Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

They appear to be proposed British colonies that he considered while writing his book Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in the Years 1766, 1767 and 1768, first published in 1778.

From the Appendix: "I have partitioned the country which lies adjacent to the eastern borders of the Mississippi into plantations or subordinate colonies; chusing such lands only for this purpose as by being contiguous to some river, might enjoy all the advantages I have before pointed out. These I have divided by dotted lines, and numbered; that future adventurers may readily, by referring to the map, chuse a commodious and advantageous situation. I shall also here give a concise description of each, beginning, according to the rule of geographers, with that which lies most to the north."

He then describes his proposed colonies № I. through XI. such as:
"№ VIII. This colony having the River Ouabache [Wabash] running through the centre of it, and the Ohio for its southern boundary, will enjoy the advantages of a free navigation. It extends about one hundred and forty miles from north to south, and one hundred and thirty from east to west."
Thanks for the context I didn't know about that.
View attachment 876110
Map by Jonathan Carver proposing new boundaries for the western states. I think it might be vaguely related to Jeffersons' proposal but I am not sure because it is significantly different.
Fascinating. I don’t think I’ve ever seen northern Ontario listed as “New South Wales” before. I guess they took one look around the desolation and thought, “Well, let’s try this again somewhere else, shall we?”

Also those states suck. But that’s to be expected if it goes off of Jefferson’s initial plan. The map gives a bunch of weird ideas, too, like maybe a US state of Quebec looking like that, or a failed revolution turning “New England” into a single unit like that…
Three separate proposals for Appalachian states, 1784-85 (with some interpretations because of how shit 18th-century peoples' geography skills were):
  1. Frankland, "bounded by a Meridian line that will touch the confluence of Little River near Ingles Ferry; thence down the Kanhawa to the Ronceverte or Green Briar River; thence Southwest to latitude 37° North; thence along the same to the meridian of the rapids of the Ohio; South along that meridian until it touches the Tenesee or Cherokee river; down the same to the part nearest of latitude 34°; South to the same; and eastwardly on that parallel to the top of the Apalachian mountains; and along the highest parts of the same and the heights that divide the sources of the waters that fall into the Mississippi from those that empty into the Atlantic, to the Beginning [sic]".
    View attachment 876086
  2. Two states, with the first "bounded on the East by the great Kanhawa as high as the confluence of the Ronceverte [Greenbrier River]; the Ohio, on the north; and on the West and South, by a Meridian line drawn from the mouth of Salt river until it intersects the Shawanoe or Cumberland river, up that river to the mouth of that branch of it called Rock-Castle, up the said river Rock-Castle to the Ausioto or Bush Mountain [Cumberland Mountain], thence a direct line to the confluence of the Ronceverte [sic]"; and the second state "bounded by a line extended due South from that part of the Cumberland river where the Meridian line drawn from the mouth of Salt river will touch it, until it reaches Elk river, down that river to the Tenasee, thence South to the top of the Apalachian [Allegheny] Mountain, eastwardly along the same to a point from whence a north line extended would meet the Kanhawa at the mouth of Little river near Ingles Ferry, and down that River to the Ronceverte [Greenbrier River], westwardly along the boundary as above described for the Kentuckey Country [sic]".
    View attachment 876087
  3. Franklin, "beginning at a point on the top of the Alleghany or Appalachian mountains, so as a line drawn due north from thence will touch the bank of New river, otherwise called Kenhawa, at the confluence of Little river, which is about one mile above Ingle's ferry; down the said river Kenhawa to the mouth of the Rencoverte, or Green Briar river; a direct line from thence to the nearest summit of the Laurel mountain, and along the highest part of the same to the point where it is intersected by the parallel of thirty-seven deg. north latitude; west along that latitude to a point where it is met by a meridian line that passes through the lower part of the rapid of Ohio; south along the meridian to Elk river, a branch of the Tennessee; down said river to its mouth, and down the Tennessee to the most southwardly part or bend in said river; a direct line from thence to that branch of the Mobile called Donbigbee [Tombigbee]; down said river Donbigbee to its junction with the Coosawatee [Coosa] river, to the mouth of that branch of it called the Hightower; thence south to the top of the Appalachian mountain, or the highest land that divides the sources of the eastern from the western waters; northwardly along the middle of said heights and the top of the Appalachian mountain to the beginning [sic]".
    View attachment 876088
    Anyways, the borders of all three proposals set me off in a viscerally negative way because I almost went insane trying to figure this shit out, only to realize physiographic maps exist, which helped me greatly,
It also helps knowing how poorly the geography was known of in some parts, which is why the US got a huge chunk of land because people thought the bringing of the Mississippi River was around the Lake of the Woods. And I have to say, the last one would be interesting, and I wonder how it would effect the bribery by land speculators like in Georgia, where the theft of Indian land was known as illegal but declared binding anyways.
3. Franklin, "beginning at a point on the top of the Alleghany or Appalachian mountains, so as a line drawn due north from thence will touch the bank of New river, otherwise called Kenhawa, at the confluence of Little river, which is about one mile above Ingle's ferry; down the said river Kenhawa to the mouth of the Rencoverte, or Green Briar river; a direct line from thence to the nearest summit of the Laurel mountain, and along the highest part of the same to the point where it is intersected by the parallel of thirty-seven deg. north latitude; west along that latitude to a point where it is met by a meridian line that passes through the lower part of the rapid of Ohio; south along the meridian to Elk river, a branch of the Tennessee; down said river to its mouth, and down the Tennessee to the most southwardly part or bend in said river; a direct line from thence to that branch of the Mobile called Donbigbee [Tombigbee]; down said river Donbigbee to its junction with the Coosawatee [Coosa] river, to the mouth of that branch of it called the Hightower; thence south to the top of the Appalachian mountain, or the highest land that divides the sources of the eastern from the western waters; northwardly along the middle of said heights and the top of the Appalachian mountain to the beginning [sic]".
View attachment 876088
Anyways, the borders of all three proposals set me off in a viscerally negative way because I almost went insane trying to figure this shit out, only to realize physiographic maps exist, which helped me greatly,
this is truly one of the state borders of all time. a shame they didn't try to aim for a coastline, though, they were just a few dozen miles off
Also those states suck. But that’s to be expected if it goes off of Jefferson’s initial plan. The map gives a bunch of weird ideas, too, like maybe a US state of Quebec looking like that, or a failed revolution turning “New England” into a single unit like that…
Actually, given this was published in 1778 (and was wirtten over the course of the prior decade), it would well pre-date Jefferson's proposal for the Western states.

In fact, this map isn't concerned with "states" at all - it is rather concerned with colonies. The text provided by UrbanKnight attests to that, and you will see that the book is addressed to the Royal Society and the King. And upon doing a little research on Jonathan Carver, I find that though he was a Massachusetts Yankee, he moved to Great Britain prior to the Revolution and there remained till his death.

So, if anything, these divisions would most likely be deployed in the case of averted or abortive American Revolution. Though even in that case, it doesn't seem (at least from a very quick skim of the relevant passages, need to read them more closely) that Carver intends to prescribe these as desirable boundaries for political units, but just rough demarcations of distinct "countries" and regions he observed in his exploration.
Does anyone have the Bakker-Schut Plan in QBAM?


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Given as we've reached the 300th page, have an early Christmas present - an updated Index!
Index, Part 1/2

Ancient through 18th Century:
  1. The Land of Israel as Promised by the Five Books of Moses WorldA.
  2. Darius III of Persia cedes all lands west of the Euphrates to Alexander the Great, 331 BCE. Plus north of the Euphrates.
  3. Planned conquests of Alexander the Great, 323 BCE WorldA. Q-BAM. Another map.
  4. Donations of Alexandria, 34 BCE. Same map. Another map.
  5. Marcus Aurelius' annexation of Pannonian and Marcomannia, 166-180. Another map.
  6. King Arthur's conquests according to The History of the Kings of Britain, 1136.
  7. English/Angevin Empire with the Treaty of London, 1359.
  8. Tripartite Indenture of, 1405. Same map and Q-BAM. Another map. WorldA.
  9. Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494. WorldA. Iberian Mare Clausum.
  10. Cantino Planisphere with Portuguese Greenland and Newfoundland, 1502. WorldA.
  11. Treaty of Madrid, 1526.
  12. Negotiations during the Japanese invasion of Korea, 1592-1598. [dead images]
  13. Hideyoshi's plans for Asia, 1590s.
  14. Act for the Settlement of Ireland, 1653.
  15. Partition of Poland by the Treaty of Radnot, 1656. Another map.
  16. Roux de Marcilly conspiracy against Louis XIV of France, 1668.
  17. Second Treaty of Partition of the Spanish Empire between England, France and the Dutch Republic (Treaty of London), 1700 WorldA.
  18. North Pacific Ocean with California, New Albion, Kamchatka, 1753.
  19. Kaunitz's Proposed Partition of the Ottoman Empire, 1772. Q-BAM.
  20. John Mitchell's British North America, 1775. WorldA.
  21. John Cartwright's proposed independent provinces of British American, 1775. Another map.
  22. Jonathan Carver's proposals for new British colonies adjacent to the Mississippi, 1778.
  23. Checkerboard France, 1780. Comparison with French departments, 1789.
  24. Catherine the Great's Greek Plan, 1781. Same map. Same map. WorldA. Q-BAM.
  25. Borders Proposed by the Count of Aranda, 1782. Same map.
  26. Division of the West Proposed by France, 1782. Another map. WorldA.
  27. Jefferson's plans to create new states 1784. Q-BAM. Variations and Compromises. Variation WorldA. Variation Q-BAM.
  28. Colonies or States Proposed or Organised by Settlers West of the Allegheny Mountains 1775-1785.
    1. State of Frankland, 1782.
    2. Three separate proposals for Appalachian states, 1784-1785.
    3. State of Franklin, 1785 Q-BAM.
  29. State Claims to Western Lands, 1783-1802.
    1. New York Western Land Claims 1780.
  30. Bourbon Spain, 1785.
  31. Proposed African locations for a British penal colony, 1785.
  32. Initial proposal for the division of France into departments, 1789.
  33. The Compromise of 1790 and the Residence Act of 1790.
  34. A Map of France with Proposed Divisions, 1793. [dead image] WorldA. WorldA.
  35. Spanish Territory of Nootka/Nutca, 1789-1795. Patch.
  36. Proposal for a reorganization of Switzerland by General Guillaume Brune, 1798. WorldA patch. Q-BAM patch. Q-BAM and M-BAM patches.
  37. Francisco de Miranda's Federation of Colombia, 1798. WorldA.
  38. Unfinished Geopolitical Projects of the Spain of the 18th Century. Same map. English translation.
19th Century Americas:
  1. Tecumseh's Indian barrier state, 1812. Patch.
  2. Timothy Pickering's Northern Confederacy, 1815.
  3. Map of the Eastern Internal Provinces, 1815.
  4. Western Boundary of the Louisiana Purchase, 1818.
  5. Nathaniel Pope's State of Illinois, 1818.
  6. Alto Peru requested annexation to the Kingdom of Brazil, 1822.
  7. Russian territorial claims in North America, 1812-1824.
  8. Republic of Fredonia, 1826.
  9. Political divisions of Texas, 1821-1836.
  10. Missouri-Iowa border dispute, 1839. Q-BAM.
  11. Pacific Republic, 1839.
  12. Ecuador's plan to dissolve Peru, 1840-1841.
  13. Maine boundary dispute, 1783-1842. Q-BAM.
  14. Fructuoso Rivera's Greater Uruguay, 1842 8K-BAM and Q-BAM.
  15. Sam Houston's vision of a Texas-Oregon Union, 1842.
  16. Belgian Guatemala District of Santo Tomás, 1843.
  17. A Lesser United States, circa 1845. WorldA.
  18. Proposed Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin state boundaries, 1844-1848.
    1. Northern Boundary of Iowa Proposed by the Iowa Constitutional Convention of 1844.
    2. State of Wisconsin, 1843-1848. Same map. WorldA patch.
  19. State of Deseret, 1849 WorldA. WorldA. Q-BAM.
  20. State boundary proposals at the California Constitutional Convention, 1849.
  21. Proposals for Texas and New Mexico, 1849-1850.
    1. State of New Mexico as Bounded by the State Constitution, 1850.
    2. Texas border proposals discussed for the Compromise of 1850.
  22. Golden Circle, 1854. WorldA patch. M-BAM.
  23. Proposals to divide California 1855 and 1859. Patch. Patches. Patch. Patch. VT-BAM.
    1. Territory of Colorado (California) 1859. VT-BAM. 16K-BAM. 16K-BAM with explanation.
  24. United States-Mexico border proposals, 1845-1859. WorldA.
    1. The United States as Polk Would Have Wanted It, 1849.
    2. Borders Proposed for the Gadsden Purchase, 1853.
  25. Central Confederacy, 1860.
  26. Statecraft on the Eve of Civil War, 1859-1861. Q-BAM.
    1. Territorial Proposals for Western United States, 1860. WorldA.
    2. Partition of Utah Territory, 1860. Q-BAM.
    3. Jefferson Territory, 1859-1861 WorldA.
  27. East Tennessee, 1861. [dead image]
  28. Tennessean Jackson Purchase, 1861 WorldA.
  29. Proposed redrawing of the borders of Virginia, Maryland and Delaware after the Civil War, 1861.
  30. Colony of Linconia, 1862.
  31. Maximilian I's Greater Second Mexican Empire, 1864.
  32. United States as Traitors and Tyrants would have it, 1864.
  33. United States' Canada Annexation Bill of 1866. WorldA.
  34. Central America with larger Guatemala, 1866.
  35. Free State of Van Zandt, 1867.
  36. United States Iceland and Greenland, 1867.
  37. State of Montezuma, 1868.
  38. Great Sioux Nation from the Fort Laramie Treaty, 1868.
  39. Brazilian Province of Pinsonia, 1868.
  40. Argentine proposal for the division of Paraguay during the Paraguayan War, 1864-1870. WorldA.
  41. Fictional - Wild Wild West: Or, The Partition of the United States following the Treaty of Spider Canyon, circa 1870. WorldA.
  42. British-United States San Juan Boundary Dispute, 1846-1872.
  43. Chilean Proposal for Division of Patagonia, 1872.
  44. Basque Patagonia, 1876 Q-BAM.
  45. Second Peru-Bolivian Confederation, 1880.
  46. Republic of Independent Guyana, 1886. WorldA patch.
  47. Arid Region of the United States by John Wesley Powell, 1890.
  48. British Guiana-Venezuela Boundary Lines Proposed or Claimed, 1844-1896.
    1. Greatest British territorial claim in Guiana,1896.
  49. Spanish plans to invade the US during the Spanish-American War, 1898.
  50. Imperial German Plan II for the invasion of the United States, 1899.
  51. Negotiations of the Peru-Bolivia and Bolivia-Brazil Borders, 1777-1903.
19th Century Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, and World:
  1. Napoleonic Australia, 1803 WorldA.
  2. Czartoryski's proposal for a restored Kingdom of Poland under Tsar Alexander I, circa 1803 WorldA.
  3. Talleyrand's proposals to Napoleon to ensure lasting peace in Europe, 1805 WorldA.
  4. Napoleonic Partition of Portugal in the Treaty of Fontainebleau, 1807. WorldA.
  5. Napoleonic Marca Hispania, 1806-1808 WorldA.
  6. Napoleonic France's war plans pre-1812. WorldA.
  7. Napoleonic victory, circa 1812. Including Napoleonic Lithuania.
  8. Napoleonic concessions to Russia to maintain their alliance, 1812.
  9. Michał Sokolnicki's plans to rid Europe of the influence of Russia, 1812. WorldA. Q-BAM.
  10. Proposed Napoleonic concessions, 1813.
  11. Swiss claims at the Congress of Vienna, 1815 Q-BAM patch.
  12. Project of reunion for parts of Savoy to Switzerland, 1815.
  13. Austrian-Bavarian partition of Salzburg, 1815.
  14. Territorial Evolution of the Ernestine Duchies in Thuringia, 1820.
  15. Talleyrand Partition Plan for Belgium, 1830. Same map. WorldA patch. Q-BAM.
  16. Italian United Provinces, 1831.
  17. Proposed divisions of Australia, 1838. Q-BAM.
  18. Historical borders of the Netherlands and Belgium, 1815-1839.
  19. Independent Belgium with contested borders, 1830-1839.
  20. Treaty of Whampoa between Qing China and France, 1844.
  21. Natural borders of Poland, 1847. WorldA. Q-BAM.
  22. European Unions after the Revolutions of 1848. WorldA.
  23. Symbolic German Unification Plans, 1848-1850. WorldA.
    1. Greater Austria, Seventy-Million Reich, Schwarzenberg Plan, 1849.
  24. Slovene Land and Provinces (Greater Slovenia), 1852. M-BAM.
  25. Russian war aims against the Ottoman Empire before the Crimean War, 1853.
  26. Russian and British war aims in the Crimean War, 1853 WorldA.
  27. Romania according to Cezar Bolliac, 1855. WorldA patch.
  28. Seven United Provinces of Eastern Australia, 1857. Same map.
  29. State of Superior, 1858.
  30. Plombières Agreement regarding Italy, 1858.
  31. Kingdom of Upper Italy, 1859.
  32. Kingdom of Central Italy, 1859.
  33. Prediction of Europe in the 20th century, 1863.
  34. Australian Colony of Alexandra Land, 1863.
  35. Proposals to divide Schleswig-Holstein, 1864.
  36. Napoleon III's plan for territorial exchange during the Austro-Prussian War, 1866.
  37. Transvaal Republic under Pretorius, 1868.
  38. Paraguayan territorial disputes during the Paraguayan War, 1864-1870. Same map.
  39. Napoleon III's territorial ambitions in Europe, 1870.
  40. Papal State of the Leonine City, 1870.
  41. Danilevsky's Russia and Europe, 1871.
  42. Proposed administrative divisions of the First Spanish Republic, 1873.
  43. Ottoman Autonomous Vilayets of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Western Bulgaria, Eastern Bulgaria from the Constantinople Conference, 1876. Same map. WorldA patch.
  44. Serbia from the Treaty of San Stefano and Congress of Berlin, 1878.
  45. Bulgaria from the Treaty of San Stefano and Congress of Berlin, 1878. Other maps.
  46. Greater Greece from the Congress of Berlin, 1878.
  47. New France in Melanesia, 1880.
  48. United States of Iberia, 1881.
  49. Dutch Zuiderzee Land Reclamation, 1882-1883.
  50. United States of the Great Continent (Europe, Asia, Africa), 1884.
  51. Boundary of the territory of International Association of the Congo, 1885.
  52. Portuguese Pink Map, 1885. Another map. Another map. WorldA. M-BAM. Q-BAM.
  53. Area Claimed by the Sultan of Zanzibar and German Protectorates, 1885.
  54. Union of Bulgarian and Romania, 1887 WorldA.
  55. Ottoman claims on Libya, Niger, and Chad, 1890.
  56. Boundary Claims of the British Gold Coast and French West Africa, 1892.
  57. French Protectorate of Merina, 1894.
  58. China-Burma southern border dispute, 1894.
  59. Jan Smut's Greater South Africa, 1895.
  60. British Somaliland, 1897.
  61. Rhenish Republic, 1899.
  62. Austro-Hungarian overseas colonial ideas. Q-BAM.
  63. Belgian colonial ambitions.
  64. German colonial ideas.
  65. One Africa, extra Scrambled.
20th Century, Pre-War:
  1. Forecast of the Partition of China, circa 1900.
  2. Ethiopian border claims in Sudan, 1891-1902. Same map. Patch. Patch.
  3. Franco-Spanish Partition of Morocco, 1902.
  4. Liberian Boundary Encroachments, 1892-1903.
  5. Uganda Scheme, 1903.
  6. Border proposals for French Algeria and French West Africa, 1904 WorldA.
  7. Russian proposal for the division of Korea before the Russo-Japanese War, 1904.
  8. Japanese war aims after the Russo-Japanese War, 1905.
  9. Dissolution of European Russia in the First Russian Revolution, 1905.
  10. Proposals for the Prairie Provinces, 1905. WorldA and Q-BAM.
  11. French Protectorates in Madagascar, 1902-1906 WorldA and Q-BAM.
  12. Border proposals between British occupied Egypt and the Ottoman Empire, 1866-1906. Another map.
  13. United States of Greater Austria, 1906. Q-BAM with autonomous exclaves. WorldA.
  14. Black Dragon Society's Greater Korea, 1907.
  15. A Very Important Place of the United States of Earth, 1909.
  16. Austro-Hungarian Trialism Proposals, 1905-1910. WorldA. Q-BAM.
  17. French regional divisions proposed by Paul Vidal de la Blanche, 1910.
  18. Manhattan Extended, 1911.
  19. Land Reclamation - A Really Greater New York, 1911.
  20. Tannenberg's Pan-German Aims in 1911.
  21. Proposal to partition Northeast China into Russian and Japanese Spheres, 1911.
  22. Adolf Sommerfeld's Pan-German Scheme for the Extinction of France, 1912.
  23. Spanish ambitions in Morocco, 1900-1912.
  24. National Aspirations of the Balkan People before the First Balkan War, 1912. Same map. WorldA.
  25. Ferdinand I of Bulgaria's New Byzantium, 1912 WorldA.
  26. Proposed Vilayet of Albania, 1877-1912 WorldA.
  27. Historical borders of Serbia and Montenegro, 1817-1913.
  28. Independent Albania according to the London Conference, 1912-1913.
  29. Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania, 1913.
  30. The Problem of Divided Ireland Solved by a Simple Feat of Engineering 1913. WorldA. Q-BAM.
  31. Anglo-German partition of Portuguese colonies, 1898 and 1913. Q-BAM.
  32. Expansion of German East Africa into Mozambique, 1914.
  33. Spanish Protectorate of Southern Morocco and Western Sahara, 1914.
  34. Provisional Government of Albania, 1912-1914.
  35. Proposed borders of Tibet at the Simla Conference, 1914.
20th Century, World War I:
  1. The Alleged Conspiracy between Kaiser Wilhelm and Archduke Franz Ferdinand, 1914.
  2. German Propaganda - The Division of Germany, 1914.
  3. Czesław Jankowski's Ethnographic Poland, 1914.
  4. German Propaganda - Map of Europe in the Year 1915 (Fantasy of our Enemies).
  5. German Propaganda - Europe's Future Map, 1915.
  6. New York Tribune's Peace and the New Map of Europe if the Allies or Germany Win, 1915.
  7. French Propaganda - The Partition of Germany, 1915.
  8. French Propaganda - Treaty of Berlin, 1915.
  9. Territories Promised to Italy, Serbia and Montenegro in the Treaty of London, 1915.
  10. Allotted Zones in Albania According to the Treaty of London, 1915. Same map.
  11. Jonas Šliūpas's Lithuania-Latvia, 1915.
  12. American Propaganda - My Country 'Tis of Thee New Prussia, 1916 WorldA.
  13. Yves Guyot's Reconstruction of Europe (by dividing Germany along religious lines), 1916. WorldA.
  14. A Popular French Conception of a Reconstructed Europe, 1916.
  15. Hungarian Propaganda - How Our Enemies Want to Shape Europe After the War, 1916.
  16. Romanian war aims in World War I - Treaty of Bucharest, 1916.
  17. Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916. Same map. Another map. WorldA. Palestine M-BAM and Q-BAM. Q-BAM.
  18. Zimmermann Telegram, 1917 WorldA.
    1. American Propaganda - Zimmermann Telegram, 1917.
  19. American Propaganda - Here Are The Kaiser's War Plans, 1917.
  20. United States Azores, 1917.
  21. German Propaganda - War Aims of the Entente in the Secret Treaties, 1917. WorldA.
  22. A Heaven Born Dream of European Peace, 1917.
  23. United States of Poland, 1917. WorldA.
  24. Former Lands of Poland, 1917.
  25. Soviet Propaganda - The Aggressive Aspirations of Tsarist Imperialism, 1917.
  26. Italian Turkey from the Agreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, 1917.
  27. Republic of the Pontus, 1917. WorldA.
  28. German Propaganda - Anglo-Japanese Partition of the United States, 1918.
  29. Louis Bénézet's Europe As It Should Be, 1918. [dead image] WorldA. Another WorldA.
  30. Polish Border Strip Proposals, 1915-1918. Other proposals, 1915-1917.
  31. Hoffmann's proposed Germany-Poland border rectifications, 1918. Another map.
  32. Kingdom of Lithuania, 1918.
  33. United Baltic Duchy, 1918.
  34. Cantonised Hungary Proposed by Miksa Strobl, 1918. Q-BAM.
  35. Emperor Karl's Manifesto to the Peoples of Austria, 1918.
  36. Romanian losses in World War I - Treaty of Bucharest, 1918. Same map. Q-BAM.
  37. German Propaganda - Righting Wrongs, 1918.
  38. French war aims in World War I. [dead image]
    1. French Plans for Europe, 1915. Same map.
    2. French Plans for Europe, 1916. WorldA.
    3. French plans for Germany, 1916.
  39. Russian war aims in World War I. Q-BAM.
    1. Karel Kramář's Neo-Slavist Vision for Russia, Poland, and Bohemia, 1915. Another map with South Slavs. Same map. WorldA patch.
    2. Constantinople Agreement, 1915.
    3. Russian Map of Future Europe, 1915. Same map.
    4. Sazonov-Paléologue Treaty, 1916.
  40. German war aims in World War I. Another map. German territorial ambitions Q-BAM. German puppet states and economic satellites Q-BAM.
    1. German Septemberprogramm.
    2. Germany's demands in 1915 as circulate through the Neutral Press, 1915.
    3. Germany's Future's Claims in Europe, 1917. German Claims in Africa, 1917.
    4. Hans Delbruck's German Claims in Africa, 1917.
    5. Mittelafrika WorldA.
    6. Pan-German League war aims in the West.
  41. Austro-Hungarian war aims in World War I. Combined.
    1. Kingdom of South Slavia within Greater Austria, 1916.
  42. Ottoman war aims in World War I. Patch.
  43. Bulgarian war aims in World War I.
    1. Ottoman cession to Bulgaria, 1915.
    2. Areas Promised to Bulgaria, 1915.
20th Century, Post-World War I through 1920:
  1. Hanus Kuffner's proposal for Germany, 1918.
  2. Map of United Poland, 1918.
  3. Proposed Frontiers of Poland, 1918. Same map.
  4. How Restored Provinces will Reconstitute Poland, 1918.
  5. The Claims of Italy and Yugoslavia, 1918.
  6. Proposed Divisions of the Ottoman Empire, 1918. Same maps. WorldA.
  7. T. E. Lawrence's Proposal for Arabia, 1918. Same map.
  8. McLaughlin's division of New York State, 1919. Including New Jersey and Connecticut.
  9. Europe, 1919.
  10. Provinces of England - A Study of Some Geographical Aspects of Devolution, 1919.
  11. Walther Vogel's Federal Reorganisation of Germany, 1919.
  12. Hugo Preuss's New Scheme of Germany Territories as 14 Free States, 1919.
  13. Republic of German Austria, 1918-1919.
  14. Czechoslovak Republic with Lusatia, 1918-1919.
  15. Vavro Šrobár's Proposal for Czechslovakia, 1919.
  16. Czech proposals for annexation of Kladsko, 1919. Same maps.
  17. Uhro-Rusinia, proposed third state of the Czechoslovak Republic, 1919. Same map.
  18. Czech Corridor, 1919.
  19. Territorial Claims of Countries Neighbouring Hungary, 1919.
  20. Electoral Districts of Poland for the Parliamentary Elections of 1919.
  21. Poland's Dmowski's Line Proposed Border, 1919. WorldA.
  22. Inquiry 657 Poland, Lithuania and Western Ukraine, 1919.
  23. Proposals to partition East Galicia between Poland and West Ukraine, 1919.
  24. Ukrainian Republic, 1919.
  25. Greater Ukraine, 1919.
  26. Russian Civil War Partition, 1919 WorldA.
  27. Proposed Free State of Fiume, 1919. Another map.
  28. Bulgarian borders, 1876-1919.
  29. Northern Epirus, 1919.
  30. Aromanian claims concerning the independence of the Pindus, 1919. Same map. Same map. Same map.
  31. Greater Greece - Megali Idea, 1919. WorldA. Patch.
  32. The Claims of Armenians, Assyro-Chaldeans, Greeks and Kurds, 1919.
    1. Assyria, Kurdistan, and Wilsonian Armenia, 1920 Q-BAM.
  33. Armenian Claims at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919. Same Map. Same Map.
    1. Armenia, Land of Gods.
    2. Proposals for Armenia following World War I.
    3. United Armenia, 1919. WorldA.
  34. Territory claimed by the Republic of Azerbaijan, 1919. Same Map.
  35. Assyro-Chaldean Nation, 1919. Q-BAM. Proposed Assyrian Areas, 1919 WorldA.
    1. Proposed Assyrian countries, 1915-1922 Q-BAM.
  36. King-Crane Commission, 1919. WorldA.
  37. Possible Redistribution of Ottoman and Arabian Territory on the Principle of Self-Determination, 1919.
  38. Possible Settlement of Arab Countries, 1919.
  39. Palestine as claimed by the World Zionist Organisation, 1919.
  40. Proposed Reservoirs of New Jersey, 1920.
  41. The New Europe with Lasting Peace, the Unionisation of Central Europe, 1920. Q-BAM.
  42. Schleswig Plebiscite Zones, 1920. WorldA.
  43. Hungarian Propaganda - The Cruelty of Trianon Applied to Other Countries, 1920. WorldA patches.
    1. Trianon applied to United States and WorldA.
  44. Territorial Revisions Proposed by Hungary during French-Hungarian Negotiations, 1920. Q-BAM.
  45. Provisional Borders of the Republic of Poland, 1920. WorldA.
  46. Restoring Poland, 1920. WorldA patches. Map 1 in Q-BAM. Map 2 in Q-BAM.
  47. Republic of Banatia, 1920.
  48. Reorganisation of Romanian administrative divisions, 1920.
  49. Zone of the Straits, Smyrna, and Western Turkey according to the Treaty of Sèvres, 1920.
  50. Misak-ı Millî Turkey, 1920. Same map. Same map. WorldA patch. WorldA patch and Treaty of Sèvres 1920 WorldA patch. Q-BAM. Q-BAM.
    1. Atatürk's Turkey.
    2. Proposed Partitions of Turkey Q-BAM. Treaty of Sèvres Q-BAM.
    3. Proposed Partitions of Turkey WorldA.
  51. Proposed Boundaries of Armenia, 1920.
  52. Kurdistan according to the Treaty of Sèvres, 1920.
  53. Kingdom of Syria, 1920. Same map.
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Index, Part 2/2

20th Century, 1921 through pre-World War II:
  1. Intermarium, 1921. Variations of the Intermarium, 1918-1939.
  2. Claims by Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia after World War I, 1918-1921.
  3. Claims by Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan during the Russian Civil War, 1918-1921.
  4. Persian Soviet Socialist Republic, 1920-1921.
  5. Ephemeral States of the Russian Civil War, 1917-1922.
    1. Socialist Soviet Republic of Lithuania and Belorussia, 1919-1920.
    2. Belarusian People's Republic, 1918-1919. Q-BAM. Q-BAM.
    3. Ukrainian People's Republic, 1918.
    4. Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus, 1917-1922.
    5. Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic, 1918. [hard to read]
    6. Provisional Siberian Government (Vladivostok), 1918.
    7. Far Eastern Republic, 1920-1922.
    8. Green Ukraine, 1917-1922.
  6. Hugo Gernsback's Monument to Electricity, 1922.
  7. Thompson's New States for a Bigger Australia, 1922.
  8. Border proposals for post-World War I Palestine, 1916-1923.
  9. Black Dragon Society's Korean Far East, 1923.
  10. United States of the Orient, 1924.
  11. Bukharan People's Soviet Republic, 1920-1924.
  12. New State from New South Wales, 1924.
  13. Kingdom of Kurdistan, 1921-1925.
  14. Soviet Plans in Persia, Afghanistan, and Xinjiang, 1925.
  15. Lost Territories and Waters of China, 1925.
  16. Negro Soviet Republic within the United States, 1928.
  17. Hans Luther's League to Reform the Reich, 1928 WorldA.
  18. Atlantropa Project with EEZs, 1929. With territorial claims. WorldA. Superstates WorldA. Canals and Seas Detail.
  19. Kurdistan Uezd, 1923-1929.
  20. Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, 1929. Q-BAM.
    1. Contested Territory between the Uzbek and Tajik SSRs, 1929.
  21. Proposed Soviet administrative divisions, late 1920s.
  22. North Sea Drainage Project, 1930. Same map. Same map.
  23. Pan-European Union and other Pan-Ideas, 1931.
  24. German Propaganda - Swiss Corridor, 1931.
  25. Romanian-Hungarian Union, 1931.
  26. Irgun claimed Land of Israel, 1931.
  27. Syria's Natural Borders, 1932. Another map. WorldA. Q-BAM.
  28. William Martin's Northeastern secession from the United States, 1933.
  29. Polish corridor in the Memel, 1933. [dead image]
  30. Nazi Propaganda - African Lebensraum, 1933.
  31. Continent of Dinia and its Dependencies - Pakistan, 1933.
    1. Rehmatali Pakistan.
  32. Manchuria Autonomous Region, 1933.
  33. Ellis's Proposed New States in Eastern Australia, 1933.
  34. Gyula Gömbös' proposed borders of Hungary, 1934. Q-BAM.
  35. William Yandell Elliott's proposed U.S. Commonwealths, 1935.
  36. Greater Italy, circa 1935.
  37. Hoare-Laval Pact, 1935. WorldA. M-BAM.
  38. Prometheist Poland's Map of the Oppressed Nations in Soviet Russia, 1935.
  39. Black Belt, 1936. Black Belt Communist Poster, 1932. Same map. WorldA. Q-BAM.
  40. French Propaganda - The German Confederation in 1950, 1936.
  41. Ukraine and Cossackia, 1936.
  42. Mongolia with Qinghai, 1936.
  43. American Propaganda - If the United States Enters a World War and Loses, 1937.
  44. Franch-Polish Madagascar Plan, 1937. Another map.
  45. Akhand Bharat,1937.
  46. North American Technate, 1938. WorldA patch. Q-BAM.
  47. Historical borders and territorial claims of Paraguay, 1777-1938.
  48. African Haven for Jewish Exiles, 1938.
  49. Map of National Shame authorised by the Chinese Ministry of the Interior, 1938.
    1. Combined with Kuomintang proposal to annex Siberia and Central Asia WorldA.
  50. Joseph Hefter's A Land for the Jews!, 1938. Full pamphlet.
    1. Kimberley Plan, 1938-1939 Q-BAM.
  51. North Atlantic Union, 1939.
  52. State of Absaroka, 1939. M-BAM.
  53. Nazi Propaganda - Polish Corridor in other countries, 1938-1939.
  54. Poland-Lithuania, 1939.
  55. United States color-coded war plans WorldA.
    1. United States War Plan Red.
    2. Canada's Defence Scheme No. 1. Patch.
20th Century, World War II:
  1. Nazi Plan for the Redistribution of the World - First Phase, 1939.
  2. The Next European War Will Start In The Ukraine, 1939.
  3. Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 1939. Another map.
  4. Finno-Soviet border disputes, 1939.
  5. Finnish Democratic Republic, 1939-1940. [dead image]
  6. Franco-British Union, 1940.
  7. Nazi plans for the occupation of Great Britain and Ireland, 1940.
  8. Latin Axis, 1940. WorldA.
  9. Francoist Spain's territorial claims at Hendaye, 1940 WorldA.
  10. Otto von Habsburg's Danube Monarchy, 1940.
  11. Independent State of Croatia, 1940.
  12. Muslim India - Pak Commonwealth of Nations, circa 1940. Same map.
  13. Union of the English-Speaking Peoples, 1941. [dead image]
  14. American Propaganda - Operation Barbarossa superimposed onto the United States, 1941. [dead image] WorldA patch.
  15. State of Jefferson, 1941.
  16. British Forged Map of German aims in South America, 1941.
  17. Proposed Provinces of Vichy France, 1941. WorldA patch.
  18. Kaufman's Germany Must Perish! 1941. Same map. Same map. WorldA.
    1. Different plans to split up Germany.
  19. Geo-Political Map of Poland, 1941. WorldA patch.
  20. Basque and Catalan Proposed Division of Spain after World War II, 1941. WorldA. Patch.
  21. Greek-Yugoslav Confederation, 1941.
  22. Stevan Moljević's Serbia, 1941.
  23. Gomberg's Outline of the Post-War New World Map, 1942 WorldA. WorldA. 2K-BAM.
  24. Dismemberment of Ecuador, 1740-1942. WorldA.
  25. Tokyo-Singapore Express Railway, 1942. [dead image]
  26. American Propaganda - Routes to Berlin, 1943.
  27. Proposed Curzon-Namier Line variants for the Polish-Soviet Border at Tehran, 1943. Same map. Another map. Patches.
  28. Milan Nedić's Greater Serbia, 1943. Another map (Croatia-Bosnia Area).
  29. Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Partition Proposal, 1943.
  30. Ethnographical Map of Turanians, 1943.
  31. Major Administrative Divisions of Germany proposed by the OSS, 1944. WorldA patch.
  32. Sumner Welles' Plan for the Partition of Germany, 1944. Same map. WorldA patch.
  33. Sumner Welles' Plan for Poland, 1944.
  34. A Polish Proposal for Annexation of German Territory, 1944.
  35. United States Sicily, 1944.
  36. Republic of Independent Macedonia, 1944.
  37. Possible Territorial Adjustments in Europe, 1945. Q-BAM.
    1. Bakker-Schut Plan. Same map. Another map. Another map. WorldA.
  38. Churchill Plan, Roosevelt Plan, and Morgenthau Plan for the Partition of Germany, 1945 WorldA.
    1. Churchill Plan, 1945 WorldA patches. WorldA patch. Q-BAM.
    2. Roosevelt Plan 1945. Patch. WorldA patch.
    3. Roosevelt Plan and Morgenthau Plan 1945 WorldA patches. Morgenthau Plan WorldA patch. Morgenthau Plan WorldA patch.
  39. Planned Allied Occupation Zones in Germany at the Yalta Conference, 1945 WorldA.
  40. Nazi National Redoubt, 1945.
  41. Association for Just Borders for Czechoslovakia, 1945.
  42. Proposed Annexations by Poland from Germany, 1945. Same map.
  43. Borders of Poland and the Soviet Union in Kaliningrad, 1945.
  44. Cossackia, 1945.
  45. Parts of Burma annexed by Thailand, 1942-1945.
  46. Potential nuclear targets in Japan, 1945.
  47. Allied Occupation Zones in Korea and Japan. Another map.
    1. Allied Occupation Zones in Korea. Another map. Q-BAM patch. Q-BAM patch.
    2. Allied Occupation Zones in Japan. Another map. Another map. WorldA. Q-BAM. Patch.
    3. Soviet Invasion and Occupation of Hokkaido, 1945.
  48. Nazi war aims in World War II. Nazi war aims in Europe M-BAM. Nazi war aims in Africa.
    1. Himmler's plans for Wewelsburg. Model.
    2. Pabst Plan for Warsaw, 1940.
    3. SS Order-State of Burgundy.
    4. German Plan for the Partition of the Soviet Union, 1941. Same map.
    5. German Post-War Plans for the East.
    6. Reichskommissariats WorldA.
    7. Reichskommissariat Turkestan.
    8. Hitler's American Union, 1945.
  49. Japanese war aims in World War II. WorldA.
    1. Japanese war plans for the invasion of the Soviet Union 1941.
    2. Japanese plans for Southeast Asia, 1942-1945.
  50. Spanish, Italian, and Finnish war aims in World War II.
    1. Italian Ambitions in Europe, 1936.
    2. Mussolini's Neo-Roman Empire, 1939 WorldA.
    3. Fascist Italy's ambitions in the Middle East.
    4. Greater Finland.
    5. Finland's New Path, 1942 WorldA.
  51. Vichy France war aims in World War II.
  52. Vidkun Quisling's territorial ambitions for Norway in World War II WorldA.
  53. Turkish, Iranian, and South African war aims in World War II.
20th Century, Cold War:
  1. United States purchase of Greenland, 1946.
  2. Free City of the United Nations in Greenwich, Connecticut, 1946.
  3. Europe One Year After World War II, 1946. Same map.
  4. French regional divisions proposed by Michel Debré, 1946.
  5. The Transhelvetic Canal, 1946.
  6. Hinrich Wilhelm Kopf's proposed State of Lower Saxony and counterproposals, 1945-1946.
  7. Lusatian National Movement's Required Territory 1945-1946. Same map. Same map. Other maps.
  8. South Tyrol Partition Proposals by the Research Department at the US Foreign Office, 1946. Q-BAM.
    1. Austrian claims to South Tyrol, 1945-1992.
  9. Enlarged Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic, 1943-1946. WorldA.
  10. Balkan Federation, 1946.
    1. Yugoslavia with Albania, 1946.
    2. Tito's Integral Yugoslavia. WorldA.
  11. Fertile Crescent Plan, 1946. Same map.
  12. Lord Wavell's proposed divisions of Indian provinces, 1946.
  13. Mosley's Europe a Nation, 1947.
  14. Hungarian-Romanian border zones, 1946-1947.
  15. Proposed Borders of Kurdistan, 1919-1947.
  16. Claimed Administrative Divisions of the Republic of China, 1947.
  17. Proposed U.N. partition plans for Palestine, 1947.
  18. United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine, 1947 Q-BAM.
  19. Indian and Pakistani Claims in Punjab Province, 1947.
  20. Partition of Bengal, 1947 WorldA.
  21. P. J. Griffith's The Future of India, 1947.
  22. Independent Princely States, 1947.
  23. Arab Partition of Israel and Palestine, 1948.
  24. Annexations of Princely States, 1947-1948.
  25. CIA's Projected Federation of Turanian States, 1948. WorldA patch.
  26. Taras Chuprynka's Plan for the Dissolution of the USSR, 1949.
  27. Bevin-Sforza Plan for the Partition of the Italian Empire, 1949 WorldA. Partition of Eritrea detail.
  28. Finnish Karelia and Soviet Lapland, circa 1950.
  29. Soviet Land Development Projects - Socialism Builds a New World, circa 1950.
  30. Enosis - Greece-Cyprus union, 1950.
  31. Chinese Territory after the victory against Communists and Russians, circa 1950. Same map.
  32. State of East Indonesia, 1946-1950.
  33. Soviet Invasion of Turkey, 1951.
  34. Proposed Provinces of the Republic of China, 1951. Another map. WorldA. WorldA.
  35. Independent Saarland, 1952.
  36. Stalin's Secret War Plans, 1952.
  37. Baltic Unification - Aistija, 1953.
  38. Soviet Territorial Claims against Turkey, 1945-1953. Same map, different key. Q-BAM.
  39. Division of Korea, 1953.
  40. State of Alaska Split, 1954. WorldA.
  41. Rampart Dam, 1954. WorldA.
  42. Italian Dalmatia, 1409-1955.
  43. Macdonald Holmes' Proposed New States for Northern Australia, 1955.
  44. Greenwood's New States in Eastern Australia, 1955.
  45. Soviet Union joins NATO, 1956 WorldA.
  46. Maltese Integration into the United Kingdom, 1956.
  47. Greater Morocco, 1956. Another map.
  48. Greater Mauritania, 1956.
  49. British Gold Coast and Mandated Togoland, 1956.
  50. Ben Gurion's plan for the Middle East, 1956.
  51. South American possible Antarctic claims based on the Principle of Defrontation, 1956.
  52. Kohr's Divided Europe - The Breakdown of Nations, 1957.
  53. Fazıl Küçük's proposed division of Cyprus, 1957.
  54. United States of Latin Africa, 1957.
  55. Nasser's Pan-Arab nation, 1958+.
    1. Arab Federation, 1958 WorldA patch.
    2. Pan-Arab States and proposals, 1958-1977.
      1. King Hussein's United Arab Kingdom between Jordan and the West Bank, 1972.
  56. Great Recycling and Northern Development Canal, 1959.
  57. Land Reclamation in San Francisco Bay Area, 1959.
  58. French regional borders occurring the most frequently within proposed divisions between the 19th Century and 1960.
  59. Katanga joined the Central African Federation, 1960.
  60. French Proposals for the Partition of Algeria, 1961. Q-BAM.
  61. Captive Nation of Cossackia, 1962.
  62. China-India Boundary Dispute in Aksai Chin 1873-1962.
  63. Vasconia, 1963.
  64. Moroccan claims in Algeria prior to the Sand War, 1963.
  65. United States of Africa (West and Central Africa), 1963.
  66. North American Water and Power Alliance, 1964.
  67. Acheson plans for proposed partition of Cyprus, 1964.
  68. Allon Plan, 1967. [dead image] M-BAM.
  69. Rumbezia African National Union in northern Mozambique, 1968.
  70. Spanish Equatorial Africa, 1778-1968. Same map.
  71. French regional divisions proposed by Pierre Fougeyrollas, 1968.
  72. Reorganisation of Romanian administrative divisions, 1968.
  73. Maximum Claims of the Republic of New Afrika, 1968 Q-BAM. WorldA.
    1. Kush District in the Republic of New Afrika, 1976.
  74. Redcliffe-Maud Report on Local Government in England, 1969. Alternative proposal.
  75. Washington, D.C. Maryland Retrocession, 1970.
  76. Various proposals for reorganising the German states, 1971.
  77. The 38 United States of America, 1973. WorldA.
  78. Republic of United Tribes of Ameridia or Greater Ameridia Patria, 1973. Q-BAM.
  79. South Africa's African Reserves and Black Homelands/Bantustans, 1913-1973.
    1. Possible Consolidation of Bantu Areas, 1956. Same map.
  80. Cambodian and Thai EEZ claims, 1973. Same map.
  81. South African invasion/intervention and partition of Portuguese Mozambique, 1974.
  82. Texas Divisions, 1975.
  83. Pinochet's plan to exchange territory from Chile and Peru to Bolivia, 1975.
  84. Europe of Ethnic Countries, 1975.
  85. Portuguese breakaway state in Northern Angola, 1975.
  86. Portuguese breakaway state in Southern Mozambique, 1975.
  87. Greater Uganda, 1976. Historical claims map. Same map. Patch.
  88. Great Ovambo, 1976.
  89. Fidel Castro's federation of Ethiopia, Somalia, and South Yemen, 1977.
    1. WorldA patch for the Socialist Union of the Horn of Africa (including Djibouti), 1977.
  90. Partition of South Africa, 1977.
  91. Indian Land Areas Judicially Established 1978 and American Indian Reservations. Another map.
    1. Land Claims by Tribe WorldA.
  92. Seven Days to the River Rhine, 1979.
  93. Western Canadian Independence, 1980.
  94. Greater Nagalim as the National Socialist Council of Nagaland Originally Sought, 1980.
  95. Greater Swaziland, 1982.
  96. Cascadia, 1986.
  97. Northwest Territorial Imperative, 1986.
  98. Northern River Reversal, 1961-1986.
  99. Federal Republic of Mindanao, 1986.
  100. Ethnocacerist Neo-Tawantinsuyo, 1987.
  101. Morocco-Western Sahara border walls, 1982-1987.
  102. Iranian war aims in the Iran-Iraq war, 1980-1988.
  103. Iraqi war aims in the Iran-Iraq war, 1980-1988.
  104. United or Greater Macedonia, 1989.
  105. Greater Liberia, 1990.
  106. Various proposals for German states, 1919-1990.
  107. Republic of Quebec Partition Proposals, 1980-1991. WorldA patches. Q-BAM patches.
  108. Greater Serbia and Greater Croatia during the Dissolution of Yugoslavia, 1991 M-BAM.
  109. Proposed Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1991.
  110. Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics 1991. Independent Ukraine. Independent Ukraine, Soviet Crimea.
  111. Union of Sovereign States 1991.
  112. Chuvash SSR, 1990-1991. [dead image]
  113. Panun Kashmir, 1991.
20th and 21st Centuries, Post-Cold War:
  1. Whole Azerbaijan, 1991. Q-BAM.
    1. Adalet Tahirzade's Whole Azerbaijan. Q-BAM.
  2. Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah, 1992. WorldA.
  3. Heineken's United States of Europe, 1992. Q-BAM. Lesser union Q-BAM.
  4. Carrington-Cutillero Peace Plan pre-Bosnian War, 1992.
  5. Greece-Serbia-North Macedonia Confederation, 1992.
  6. Republic of Ilirida, 1992.
  7. State of Balkania, 1993. WorldA / Q-BAM.
  8. Ural Republic, 1993.
  9. Yuri Petukhov's Last Divination, 1993.
  10. Federal Italy, 1994.
  11. Libya-Chad Boundary Dispute, 1994. WorldA. WorldA.
  12. Potential provincial boundaries in South Africa after the end of Apartheid, 1994.
  13. Proposals for the balkanisation of Canada after a successful Quebec independence referendum, 1995.
  14. Werner Rutz's proposed states of Germany, 1995.
  15. Greater Rwanda, 1996.
  16. Nations without States: A Historical Dictionary of Contemporary National Movements, 1996.
  17. Dugin's Russia as a future superpower, 1997. World map. Q-BAM.
    1. Dugin's Future Multipolar World, 2014.
  18. Afrikaner Volkstaat Proposals, 1989-1997. WorldA patches.
    1. Afrikanerland and Orandeë, 1989.
    2. Boerestaat and Afrikanerland, 1990. Boerestaat WorldA patch.
    3. Bushveld, Drakensburg North, Mpumalanga, and North West Cape, 1997.
  19. Igor Panarin's Prediction of a Divided United States, 1998.
  20. Miegal and Ottnad's Proposal for a Reorganisation of German States, 1998.
  21. Great Volcanic Republic, 1998 WorldA.
  22. Proposals for abolishing the states of Australia and replacing them with new provinces, 1913-1998.
  23. Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the North Caucasus, 1989-2000.
  24. NATO invasion of Russia, 2000. [dead image]
  25. Proposed border transfers from North Macedonia to Albania and Kosovo, 2001.
  26. Full-scale restructuring of the Russian Federation, 2001.
  27. Favourable for Russia and her allies situation in the Caucasus, 2001. Patch.
  28. Turkey's Muslim Project for the Caucasus, 2001.
  29. United Bengal, 2002.
  30. North Korea's Sinuiju Special City, 2002.
  31. Plans of the Expansionist Party of the United States, 1997-2003. Canada and Britain WorldA patches.
  32. Ba'athist Iraq's hegemonic ambitions, 1963-2003.
  33. Pape's Proposed New States of Australia, 2003.
  34. Proposed Siberia-Aral Canal, 2004.
  35. Arab Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz, 2005.
  36. Partitions of Iraq, 2003-2006.
  37. Infamous Ralph Peters' Middle East map, 2006. Same map. WorldA.
  38. Federal Japan Proposals, 2006.
  39. Republic of Lakotah, 2007. Another map.
  40. Madrid Principles for the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict, 2007.
  41. Potential Scope of China's Sphere of Influence and Collision Points, 2007.
  42. Proposed Jewish homelands, 1820-2007 WorldA patches.
  43. Russian federal subjects which have or will merge, 2008.
  44. Greater Mongolia, 2008. WorldA.
  45. Federal Philippines, 2008.
  46. Dissolution of Switzerland by Gaddafi, 2009. Same map. Same map. WorldA.
  47. Proposed Occupation Zones of North Korea, 2009.
  48. George Friedman's The Next 100 Years, 2009. WorldA.
  49. Canadian Aboriginal Province, 2010 Q-BAM.
  50. Greater Switzerland, 2010. Q-BAM.
  51. Australia New States by 2010.
  52. American Redoubt, 2011.
  53. Lower Lower Manhattan, 2011.
  54. Gaddafi's United States of Africa, 2009-2011.
  55. Qattara Sea Project proposals 1927-2011.
  56. Agaiazian Greater Eritrea, 2011.
  57. Split Uttar Pradesh, 2011.
  58. Tim Draper's Six Californias, 2013.
  59. Nicaragua Canal, 2013.
  60. Lech Walesa's Amalgamated Germany and Poland, 2013.
  61. Occiberia, 2013.
  62. Rob Wright's proposal for the Middle East and Libya, 2013. WorldA.
  63. Six Wars that China must fight in the next 50 years, 2013.
  64. Federal Republic of France, 2014.
  65. Islamic State territorial claims, 2014 WorldA.
    1. Ayman al-Zawahiri's Envisioned Caliphate.
  66. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's divisions of Syria and Iraq, 2014.
  67. Federal Republic of Yemen, 2014.
  68. Ethno-Linguistic Based Administrative Divisions of China, 2014. WorldA. Q-BAM. 8K-BAM patch.
  69. Australia Reinvented, 2014.
  70. Caucasus Emirate, 2007-2015. Patch.
  71. Dutch Markerwaard Land Reclamation, 1965-2016.
  72. Zeihan's Russia, 2016.
  73. Central and South American Canals, 2017.
  74. Sharro Map - A New, Peaceful Western Europe, 2017 WorldA.
  75. Turkmeneli Republic, 2017. WorldA.
  76. Proposed Partition of Syria, 2017.
  77. Federation of Israel, 2017.
  78. Khalistan and Breakup of India, circa 2017.
  79. State of New California, 2018.
  80. South African Divisions, 2018.
  81. Zhirinovsky's World, 1990-2018 WorldA.
    1. Zhirinovsky's Eastern Europe.
  82. United States of Kurdistan, 2018.
  83. Northern Territory of Australia Statehood, 1998/2018.
  84. Governments in exile, 2019 WorldA.
    1. Governments in exile, 2020 Q-BAM.
  85. Netanyahu's Jordan Valley Annexation Plan, 2019. Patch.
  86. Nuclear targets in World War 3, 2019.
    1. European nuclear targets in World War 3, 1979.
    2. Nuclear targets in World War 3, 2001.
  87. Hypothetical nuclear targets in an Indo-Pakistani War, 2019.
  88. Indian Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir, 2019 WorldA.
    1. Proposals for resolving the Kashmir conflict, 2020.
  89. Greater Idaho, 2020. Q-BAM. Even Greater Idaho. Greater Idaho and three proposals to split the Northwest.
  90. Washington, Douglass Commonwealth (D.C.) Statehood, 2020.
  91. Eight Hypothetical Solutions to the War in Ukraine, 2014-2020 Q-BAM.
  92. Greater South Dakota, 2021.
  93. Reorganisation of the Western Balkans, 2021.
  94. Whole Azerbaijan Heartland, 2021.
  95. East African Federation, 2016-2022.
  96. Putin's Ambitions, 2008-2022 WorldA.
    1. Putin's Eurasian Union WorldA.
  97. Free Nations of Post-Russia, 2022.
  98. Enlargement of NATO, 2023 WorldA.
    1. NATO Expansion WorldA. Only NATO WorldA.
  99. Western Bloc Victory WorldA.
  100. Eastern Bloc Victory WorldA.
  101. Proposed Provinces and Territories of Canada WorldA.
    1. Proposed Provinces and Territories of Canada WorldA. With Armenian Mandate and Wrangel Island WorldA. With British West Indies WorldA.
    2. Proposed Provinces and Territories of Canada - West Indies, Maine, Vermont, Alaska Panhandle WorldA.
  102. Proposed 51st state of the United States WorldA. With King-Crane Commission and Italian Unionist Movement WorldA.
  103. Proposed States of America Quarter-BAM.
    1. U.S. State proposals 1776-1941 WorldA.
    2. U.S. State borders that never were.
    3. U.S. State Proposals 1858-Present.
    4. United States with 37 proposed states.
    5. United States with 16 proposed states.
  104. Proposed States of Brazil. Another map.
  105. Proposed Republics of Russia WorldA.
  106. Proposed States of India. Proposed states and union territories of India.
  107. 24 States of Australia, if all statehood proposals had succeeded. WorldA.
  108. Modern Irredentism WorldA. With Turkey and Vietnam WorldA. With Finland WorldA.
    1. Malaysian and Indonesian Irredentism with American Expansion Proposals 2010-2019 WorldA.
    2. Intra-Spanish Irredentism.
  109. Modern Separatism Q-BAM. WorldA.
    1. Popularity of Separatism.
    2. Modern Secession Proposals in the United States since 1980s. Another map.
    3. Separatism in Iran.
    4. Separatism in Myanmar.
Selection from the United States National Archives Catalog
German Reorganization Proposals - 1871 to Present Day
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Since Italian unification, Sicily has always had strained relations with Northern Italy, and has attempted secession several times. The 1946 Italian Monarchy Referendum was highly controversial with many allegations of corruption, and displayed a sharp north/south divide -- with Sicily and Southern Italy voting overwhelmingly in favour of constitutional monarchy. Tensions were higher than usual after WW2, and with anti-government forces receiving support from both the USSR and Western countries, some Sicilians proposed a solution.

In 1947, certain prominent Sicilians proposed that Sicily join the US as the 49th state (Alaska not being a state yet). Allegedly, this was headed by two influential members of the Mafia -- American-born Lucky Luciano; and his associate, Sicilian native Salvatore Giuliano being among them. Both had developed close ties to American military and intelligence circles during World War II, and neither wanted Sicily to be ruled from Rome -- least of all by the Socialists. The US used its Mafia connections during Operation Gladio, the Years of Lead, and other covert (and not-so-covert) operations against Leftist movements throughout Italy and the Mediterranean, but sadly, Sicily would never officially become a US state.
an updated Index!
Hmm, good work.
Though, I should not spent too much time going through it or I will waste hours looking at maps.
Maybe we should ask Beedok whether he can treadmark it (I thought only the Original Poster could make treadmarks or is that wrong)?
So I was doing some reading and found out about a proposal by RENAMO in the Mozambican Civil War around 1986 to split the country into two, the People's Republic of Mozambique under FRELIMO and the Republic of Rombezia under RENAMO in the north, I found these passages from a book I found on Google with a description of the territory:
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I'm not entirely sure as to what part of the Zambezi they want to stop at but I think it'd probably stop at the same place the border of Zambezia province ends at.
So I did some digging and found a PIDE file on the UNAR and their successor, UNAMO. Turns out that the planned country wasn't actually called "Rombézia", but "Rumbézia"!
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