The New Order: Last Days of Europe Thread II


Guess we know what the devs mean by "Giani will take your soul": He is a very good orator.
Yeah, I see his main thing as being so unnervingly competent at mass brainwashing that he can make Fascism as much fundamentally integral to Italian identity and culture, as the heritage of Ancient Rome and Spaghetti.
Other matters that will need to be addressed include all the deals made and debts incurred in the 'Deal With American Companies' focus now having to be paid, all the farmlands that were ruined by the USAF dropping Agent Orange everywhere during Operation Ranch Hand having to be cleaned up, settling all the German slaves in Ostafrika that have fled to South Africa as refugees, etc, etc. All of which requires an injection of financial and economic aid from OFN, especially the US, being a constant Political Points drain in the background years after the fighting was over.
I would play the heck of out of this if it got made into a mod or if the devs made it a thing! It would be awesome, show the consequences of war and your choices, and it would some great stuff for south africa to do after the war
Yet even more Fascist Italy leaks. In particular, normalized relations between Italy and the OFN, is very dependant on who the US president is. Also, the Duces can interact with Russia and even send aid to certain factions.

Oh, Giani is one of those bastards. Appealing to the weakest and most vile parts of the human psyche. I shudder to think what sort of abomination he will create if given free reign over the empire.
I do have to say, I'm a bit wary of the whole '10 paths for Red Italy' thing. I feel like it might be stretching dev too far, and it doesn't make much sense for me to have so many possible paths for an outcome that doesn't seem likely at all in the mod in any case. I'm worried we might be waiting quite a while for PW.
I do have to say, I'm a bit wary of the whole '10 paths for Red Italy' thing. I feel like it might be stretching dev too far, and it doesn't make much sense for me to have so many possible paths for an outcome that doesn't seem likely at all in the mod in any case. I'm worried we might be waiting quite a while for PW.
Yah worried about that too it seems like a lot especially for only 2 idolegies too


Monthly Donor
I do have to say, I'm a bit wary of the whole '10 paths for Red Italy' thing. I feel like it might be stretching dev too far, and it doesn't make much sense for me to have so many possible paths for an outcome that doesn't seem likely at all in the mod in any case. I'm worried we might be waiting quite a while for PW.

Yah worried about that too it seems like a lot especially for only 2 idolegies too

There is also the part where only 1 of those will be worse than the fascists which raises some doubts in my eyes.
I'd make a joke about that one Francoist dev who made ten separate fascist paths for Spain and leaked the mod later on, but aside from mentioning that little bit of trivia I'm not going to.

It probably won't be anything like that, thank goodness, but if it is the comparisons from those who remember will be rather quick and apt.
There is also the part where only 1 of those will be worse than the fascists which raises some doubts in my eyes.

Former TNO dev/writing monkey here!

Giani is really, really, really bad; and hard to pass in vileness.

I’d say it’s less of a “wholesome chungus commie paths” and more “oh my god you beat giani for worst person here take your medal and run”.

That’s all I think I can say on that.
Former TNO dev/writing monkey here!

Giani is really, really, really bad; and hard to pass in vileness.

I’d say it’s less of a “wholesome chungus commie paths” and more “oh my god you beat giani for worst person here take your medal and run”.

That’s all I think I can say on that.
Can you give me a vague idea of what I gonna find on the Pavolini path? But something that it is not about the Blackshirts violence, that part I know to expect it.


So, something I found when habitually digging through discord. The Burgsys party of Paraguay ,Anillo d'Sacrificio, did actually exist IRL (that much had been said by a dev in a recent reddit post about them). They were led by one, Marcos Fuster who was in fact the chief of Morinigo's secret police.


Pretty curious to find out just what the heck a South American Burgsys org is all about. First thing I speculate is that they're pretty revanchist and want to take vengeance on their neighbours for the War of the Triple Alliance. Yet Ultranat would've been suitable enough for this sort of wildly irrational warlike jingoism (now that I think about, Franscisco Lopez does kinda befit a TNO Ultranat with his unrelenting dedication to continuing a hopeless war and his mass conscription of the populace that saw Paraguay's male population getting gutted). Though I do wonder if they would have anything to do with the "South American War" superevent.
Maybe the 10 red Italy paths will have some overlapping trees? Kind of like how, for example, all 4 paths in Tomsk have the same tree for solving the crisis, they just have a few different options on it depending on who won. That would certainly cut down on the amount of work.


Eh, Velimir's pretty overrated in my opinion. He's just a wacky boi, and he wouldn't have the thematic resonance of Vagner or Rodzaevsky for this, unless you could spin it into some kind of "real Hyperboreans taking revenge on their fallen German pretenders" thing, but even
I will maintain that I think Velimir/Yemelyanov would be more interesting if his ideas concerning modern technology were more true to how his IRL views seemed to be (though no less ludicrous). That being how every credited scientific advancement had supposedly been plagiarized from the Slavs and not stuff like rejecting modern medicine in favour of blood ritual healings since that is just too wildly impractical that it would be hard to believe that Hyperborea is as threatening as presented to the player (and what the future compass made it out to be). So more like Zhdanov/Lysenko rather than an even more deranged Ted Kaczynski.

So, I updated Shulgin tvtropes entry with the help of a user called HTD. He can end russification if he takes a focus called "Hire the udmurt", but this is not something he wants to do so it is not mentioned.

now, here something interesting: OTL he was one of the two right wing members of the Duma who supported Nicholas II resignation and then fled to Yugoslavia. When the nazis invaded he refused to cooperate under any condition, but couldn't flee everywhere since he was under surveillance. His son was on the generalgouvernment Polen and got a passport that would allow Shulgin to flee to the west, but when he discovered that he had to shout "Heil H*tler" to the guards to be allowed to leave, he refused and remained stuck there until the soviets came in 1945.

He is even officially classified as the based kind of conservative.
I know it’s an old post, but I love how after my whining upthread about ‘But what would the Bretton Woods system even look like in TNO’s TL’, the developers were gonna go back and go into more detail with it anyway.

Still, I feel like the currency conversion aspect of BW only worked for as long as it did OTL (which wasn’t long) thanks to the participation of the heavy-hitter central banks in the London Gold Pool. A smaller OFN version of it would be even easier to undermine than the Soviets were able to do OTL with Eurodollars.
I know it’s an old post, but I love how after my whining upthread about ‘But what would the Bretton Woods system even look like in TNO’s TL’, the developers were gonna go back and go into more detail with it anyway.

Still, I feel like the currency conversion aspect of BW only worked for as long as it did OTL (which wasn’t long) thanks to the participation of the heavy-hitter central banks in the London Gold Pool. A smaller OFN version of it would be even easier to undermine than the Soviets were able to do OTL with Eurodollars.
please send me link to that reddit post