john edwards

  1. JohnEdwards2012

    How would John Edwards do as the Democratic nominee in 2004

    Can you imagine him doing well enough in Ohio to beat Bush? Could he win, or get the margins tight in North Carolina, and Virginia? Who would he pick as his running mate?
  2. Miracle Man - A Jesse Ventura Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1- 'Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat'.

    Part 1- 'Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat'. 'Jesse we all know what we want. The ice cream man wants to sell ice creams, the baker wants to bake cakes, I want to be a senator, and you want to be President. We may all want these things but, but not everyone is going to get what...
  3. NyQuil

    Gore Strikes Back! A Al Gore 2004 Timeline
    Threadmarks: 2003 PROLOGUE

    On December 16th 2002 Former Vice President Al Gore appeared on 60 Minutes saying that he was still unsure about a 2004 Presidential run and he and his wife Tipper would think about it and make a decision early next year. In March 2003 Gore would start a presidential exploratory committee to...
  4. KeithTheProgressive

    Nothing to see here

  5. SanMan64

    Maverick Victorious - A McCain 2008 TL

    Maverick Victorious - A McCain 2008 TL Senator John McCain (R-AZ) addresses the 2008 Republican National Convention upon accepting the party's nomination for President of the United States November 5, 2008, 12:00 AM EST - The last states on the west coast were being called by most major...
  6. Jaguars4life

    I'm back!! Al Gore in 2008 open timeline

    March 8 2007:Senator Barack Obama says he will not run in 2008. July 5th 2007:Outside his Tennessee home Al Gore makes it clear that he has changed his mind and is running for the democratic nomination in 2008. Gore stated I am going to give Americans what they should of got 7 years ago...
  7. TimTurner

    PC: Successful John Edwards challenge to HRC in 2008

    Could John Edwards plausibly defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primaries in a fashion similar to how Obama did in OTL?