Recent content by ArKhan

  1. Request Maps/Flags Here

    I'm talking a timeline where: 1. king of Hanover and king of England are still same person. 2. Hanover, rather than Prussia unifies the German micro-states. Essentially the King of England, and Kaiser of Germany are the same person, but Britain and Germany are separate countries with different...
  2. Request Maps/Flags Here

    Map and flag from an Anglo-Hanoverian unification of Germany!
  3. Was Napoleon a Bad Guy?

    Overthrowing democracy, bringing back slavery, Napoleon was a grade a Asshole.
  4. WI: TV seasons 1 episode longer every leap year?

    What if every show that aired on Leap day had to be one episode longer that season? So if leap day occured on a Monday, then every show on that channel's monday night line up now has an extra episode that year.
  5. DBWI: A live action Song of Ice And Fire Tv Show?

    The problem there was Peter Jackson trying to keep it family freindly on one end, and HBO trying to make it Darker and Edgier on the other. What we where left with was something too Grimm dark for fans of Tolkien, and too childish for HBO. Less of a problem for Song of Ice and Fire. It's pretty...
  6. DBWI: A live action Song of Ice And Fire Tv Show?

    Song of Ice and Fire, for those who don't know, is an animated serries on Netflix baised on the serries of fantasy novels by George R R Martin. Despite being critically acclaimed and with a decent cult following, it's low ratings mean that it's to be canceled at the end of this season. What if...
  7. The Ruins of an American Party System, Part Two: Collision

    So what's going on with Rankin? Did she loose her seat, or is she still in the game? If she's still in the game is she going to run in 1944?
  8. WI: Aegon VI in Game of Thrones TV show?

    @Kingfish FUCK NO to all of it. Especially to Michael Cera as Aegon.
  9. WI: Aegon VI in Game of Thrones TV show?

    Who would be good actors to play Aegon and Connington?
  10. WI: Aegon VI in Game of Thrones TV show?

    Here's how I see it: Tyrion/Mormont arch pushed back into season 6. The space that in OTL was occupied by the Tyrion Mormont plot goes instead to an adaptation of the Shy Maid plot. 509 has Tyrion go on his way to Daeny, and Aegon deciding to invade Westeros. 510 becomes a full Episode of battle...
  11. WI: Aegon VI in Game of Thrones TV show?

    What if instead atempting to write him out of existance, the HBO game of thrones show introduced Aegon VI in season five? How would this effect the evolution of the show's storyline?
  12. What if HIV began in ancient times?

    For those who don't know, Fundies say the dardest things ( is a site dedicated to archiving the stupidest most ignorant rants created by racists, religious fanatics, conspiracy theorists, and political extremists from across the internet. Because of this thread, AH dot com is now...
  13. What if HIV began in ancient times?

    This thread actually ended up on fundies say the darndest things. That might be a first for AH dot com. A shameful depressing first. :(
  14. The Ruins of an American Party System, Part Two: Collision

    America out of Peru! Rankin '44! :D
  15. The Ruins of an American Party System, Part Two: Collision

    I have an idea for a sixth political party if you're interested. The civil rights movement is heating up, but so far all the major parties are either pro-segration, or unwilling to commit, so maybe a new anti-segragation party? They can run fussion anywhere a candidate will come out against...