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  1. An Alternate Star Wars discussion...

    So, May the 4th is right around the corner and the Episode VII hype-train is at light-speed. Inspired by Cole Mercury's An Alternate Rise of the Blockbuster and Glen's Star Wars Prequels and other threads dealing with alternate Star Wars. I'd like to introduce my How Star Wars Should Have Been...
  2. Alternate Bulgarian Tsar

    I've been working on a TL about an Entente Bulgaria for some time. I've been looking at a POD after 1900 for a closer alliance between Serbia and Bulgaria. But I believe now that a different Tsar than Ferdinand may be the better option. So, are there any possible alternative Russian princes or...
  3. New TL I'm working on POD plausibility Discussion

    If you didn't know the anniversary for the First World War is coming up. In response I'll be releasing my first official TL. I've been working on it for sometime now. But I wanted to discuss my POD's plausibility. I'm looking at Russia pushing Serbia and Bulgaria to cooperate after the First...
  4. AHC: Steve McQueen as Batman

    Your challenge is to do whatever you can to have a late 60's/early 70's Batman starring Steve "King of Cool" McQueen. Why, McQueen is perfect for the role. Not only is he a skilled racing driver but he was taught Jeet Kune Do and Tang Soo Do. Also he was a Marine, spent time in a circus, and...
  5. Looking for anyone skillful in photoshop or any other imaging software

    I've just put up an edited version of rast's A Shift In Priorities. My version is here rast's A Shift In Priorities Redubbed. Anyway it could really use some images. The one I need for that update is of the kanobil or WWI Panzer if you will. There are some technical details and a simple photo by...
  6. rast's A Shift In Priorities Redubbed: Discussion Thread

    This is the place for any discussion of rast's A Shift In Priorities Redubbed which is here.....
  7. rast's A Shift In Priorities Retread

    This is for the anniversary of rast's A Shift In Priorities. It turns 4 years old on the 17th. But I figured I'd have it out early. But it's for those of you who haven't been reading it or for those beloved fans who would like to re-read it. There is no discussion only updates in this thread. If...
  8. How 'liberal' can the American Revolution and Constitution get?

    I've been contemplating working on a TL with a more liberal democratic republican America. That by the 20th century is a deeply rooted democratic socialist republic. I'm looking at the Revolution bringing the poor farmers and slaves closer together. That will eventually form a cohesive force in...
  9. No 66' Batman series. The Batman film released 79' or 80'.

    So, I've been working on this for a while. Trying to get the POD as plausible as possible for what I want. This is what I've come up with so far. There is an argument early on in the pre-production of the series between 20th Century Fox and Dozier that leads to the project being aborted. Batman...
  10. AHC: Make a big budget Ghost Recon film franchise

    What are the possibilities and effects of a big budgeted Ghost Recon film series coming out of Hollywood? The only rules are that it has a established director(no Uwe Boll), big budget, spawns sequels, and well that's it.
  11. AHC: Some of your favorite films premade into classics.

    I believe we have all seen the premake trailers and film posters but a new challenge have one of your favorite modern films premade by classic directors, cast, and crew or vice-versa. Write a short alternate history detailing the plot, crew, production, cultural influence, etc of the film. Their...
  12. AHC: Keep Hemp, Marijuana, and their derivatives/compounds legal.

    In case you didn't know hemp and marijuana were not illegal in America til 1937. Your challenge keep these measures from taking place. And keep the hemp/marijuana market legal. Extra points for creating a utopian society lol. :D
  13. The Eye in the Head of a Poet: Jim Morrison in New Hollywood

    So, here it is my very first tl. Here is a simple introduction that points out the POD. A bit of foreshadowing. Please give me some critique. The Eye in the Head of a Poet "A film is never really good unless the camera is the eye in the head of a poet." - Orson Welles UCLA campus late...
  14. WI: Ghost Recon set in WWII?

    So, I'm a pretty avid Ghost Recon fan. I'm anticipating the new game greatly. Heres a link for those who don't know what I'm talking about But I've always had this little thought of how badass the Ghosts would be in WWII, killing NAZIs and such...
  15. Best WWII Sniper Variant Rifle

    I noticed in the Best WWII Rifle poll most wondered about which would also be the best bolt action. So, going with the trend what was the best sniper variant of these rifles.
  16. Needs Help With a POD for Earlier and Bloodier WWI?

    Well I'm working on an AH story I've been concocting for a while. But I'm having trouble settling on a POD that could start WWI earlier or at least US entry into. Also I would like to make it far more bloodier for all sides. The point is for there to be no clear winner. All sides should be bleed...
  17. If Sherlock Holmes was written in the American-West?

    Out of boredom and a curiosity in Sherlock Holmes. I was thinking about creating my own Holmesian character. But being from America I wanted to make one of that style. And to fit in with the Holmes style as well I'm thinking the character to be set in the American-West in the 1880's. I believe...
  18. Cult Classics That Never Were-A DBWI: What if P.L. Corvidae was more known?(moved)

    Thought some of you may find this interesting. While doing some research for my film history class. I stumbled upon this director P.L. Corivdae, who I had never heard of. But from what I have managed to gather is that he is a very obscure figure. Apparently there is very little known about his...
  19. Pre-Make Film Challenge

    I am a film student and I love the idea out there of so called pre-make film trailers. I've watched a few and they amuse me. I was wondering if any of you alternate historians in the Media forum have any ideas for premade movies. Any film of any era can be pre-made but lets say the films have to...
  20. A Shift In Priorities really needs some maps

    Hey, big fan of rast's A Shift in Priorities The only thing it lacks maps. So I was just wondering if any of you map makers. Would be interested in creating some maps for the TL. The fandom of A Shift In Priorities would greatly...