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  1. Himmler's War

    By Robert Conroy. Have seen it. Have read it. Save your money, spare yourselves.
  2. Question To Ask

    Just before attacking the US the Axis look at groups like the Justice Society of America and, realizing that FDR shall surely mobilize the superbeings of the United States in time of war, notice just how many costumed super-types the US can mobilize in a showdown and plan accordingly. Does...
  3. Trying To Find A Game

    Specifically a board game I once saw played about the war between Italy and the Ottoman Empire for Libya but I just can't seem to find even the name when searching sites like BoardGameGeek. Anyone familiar with it?
  4. Saving Private Ryan Question

    For war game purposes has anyone ever drawn up a list of the forces on either side during the final battle of the movie?
  5. The Death Of Benedict Arnold

    On the decisive day of Saratoga OTL Benedict Arnold led the charge which broke the British and resulted in Burgoyne's surrender while taking a serious wound to the leg. During his recovery he met his future wife and eventually embarked on his decision to sell his loyalties back to the British...
  6. Columbus Delayed

    It took Columbus years to finally get the support from Spain to embark on his journey to the Western Hemisphere, after also spending time asking Portugal, France and England for support as well. Given the time that passed it does not seem unreasonable that he could have suffered further delays...
  7. Second Versailles

    ...until such time as the French coal mines flooded in 1918 are fully repaired, also offering any German assistance which might hasten that day. *A unexpected side effect of this is, after quite a bit of public outrage in Germany, the destruction of Ludendorff as a political player. The...
  8. Help For The Allies

    Let's say the British and Americans make noises about investigating the behavior of neutrals following the war or release a shocking documentary about the Nazi genocide or what you prefer. As a result in the second half of 1943 Spain, Turkey and finally Sweden join the Allies against Nazi...
  9. Earlier French Surrender in 1869.

    Reading a book on the siege of Paris I discovered a claim that Bismark offered terms to France based on paying 3 billion francs and ceding Lorraine but warned that if the war continued it would go to 3 billion and both Alsace and Lorraine. If true how might France have been convinced to...
  10. Paul Is Undead

    The Beatles are zombies! Ringo is a ninja lord! Yoko Ono a rival ninja! Mick Jagger a slayer! Read all about it...
  11. Do You Like Panzer Grenadier?

    If so you will want this link:
  12. Firefly Book For Free!

    My Own Kind Of Freedom by Steven Brust.
  13. The Battle Of German Samoa!

    On 7 August 1914, the British government indicated that it would be a great and urgent Imperial service[1] if New Zealand forces seized the wireless station near Apia, one of several German radio stations used by the German East Asiatic squadron. By August 15 a 1370 man force had sailed, the...
  14. Help Wanted

    There used to be a war game based on the war between Italy and the Ottoman Empire 1911-1912 but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Does anyone remember where to find it or have a link?
  15. I AM HABBAKUK!!!

    Late 1940...The situation is dire. The RAF is on the verge of collapse. The RN crippled and driven from Portsmouth and the south. The unspeakable invasion threatens!:eek: England's darkest hour a new ship enters service... cue ominous theme from 2001 The ship you have...
  16. Commonwealth United

    As a variation on TheMann's intriguing thread on Canada as a major power, what would happen if in the aftermath of WWII the key members of the British Commonwealth(UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and...sigh...South Africa) determined to maintain a combined military force, coordinating the...
  17. The Central Powers Win WWI.

    Been pondering how to make this work and I've got a few ideas. One obvious POD would be if Germany never provokes the US into entering the war and I have an idea how to avoid this. In 1915 Erich von Falkenhayn launched a series of deliberately non-decisive operations aimed only at...
  18. Even More Honor Harrington Books!

    Coming out in the next few months!:) Isn't this great? Isn't this swell? Susano, what's the knife for? And the machete? And the meat cleaver...oh dear.:(
  19. Young Flandry

    By famed scifi author Poul Anderson. For those unfamiliar with the series Dominic Flandry lives in a decadent society where a...
  20. Champlain Doesn't Attack The Iroquis

    In the early days of New France Samuel Champlain determined to join with the Huron and other native tribes in a series of attacks on the Iroquis. As a result the Iroquis held a grudge until the end of New France and managed to inflict major losses on the French colonists over a period of...