pop culture

  1. Ninja2006

    TL-2K23: The Official Thread
    Threadmarks: Welcome to TL-2K23!

    ............ Greetings. Welcome to my first timeline of two-thousand and twenty-three...... The theme and focus of this TL should be obvious given the title and tags. Now, without further ado. I introduce you to my newest TL: TL-2K23! So, how about we get started on this adventure...
  2. DBWI: The “Tom Cat Film-iverse” Never Happened?

    Tom Cat Films was a film company founded in 2007, that eventually became popular for producing and distributing hit superhero films such as “Captain Battle”, “Rise of the Black Bat”, “Avenging Force: The Scarab”, “Metal Man”, and “Agent Beetle”, which all became recognized for being clever mock...
  3. What if Capcom Fighting Evolution was a success? collaborative timeline

    Capcom Fighting Evolution (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capcom_Fighting_Evolution) was a crossover fighting game released in October of 2004 during the twilight of the arcade and was so poorly received critically and in sales numbers that it breifly killed Capcom's fighting games and 2D...
  4. Toonami as its own network

    This is from my own personal alternate timeline called "Timeline-93". In this first post – from a segment involving "Western Animation", Toonami was founded in 1996 – one year earlier than in OTL – but instead of becoming an animation block, it became its own network; think "Boomerang 'from...
  5. Button_Revenge

    Just Like Starting Over: An Alternate Beatles Timeline

    Welcome to Just Like Starting Over! A new pop culture timeline that asks, “What if John and Paul just couldn’t resist $3,000?” I joke, but I truly hope I can bring a great pop culture timeline to you all, starting right here, right now. Some information before we begin: If you have an idea...
  6. ajm8888

    The Way Life’s Meant To Be: Redux
    Threadmarks: Opening post

    The Way Life’s Meant To Be: Redux An AJM8888 story Nishi-Shinjuku Tokyo early 1980s Times Square, Facing South, 1981 Main Building of Moscow State University, Moscow 1981 Piccadilly Circus, London 1981. Gwangju May 1980 (Getty Pictures) Part I: Preamble I John and the man who...
  7. TheDetailer

    No Disney, Nintendo, or Apple?

    Disney, Nintendo, and Apple are some of the most influential companies on the planet, having changed the worlds of media, entertainment, and popular culture in so many ways that it’s hard to imagine a word without any of them, from animation, to video games, to technology. But what if these...
  8. SodaMan1996

    What if the Milli Vanilli lip-synching scandal never happened?

    In 1988, German producer Frank Farian founded Milli Vanilli, a dance-pop duo consisting of Fab Morvan and Rob Pilatus. Their debut album, All or Nothing, was an instant international success. However, the duo's success began to unravel in 1989, when a hard drive malfunction caused one of their...
  9. THeaven

    Fall of Batman

    In 1939 Detective comics #27 and Black Book Detective magazine #3 introduced two similar characters with The Batman and The Black Bat. Both National Periodicals and Thrilling publications agreed not to sue each other as long as Batman Stays in COMICS and and The Black Bat stays in Pulps. In 1943...
  10. Joseph Weaver

    Pop Culture WI: What If Jay Garrick remained The Flash?

    Hi and I have a question that I thought would be interesting, as it's about The Flash(one of my favorite comic book superheroes). What if instead of revamping or replacing Jay Garrick with Barry Allen as The Flash for the silver age DC Comics just brought back Jay Garrick? How might this affect...
  11. We Are Bound For Freedom's Light
    Threadmarks: PoD, New Union Treaty signed, new flag unveiled

    August 18th, 1991 FLASH MOSCOW, USSR - SEVERAL SOVIET OFFICIALS MISSING, PRESUMED DEAD AFTER PLANE CRASH IN UKRAINE [1] New York Times - August 21st, 1991 NEW SOVIET UNION TREATY SIGNED "Yesterday, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev attended the signing of a new Union Treaty, designed to...
  12. Emperor Max

    WI: at least one member of Bucks Fizz die in 1984 coach crash

    So, on 11 December 1984, the British pop group Bucks Fizz‘s tour coach crashed into a lorry on the way to a concert. No one died but all of the band members were injured, most significantly Mike Nolan, who still suffers from the effects of the crash to this day. For those wondering, Bucks Fizz...
  13. Sterling New Silver on the Silver Screen: An Alternate Hollywood and Pop Culture Timeline

    Sterling New Silver on the Silver Screen An Alternate Hollywood and Pop Culture Timeline 1922’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, directed by the German filmmaker F.W. Murnau was long thought to have been lost for quite some time, and lost on purpose, with it having been banned not just in...
  14. TheKennedyMachine.

    The Mouse Who Sold The World (Walt Disney Lives)
    Threadmarks: Introduction; The Greatest Showman

    The Mouse Who Sold The World The Incredible Story of Walt Disney, America's Showman __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part I: America's...
  15. Out of the Wilderness - A Doctor Who Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Mcoy Years (1987 to 1990)

    "You know, we nearly didn't get another series. We came so close to being axed. I don't know what saved us in the end, a split decision. But to think, we wouldn't be standing here today" - Andrew Cartmel speaking at convention in 2013. The Mcoy Years...
  16. TheMolluskLingers

    DBWI: What if Greg Sestero hadn't been cast as Batman?

    In 1999, two years after the disaster that was Batman and Robin, Warner Bros. and Joel Schumacher had decided to "go back to basics" for the Caped Crusader's next try on the big screen. Wanting to get something closer to Tim Burton's first two films in tone, Schumacher optioned to adapt Frank...
  17. MNM041

    Terry Gilliam's Watchmen
    Threadmarks: Background

    In 1986, the first issue of the maxieseries Watchmen was released. It, alongside The Dark Knight Returns, ushered in a new era of comics, and studios were quick to attempt a film adaptation. The first attempt came in 1986, the same year that the comic start, by 20th Century Fox, and script...
  18. A True Game-Changer

    "You can't just butcher a deal like this; you're looking at the next big thing!" - Bill Enders Ralph Baer had spent at least a year at Sanders Associates bringing his idea of a home arcade cabinet to life, and had been spending even longer to bring it to the market. First, he and the team...
  19. Mr_ Bondoc

    DBWI: Ice Planet Barbarians Unloved

    IC: Alright people, how would life change in the past 10-15 years, if the Ruby Dixon series Ice Planet Barbarians never became popular outside a Tik Tok niche. One has to ask, especially after Avatar and Twilight franchises, having werewolves, vampires, zombies and now aliens being turned into...
  20. Images from the Player Two Start Saga

    So inspired by the Footprint of Mussolini, Kaiserreich, Featherston's Confederacy, and TNO images thread, here is a thread to post images tied to both official canon and your own personal headcanon in RySenkari and Nivek's Player Two Start trilogy.