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  1. WI: Second Arab Siege of Constantinople (717-718) succeeds

    I think it is difficult to say for sure how important any individual battle was in these wars. There is a lot of propaganda and revisionism to sort through. A battle could also mean different things to the two armies fighting. In any event, Charles Martel's position was certainly...
  2. What would be the worst possible defeat the US could suffer in the War of 1812?

    Except that the natural borders are the sticking point between the French and British. The rest of the map of Europe could be negotiated, but the French government was under pressure to secure the Rhine border in the north-east, while the British government was under pressure to get France to...
  3. WI: Second Arab Siege of Constantinople (717-718) succeeds

    That is overstating it. The Arabs captured Bordeaux a decade later and held Narbonne until 759.
  4. Would the English parliament approve another Hundred Years' War against France in this scenario?

    But this likely requires major changes to France's timeline. How does Henri de Navarre manage to conquer Paris without converting to Catholicism? It's even more difficult for him ITTL as the Spanish are allies with the English instead of fighting them.
  5. What would be the worst possible defeat the US could suffer in the War of 1812?

    The most straightforward way imo would be to end the war in Europe earlier, so that the British can fully concentrate on this conflict. But the British people are also getting tired of war after two decades of fighting, so a successful offensive against the US probably has to happen quickly.
  6. WI: The Church of America?

    The Southern colonies did have the Anglican church established, but it was not as strong as state churches elsewhere.
  7. What if Emperor Justinian focused on conquering the Sassanids instead of the western mediterranean?

    By the time Justinian took the throne, the Franks had already converted to Christianity under Clovis.
  8. WI Napoléon II: Bourbon Hostage?

    The problem, for the Bourbons, is that no matter how much they try to indoctrinate l'Aiglon into royalism, what is the most they can offer him? To be a minister? Advisor to the King? The Bonapartistes will offer him his father's throne. The Bourbons can't compete with that ... and...
  9. Europe never dominates the world

    How would they have not fought France? France would not tolerate being surrounded by Habsburg territory. The only way I can see the two kingdoms not becoming enemies would be for the inheritance of Charles V to be different, with everything north of the Pyrenees given to the Austrian...
  10. Britain as (near) Sole colonizer of Africa?

    IOTL the French economy managed to recover relatively quickly, despite that France had to pay the 700 million franc indemnity and the cost of the foreign occupation. ITTL those do not happen, and the country has substantially greater coal and iron resources. Napoléon moreover was aware that...
  11. Britain as (near) Sole colonizer of Africa?

    In peacetime, the French empire will rapidly industrialize, assuming we are talking about the "natural borders" that include Belgium and the west Rhineland.
  12. WI: American & Australian football never split from Rugby?

    I think a couple of caveats apply. First, many people consider basketball their 2nd or 3rd favorite sport, but in few countries (if any) it the most popular sport, whereas the various codes of rugby/gridiron are the most popular in several countries (particularly in the anglosphere). Second...
  13. Ethnic makeup of Mesopotamia and Levant without Islam

    This seems like good news for the Greek language, which can remain the lingua franca of the region, and may eventually become the vernacular language. Greek had the great prestige of being associated with both the emperors in Constantinople and with the New Testament, of which it was the...
  14. What if a different Louis XIV, Louis the Builder, not Louis the Fighter?

    Disagree, I think it's on topic. Any French king in this century will fight some wars, that is inevitable due to the country's geo-strategic position. But the wars do not need to be as long and costly for the kingdom. Better diplomacy can lead to Louis focusing on his kingdom's primary...
  15. What if a different Louis XIV, Louis the Builder, not Louis the Fighter?

    You could still have the war but have it be a strictly Bourbon-Habsburg conflict. England and the Netherlands were initially willing to accept Philippe d'Anjou as the Spanish heir as they did not want another war, but Louis took positions that antagonized them. Recognizing James Stuart as the...
  16. WI: American & Australian football never split from Rugby?

    American football is, by a huge margin, the most popular spectator sport in the USA. If you combine it with the audiences that the rugby codes get, their combined audience should surpass that of basketball, which is watched in a lot of countries, but is almost never the top sport. I think...
  17. WI: Major Bourbon Victory in the American Revolutionary War

    I'm not sure about this. In this era, the Lesser Antilles mostly had Catholic French settlers, regardless of their ownership. (Even today, over two centuries later, many on these islands speak Antillean creole.) Some accommodation might be needed for the relatively small Protestant population...
  18. WI: Major Bourbon Victory in the American Revolutionary War

    That would be a very tough decision for them. I think the former would be worse still because it could pose an existential threat, but the loss of Jamaica would hurt the royal treasury much more.
  19. Adoption of Cyrillic in the West and/or Latin alphabet in Novgorod at the Reformation

    And this would be counter-productive given that Protestants emphasized individual reading of the Bible.