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  1. ThatRomanFanatic

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    yeah there was, some saw it as a slapdash solution that wouldn't address the economic underfunding in majority black communities
  2. ThatRomanFanatic

    The Giant’s Vigor: An early exit from the Great Depression

    I love economics, this is awesome. WW2 timelines especially ignore it
  3. ThatRomanFanatic

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Agreed However, a lot of voters just did not like it one bit, and you know what happens when they ain't happy
  4. ThatRomanFanatic

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    It appears our esteemed colleagues are concerned they may be in the wilderness for a while. Poor saps. Kill the Bastards.
  5. ThatRomanFanatic

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    > fantastic economy > foreig policy approved of > liberal without moderate voters tut-tutting I smell profit these midterms!
  6. ThatRomanFanatic

    Into the Fire - the "Minor" nations of WW2 strike back

    Japan is gonna pay very dearly for all the delays and casualties when the Brits roll up in force
  7. ThatRomanFanatic

    Bush vs. The Axis of Evil - TL

    Wellstone at least has the Iranians keeping an eye on the Mid East. This guy juggling disastrous Bush administration policies and the aftermath of the war on terror is gonna cause 30 years of aging
  8. ThatRomanFanatic

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    I’d love to do a write up about a family in England
  9. ThatRomanFanatic

    Bush vs. The Axis of Evil - TL

    For once he might be useful Good god. Useful Kissinger. Put this in the ASB forum
  10. ThatRomanFanatic

    Until Every Drop of Blood Is Paid: A More Radical American Civil War

    Momentum has an entrenchment all on its own. If my African American countrymen have unrestricted suffrage and ability to enter state and federal bureaucracy for a period of say, ten years with at least semi-concentred support from the federal government, it'll be a lot tougher to de-integrate...
  11. ThatRomanFanatic

    Bush vs. The Axis of Evil - TL

    I hope Iraq ends up okay :/ Iran the MVP though incredible work
  12. ThatRomanFanatic

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Well if they wanna play hardball they can kiss our ass. I hear Tehran is lovely this time of year Whatever it takes.
  13. ThatRomanFanatic

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    What if we give them a absolutely humongous stack of cash to do it
  14. ThatRomanFanatic

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Does President Kennedy have a plan to get Saudi Arabia on board, cause IM pretty sure thats gonna be a necessity to get a peace process entrenched
  15. ThatRomanFanatic

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    awh Jeez man I don’t mean that as a knock against the chapter I’m sorry i have comic book trauma from all the goofy ass romance drama I’ve seen, and seeing Gwen Stacey Mary Jane Peter love triangle is giving me Vietnam flashbacks to the current run of ASM with the Paul nonsense
  16. ThatRomanFanatic

    Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    I like the pop culture chapters, makes the world feel very very alive Oh GOD. Comic book love triangles are awful. I know this is supposed to be a kinder gentler nation n shit but comic book romance is always gonna suck I’m afraid