aviz portugal

  1. kaiidth

    Richard III wins and marries Isabel of Viseu
    Threadmarks: 1. The idea and begin

    Richard III wins 1485 at Bosworth Field and Henry Tudor doesn't......the rest of the the Rebellion gets put down.... And he sends a few emissaries to King Joao II of Portugal and asks for a bride of Lancaster Blood..... ______________________________________ _____________________________...
  2. kaiidth

    The english Grandchildren of Manuel I of Portugal
    Threadmarks: 1. November 10th in 1518

    The tenth day of November in the Year of the Lord 1518 turned out to be a tearful day for Henry, King of England. His dear wife Catherine first gave birth to another stillborn child, a tiny girl as it was and then died herself a few hours later, leaving her husband with only one living...
  3. kaiidth

    Catalina of Aragon becomes 3rd wife of Manuel of Portugal

    We all know that Manuel I of Portugal was married first from 1497 till her death 1498 to Isabella of Aragorn with whom he had the longed for heir Miguel da Paz, born 1498, died 1500 . Manuel then married in the Year 1500 Maria of Aragon , Isabella’s younger sister and she had a bunch of kids...
  4. kaiidth

    NO Habsburg Spain.. .. Isabella I's children dying before her.....

    A World where Isabella of Castile had lived longer than all her children and had no grandchildren. A what if? Idea. We all know about the children of Isabella I of Castile and Leon and her Husband Ferdinand II of Aragorn and how their lives turned out....... But what happened if all the...
  5. kaiidth

    Roses for Europe, The Children of Henry VII
    Threadmarks: 1. First Tudor family tree (Henry VII children)

    Henry VII of England,( 28 January 1457-29 January 1515), King of England and Lord of Ireland since 22 August 1485 Married his first wife Elizabeth of York (11 February 1466 – 11 February 1503) on 18 January 1486 Married his second wife Joanna of Naples (15 April 1479 – 27 August 1528) on 2...
  6. GameBawesome

    WI: Sebastian of Portugal Returns = No Iberian Union

    What if, between 1581 - 1582, during the midst of the War of Portuguese Succession, one day, a ship arrives in the port of Lisbon, and steps off it, is the thought-dead Sebastian of Portugal. Having been captured by the Moroccans, and kept prisoner in secret for years, until he paid a ransom. He...
  7. FitzEmperor

    WI: York Dynasty in Portugal?

    Hi it's my first time posting but I've been a lurker on here for a while. I'm working on a Richard III timeline where he marries Joanna of Portugal, and she dies in childbirth delivering a surviving daughter in 1486. In my timeline, Richard remarries to an English nobleman and has a son that is...
  8. kaiidth

    Duarte II of Portugal - A miraculous Story
    Threadmarks: 1.A deadborn heir

    19th to 20th of January. Ribeira Palace in Lisbon The pains of childbirth were starting in the late afternoon hours of the 19th day of the first month in the year of the Lord 1554. The young and newly widowed Dona Joana de Austria, wife of the late Infante Joao Manuel, was hopeful for a good...
  9. kaiidth

    Duarte II and Alfred I, the Kings that nobody expected

    Born after the death of his Father, who was the tenth child of a Grand King, for this young fatherless Boy his Future was full of Surprises. This boys father already had lost sons in three marriages and in his fourth one he was finally blessed with two living boys, one after another. The...