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  1. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    Could we get a county map for the second one?
  2. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    The 1980 Presidential election except Ford won in 1976 and is as unpopular (if not more) than Carter was IOTL 1980, Reagan wins the GOP nomination, and Carter is a 2-term governor with more experience who runs a much better campaign than he did in '76 irl because here he's a more experienced...
  3. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    45 state landslide. the Deep South goes R very narrowly
  4. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    So let’s say it happened in 1952 then. what’s the popular vote and state map look like and who’s the Democratic candidate?
  5. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    How much earlier
  6. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    What do you think the state map and national PV margin are if this county map had happened sometime between 1972 and 1988?
  7. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    Would depend on how well they’re able to distance themselves from Wallace. but yes, I imagine it would be a very bad night for Democrats in every respect with George Wallace at the top of the ticket lol
  8. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    The finalized county map for the Rockefeller vs. Wallace scenario. thoughts? comments? questions?
  9. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    2008 with the same PV margin as 1936 (AKA what probably would have happened after two terms of Dubya in a world without partisan polarization) Barack H. Obama (D-IL)/Joseph R. Biden (D-DE) 61.36% popular vote, 491 electoral votes John S. McCain (R-AZ)/Sarah L. Palin (R-AK) 37.1% popular...
  10. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    Basically the 2008 financial crisis happens shortly after the 2002 midterms and Bush/Cheney bungle the response to 9/11 thus they go on to lose in a landslide to the Dem ticket of Mark Warner/Jay Rockfeller.
  11. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    Update #3
  12. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    Update #1 on the alternate 1968 county map I'm working on: Yet again, Rockefeller is dominant everywhere outside the Deep South. does Wallace end up winning any states other than MS and AL?
  13. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    No, but another Virginian is at the top of the ticket. Yes, he's the running mate. why do you think the Republican candidate did so poorly overall though?
  14. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    A preview of a Nelson Rockefeller vs. George Wallace election in 1968 w/o a left-wing third party... as you would expect, Wallace does rather poorly outside the Deep South.
  15. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    How did this happen in 2004?
  16. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    Nevada definitely not, maybe Bentsen being from Texas would have helped him in New Mexico though
  17. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    No way Reagan would have lost Nevada or New Mexico
  18. Tex Arkana

    Alternate Electoral Maps III

    The national environment at the time isn't really the reason he gets obliterated though...