Alternate History Games

David:is this card game the one where you set up a pattern or rows and columns and play/use cards on it? If it is I have one question. I do it solitaire and want to know how you set it up. Advise, please. Thanks.
Well, technically, just about any war game is AH because you can change historical outcomes of battles or campaigns.

My absolute favorite AH game is the computer game "Enigma - Rising Tide", a somewhat simplistic naval warfare game set in an alternate 1930's-1940's after a German WW1 victory. One can play as the USA, German Empire, or a strange quasi-union of Japan and Great Britain in a fairly well-developed three-way global power struggle. The best parts are fake newspapers which introduce missions which are pretty clever AH themselves. Good graphics and fun, but surprisingly hard and completely unrealistic.
ED(Mister) said:
David:is this card game the one where you set up a pattern or rows and columns and play/use cards on it? If it is I have one question. I do it solitaire and want to know how you set it up. Advise, please. Thanks.

Ed, you follow the instructions that come with the cards! I just picked up the Early American Chrononauts edition and its very interesting. The two games can be played as one running from 1776 (or so) to the 1990s. The 'year cards' are set up in rows in chronological order. I don't recall there being a solitaire set up but I haven't played it in a while.
How about Britannia? The basic concept almost always means you get AH ;) If you don't know it, you refight British history from Roman invasion until the Norman Invasion (or just after really)-just warfare with some very limited diplomacy. You can get some strange versions of Britain in 1066, I think the oddest I have ever had was a Romano-British Kingdom in the South, Wales slightly bigger than today (including the Marches but without the South-west), Danelaw in the middle and Pictland ranging from the Scottish islands down to the Lake District. It was fun to watch both the Saxon and Scottish invaders be wiped out. The only problem is you still get the Norwegian and Norman invasions in 1066 no matter what
David ,I went home for lunch and found my copy of chrononauts. It DOES have solitaire rules. Problem is in the front the format calls for a 4Xb grid.What is that:four rows, eight columns, or the opposite? I can play game if I get the format.
Does anyone here know of a game called "Freedom Fighters"? As far as I can tell, the game depicts the adventures of a group of partisans (or terrorists, depending on your opinion) fighting against the Soviet occupation of New York City.
Yeah, I've played it. It's a sort of 3rd person tactical shooter. It starts with an over-the-top historical introduction describing how the Soviets just got stronger during the Cold War while the USA just let the whole world go commie, accompanying visuals of Typhoon Class subs lurking thru the black briny sea and sailing into NY Harbor and cool pseudo-soviet choral music blaring away. I laughed myself silly. It was great. Game actually starts when Russian Reds invade NYC and you have to survive, join a partisan group, and eventuallly kick lots of commie butt. It's a good jingofest but about as closely related to serious alternate history as "Red Dawn". As a game, it also starts to drag once you get past the first few levels. Good graphics and play system, though..
For an old one, any of you have Age of Rifles? The expansion pack to it (don't recall the name) has several AH scenarios dealing with the ACW. Two of them have the Brits intervening on the CSA side. One scenario has combined UK/CSA assaulting entrenched US forces somewhere in PA... the US can win this one rather handily. The other one has the US attacking UK/CSA forces at a port city somewhere... I've never been able to win with the US in this one. There's also a "After Lee wins Gettysburg" one with the CSA attacking the entrenched Federals at DC... the US can win this one rather easily too....
I remember Age of Rifles, but never knew it had an expansion pack with AH scenarios in it. Two other old computer games which come to mind are the naval warfare simulations "Action Stations" and "Warship", which either included alternative battles with non-built WW1 and WW2 ships or could be modified fairly easily to do that. The slightly newer "Great Naval Battles" series also had some interesting alternative scenarios and ships - including a neat battle between the British and French at Oran with the French making a dash for it rather than sitting there and getting pounded. The "Age of Sail"series also had good AH potentiality, including the last one with Bushnell type subs and balloon bombers.
SPI-the OLD one produced a game called Time Tripper. Play it? You arm your person with all different weapons including a missile strong enough to kill a T-Rex and go on time travels meeting anything from a T-Rex to a German WW2 soldier and different characters. If I find my copy I will tell you more.
ED(Mister) said:
David ,I went home for lunch and found my copy of chrononauts. It DOES have solitaire rules. Problem is in the front the format calls for a 4Xb grid.What is that:four rows, eight columns, or the opposite? I can play game if I get the format.

Ed, the format is clearly four rows of eight cards. The True History cards are labeled B-1, B-2, etc. You build the timeline in the same format that you do for a regular game of Chrononauts. I may give it a try this weekend.
Fall of Rome

I always liked the game 'Fall of Rome' on the Spectrum.

You view a map of Europe trying to protect your Empire as the Goths(both types)/Saxones/Allemani/Persians(to name a few) move in. You have units of Mobile legions, Static legions, Cavalry(a bitch to recruit) and Auxilleries. If you can keep Gaul/Gallia your a better man than me.

The game(download tzx file)-,+The$&pub=^Argus+Press+Software+Ltd$

Spectrum Emulator(needed to play the tzx file, it’s a 1 month free trial version)-

I also like Balance of Power on the Amiga. You view a map of the world and you play as the USA or USSR. You try and dominate through many ways although it is rather a short game.
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David S. PoePoe: I played Chrononauts. Lost my first game. Tried out Artifaxx. Played my own solitaire version. Let you know more later.
Anyone else get into the "variants" (either counters or through "diplomacy points") that came with Avalon Hill's 3rd Reich?

It's not, you know, a COMPUTER game....
I was reminding some of the youngsters on this board that there was actually a time when games were played in a non-computer environment.

Not really an AH game as such, but did anybody ever come across the arcade game TIME-KILLERS back in the early 90s ? The premise IIRC was of selecting fighters from specific time periods, such as Samurai, Caveman (don't recall any others off the top of my head, regrettably) and challenging the other available ftrs from other periods as your opponents. Similar to MK and SF.