democratic party

  1. Obama's Legacy If He Lost in 2012?

    Throughout much of the 2012 campaign Obama's approvals were down and he was neck and neck with Romney in the polls. It looked like Romney's election to lose and that he did: the former MA Governor made a series of gaffes about the "47%" and "binders full of women" that doomed his candidacy...
  2. AHC: Democratic 2000's

    When discussing a scenario where the Democrats are in power in the early 2000's, the emphasis seems to be placed on Gore beating Bush in 2000. However there's no guarantee that Gore would even make it beyond one term. A Republican could just as well win in 2004, and make the same choices as Bush...
  3. Bomster

    President Bobby Kennedy’s Cabinet?

    So I’ve been developing a Robert Kennedy presidency TL throughout this year, and although I have a good idea of what it would look like by reading Robert Kennedy and his Times by Arthur Schlesinger, and An American Melodrama by Lewis Chester, one thing I’m unsure about would be his cabinet. Who...
  4. WI: New York Mayor Mario Cuomo

    In 1977, Democratic heavyweights Ed Koch and Mario Cuomo fought a bitter, bruising contest for the Democratic nomination in the election to determine New York's next Mayor. Koch's supporters attacked Cuomo's principled opposition to the death penalty, while Cuomo supporters smeared Koch for...
  5. WI: Roosevelt Enacts Universal Health Care

    In 1938, the Senate formed a committee to examine health policy with the ultimate objective of creating universal health care. This policy was a major domestic goal of President Roosevelt who tried and failed on multiple occasions to enact UHC. But by the time the finished bill was proposed as...
  6. 1968 Democratic National Convention question

    Assuming RFK lived or was not shot, but could not secure the 1968 Democratic presidential nomination on the first ballot, could a compromise candidate between the Humphrey/Johnson and RFK factions have emerged in successive balloting? If so, who?
  7. Bomster

    Would Mayor Daley have supported RFK if he had lived?

    I’m developing an RFK TL and I’ve been wondering, what if RFK has lived and went on to the convention? Would Mayor Daley had supported him? And if he did, would this be enough to allow RFK to secure the nomination? Note: FYI in my TL I’m developing RFK enters the presidential race in late 1967...
  8. Does a Hart nomination in '84 change that much in the long run?

    I know that this site can often get annoyed at questions about convergent history, but I'll ask this anyway. If Gary Hart edges out Mondale for the Democratic nomination and likely goes on to still lose to Reagan by a decent margin, does the Democratic Leadership Council still come into play to...
  9. Anarcho-Occultist

    Which US political party is more likely to disintegrate?

    Exactly what it says in the title: in the 20th century, were the Democrats or the Republicans more likely to collapse? Obviously, the collapse of a major political party is difficult to achieve and whichever one falls will be succeeded by a new party with a similar outlook, but how could each...
  10. DCPritt

    A New Frontier with New Challenges (JFK Survives)

    (CREATOR'S NOTE: This certainly is not a new idea but I want to play this out and take this forward. I plan to be pretty in depth and start with...) CHAPTER ONE - For the Love of Dallas President John F. Kennedy is wanting to seek reelection in 1964 but most of his New Frontier Agenda is...
  11. AHC: Whig Party survives to modern day while the Democratic Party disappears

    In US history, the Whig Party eventually fell in the 1850s, torn over issues like slavery. Meanwhile, the democratic party survived to the present day. What could have changed so that the fortunes of each party would reverse, with the Democrats disappearing and the Whigs lasting as a major party...
  12. Sombergen

    Trailblazing to Victory: The Ramifications of America's First Woman President

    What is this? My first attempt at a TL after having largely been active on just SW. It'll be based off of a PI observer game I ran through a few months ago on my own with modifications to make some of the election results slightly more realistic. This will only apply for the first election after...
  13. Chapman

    WI: Bernie Sanders Runs in 2008?

    This may have been asked before, but honestly, i'm too lazy to search for it. So, just as it says in the title; What if Bernie Sanders ran his first Presidential campaign in 2008? Assuming he ran as a Democrat, as he did in 2016, what impact would his presence have on the race? Would he have...
  14. Nightingale

    SoCon + Fiscally Progressive America: Possible PODs

    Man, I'm note entertained if there are only conserva-wanks and liberal-wanks out there. Time for some hybrid wanks :)D), so... After searching and asking possibilities on threads on this site about a socially conservative and economically liberal (with some caveats in some areas) America, and...
  15. Nightingale

    AHC: Racially liberal, pro-Women's opportunities, Sexually Conservative USA

    With a POD no earlier than 1950, have both the Democrats and Republicans stay sexually conservative but liberal on race and women's opportunities (wages, jobs, education), immigration and drug decriminalization (but still illegal), but stay conservative in issues such as gay rights and abortion...
  16. Nightingale

    Yes We Will: The Hillary Clinton Presidency (2009-17)

    "November 4, 2008 Hillary Clinton Campaign Headquarters Arlington, Virginia 11:45 PM "Yes we will! Yes we will!" Hilllary Clinton's supporters keep their chants wide and loud as their candidate arrives onstage to deliver her victory speech. The President-Elect waves her arms and stretches her...
  17. Nightingale

    Could the Democrats have won the South post-Reagan?

    As the title says, could the Democrats have regained power in the South (south of the Mason-Dixon line) at the Presidential level and state level after Ronald Reagan? Like, more than just Bill Clinton's win in a few Southern states in 1992 and 1996? Like totally, they win the South's electoral...
  18. Nightingale

    (*NDCR) TBWI: JFK wins the Democratic Nomination Over George Wallace, 1968

    In our world, George Wallace achieved an upset win over John F. Kennedy, who was deeply disliked by many, and clinch the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination in 1968, winning by around 50 votes. George Wallace, the first candidate to mount a succesful primary challenge to an incumbent...
  19. Whiteshore

    DBWI: Conservative Republicans, Liberal Democrats

    As we all know, the Republican Party is the main liberal party in the United States of America while the Democratic Party is the main conservative party in the US, but what if the roles of the two parties were reversed with the Democrats being the liberal party while the Republicans are the...
  20. Nightingale

    Christian Democracy: A Faith and Family Left America Collaborative TL

    CHRISTIAN DEMOCRACY Hey guys, welcome to Christian Democracy: this is a collaborative timeline again. According to the Pew Research Center, "The Faith and Family Left combine strong support for activist government with conservative attitudes on many social issues." and based a Reddit post here...