The other question is if Germany is part of the Nicaragua Canal group *and* France, which will come out of the CEW in deep trouble, how do we get funding for *either* of the opposing Canal projects? Would Mexico eventually go on its own?
South America I haven’t given much such thought to
I dont know if you plan on Mexico having the biggest population in the hemisphere outside of the US, but just by having a much more stable government and no massive 1950s-1980s urbanization craze (mixed with no anti-natalist policies implemented by the 1964-1985 dictatorship), the Brazilian population could be much bigger than OTL's 207 million, maybe 230 or 240 is a realistic goal
I haven’t entirely decided what to do with Vegas yet but a Havana that’s the Vegas AND Miami of the Americas would certainly be way more gigantic than Miami (which may be more like Cancun or something)


Eh sorta. I’m thinking Mexico around 160m or so and Canada sans Quebec/Maritimes around 20-21m, Texas maybe a tick above that.

South America I haven’t given much such thought to
Las Vegas, Nevada or Las Vegas, New Mexico? (i.e. did the expansion of Nevada East and South in 1866/1867 occur iTTL?)
The other question is if Germany is part of the Nicaragua Canal group *and* France, which will come out of the CEW in deep trouble, how do we get funding for *either* of the opposing Canal projects? Would Mexico eventually go on its own?
*cue Rule Britannia* 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Las Vegas, Nevada or Las Vegas, New Mexico? (i.e. did the expansion of Nevada East and South in 1866/1867 occur iTTL?)
Nevada. State borders largely the same
I dont know if you plan on Mexico having the biggest population in the hemisphere outside of the US, but just by having a much more stable government and no massive 1950s-1980s urbanization craze (mixed with no anti-natalist policies implemented by the 1964-1985 dictatorship), the Brazilian population could be much bigger than OTL's 207 million, maybe 230 or 240 is a realistic goal
I have a hard time seeing an arch-integralist government that fetishizes rural living doing either of those things, though what impacts the idea I had presented to me (it may have been from you I really don’t recall) of a Cultural Revolution, except Integralist, being carried out in Brazil would have on demos is up to debate I guess. I could easily see 240m
I dont know if you plan on Mexico having the biggest population in the hemisphere outside of the US, but just by having a much more stable government and no massive 1950s-1980s urbanization craze (mixed with no anti-natalist policies implemented by the 1964-1985 dictatorship), the Brazilian population could be much bigger than OTL's 207 million, maybe 230 or 240 is a realistic goal
I believe the author has said you may end up with anti-urban integralist politics in Brazil post-war. Not sure how that will affect things, but, IMO, the stronger the Catholic Church is involved in Brazil, the higher the birthrate is likely to be.

Note, as a North American fuzzy-wuzzy liberal, I wonder what sort of TL would lead to the most preservation of the Amazon. (I almost wonder if it is DoD with the "Amazon Reserve" after taking what it wants after the Brazilian Civil war)
The other question is if Germany is part of the Nicaragua Canal group *and* France, which will come out of the CEW in deep trouble, how do we get funding for *either* of the opposing Canal projects? Would Mexico eventually go on its own?
Regarding the Mexican/Tehuantepec Canal, the Panama Railway preceded the canal and in many ways built the political and economic foundations for the Panama Canal, so with the Tehuantepec Railway being as big a part of Maximilian's infrastructure program ITTL a Tehuantepec Canal really would be a fairly natural step from the Tehuantepec Railway. Assuming, of course, such a canal is technologically feasible.
Which I should note - how's the railway doing now that the Nicaragua Canal is a thing?
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Note, as a North American fuzzy-wuzzy liberal, I wonder what sort of TL would lead to the most preservation of the Amazon.
Contradictorily, a more developed and wealthy Brazil would have a stronger environmentalist movement, which would lead to more preservation of the Amazon.
Las Vegas, Nevada or Las Vegas, New Mexico? (i.e. did the expansion of Nevada East and South in 1866/1867 occur iTTL?)
A) Las Vegas, New Mexico is a thing. Has been since 1835.
B) Las Vegas, Nevada didn't really get started until 1905 OTL, and largely owes its existence to the Union Pacific railroad. I am unclear on the routes of transcontinental railroads iTTL....
Regarding the Mexican/Tehuantepec Canal, the Panama Railway preceded the canal and in many ways built the political and economic foundations for the Panama Canal, so with the Tehuantepec Railway being as big a part of Maximilian's infrastructure program ITTL a Tehuantepec Canal really would be a fairly natural step from the Tehuantepec Railway. Assuming, of course, such a canal is technologically feasible.
Which I should note - how's the railway doing now that the Nicaragua Canal is a thing?
The looming failure of the railway due the Canal is part of why Mexico jumped in with the BS. To be honest, I’m not sure how feasible a canal across Tehuantepec would be - I think the geography is way tougher than either Nicaragua or Panama
Contradictorily, a more developed and wealthy Brazil would have a stronger environmentalist movement, which would lead to more preservation of the Amazon.
A) Las Vegas, New Mexico is a thing. Has been since 1835.
B) Las Vegas, Nevada didn't really get started until 1905 OTL, and largely owes its existence to the Union Pacific railroad. I am unclear on the routes of transcontinental railroads iTTL....
All but the AT&SF would have similar routings to OTL.

I haven’t entirely decided to what extent I want to make Vegas a Thing iotl (I’m a degenerate who loves Vegas in all its disgusting, tacky glory) so we’ll see what happens there
I can't wait to see how is our favorite european royal family (Belgian) fare in the near future. Seem its been a while since we heard anything about them.
The Worst Family Ever will be back before long, fear not!
I figured that the reason that we hadn't heard more from them is simply an effort to get to Chile/Nashville/Hilton Head by the end of the thread. I wouldn't consider it unreasonable to get an update from late 1914 in Europe to start this new thread. I *think* the last European centered update was about sending the Belgian Prince over to view Los Pasos fighting.
All but the AT&SF would have similar routings to OTL.

I haven’t entirely decided to what extent I want to make Vegas a Thing iotl (I’m a degenerate who loves Vegas in all its disgusting, tacky glory) so we’ll see what happens there
It seems to me that there are a specific chain of circumstances and events that lead to LVNV becoming A Thing(tm) iOTL. While it is certainly not unreasonable to assume that similar decisions will be made for similar reasons iTTL, I also think it would be interesting to explore alternative locations for Sin City.

Without showing my train of thought because I'm at work and don't have time, maybe somewhere in South America. The Bolivian coast could be interesting.
I know you have discussed that Long will bring some stability to the CSA, in terms of the instability directly after the war can we expect something akin to Weimar Germany with low level political violence commonplace, sometimes verging on civil wars? And can we expect the peace treaty to put heavy limitations on the CSA military as they have clearly shown they cant be trusted with a strong military.
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I figured that the reason that we hadn't heard more from them is simply an effort to get to Chile/Nashville/Hilton Head by the end of the thread. I wouldn't consider it unreasonable to get an update from late 1914 in Europe to start this new thread. I *think* the last European centered update was about sending the Belgian Prince over to view Los Pasos fighting.
We’ve had Euro updates since then but you’re right in that I had to move stuff to this thread in my notes, so there’ll be some degree of backfill
It seems to me that there are a specific chain of circumstances and events that lead to LVNV becoming A Thing(tm) iOTL. While it is certainly not unreasonable to assume that similar decisions will be made for similar reasons iTTL, I also think it would be interesting to explore alternative locations for Sin City.

Without showing my train of thought because I'm at work and don't have time, maybe somewhere in South America. The Bolivian coast could be interesting.
Part of the reason I’ve been intrigued by the idea of indulging the Muh US Baja trope is exploring the idea of what if Baja rather than Florida was America’s phallus, visually and shall we say culturally. There’s a lot of reasons why this wouldn’t work both geographically and climacticly but that’s where the idea stemmed from. Having Vegas be a shittier Phoenix might be an interesting twist

Having Havana as the ur-party city in the Americas since Miami Beach, Vegas and probably Punta del Este are off the menu would be really interesting
Guys remember to vote for Action Francaise in the 1915 French elections.
Vote AF in 1915 so you won’t have to vote in the future! 😉
I know you have discussed that Long will bring some stability to the CSA, in terms of the instability directly after the war can we expect something akin to Weimar Germany with low level political violence commonplace, sometimes verging on civil wars? And can we expect the peace treaty to put heavy limitations on the CSA military as they have clearly shown they cant be trusted with a strong military.
100%. Weimar is an inspiration, for sure, though like many things ITTL it’s not apples to apples
I haven’t entirely decided what to do with Vegas yet but a Havana that’s the Vegas AND Miami of the Americas would certainly be way more gigantic than Miami (which may be more like Cancun or something)


Eh sorta. I’m thinking Mexico around 160m or so and Canada sans Quebec/Maritimes around 20-21m, Texas maybe a tick above that.

South America I haven’t given much such thought to
Let Vegas prosper, its a gem in its own right and they can be a pioneer in water conservation while still growing economic and population simultaneously IN A DROUGHT.

So even if you don't have the party city aspect then maybe it could be a bunch of super independent non-polygamous Mormons or, dare I say, libertarians?*

*championing water rights and conservation for the American Southwest lol
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100%. Weimar is an inspiration, for sure, though like many things ITTL it’s not apples to apples
Of course. I guess its somewhat inevitable, an incredibly weak political culture combined with a mass demobbing of a society on war footing after a huge military defeat is bound to produce "radical" outcomes.
I was thinking about what Ocean Cruises would look like iTTL (much more likely to include Havana, less like to include Miami, etc.) when I realized that there is a stop in a place that may *literally* have no name iOTL. While pretty much *all* of the proposals connect the Pacific Ocean to Lake Nicaragua via Brito (the distance is pretty short), the path on the Atlantic side has a *number* of proposals. I'm not sure if the Author stated that the canal is following the San Juan River (and thus functionally the Nicaragua/Costa Rica border) or if its atlantic end is farther north (I think the farthest north proposal was at Bluefields). One problem with using the San Juan is that it does a wierd turn north near the end, so the shortest route going that way, actually would pass through Costa Rica at the oceanic end. (Note, the Cañas–Jerez Treaty governing the use of the river may be *very* different iTTL, and the US may not be viewed as a Neutral Party to sort out whether the treaty was valid).

If it is the San Juan River, that Grey Town is probably going to be a lot bigger and a lot more well known. (Which, since it is a key town in William Walker's Filibusters *and* William Walker is probably an even well known villain iTTL might lead to some interesting history)