of WWI commemoration events in the 2010s

    This thread is a recreation of a compilation thread I originally posted on the 31st of October 2014. I consider this a historical reference and visual inspiration thread for writing about the era of the First World War, specifically the eastern front between Austria-Hungary and the Russian...
  14. WI: Alberto Pollio survives

    In 1914, during the leadup to World War I, Italian general Alberto Pollio died. The official cause of death was a heart attack, but suspicions that he was murdered have floated for over a century. What if he had lived?
  15. Tresckow

    Der Krieg Des Sieges | A Central Powers Timeline
    Threadmarks: Title Page

    A Central Powers Timeline
  16. What if Edward Grey had died before WWI?

    If there is any blame dished out for the UK in regards of the outbreak of WWI and especially them getting involved its usually laid on Sir Edward Grey. To test this out lets remove him from the picture: let him have a tragic accident for example in the january of 1914. He dies immediately...
  17. WI: Göring killed in World War I

    At some point during Hermann Göring's career as a fighter pilot in World War I, he was seriously wounded in the hip and needed a year to recover. What if he had been killed instead?
  18. GauchoBadger

    Were there any proposals for a Polish monarchy after WWI?

    I've been looking up on the intentions of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia respectively in regards to the Polish question during WWI, and it sparked some curiosity in me about the possibility of a Polish monarchy. Obviously, had either of these three empires "liberated" Poland from their...
  19. Successful Brusilov offensive = World War I Holocaust in Poland?

    If the Brusilov offensive had been more successful at pushing the Germans out of Poland, could this have led to huge massacres of Polish Jews (worse than prior Tsarist pogroms), with the Poles eagerly helping because they had been convinced by Tsarist propaganda that the Jews had collaborated...
  20. WI: Röhm dies of Spanish Flu

    There have been countless "what if Hitler at [point X in his life]" threads. So I decided to do something a little different: talk about another prominent Nazi's near-death experience. In 1918, Hauptmann Ernst Röhm contracted the deadly Spanish flu and was not expected to make it. But he...