Recent content by Lascaris

  1. Lascaris

    Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Greece doesn't NEED a strategic arsenal in the first place. If you are postulating a nuclear Greece, it has gone nuclear to counter what?
  2. Lascaris

    Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    For comparisons shake Israel developed nuclear weapons between 1957 and 1967. It's GDP in 1967 was $4.03 billion. While we have no idea how much the program cost we know the Dimona reactor had cost $80 million so the entire program likely cost less than half a billion. By comparison OTL Greece...
  3. Lascaris

    Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    There was a strong undercurrent of Bavarian separatism at the time and apparently even stronger monarchism. This in turn though was apparently regional also within Bavaria. The Bayern Partei might have been polling 20.9% in 1949 for example but support varied heavily between Old Bavaria on one...
  4. Lascaris

    Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles

    Besides that, how many have ended up married with Greeks after several years in Greece. That's still about 2 to 3 decades into the future and dependent on politics a fair bit. But TTL Greece is liable to have a nominal GDP... 3 to 4 times higher than OTL hence investment on a civilian nuclear...
  5. Lascaris

    Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    Hmm. What are the U-boats supposed to be doing here? Not hunt down the Danish submarines for certain hunter-killer boats are about 4 decades in the future...
  6. Lascaris

    Earning the vote through National Service of some type.

    But some are more open than others.
  7. Lascaris

    Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    This explains entering the war not losing it in 10 days.
  8. Lascaris

    Earning the vote through National Service of some type.

    And in say Mississippi of 1950 state laws did not say that a black couldn't vote. Just 99.99% couldn't get the minimum qualifications. How unfortunate. Why this scheme does not descend into this?
  9. Lascaris

    Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I must say that for a country that has spent the last 50 years preparing for the German army and navy to come over and crush them and is both relatively prosperous and with easy access to French loans Denmark looks like a surprising walkover if it goes down in 10 days. Denmark in 1919 had a...
  10. Lascaris

    Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I would be thinking the Ottomans at the moment are... shall we say horrified at the prospect Russia will be back for a return engagement now that the rest of Europe are tied down killing each other? Meddling in Serbia and Montenegro seems an excellent way to bring that forth?
  11. Lascaris

    Of lost monkeys and broken vehicles
    Threadmarks: Interlude - Where are they now 1945 part II

    Prodromos Bodosakis-Athanasiadis had a very profitable war. It was largely his industries that kept Greece afloat during the difficult years when the Mediterranean was closed to Allied shipping, every ton of shipping counted and Greek ports were under constant Axis attack. Bodosakis added to his...
  12. Lascaris

    The eagle's left head

    The Ottoman population for ehm... obvious reasons is changing from year to year. Their current European holdings should have something in the region of 600,000. With perhaps something in the order of 600-700,000 more in Anatolia. Around 2 million or so. About 168,000 sounds about right...
  13. Lascaris

    The eagle's left head

    Theodore II will get raised by his mom and grandma... in a court where at the moment the ruling circle has gone expansionist on a rather massive scale compared to earlier years... The Hungarians may think them as an Anjou vassal. Syracuse has different ideas. Which has been one of the reasons...
  14. Lascaris

    Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    I cannot really see Russia being happy with the Ottomans in their south and France and Austria-Hungary have been closely connected to the Ottoman empire for the past several decades. As long as drang nach osten is not a thing I would explect Russia to be favouring Germany and Italy more. Which...
  15. Lascaris

    Sequel de Mayo (Cinco de Mayo, Vol. II)

    @KingSweden24 is the one to properly answer but I believe the Dantons are all completed as dreadnoughts TTL and there are a couple more of them laid down in immediate reaction to the Dreadnought. 6-8 Dantons + 4 Courbet + 3 Bretagne + 5 Normandie already gets you to a minimum of 18-20 without...