edward iv of england

  1. EdwardRex

    Edward IV’s Portuguese Bride: A Collaborative Timeline
    Threadmarks: Queen Joana of England

    Westminster, February 1466: King Edward IV of England’s wife, Elizabeth Woodville, delivered her first child: Elizabeth of York. While little Elizabeth was healthy and hale, her mother was not. Two weeks after the birth, Queen Elizabeth died from childbed fever. Paris, December 1466: Queen...
  2. EdwardRex

    The Union of the White and Red Roses - A Collaborative Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Birth of Mary of Lancaster

    December 8, 1471: Anne Neville, Dowager Princess of Wales as the widow of Edward of Lancaster, delivered the last Lancastrian heir: Mary of Lancaster. She was named after the Blessed Virgin Mary, as her birth coincided with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady. King Edward IV of...
  3. Ursogulos

    WI: Longer FitzGerald rebellion: A possible Lancastrian Ireland?

    After judicial killing of Thomas FitzGerald, 7th earl of Desmond by John Tiptoft, FitzGerald family led a short uprising. It was only quelled after an ultimatum by Edward IV where he gave them two choices, lay down arms and be forgiven or fight. It always struk me as odd why the FitzGerald...
  4. The Pale and the Purple Rose
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    The pale and the purple rose, That after cost so many blows When English Barons fought, A prize so dearly bought By the fam’d worthies of that shire, Still best by sword and shield defended were. - Thomas D'Urfey @VVD0D95 @isabella @RedKing @eliamartin65 @Dragonboy @The_Most_Happy @Rose’s...
  5. A different Queen Elizabeth of England

    What if Warwick‘s first rebellion failed and so the Readeption of Henry VI never happened? And then Edward IV had bad luck with his sons and so Elizabeth remained her father’s heiress presumptive marrying eventually Edward of Lancaster?
  6. Mary of Burgundy, Queen of England

    What would happen if Elizabeth of York died in 1471 leaving Edward free to remarry to his sister Margaret’s step-daughter?
  7. This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle - A Yorkist Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1 - 28th of June 1461

    “Let us walk in a new vineyard and let us make a gay garden in the month of March with this fair white rose and herb the Earl of March” Written by a chronicler in 1461 Chapter 1 - 28th of June 1461 To Elizabeth Lambert new Queen of England was a true beauty. Her face was gravely lovely and...