roman empire

  1. WI; Julius Caesar still betrayed, but survives his assassination?

    What if despite still being ambushed and stabbed by a mob of senators, Caesar clings to life, nursed back to health in seclusion by loyalists? What would the fallout be of a few months of instability as people are unsure of what is going on, rumours spread about his assassination and supposed...
  2. What are the Julian day numbers of Julius Caesar's date of birth, and date of death?

    I found a problem with Julius Caesar's date of birth. According to Wikipedia he was born in 100 BC, and was consul for the first time in 59 BC. However the minimum age to be a consul was 42, so how could he become a consul when he was only 41. Something's rotten in Denmark. You had to be 42 to...
  3. Could Julius Nepos reconquer Italy?

    The last Western Roman emperor whose authority was recognized by the east, Julius Nepos was deposed from his throne in favor of Romulus Augustulus in 475. Though the WRE was offically dissolved a year later, Nepos, having taken refuge in Dalmatia, continued to claim the imperial throne, and he...
  4. Oba Cahokia

    AHC: Bulgarian-Byzantine Empire with an Ottoman Dynasty

    Come up with a short timeline where the Bulgaria and the Byzantine Empire merge politically with each other but the last surviving ruling family is the House of Osman controlling lands in the Balkans and Anatolia. Bonus Points for having the empire be a sweet blend of Bulgarian and Byzantine...
  5. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    The Western Flame Burns On: A Majorian timeline

    Hello there. I've been fascinated by the Roman Empire since I read Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series in middle school. My interest was reinvigorated by Oversimplified's First Punic War videos. And while most people imagine a surviving Roman Empire to be polytheistic and filled with...
  6. GameBawesome

    WI: More claimants to being the successor of the Roman Empire?

    So, as most of us known, the legacy of the Roman Empire, is quite great. There have been many Empires, Kingdom or nations that claimed to be the successor to the Roman Empire (Before, you ask. No, not counting Eastern Roman Empire among them, as they were not a successor to the Roman Empire...
  7. The Anglo-Dutch Union

    Titus Flavius Clemens becomes emperor: Effect on Christianity and the empire?

    Titus Flavius Clemens was a Roman consul, and cousin of emperor Domitian. He was put to death in 95 AD for going over to the “Jewish Opinion”. Some have argued that he became Christian, although this is of course uncertain and very difficult to verify. This threat follows the assumption that he...
  8. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    Which timeline should I write?

    Which timeline would you guys be most interested in seeing? The Cross in the Sky: A Maxentius Victory TL In this timeline, Maxentius defeats Constantine at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge and kills him. Roman history, especially in the east, is forever changed. The Flame of the West: A...
  9. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    Question(s) about surviving Western Roman Empire

    I'm thinking of writing a timeline about a surviving Western Roman Empire. The PoD would be Majorian's fleet not getting burnt by traitors, allowing him to reconquer North Africa. Because of the extra revenue, he's able to keep some of his army around, so Richimer can't kill him. He survives and...
  10. Sarthak

    The Bucolic War (172 - 175 AD) succeeds in restoring an independent Egypt

    In 172 AD, tensions over taxation and the increasing imposition of Latin and Greek over traditional Egyptian spheres of life led to the Bucolic War led by Isidorus, a Native Egyptian Priest. Whilst most records on this war are sparse, the records that do remain paint a panicked Rome, as this...
  11. A totally Roman Europe

    In this scenario, the Roman Empire added these lands to their borders: Scandinavia Scotland Ireland Russia (stopping at the Ural Mountains) Any remaining land claimed by Alexander the Great If Rome did claim these lands, then what point--or points--of departure would be needed for Rome to...
  12. Collondi

    WI: the goths settle in Thrace during the crisis of the third century

    In 251, after killing the Roman emperor in battle and winning a decisive victory at abritus, king Cniva teams up with Priscus to establish an independent state in Thrace, Dacia, and possibly Moesia, where goths, vandals, and other tribes across the Danube could settle. How would this new...
  13. What if the Nabataean Kingdom Was Never Annexed by Trajan?

    When king Rabbel II Soter, one of Rome's client kings, died his kingdom was annexed. The manner and the formal reasons for the annexation are unclear, but there is evidence of some military involvement. There wasn't much resistance to the annexation. The Romans initially did not want to govern...
  14. Oba Cahokia

    WI: Mithras-Isis Syncretic Cult/Religion

    The Cult of Isis and the Cult of Mithras were popular alternatives to Christianity in the Roman Empire. What if these two popular cults combined or a completely new cult formed in the worship of the God and Goddess?
  15. Effect on other religions in a "Christian Sassanids conquer Levant in 3rd Century" Scenario

    Before I get into the details of the question, let me set out the scenario. At some point in the 3rd Century, Persia converts to Christianity in a "Light shines East" style scenario, where Christianity is largely merged with Zoroastrianism and Ahura Mazda is conflated with the Christian God. The...
  16. WI:Julius Caesar has a granddaughter

    Julius Caesar had a daughter who named Julia Caesaris. She was married off to Pompey, and they had a very happy and loving marriage together despite the large age difference between the two. She died in 54 BC while she was pregnant, with the gender of the child being unknown. Pompey and Caesar...
  17. Filo

    The Southern Roman Empire.

    I am a little bit tired of Scifi. So i'll start this new project (not new at all, being another setting for GURPS i'll created many years ago). In This timeline, Heraclius the Younger, instead of sailing from Carthage to Constantinople, decided to stay in African City, dooming the Empire in the...
  18. SlyDessertFox

    Roman Empire Timeline Cliches To Avoid

    I was reading the Byzantine Empire Timeline Cliches To Avoid thread, and I figured it might be fruitful to create a similar thread for Roman Imperial timelines. I am not presently planning on writing any timeline (though I'm always toying with ideas), but nevertheless there are a lot of cliches...
  19. what if Cleopatra hadn't snubbed 10 years old Octavius and his biological mother when Julius Caesar first introduce Cleopatra to them?

    Going back to a previous discussion about and those stating that Octavian wouldn't consider genuinely allying with Cleopatra in the first place. If I remember correctly according to Genevieve Foster in her...
  20. Idus Martii: A Late Antiquity Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Introduction Oescus, Moesia Inferior 468 AD Dengizich, son of Attila. After the disastrous incursion over Roman Thrace, Dengizich, son of Attila, decided to stop the aggressions and agreed to make negotiations with the Eastern Roman magister militum Anagastes. The conversations took place at...