Recent content by Doug Anderson

  1. Doug Anderson

    10,000 BC

    New trailer released... Not only mammoths, but sabretooths that look like they're wearing tribal tatoos and terrorbirds. I am starting to suspect this movie is not 100% historically accurate. Seriously though (or not) this could be a good popcorn movie and besides, it's time the...
  2. Doug Anderson

    Weirdest world map ever!

    There is another rationale. The Persians win various significant battles, including at Marathon, and the occult ideas of the East become more influential. Also, either an ancient philosopher becomes a geographer, or vice-versa, and his ideas become very influential. Maps have words...
  3. Doug Anderson

    AH: Dutch New Zealand

    In an effort to promote more AH set in the South Pacific, I started thinking about Abel Tasman and his brief landing in NZ. If memory serves me right, it was a short occasion marked by a brief skirmish between his guys and a Maori party. Apparently the Dutch sailors mistake a haka for an...
  4. Doug Anderson

    World War 2.1

    Anybody read Weapons of Choice, the first in a trilogy called the Axis of Time? It sounds pretty interesting; a 21st century multinational naval fleet is sent back to 1942. Early reviews seem to be positive :)