
  1. Vylon Disigma

    12th / 13th Century discovery of the Americas; plausibility and ideas

    Hi chaps, bit of a video game fan here. I was thinking about what could constitute a kool dark fantasy Setting/ and I thought that this(^) would be a scenario that could really evoke the ‘world is ending’ vibe that makes dark fantasy fun. It's also within a semi-traditional medieval(ish)...
  2. JMT

    WI: Henry VII sponsors Columbus?

    After his rejection by John III of Portugal, Christopher Columbus sent his brother to the court of Henry VII to ask for sponsorship. In our timeline, the Tudor monarch declined, which led to the Italian eventually gaining the support of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain. What if Henry, who, like...
  3. Failed expeditions that should/could have succeeded (and successful ones that could have failed)

    So what if land or naval expeditions of OTL, that ended up in failure or even complete disappearance, succeeded and provided invaluable informations abou new lands and sea routes ? Conversely, which successful expeditions of OTL were far too lucky for their own good and could do with a sudden...
  4. I'tikaf

    South East Asian Discovery of Australia?

    So I was reading up on Sulawesi and Java and I found that fishermen from Sulawesi would fish for sea cucumber around the coasts of Northern Australia. I'm not exactly sure about the dates but they seemed to have fished around here from the 15th-17th centuries. They also seemed to have traded...
  5. WI: Earlier discovery of evolution

    What do you guys think is the earliest that evolution could have been discovered, or at least hypothesized? I would assume a working theory of evolution would have to include the following observations/conclusions, but please correct me if I'm wrong: - that diverse organisms are related in some...
  6. AHC: Prolonged Contact with the New World and/or Australia w/out Imperialistic Colonialism

    I was learning about living American cultures such as the Gullahs, the Texas Germans, Louisiana French people and so on, and had an idea. I challenge the site-goers to envision, as best they can, a prolonged, migratory contact between the Old World and the New, at any point in history they...
  7. JonasResende

    WI: Earlier Discovery of the North-West Passage

    Sir John Franklin attempted to find a route around the north of Canada back in the late 1840s. His two ships, the Erebus and the Terror froze fast in the ice and finally were abandoned, however, there were no survivors, although his widow, Lady Jane Franklin, continued to sponsor voyages in the...
  8. TL: Chasing the Wokou (Asia discovers America)

    This is a timeline exploring what if the Chinese discovered America. The first part or prologue will not have Chinese discovering America yet, but will cover what happened to make it possible. Discovery of the Polynesians - 1286 Wokuo(Japanese pirates) discover the island of Chichi-Jima and...